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So satele is Finally Awful?

John Waylon

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Pretty sure I was saying that well before training camp ever started. Of course I was chastised for it. "He's a 'secret superstar!'" I was told. "The advanced statistics prove it!" I was told.

Yeeeaaaahhh... No.

Satele should have went to the Ravens and Shipley should have stayed.

His deal isn't very dump-friendly either, is it?

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Pretty sure I was saying that well before training camp ever started. Of course I was chastised for it. "He's a 'secret superstar!'" I was told. "The advanced statistics prove it!" I was told.

Yeeeaaaahhh... No.

Satele should have went to the Ravens and Shipley should have stayed.

His deal isn't very dump-friendly either, is it?

It is actually. Colts would save about $4 million on the cap next year by cutting him. His cap hit would be $5 million, but if hes cut it would only be $1 million in dead money.
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I really don't search for the stats about O-lineman, but how has Hugh Thornton played according to them? I think he's played ok, and he is only a rookie, so I have high hopes for his future


Thornton is ranked 2nd worst on the team offensively.. The bottom 5 offensively are McGlynn, Thorton, Satele, Richardson, DHB.  Top five in order are Cherilus, Luck, Castanzo, Wayne, TY.

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Oh no. There were more than a few who told me I was a fool and had no idea what I was talking about (of course on the old defense that "I'm not a coach") and he was a great asset to our team.




I know some said that we needed to wait till we got some better guards to play along side him before they could make a judgement on him, but I don't remember anybody saying that he was an asset to our team. I know I didn't like the dumb argument that he sucked because he tipped off the defense with his "head bob"(I don't who started that). Many centers make a head bob before the snap, it is a timing mechanism and one of the best centers to ever play and just retired after last season(Matt Birk) done this on every single snap for 15 yrs. or so. That was one of my irks with people saying he sucked because of that. He sucks just because he sucks and he's a 300 lb Samoan weakling.

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Thornton is ranked 2nd worst on the team offensively.. The bottom 5 offensively are McGlynn, Thorton, Satele, Richardson, DHB.  Top five in order are Cherilus, Luck, Castanzo, Wayne, TY.

Hmm disappointing, I knew he wasn't having a "great" year, but I didn't think it was that bad, but it probably doesn't help having an awful center next to him either, i wished we would give Khaled Holmes a shot, he could save us $$ next year if he plays well, since we would likely have to sign another center

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Didn't Holmes play a little guard in college too? Could he be better than McGlynn? If he even knows the guard position? He is a center after all, so he probably knows how to play guard

I believe Grigson stated he is predisposed not to trust rookie linemen because the learning curve of playing at the NFL level is too steep for most of them to handle in the first year.

Holmes is likely a project pick they expected to coach up while the veteran stopgap in Satele held the line down. Obviously that isnt working as Satele is awful, but Holmes may not be where they want him to yet either.

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Oh no. There were more than a few who told me I was a fool and had no idea what I was talking about (of course on the old defense that "I'm not a coach") and he was a great asset to our team.


Yeah, there were a few. And a few that said Arians would kill Luck and any QB he coaches and would also die a coaches death in Arizona. And those that said Pep would make the Luck and Fleener combo elite right away, etc..  whole bunch of other predictions.  But that is what this place is for. Folks to opine and debate with others.  only when the dust that settles do some blow their Hunger Games horn when opinion casualties are found.  But in the end it's all good. By and large, most fans here see the same things in a good many areas. Sooner, or later. So in a way, it's good there is some discrepancy along the way or it would be a boring bunch of sycophants parroting the same 'ole same 'ole.  We may disagree, but we all do it because we love the Colts and winning.  Everything else is up for debate. :)

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So were giving up on rookies before his first season is even over?

Also, gm's are supposed to be fortune tellers concerning injuries now?


Toler had an injury history in Arizona, Grigson gambled he was over it and lost.

I agree about Bjoern Werner though, it was a project pick as he would need to convert to OLB AND get up to NFL speed. It may take a year and a half for him to get it

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Funny thing is, Shipley isn't the answer either. According to PFF (they watch every play of every player & grade them) Shipley has the worst grade on the Ravens line of -13.


This offseason we HAVE to get a new guard & center. Satele & McGlynn can't be here. I doubt they'd start on any team in the NFL right now. Hopefully Donald Thomas comes back healthy next year & we get a center & another guard to go with Thomas.

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So were giving up on rookies before his first season is even over?

Also, gm's are supposed to be fortune tellers concerning injuries now?



I just hope grig's isn't starting to develope the 'polian head-up his own * syndrome'. You can start to see the attitude more and more with him...sound familiar? I liked the toler FA pick-up, but his injury history was a major concern. And i was always agains't the werner pick (should've selected larry warford) and went pass rusher in the third AND NEVER DRAFTED HUGHES which cost us TWO picks.


You can add holmes(which i already think is a bust) and hughes to swings and misses. A bad draft.

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I just hope grig's isn't starting to develope the 'polian head-up his own butt syndrome'. You can start to see the attitude more and more with him...sound familiar? I liked the toler FA pick-up, but his injury history was a major concern. And i was always agains't the werner pick (should've selected larry warford) and went pass rusher in the third AND NEVER DRAFTED HUGHES which cost us TWO picks.

You can add holmes(which i already think is a bust) and hughes to swings and misses. A bad draft.

Hughes has been good in his limited playing time.
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It is actually. Colts would save about $4 million on the cap next year by cutting him. His cap hit would be $5 million, but if hes cut it would only be $1 million in dead money.

  Hard to not pencil in Mack from Cleveland as of right now. Tons of cap room and I don't see Bethea getting another contract.  No way Satele collects that base next year. Maybe O line will finally improve next year ?

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Hard to not pencil in Mack from Cleveland as of right now. Tons of cap room and I don't see Bethea getting another contract. No way Satele collects that base next year. Maybe O line will finally improve next year ?

Cleveland wont let Alex Mack leave the facility. Lombardi will overpay him to get him to stay. He would be a fool not to.
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Satele is flat awful....no two ways around. Our line is instantly better when McGlynn slides over to Center and Link or Reitz play OG. I don't really get why no change has been made unless Luck has some input on this and prefers Satele at Center. 


There will be a number of players that won't be returning next year. As much as it hurts, I am starting to believe that Bethea is one of them. He has not been very good that last 4 games. However, that could have something to do with the fact that we have zero pass rush.


Angerer needs to go.......he was putrid last night and hasn't been great this season. He just isn't a good fit in this defense.


It is way to early to judge Werner. D-Free didn't do a thing his rookie year either. Thornton has played like a rookie....very up and down. IMO, we definitely have a new starting Center and OG next year. 

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