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Bold Statement: Trent Richardson will be Comeback Player of the Year 2014


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I agree the O-line isnt that impressive in the run game, but if Brown can get some yards what it Trents excuse behind the same line?


remember brown first round pick as well last 4 years he sucked  . people have  a very short memory. exp with  the colts

helps a lot  his 5 years in the nfl with  exp plus maturity. trent 2 second year in nfl semi-green . with Cleveland  start the season.

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remember brown first round pick as well last 4 years he sucked  . people have  a very short memory. exp with  the colts

helps a lot  his 5 years in the nfl with  exp plus maturity. trent 2 second year in nfl semi-green . with Cleveland  start the season.


Donald Brown stats:


Rookie year: 3.6yd/per average, long run of 45 yards

2nd year: 3.9yd/per average, long run of 49

3rd year: 4.8yd/per average, long run of 80

4th year: 3.9yd/per average, long run of 19

5th year: 5.3yd/per average, long run of 51


Brown was drafted at #27, TRich #3. You'd expect a #3 pick to put up better numbers than a career back up guy. Yet in Brown's worst year he still had a better per carry average than Trent, plus a long run of basically the same.


All Im and others are saying is Trent showed us no potential whatsoever. If there were flashes or glimpses Id give the guy the benefit of the doubt. But come on, he didnt literally nothing here with the Colts since the trade. Nothing. So why would I think he would miraculously come out next year and run like a beast?  I hope he proves me wrong, I really do. But I just dont think he will. 

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He was drafted #3 overall for a reason.  He rushed for 950 yards and had 10+ TDs in his rookie year.  With training camp with the Colts, we will have better knowledge of the offensive scheme.  With are o-line improved next year, the NFL better watch out for Trent Richardson.  He will be the one laughing last.   


I have to say that he had enough chance already, if not being at the Colts training camp was an issue then by week 12 he should have shown improvement. Really do not know what additional time will do to him, but hopefully if he works out great and all are happy, else as folks have mentioned we can take our losses and part ways in a graceful way. None the less wish him the best for the off season.


PS: Have a feeling with that stutter step he is the second coming of latter half of Joe Addai.

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We had 3 running backs run fairly efficient behind this line, Ballard, Bradshaw and Brown.

Trent was horrible at RB, the guy can't get off of the snap before the hole fills up.


Lets face it, there is no sense of keeping this useless roster spot eater on the team if

he is not going to contribute. Why do you think the coaching staff used him sparingly

in the playoffs? He will be gone next season.

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Hopefully during training camp Trent gets more attention. We need to bring in a good running back coach for him. And I don't want to start a thread about this but to all mocking the Trent trade, what other choice did we have? Would you take a injury prone running back from the free agent market or the 3rd overall pick of the draft with the potential to be great. I know a lot of you will say the free agent running back but you didn't know how productive Trent would be when he got here.

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Hopefully during training camp Trent gets more attention. We need to bring in a good running back coach for him. And I don't want to start a thread about this but to all mocking the Trent trade, what other choice did we have? Would you take a injury prone running back from the free agent market or the 3rd overall pick of the draft with the potential to be great. I know a lot of you will say the free agent running back but you didn't know how productive Trent would be when he got here.

Those weren't the only 2 options. Could have found someone else for a second or 3rd round pick. They might not have had the flashy 3rd overall selection moniker, but they could have still been a solid back.
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Those weren't the only 2 options. Could have found someone else for a second or 3rd round pick. They might not have had the flashy 3rd overall selection moniker, but they could have still been a solid back.


I wonder what it would've taken to get Toby Gerhart from the Vikings? Solid RB, Stanford Connection etc.


Wouldn't have taken a 1st Rounder.

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I wonder what it would've taken to get Toby Gerhart from the Vikings? Solid RB, Stanford Connection etc.


Wouldn't have taken a 1st Rounder.

I think just about anyone could have done the same job as Trent. 


I dont hate the guy, I have just given up hope that he will pan out as a good pick up for the Colts. I was pretty excited when the Colts traded for him. I thought we got a real stud RB that we havent had for a long time. I even gave him the benefit of the doubt for 4-5 games, thinking he was still getting comfortable in the system. But he was here for almost the equivalent of a full season (14 games) and in the end its clear he is not as advertised. 

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He was drafted #3 overall for a reason.  He rushed for 950 yards and had 10+ TDs in his rookie year.  With training camp with the Colts, we will have better knowledge of the offensive scheme.  With are o-line improved next year, the NFL better watch out for Trent Richardson.  He will be the one laughing last.


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Trent could have a better season but not like what Donald Brown did. Brown was always fast he just didn't have any vision until this year. The difference is Trent doesn't have the speed and quickness he used to have at Alabama. He bulked up too much and it took a lot away from his running.


My Bold Prediction for Next year: 


Bjeorn Werner will be top 10 in sacks with 12 and top 10 in pass deflections and here are a few reasons why.


1. Usually takes a year for OLB's to make an impact so he'll be much improved, stronger, and faster.


2. Mathis coming off of 19 sacks will be doubled a lot.


3. There will be at least 2 rookie QB's starting in the AFC South and we play them 2x and Locker is nothing special.


4. We play RG3, Big Ben guys who hold on too the ball too long.


5. The defensive schemes, Manusky won't be back and Werner could move around more.

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He was drafted #3 overall for a reason.  He rushed for 950 yards and had 10+ TDs in his rookie year.  With training camp with the Colts, we will have better knowledge of the offensive scheme.  With are o-line improved next year, the NFL better watch out for Trent Richardson.  He will be the one laughing last.   


Scouts make mistakes.  Here's a list of top 3 picks over the 10 year period of 1998-2007 that have failed to really produce much in the NFL.


Ryan Leaf (#2), Andre Wadsworth (#3), Tim Couch (#1), Akili Smith (#3), Courtney Brown (#1), Gerald Warren (#3), David Carr (#1), Joey Harrington (#3), Charles Rodgers (#2), Robert Gallery (#2), Ronnie Brown (#2), Braylon Edwards (#3), Vince Young (#3), Jamarcus Russell (#1).

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Hopefully during training camp Trent gets more attention. We need to bring in a good running back coach for him. And I don't want to start a thread about this but to all mocking the Trent trade, what other choice did we have? Would you take a injury prone running back from the free agent market or the 3rd overall pick of the draft with the potential to be great. I know a lot of you will say the free agent running back but you didn't know how productive Trent would be when he got here.


Not every FA running back is injury prone, and even if we they did get injured...so what "rinse and repeat".  Also your argument about us not knowing how productive TR would be works both ways ... we didn't know how unproductive he could be either, and you see which one we got.  Also as mentioned by an earlier poster I am sure there are plenty of RBs we could have gotten for a middle to late round pick who were on another team.


You just need to come to terms that it was a horrible trade, and Cleveland bent us over.

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Not every FA running back is injury prone, and even if we they did get injured...so what "rinse and repeat".  Also your argument about us not knowing how productive TR would be works both ways ... we didn't know how unproductive he could be either, and you see which one we got.  Also as mentioned by an earlier poster I am sure there are plenty of RBs we could have gotten for a middle to late round pick who were on another team.


You just need to come to terms that it was a horrible trade, and Cleveland bent us over.

Yeah, Grigs should have smelled something fishy when Cleveland made the initial phone call to the Colts and made the offer for our 1st rounder....but then our owner was all hot and bothered and anxious for the trade so Grigs probably could not have said no.

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Trent showed no improvement from his first game as a Colt to his last.

The Browns had a lot more invested in him then we gave them and yet they were willing to let him go after one season.

Why would you trade up to get a guy and then trade him for less then his cost the following year and be on the hook for part of his money if you thought he had even the slightest bit of potential ?

Even if the Browns were planning to tank the season and try to stockpile picks, having a good rb on the roster would have been one less pick they needed to spend on one in the future.

They realized what they had and when we came calling they probably praised Jesus and put a little extra in the plate on sunday.

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Trent showed no improvement from his first game as a Colt to his last.

The Browns had a lot more invested in him then we gave them and yet they were willing to let him go after one season.

Why would you trade up to get a guy and then trade him for less then his cost the following year and be on the hook for part of his money if you thought he had even the slightest bit of potential ?

Even if the Browns were planning to tank the season and try to stockpile picks, having a good rb on the roster would have been one less pick they needed to spend on one in the future.

They realized what they had and when we came calling they probably praised Jesus and put a little extra in the plate on sunday.



Joe Banner: Hey, any interest in T-rich

Ryan Grigson: Yeah, how about our 1st?

Joe Banner: Deal 

Ryan Grigson: Don't you want to negotiate?

Joe Banner: Too late, he's already on the plane.

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