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Which AFC south team will challenge for the division next year?


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I say Jags. Texans are not as good as McNair thinks they are, and the Titans are looking to dismantle and start a rebuild year next year.

Jacksonville has some solid pieces and with a half decent QB could make the leap to being competitive for the division. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if they ended up finishing 2nd place at 6-10 this year.

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The Texans have so much talent; they're a head coach and a franchise QB away from really competing again. And the Titans probably will threaten as well (though I did hear they're not keeping Jake Locker).


The Jags have looked good in the past few weeks, but they're still a ways off in my opinion.

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The Jags have as good of a chance as the rest of the crap teams in the division. I've been saying for a while the Texans weren't nearly as good as some make them out to be. IMO they have major problems and a bad cap problem. Other than Watt, they don't have much of anything to work with. They need a total rebuild.

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The Texans have so much talent; they're a head coach and a franchise QB away from really competing again. And the Titans probably will threaten as well (though I did hear they're not keeping Jake Locker).

The Jags have looked good in the past few weeks, but they're still a ways off in my opinion.

The Texans have far less talent than they are given credit for. Tennessee will be ditching Locker, CJ, and probably Munchak too after this year and going full rebuild mode. They wont challenge anything.
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The Texans have so much talent; they're a head coach and a franchise QB away from really competing again. And the Titans probably will threaten as well (though I did hear they're not keeping Jake Locker).

The Jags have looked good in the past few weeks, but they're still a ways off in my opinion.

What talent outside of Watt do they have. Their secondary is crap. Johnson is old will probably be traded. Foster is past his prime and always injured. Cushing will be coming off his 2nd major injury. They have nothing and are in cap hell.

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The Texans have far less talent than they are given credit for. Tennessee will be ditching Locker, CJ, and probably Munchak too after this year and going full rebuild mode. They wont challenge anything.

A total rebuild isn't necessary. Ditching CJ and Locker isn't that big of blow

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A total rebuild isn't necessary. Ditching CJ and Locker isn't that big of blow

No, but with a new owner, new coach, new QB, and new RB, I doubt they stop there. I wouldnt be surprised to see a total overhaul on offense at least. The defense is largely okay and just needs some adjustments.
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No, but with a new owner, new coach, new QB, and new RB, I doubt they stop there. I wouldnt be surprised to see a total overhaul on offense at least. The defense is largely okay and just needs some adjustments.


I wouldn't go so far as to say a total overhaul of the offense. They have a good O-line with 3 players they picked up in FA last year and have a bunch of young, high round receivers that have been drafted in the past few years. (Hunter, Washington, Wright). All they really need is a QB and a running-back. And the latter is very easy to find.  

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I wouldn't go so far as to say a total overhaul of the offense. They have a good O-line with 3 players they picked up in FA last year and have a bunch of young, high round receivers that have been drafted in the past few years. (Hunter, Washington, Wright). All they really need is a QB and a running-back. And the latter is very easy to find.

I always lose track of how good their O line is. Tennessee is actually probably the closest team in the division when you put it that way. I may have to change my answer depending on what they do with their backfield lol.
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What talent outside of Watt do they have. Their secondary is crap. Johnson is old will probably be traded. Foster is past his prime and always injured. Cushing will be coming off his 2nd major injury. They have nothing and are in cap hell.

Are you kidding me? Let see even if behind Foster they have Ben Tate, a pretty damn good left tackle in Brown, some young talent at safety with Swearinger, an awesome TE in Daniels, and lets not forget about Hopkins.


These are just a few I can name off the top of my head. The Texans probably have fewer holes then we do the only difference is QB isn't one of ours.

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Texans have one of the top 5 most talented rosters just don't have a good coach or Qb, they'll be our biggest challenge next year. Jags and Titans will be around 5-7 wins i think the entire division will improve.

You vastly overestimate the Texans talent level. They have J.J. Watt. Andre Johnson wants gone. Cushing's knee is held together with duct tape and prayers at this point. Foster is old. Ben Tate is a free agent in 3 games. Please tell me where their top 5 talent is.
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You vastly overestimate the Texans talent level. They have J.J. Watt. Andre Johnson wants gone. Cushing's knee is held together with duct tape and prayers at this point. Foster is old. Ben Tate is a free agent in 3 games. Please tell me where their top 5 talent is.

this. there's a reason matt schaub couldn't game manage successful this season

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Are you kidding me? Let see even if behind Foster they have Ben Tate, a pretty damn good left tackle in Brown, some young talent at safety with Swearinger, an awesome TE in Daniels, and lets not forget about Hopkins.


These are just a few I can name off the top of my head. The Texans probably have fewer holes then we do the only difference is QB isn't one of ours.


Ben Tate is a FA next year, Swearinger is only good at blowing out guys' knees.

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I say Jags. Texans are not as good as McNair thinks they are, and the Titans are looking to dismantle and start a rebuild year next year.

Jacksonville has some solid pieces and with a half decent QB could make the leap to being competitive for the division. I honestly wouldnt be surprised if they ended up finishing 2nd place at 6-10 this year.

I dont think their QB (Jags that is) is the answer. they need to draft a QB, just as much as houston does. how cool would it be to have two of McCarron, Bridgewater, Manziel (although i think he will turn into another Tebow), Lynch in the AFC south and turning two teams around. would make that division pretty darn good. Because Tennessee with Locker is a good team only issue is he can not stay healthy

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Titans probably have the best roster at this point. Texans have like 1.5 mill in cap room for next year. They have to blow that team up to sign draft picks alone. Jags are a couple years away imo.


 We get all of our starters back and a starter or two in the draft  and some depth. A couple starters for the oline and some depth in FA, I don't think anyone in the AFC will challenge this team. Luck with another year under his belt yeah bring it.

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The Texans may draft Clowney and sign Cutler. The Jags need a competent QB as does Tennessee. I see all 3 of them being much better.


We need to spend our money wisely this offseason. Thanks to a terrible trade, our draft prospects are limited.

If the Bears let Cutler walk with Trestman running the offense that tells you something.....

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Think it'll go


1. Colts

2. Jags

3. Texans

4. Titans


Reckon Colts and Jags will make the playoffs with the texans very close if not taking the 2nd wild card spot. Think all the teams will have at least 7 wins. Sort of a repeat of 2007. That's all on how the draft goes for the other 3, in a year or 2 we could be the new NFC West in terms of strength.

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Are you kidding me? Let see even if behind Foster they have Ben Tate, a pretty damn good left tackle in Brown, some young talent at safety with Swearinger, an awesome TE in Daniels, and lets not forget about Hopkins.


These are just a few I can name off the top of my head. The Texans probably have fewer holes then we do the only difference is QB isn't one of ours.


By the time next yr. rolls around we will much fewer holes than the Texans. Like I said Foster is always injured and getting old, he's nothing to worry about at all anymore. Swearinger is nothing and has been pretty awful this yr. along with the rest of their secondary. They have no money to upgrade anywhere unless they end up cutting or trading away their better players, which will weaken them even more.




Texans have one of the top 5 most talented rosters just don't have a good coach or Qb, they'll be our biggest challenge next year. Jags and Titans will be around 5-7 wins i think the entire division will improve.




Top 5 talent??? haha, you can't be serious. You don't have a top 5 talent roster and lose 11 games in a row and please don't give me the QB excuse. If their roster talent was even anywhere close to top 5, they could win more than 2 games with Curtis Painter being their QB. That team has been overwhelmingly over rated for yrs. and now the truth is being seen about them. They are not even remotely close to top 5 talent.

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If colts dont rebuild the lines with players that accually pan out and add a linebacker,cb,wr and running game still sucks then.....1)Jags 2) Tenn 3) Indy 4)Houston. Cant predict records without a schedule but I would guess 8-8 9-7 takes the division. So may cry about this but here is the unknown other than whats stated above: How will Wayne,Ballard,Allen,Thomas be after the injuries-anything can happen?,is Trich gonna be the bust he has been in the nfl so far? Is the owner/gm going to get REAL coaches? If not next will be worse than this year cuz it will all carryover without change.

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I would have to say the Texans even though they have had a bad season this year they still have talent on there roster and the titans if they can continue to get better but I think it will end just like this year as the colts being afc south champions. 1. colts 2. Texans 3.titans 4. jaguars

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The Texans have so much talent; they're a head coach and a franchise QB away from really competing again. And the Titans probably will threaten as well (though I did hear they're not keeping Jake Locker).


The Jags have looked good in the past few weeks, but they're still a ways off in my opinion.


Ah....my favorite myth.  Right there ahead of unicorns, sasquatch and the chucacabra.


I always wonder what more it would take for people to realize the Texans aren't really that talented. 

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Texans have one of the top 5 most talented rosters just don't have a good coach or Qb, they'll be our biggest challenge next year. Jags and Titans will be around 5-7 wins i think the entire division will improve.




Wrong.  The Texans have 2 elite players:  JJ Watt and Dre Johnson.  The rest of their roster is made up of decent, ordinary, pedestrian and/or below average players.  You compare their roster to stacked rosters like Seattle or Denver or SF & they aren't in the same galaxy.  That is why they are 2-11 with all 3 units being generally poor outfits.


Bizarre is this fascination on a Colts forum for people to, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary, perpetuate the myth that the Texans have some stacked roster.  It confuses and frightens me.

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