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bad news for jimmy/Jim Irsay arrested (((merge)))


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Agreed, even if the league punishes just Jim Irsay and not the team it's going to impact the Colts in some way even if it's just Irsay being suspended for a period of time.  Someone would have to run the team in his place.  At one point, sometime around 2004 to 2007 he dropped hints of turning the team over to his daughter once Peyton was done.  Well clearly things changed with the release of Manning but that time table could still be in place and you might see a situation where the league quietly puts pressure on him to turn the team over to his daughter. 


Wow it amazes me of some of the over-reaction posting here today by a handful of posters !!!  And I think you all know who I mean  LOL


Have we all made mistakes....YES!!!

Are any of us perfect...NO!!!

Addiction is a cruel disease, and like others have said, is so hard to get a handle on and break its grip on some people.  True, no one wanted to hear this news this morning, but maybe this was the tipping point for letting Jim see that he needs some help to beat this thing again !!!


As far as the team and the organization goes, I don't think this makes us any less respected or any less classy, as some here have alluded to.  We are a well run organization, and are seeing players WANT to come play for us !!!


For some to say that Jim needs to be stripped as owner of the Colts, or as 1 posted called him a bozo for doing what we did, have YOU or any of us walked a mile in his shoes?  Do any of us really KNOW what is going on with him privately??  The answer is NO !!!


What Jim needs now is some serious rehab so he can get his life put back together and get the help he needs.  I will continue to support Mr Irsay as he deals with this !!!


God speed Jim, and know that your true fans are behind you 100% !!!

depending on the drug, like meth, you never actually break the addiction.  Sometimes it just comes back to you, even years down the road.

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My question is, how do we expect the NFL to punish him.  Then could, but would they, take draft picks and such from the team.  I find it hard to imagine that because one guy who owns the team does something stupid that they punish the franchise as a whole and hurt their future. 


When the pats got their picks taken that was because the team front office/management as a whole was doing something...maybe not wrong, but frowned upon.  They didnt take any picks, as far as i remember, from the saints for the bounty program, only suspending coaches.  I mean, it seems really up in the air.

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My question is, how do we expect the NFL to punish him. Then could, but would they, take draft picks and such from the team. I find it hard to imagine that because one guy who owns the team does something stupid that they punish the franchise as a whole and hurt their future.

When the pats got their picks taken that was because the team front office/management as a whole was doing something...maybe not wrong, but frowned upon. They didnt take any picks, as far as i remember, from the saints for the bounty program, only suspending coaches. I mean, it seems really up in the air.

the saints lost 2 second round picks in 2012 and 2013

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I would somewhat disagree Irsay did hurt the team and the NFL image not just his own. From having family in law enforcement DUI cases are pretty open and shut, unless evidence goes missing or something like that. If he has a good lawyer and i would assume he does they will make a plea deal, lesser charge with community service and a fine. The NFL can pretty much do what they want after that point. Irsay does have a history, so it could really be any ones guess.


I was speaking about the actual incident.  He didn't harm anyone while driving under the influence.  I agree, he will be held accountable professionally too, which is separate from any criminal charge(s). 


This isn't just a DUI case.  That to me is the simplest part of his criminal issues.  It's the drug charges which could could get worse as easily as better (reduced or dismissed). 


He blew a .01 at the scene, so had some alcohol in him, which doesn't have to be booze, but it's troubling that he showed positive for alcohol at all.  But if the blood test comes back showing he had narcotics in his system for which he has no prescription, there might not be as much wiggle room to plea out of some of this.  Especially based on his history.  And that doesn't get into the road that could lead down, who the prescribing doctor was, if there is one, any chance there are more narcotics in his possession (home, office, wherever), all that.  I mean, if the tests come back positive for a schedule II and he possesses no prescription...   And why is that a concern?  He voluntarily takes the breathalyzer and performs the field sobriety tests, but says no to toxicology tests?  Interesting decision to me.


"Police found “multiple prescription drugs in pill bottles” in Irsay’s vehicle. The prescription drugs were “not associated with any prescription bottles found in the vehicle.”

Irsay submitted to a portable breath test, which showed a reading of 0.01, court documents said.

Irsay verbally refused to take a chemical test, police said. Authorities obtained a search warrant ordering a test. A blood draw was performed and sent to the Indiana State Department of Toxicology for testing. Prosecutors will determine if Irsay has a prescription for the drugs, which may have an impact on criminal felony drug possession charges."

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Mr. Irsay, we all support you in your fight...You can inspire so many by getting the required help and by coming back better than ever...This disease can take the best of us out; however, what we do in the recovery aspect of it will speak volumes. Once again we support you and we hope you get better...

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I see a lot of people bashing Jim Irsay in here and to be quite honest it is total bull. Addiction to alcohol and or drugs is very serious. Did he make good decisions? Absolutely not. Should he step down from the team? Absolutely not. Addiction isn't something to be embarassed about nor ashamed of. What you do about it is. A lot of things could have happened to cause him to go off the wagon. Divorce, surgery, health problems or whatever. What is important is what he does about it. People saying he is one of the worst owners in the league is laughable at best. He didn't change my feelings in any way for the Colts or himself for that matter. I do not feel sorry for him but I can empathize with him. I know where he is at and how difficult the addiction is. I have been drug and alcohol free since 2-21-1988. The last year has been the toughest one yet due to loss of my wife last April and one of my dogs the day before Thanksgiving. Did I use. No. Have I wanted to? Oh yea. It is a life long process that sometimes comes down to 1 minute at a time. In closing to all of you who just want to slam him, want him to step down, or are embarassed to be a Colts fan don't let the door hit you on your way out.  

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I was speaking about the actual incident. He didn't harm anyone while driving under the influence. I agree, he will be held accountable professionally too, which is separate from any criminal charge(s).

This isn't just a DUI case. That to me is the simplest part of his criminal issues. It's the drug charges which could could get worse as easily as better (reduced or dismissed).

He blew a .01 at the scene, so had some alcohol in him, which doesn't have to be booze, but it's troubling that he showed positive for alcohol at all. But if the blood test comes back showing he had narcotics in his system for which he has no prescription, there might not be as much wiggle room to plea out of some of this. Especially based on his history. And that doesn't get into the road that could lead down, who the prescribing doctor was, if there is one, any chance there are more narcotics in his possession (home, office, wherever), all that. I mean, if the tests come back positive for a schedule II and he possesses no prescription... And why is that a concern? He voluntarily takes the breathalyzer and performs the field sobriety tests, but says no to toxicology tests? Interesting decision to me.

"Police found “multiple prescription drugs in pill bottles” in Irsay’s vehicle. The prescription drugs were “not associated with any prescription bottles found in the vehicle.”

Irsay submitted to a portable breath test, which showed a reading of 0.01, court documents said.

Irsay verbally refused to take a chemical test, police said. Authorities obtained a search warrant ordering a test. A blood draw was performed and sent to the Indiana State Department of Toxicology for testing. Prosecutors will determine if Irsay has a prescription for the drugs, which may have an impact on criminal felony drug possession charges."

Read more: http://fox59.com/2014/03/17/court-docs-irsay-going-10-mph-in-35-mph-zone-intoxicated-on-cns-depressants/#ixzz2wGChEgEm

Doesn't matter what the portable reading at the scene was. The only reading that matters in court is the state calibrated machine at the jail. Has anyone heard what that was.

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Doesn't matter what the portable reading at the scene was. The only reading that matters in court is the state calibrated machine at the jail. Has anyone heard what that was.

he wasn't drunk. The results of the blood work is what they are waiting on

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I see a lot of people bashing Jim Irsay in here and to be quite honest it is total bull. Addiction to alcohol and or drugs is very serious. Did he make good decisions? Absolutely not. Should he step down from the team? Absolutely not. Addiction isn't something to be embarassed about nor ashamed of. What you do about it is. A lot of things could have happened to cause him to go off the wagon. Divorce, surgery, health problems or whatever. What is important is what he does about it. People saying he is one of the worst owners in the league is laughable at best. He didn't change my feelings in any way for the Colts or himself for that matter. I do not feel sorry for him but I can empathize with him. I know where he is at and how difficult the addiction is. I have been drug and alcohol free since 2-21-1988. The last year has been the toughest one yet due to loss of my wife last April and one of my dogs the day before Thanksgiving. Did I use. No. Have I wanted to? Oh yea. It is a life long process that sometimes comes down to 1 minute at a time. In closing to all of you who just want to slam him, want him to step down, or are embarassed to be a Colts fan don't let the door hit you on your way out.  


In the spirit of this post, I'd like to share something positive I heard out here on LA radio about Irsay.


One of the local radio hosts does play by play for the Lakers, and they hold a charity golf event at a club out here every year. His name is John Ireland. He says that he doesn't usually play with a caddy, but for the tourney the caddies are provided. So last year, he asks his caddy what some of the best times are working there, what celebs they like the most, etc. The caddy tells him that Jim Irsay plays this course once a year, and everyone fights over who gets to take him. He's the most generous, he's a good time, he treats everyone well, and has a great reputation.


The story was shared because they were talking about what the league might do with the Irsay situation. Ireland felt compelled to tell that story. I feel compelled to pass it along. Irsay is generally regarded as a really good guy, a good owner, and someone that treats other people well. This is a stain on his reputation, but it doesn't change everything we've always known about him.


We all hope Jim Irsay gets whatever help he needs, and so on. Glad no one was hurt, and hopefully this never happens again. (Especially after the Phillip Seymour Hoffman tragedy a couple weeks ago.) Thankfully, as more information has come out, it seems that it was not as dangerous and tragic a situation as it initially seemed to be. And I say that knowing full well that it might seem like I'm downplaying the situation, but I don't intend to. I just think there's a difference between being drunk and on Oxy -- which was my initial assumption -- and being out of it from sleeping pills (and I don't know that that's what happened either, to be honest). 


But all the denunciation seems incredibly out of place. It's a shame so many people are so angry all the time. Hopefully people can find a way to resolve their own issues without lashing out at each other over this.


It's sad, but it doesn't have to be quite so divisive on our board. 

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And everyone was screaming me down for saying he was back on the bottle in reference to his bizarre twitter habits.


Get well Jim - get well very soon!


This is a really weird line of reasoning.


1) He's not back on the bottle, not that anyone has reported or known of.


2) Twitter is a different medium. His tweets aren't bizarre for that platform. 

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Stupid decisions to drink and drive, and it's bad for your image as the team figurehead, but in the end I still think he's an awesome owner to have. Loves football and loves this team; cares about wins.

Did I miss something? When did we find out he was drunk?

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Stupid decisions to drink and drive, and it's bad for your image as the team figurehead, but in the end I still think he's an awesome owner to have. Loves football and loves this team; cares about wins.


He wasn't drinking and driving, according to reports.


It doesn't make his actions any better, but it's an important distinction.

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It won't be rock bottom unless they take the team away from him and they should do exactly that or when they come down hard on players for different issues, they will have no respect from anyone.

I don't Goodell has that power. The owners hire the commissioner. Doubt in the constitution and bylaws of the NFL that the commissioner can have authority over the owners that put him in his position. I do think Goodell can recommend to the executive committee have him sell his asset within 120 days, but I also think most (if not all) members of the executive committee are each owner themselves.  If owners make decision for a peer, they realize they will forever be held to the same standard should anything happen in the future. If a very heavy fine (what good does a suspension do to an owner?) is not enough, I could at most see them making a decree to transfer full ownership to the three daughters, and father Irsay asked to step away and seek medical help.

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The more info seems to be coming out about Irsay's recent condition, it sounds like he's in A LOT worse shape than he's let on. Sounds like he's dealing with a lot of health and substance imbalance. I think the best advice he can get right now comes from right up his alley:


If there's a bustle in your hedge row, don't be alarmed now,

It's just a spring clean for the May Queen.

Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run,

There's still time to change the road you're on.

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This is a really weird line of reasoning.

1) He's not back on the bottle, not that anyone has reported or known of.

2) Twitter is a different medium. His tweets aren't bizarre for that platform.

Was he ever known to be "on the bottle"? I thought his issue was only ever an addiction to pain killers.
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So am I the only thinking it would be a huge mistake for the Colts not to make this sort of thing a "pet cause" to promote? Not just as a PR move but I think it could be incredibly supportive for people to know that even people like Jim Irsay can struggle with this kind of thing. Not to mention scrippies are becoming a fairly serious problem.

Personally it seems like a tremendous opportunity to make some lemonade and chicken salad out if the situation.

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The more info seems to be coming out about Irsay's recent condition, it sounds like he's in A LOT worse shape than he's let on. Sounds like he's dealing with a lot of health and substance imbalance. I think the best advice he can get right now comes from right up his alley:


If there's a bustle in your hedge row, don't be alarmed now,

It's just a spring clean for the May Queen.

Yes there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run,

There's still time to change the road you're on.


I disagree. Just my opinion, but for someone who just had SERIOUS orthopedic surgeries, for him to have only been found with low level pain killers is not as bad as it could have been.

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No but he can probably copy&paste the specific law that our guy violated. He broke it and he should be punished accordingly...

Are you really defending the troll I was talking to? Maybe before you quote me you should go back and read more than 5% of the conversation we had.


You are in way over your head Gabriel.

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Was he ever known to be "on the bottle"? I thought his issue was only ever an addiction to pain killers.

the guy owns one of Jerry Garcia's guitars & the original manuscript of Kerouac's "On the Road", chances are he's had his fair share of experiences with controlled/mind-altering, substances...

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He stated in an interview a few years ago that he had alcohol issues in the past. He put it that he spilled more than he drank so i would gather from that that it was pretty bad at some point

He also stated that he hasn't had a drink in 15 years.

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What does "punished accordingly" mean?

Because punishing addicts has been proven to work so well.... Yes he did wrong and yes he needs to take responsibility for his actions but some people are acting like he calmly and in full possession of his mind went out on a puppies and rainbow drops killing spree.

Sigh, it's a tough distinction to make, but there is a difference between a "criminal" and someone you breaks the law by stupidity.

I repeat again we really need to know the full facts before we can speculate. Some of the posts on here are nothing more than trash journalism opinion pieces.

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