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Near -45 degree wind chill possible for 49ers @ Packers on Sunday night.


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1982  Playoff game Cincinnati Bengals and the Charges    -7*   temp with -59* windchill    I stayed at home it was -65* Windchill in Dayton... 


here is a link for the top 5 coldest games





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I was heartsick in 1982 when we had to play in those conditions - Dan Fouts beard had icicles hanging off of it.  The ball didn't float - it's hard to describe, but I think they said the cold made the airpressure in the ball less so it was like throwing a rock.  It hurt the receiver's hands to catch it.  BBAAADDD, bad conditions for any human to do anything much less play football. 


I don't know what they can do about it, but I think fan safety and player safety is more important than game location.  These cold weather teams use it to an unfair advantage. 

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Yeah, anything below zero degrees is detrimental to doing anything, IMO and no matter what kind of heating equipment they have out there on the sidelines, they need to have those heating elements on the field like heated car seats, IMO.


They should maybe implement heated turfgrass that will just get the field to manageable conditions and can be invoked just for sub-zero game conditions. I am sure it will still be cold enough but more manageable for players to play in.


Maybe there is such a thing as heated turfgrass and I don't know, maybe??? :)

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I was heartsick in 1982 when we had to play in those conditions - Dan Fouts beard had icicles hanging off of it.  The ball didn't float - it's hard to describe, but I think they said the cold made the airpressure in the ball less so it was like throwing a rock.  It hurt the receiver's hands to catch it.  BBAAADDD, bad conditions for any human to do anything much less play football. 


I don't know what they can do about it, but I think fan safety and player safety is more important than game location.  These cold weather teams use it to an unfair advantage. 

Minnesota's new stadium will be a dome....


The Bears badly need one.....The lakefront in Chicago is Ice Station Zebra


..and their turf is like manure pasted on an old pool table..


....Cleveland needs a team first....but then the dome question has to come up there, too

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I couldn't believe when they announced the cold weather Super Bowls - STUPID.  First, who wants to spend SuperBowl kind of money and sit in ice cold, freezing conditions for the game?  Really?  Who wants to vacation for a week in New Jersey or any of the other cold weather sites the next few years? 

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Seriously. I get that football is to be played in almost any elements, but this is just dangerous weather. People could catch hypothermia or something.  



No one is going to get hypothermia with all of the technology and thermal suits they'll be wearing, but a -47 degree wind chill can most certainly cause frost bite on their face/nose/cheeks and their toes if they aren't careful.


What awful conditions to have to play in for both teams... and I'd imagine that the stadium will be more empty than usual which is odd for a home playoff game, but i wouldn't want to expose my family to those types of conditions.. that is a very dangerous temperature, especially for people who are just sitting still in the stands.

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It may be -45 deg F but there's gonna be at least one dude with a beer belly that's painted green and/or yellow jumping up and down with his shirt off.


lol, great mental image!



That person will be visiting the emergency room if they expose themselves for more than a minute or two with wind chill of -47.  Your core body temperature would drop instantly and you'd start becoming hypothermic after only a few minutes.

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......We have not really faced the possibility that Sunday's GB conditions could be our Super Bowl next month..


..It could be the biggest fiasco in the history of the NFL...



It doesn't get that bad in New York weather wise.  They're just south enough to have some bad weather, but nothing extreme.

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I remember when I was a stupid 17 year old. We had a pickup team of 11 guys, and we were supposed to play another pickup team, but only 8 from our team showed up. It was one of the coldest days on record in my home town...0 degrees F with a wind chill of -15. It also has snowed a few days earlier, and the snow that was left were clumps of ice. So, we decided to play 4 on 4 to keep warm. After a couple of series, they kicked off..I picked the ball up and was following my blocker close, when I hit an ice patch, fell forward, my face slamming into the back of my blockers head. I put my hand up because it hurt, and it stopped hurting almost immediately because of the cold. When I took my hand away, my hand was covered in blood, and blood was pouring down my face. My friend lived right across the street from the field, and his Mom rushed me to the ER..


Because it was so cold, my skin had split..I ended up with 6 stitches in my cheek, and 5 in my eyelid...I'll never forget hearing the Dr. say "Don't move..if you move, I could sew your eyelid to your eyeball." I was so scared I was shaking all over, they had to have 6 nurses and helpers hold me down to stop me from shaking, while Dr. Lu did his work..


I learned my lesson that day..when its that cold, stay home with a bowl of tomato soup, a couple of grilled cheese, and watch the game on the sofa under a blanket.


Anyone who goes to that game in Green Bay needs their head examined. -45 is so cold, that if you threw a bucket of water in the air, it would freeze before it hits the ground. I would never put myself or my family in those conditions, just to watch a game.


I'm all for football being played outdoors, in the rain, mud, etc. But when its dangerously cold, and can affect the safety of the teams, and the fans, its time to have an alternate plan. JMO

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I'm not sure the 49ers are guaranteed to be toast - Candlestick park is not a nice weather location.  They have constant swirling winds, heavy fog, rain, moisture and believe it or not it can feel HORRIFICALLY cold above freezing with the almost 100% humidity.


I grew up in San Diego and my uncle visited us from Anchorage Alaska in January.  He couldn't get warm the entire time he was there because of the humidity factor.  And he was a tough guy, at -8 in Alaska he'd be outside in a tee shirt to take the trash out!


And Colt Fan 4 Life - yyuuuccckk!  As a woosey California girl, I can't even imagine cold like that.  I know the difference between 100 and 115 degrees and that's a lot, but I have no frame of reference for cold!  The coldest I've experienced was -5 in Seymour, Indiana.  I'm a professional artist and Dicksons Gifts (A Christian Gift manufacturer) had flown me in for the Christian Booksellers Convention that was in Indianapolis and a signing and showing at their facility afterward. 


My experience:  I sat in a toasty hotel lobby, walked to the nicely heated car they sent for me, got out and walked 25 feet into the company's offices.  Not thinking that qualifies for "cold weather" experience, LOL!

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What do you guys think of that macho attitude "I'm not wearing any sleeves" no matter the weather?


If we play that cold, I hope my team could give rat's batoot about being "manly!"  Keep warm.  Play hard!


Well, if you're not wearing any kind of protection on your arms and you get hit, it'll hurt like hell at those temps.

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