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Denver @ Indianapolis - Who Are You Rooting For?


Denver @ Indianapolis  

211 members have voted

  1. 1. Who are you rooting for to win?

    • Colts - I'm a Colts Fan
    • Broncos - I'm a Manning/Broncos Fan
    • Neither - I'm Not a Fan of Either Team

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I was surprised that someone would post this poll on a Colts forum.  But then I was surprised that a fan asked the question, who will you be rooting for Colts or Broncos? before the Colts played the Bolts.  And then I was surprised that Mr. Irsay said the Colts would honor Peyton the week before the Colts played the Bolts. 


And then I was surprised the Colts were looking forward to playing the Broncos, when they were in San Diego playing the Bolts.  The Colts were outplayed, out coached and embarrassed themselves and their fans before a national audience on Monday night. 


I was not surprised at the final score. 

Edited by Nadine
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I really don't understand the need for this poll. :scratch:


Given that the majority of us will be watching this game on the TV in our homes, what difference does it make who one roots for?


I mean it's not exactly as if my cheering and yelling at the TV has any effect on the outcome of the game.


If it did, the Colts would have nothing but perfect seasons and more rings than anyone has fingers and I wouldn't have woken up this morning with a sore throat and feeling bummed about the loss.  :hissy:


Instead, I would have woken up with a sore throat and feeling giddy about the win. 

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No, THAT (the bolded/underlined) is embarrassing.  I would never choose an option that would leave any player with a career ending injury (I take that back, there is one player I wouldn't mind see with a career ending injury), especially for just a single win in a mid-season regular season game.

so maybe the career ending injury comment was a bit over the top... 

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Everyone has an Agenda,   don't they...????

My agenda is to thoroughly Enjoy every second of one of the Most Exciting Games I've ever attended.


No speculations,  no snarky comments, No " I told-you-so's"     

I'm just going to enjoy it for what it's worth,  and to me,  it's worth a lot....

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Also, I like the topic. Get everyone's take in this! It's up to us not to ruin it with bickering




Given the unique situation and feelings surrounding it, I thought it would be interesting to gauge the rooting interests of people identifying themselves as Colts fans.  I think it's safe to say that Manning coming back is different from any other former player coming here to play.

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I thought it would be interesting to gauge the rooting interests of people identifying themselves as Colts fans.  I think it's safe to say that Manning coming back is different from any other former player coming here to play.

Boy does that have accusation written all over it, or what...??? People identifying themselves as Colts fans...??? Why not come out and say that you are questioning others fandom...?? That's what I felt was so wrong with this poll to begin with. Your question, and the provided answers to choose from had accusation built right in.

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Can't wait to see Peyton get destroyed in the house he built. Polian was smart going after Luck instead of keeping a perennial playoff choker. Just my 2 cents.


This is cute. Considering you guys cheated your way to 3 Superbowl wins, and should be greatful that good ole' Goodell was close enough buddies with Craft to destroy the overwhelming evidence that would've ruined your franchise. Just my 2 cents.


I'm routing for the Colts, I'm a Colt lifelong no matter what. If we lost Luck in a trade or something (this won't happen btw lol) 2yrs down the road. My stance would not change. I still love me some Pey Pey- he's one of my favorite athletes in any sport period, but on Sunday, after that whole tribute or whatever. He is the enemy.

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Everyone has an Agenda,   don't they...????

My agenda is to thoroughly Enjoy every second of one of the Most Exciting Games I've ever attended.


No speculations,  no snarky comments, No " I told-you-so's"     

I'm just going to enjoy it for what it's worth,  and to me,  it's worth a lot....



I think the hoopla before the game is comical.  I'm worried about the state of this forum after the game. Right now everyone is feeling like a winner, and come Monday morning some will feel like losers.


Wouldn't it be a hoot if this game ended in a tie? lol

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post
Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post

If any true Colts fans show up to that game in a Broncos 18 jersey you need be be flogged in the street, beer dumped on your head, and permanently banned from Lucas Oil Stadium...Same people who do this are the bandwagon fans who show up to Pacer Vs. Heat playoff games with a James Heat Jersey on when they've lived here their whole life...

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I think the hoopla before the game is comical.  I'm worried about the state of this forum after the game. Right now everyone is feeling like a winner, and come Monday morning some will feel like losers.


Wouldn't it be a hoot if this game ended in a tie? lol

A tie?? That's what I hope that would fix it, right back in the same boat as we started from that would be :clap:  :headspin:  haha  :lol:  :funny:  lmao

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post
Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post

If any true Colts fans show up to that game in a Broncos 18 jersey you need be be flogged in the street, beer dumped on your head, and permanently banned from Lucas Oil Stadium...Same people who do this are the bandwagon fans who show up to Pacer Vs. Heat playoff games with a James Heat Jersey on when they've lived here their whole life...

Oh for God's Sake,   Is this how you would also treat Fans of any other opposing team...??   Two weeks ago there were hundreds of fans in Seahawks Jersey's,  mostly Wilson.  Is this how a Colts fan should treat it's visitors...??   If your answer is yes, that is a real problem, and if your answer is no,   then why on Earth would you treat someone  paying respect to one of the Greatest to ever Grace the Field that way...??    smh      Some of you people amaze me.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post
Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post

Oh for God's Sake,   Is this how you would also treat Fans of any other opposing team...??   Two weeks ago there were hundreds of fans in Seahawks Jersey's,  mostly Wilson.  Is this how a Colts fan should treat it's visitors...??   If your answer is yes, that is a real problem, and if your answer is no,   then why on Earth would you treat someone  paying respect to one of the Greatest to ever Grace the Field that way...??    smh      Some of you people amaze me.

Looks like you will be 1 of them, I knew they would come out of the woodwork....If you're from Denver I get it, but if you're from here and are a Colts fan and are gonna go to our stadium and support the other team that is a joke...And it was not meant in a literal term, but I wouldn't mind a beer or 2 being dumped on people's heads yes..lol..It happens in New York, Cleveland, Green Bay, Chicago, and Oakland on a regular basis...But us Colts fans are notorious for being the nicest most hospitable fans in the NFL and I'm not sure that's a good thing...

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post
Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post

Looks like you will be 1 of them, I knew they would come out of the woodwork....If you're from Denver I get it, but if you're from here and are a Colts fan and are gonna go to our stadium and support the other team that is a joke...And it was not meant in a literal term, but I wouldn't mind a beer or 2 being dumped on people's heads yes..lol..It happens in New York, Cleveland, Green Bay, Chicago, and Oakland on a regular basis...But us Colts fans are notorious for being the nicest most hospitable fans in the NFL and I'm not sure that's a good thing...

Not coming out of the woodwork, I've always been upfront and honest about my support for Peyton.  

And for the record, No I will not not be wearing a Broncos Jersey,  I don't own one,    I will be wearing my Colts Super Bowl Jersey, if you must know.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post
Hidden by Nadine, October 17, 2013 - argument re an inflammatory post

If any true Colts fans show up to that game in a Broncos 18 jersey you need be be flogged in the street, beer dumped on your head, and permanently banned from Lucas Oil Stadium...Same people who do this are the bandwagon fans who show up to Pacer Vs. Heat playoff games with a James Heat Jersey on when they've lived here their whole life...

I live in Canada.  Am I not allowed to cheer for the Colts?  My football focus should only be on the CFL?  C'mon, man.  People are free to be fans of whichever team they want.  I'm proud that Colts fans are some of the classiest fans in the league; you never hear about people getting beat up or yelled at or anything like that at Lucas Oil Stadium.  Philly, Oakland, sure.  Those fans go nuts and get into trouble a fair bit with the law.  It's a sport, it's a game.  Let's not lose our cool over it.

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For those of you who think that Bavanlan is a *, or question his sanity, I would suggest you not poke the hornets nest too long or you could be on the receiving end of a literary stinging you won't soon forget....Bav was a regular poster on the old forum and I miss his intellect and wit/sense of humor.

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For those of you who think that Bavanlan is a >, or question his sanity, I would suggest you not poke the hornets nest too long or you could be on the receiving end of a literary stinging you won't soon forget....Bav was a regular poster on the old forum and I miss his intellect and wit/sense of humor.

My God, you sound like Rick Moranis in Ghost Busters defending Gozer. haha

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I've thought about the Manning vs. Luck jersey thing as my wife and I are going.


My buddy summed it up like this,"Luck is your guy now".


I'm wearing my AL12 jersey!


yeah, if i had AL12 jersey there would be no dilemma, but i only have a PM18 jersey, so it's either that or the t-shirt from my profile picture :)


bought the PM jersey in summer of 2011 and PM never wore his again.. if i knew i would have waited a year and got AL12..


p.s. i still like the reebok jerseys better than the new nike's..

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I'm super stoked that I'm going to be in attendance for this game.  It will be one that I will never forget.  I will enjoy the Manning tribute, going to record it to have for as long as I choose to keep it....but as soon as all the pomp and circumstance is over I will be cheering for the Colts to win.  I will wear my Luck jersey instead of my Manning, and I will make as much noise as I can during Manning's time on the field.  I would hope that everyone else that considers themselves a Colts fan will feel the same way.  I will forever love Manning for all that he's done for this team, but his time in Indy is over and Luck's time is now!  GO COLTS!!!!!

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