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Trent Richardson On Run Game


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i dont know on the full back thing i played running back i love to run with a full back it helps me , my brother doesnt like running with a full back slows him down , but ap had his best yr running behind full back (that we had felton) after yrs with out a full back so i dont know 

If it is a wrecking ball FB maybe, but keeping Hilton off the field for a FB makes no sense in my mind..

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trent struggles is do to how long he bin on team , some player take longer to pick up thing etc....he has bin here maybe not even one month , when u not thinking u play faster trust me i play football , boxing etc....when i have to think what im suppose to be doing or where the hole how fast is the full back how quick is the guard all that stuff matter this yr is a wash for trent for me really as long as he does his job get them tuff yrs and dont fumble the ball i dont care about his 3 ypc this yr , lynch average that in settle before and is only doing 4 ypc trent breaks one big run he is up to 4.1 , but i do has a little concern about his home runner hitting ability but u dont have to be a home run hitter to be a great back, but as i said next yr is when ill judge trent , but ill tell u this trent do face alot of stacked boxes which opens the pass game up look at the Seattle game that's how we beat them deep stacking the box so if nothing else he has value that doesnt show up in the box score kind of like the guy setting the edge to force the play back inside and the mlb gets the tackle or the guy who get pressure leading to and INT

You box?

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If it is a wrecking ball FB maybe, but keeping Hilton off the field for a FB makes no sense in my mind..

i agree with you think about it with wayne, dhb, hilton and fleener with a single back trent teams have to respect the deep threat of hilton and DHB even fleener can run by a LB so this will lead to more nickle coverage and high safety looks  opening the running game , and if they stack the box hit them over the top but i would want to see this offense with allen back healthy with hilton, wayne allen and fleener , and trent and with use no huddle and allen plays inline and goes to fb on the power plays etc...fleener goes to the outside wr at 6'6 4.5 40 with hilton or wayne in the slot , we can go with just them players and spread it out or go i formation, or double tight or trips etc....what do u think ?

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i agree with you think about it with wayne, dhb, hilton and fleener with a single back trent teams have to respect the deep threat of hilton and DHB even fleener can run by a LB so this will lead to more nickle coverage and high safety looks  opening the running game , and if they stack the box hit them over the top but i would want to see this offense with allen back healthy with hilton, wayne allen and fleener , and trent and with use no huddle and allen plays inline and goes to fb on the power plays etc...fleener goes to the outside wr at 6'6 4.5 40 with hilton or wayne in the slot , we can go with just them players and spread it out or go i formation, or double tight or trips etc....what do u think ?

Bro, I've been saying this you know what your talking about!! Missing Allen really hurts, but regardless we still need to go 3 wide uptempo way more than we are..Seattle was regarded as the best D in the league and had no answer second half..The power formations need to be reserved for the scenarios thay are needed and not 1st and 10 from our own 30, it just puts us in a bad spot and I don't get it...

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Bro, I've been saying this you know what your talking about!! Missing Allen really hurts, but regardless we still need to go 3 wide uptempo way more than we are..Seattle was regarded as the best D in the league and had no answer second half..The power formations need to be reserved for the scenarios thay are needed and not 1st and 10 from our own 30, it just puts us in a bad spot and I don't get it...

i mean thats what im saying 3 wr formations that they do with donald brown all the time give trent some of them looks if u have 3 wr that takes men of of the box and trent has more room to work with if a wr miss a block on a DB i like trent chances going up against a nickle back trying to make a stop 

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Since when is a guy with a career 3.5 ypc the 2nd best RB in the league! In fact he's even doin worse with us than he did with Cleveland. I can't believe we gave up our Number 1 draft pick for Mr. 3 yards and a cloud of dust!

Agree I never liked him when Browns picked him Grigson takes many chances some good and bad.
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They created those short yellow buses for a reason I guess...

you mean those same short yellow buses I rode on until I reached the 3rd grade? what does a kid with a disability have to do with Richardsons lack of living up to his draft stock (both pre conceived and actual draft status), Do you really believe some of the stupid stuff you say or just throwing things out there hoping some things will stick

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2nd best RB in the league and when Pep learns how to play call in the NFL it's gonna be scary..Sometimes I dream about what Sean Payton would do with this offense...

The guy who has only twice had a top ten and five half rushing teams in 10 years as a play caller?

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4-1 in the NFL... 


Beat Seattle and SF.. 


4th in the NFL in rushing..   4.7 YPA,  142 per game..


And folks are still crying?


Isn't WINNING good enough?   


"Body shots"   Pep Hamilton..    Indy invests "heavily" in them.   


And it has Indy 4-1 yet Indy needs to pass more?    Running is the reason Indy hit the long ball against Sea.


The FIRST few weeks TY was underutilized..       but .. they figured it out.    And since Indy has been on fire.

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Averaging the total rushing yardage of the top 5 backs in each of the last 5 years (25 data points).. the average is:


315 carries / 1505 yards   4.8 ypc


So as the 2nd best back in the league you have expectations of production near or above this level?

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I think Havili has done a great job but he just doesn't work with Trent well. Same thing happend with Barry Sanders, a FB was introduced to the offensive scheme and started the year of terrible, got rib of the FB and Barry ran for over 2000 yards. Bag Havili when Trent's on the field and put in Hilton.

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4-1 in the NFL... 


Beat Seattle and SF.. 


4th in the NFL in rushing..   4.7 YPA,  142 per game..


And folks are still crying?


Isn't WINNING good enough?   


"Body shots"   Pep Hamilton..    Indy invests "heavily" in them.   


And it has Indy 4-1 yet Indy needs to pass more?    Running is the reason Indy hit the long ball against Sea.


The FIRST few weeks TY was underutilized..       but .. they figured it out.    And since Indy has been on fire.

I have the answer. Find a DVD of the 2011 season, and send it to every poster on here. Then sit back and smile as all the greedy, short memory, ungrateful whiners start to get some perspective.

It gives us something to bark at, I suppose.

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Edges most memorable play to me, unfortunately, was not being able to get into the endzone on the 1 yard line against the Pats. I know he was stuffed at the Los but that's what Richardson gets all the time and he gets that 1 yard and sometimes 2 or 3 when most backs couldn't.

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2nd best RB in the league and when Pep learns how to play call in the NFL it's gonna be scary..Sometimes I dream about what Sean Payton would do with this offense...




I hadn't seen any back breaking running games come from Sean Peyton.

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If it is a wrecking ball FB maybe, but keeping Hilton off the field for a FB makes no sense in my mind..

It's because you can't line up in the same formation or the same personnel all the time.  One of the reasons Hilton is effective is because the Colts set things up earlier in the game.  One of the reason why Richardson had success running in the 4th quarter is because earlier in the game they primarily threw out of the 3 WR set, then all of a sudden when they need to burn clock, they run from the 3WR set and he picks up some good yards. 


Sometimes teams run plays that have limited success but they are doing that to open something else up later in the game.  That is what film study is all about.  It's not jsut about seeing what the players do on specific plays btu also what they do on groups of plays.  For example, they see that a CB starts jumping a route when they throw it three times, so on the 4th time they do a double move play, the CB jumps the first move the the WR is wide open.  Or they see that a LBe,r after running the ball out of a formation for X number of plays, starts attacking the LOS more, so they do a PAP to the TE in the voided area.


There is a lot more to formations and play calling than down and distance.

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a lot of people rag on him because he isn't producing like a first rounder, but I believe he is right. the run game will explode (in a good way) very soon. I remember during our championship year, writers and the so called experts were writing us off as one and done team in the post season again, all because our defense was not good enough during the season and guys like freeney and mathis were saying the defense is going to click soon. and what happened? playoffs came around and they were the toughest defense to score on and looked like the number 1 defense in the NFL . 

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2nd best RB in the league and when Pep learns how to play call in the NFL it's gonna be scary..Sometimes I dream about what Sean Payton would do with this offense...

As much as I like Sean Payton, I wouldn't trade him for Chuck.  I like the Colts identity the way it is.  Does the run game need some refining?  Sure.  But once we get it down, and we will, it's going to be damn hard to beat (and that's not to say we're not already hard to beat).

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I love how people wanna keep saying the holes aren't there for him.  Brown finds them.  And Bradshaw and Ballard had no problems finding them.  How many times does he just run straight into the line.  How about you try going around the big guy standing in front of you.  I really want trich to show up and be who we want him to be.  But until he is averaging more then 4 ypc I am not happy with the 1st round trade.  I was really excited when i saw we got him.  But the hype hasn't matched up.  Hopefully I am wrong and he starts running better.  But so far not impressed in the least.  

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I love how people wanna keep saying the holes aren't there for him.  Brown finds them.  And Bradshaw and Ballard had no problems finding them.  How many times does he just run straight into the line.  How about you try going around the big guy standing in front of you.  I really want trich to show up and be who we want him to be.  But until he is averaging more then 4 ypc I am not happy with the 1st round trade.  I was really excited when i saw we got him.  But the hype hasn't matched up.  Hopefully I am wrong and he starts running better.  But so far not impressed in the least.  

brown is running in completely different scenarios.  you can't even compare the two.  i encourage you to go back, watch the games again and actually pay attention to who is on the field both offensively and defensively, count the guys in the box compared to blockers, and then make an assessment of where he should have went with the ball.  you might change your mind

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brown is running in completely different scenarios.  you can't even compare the two.  i encourage you to go back, watch the games again and actually pay attention to who is on the field both offensively and defensively, count the guys in the box compared to blockers, and then make an assessment of where he should have went with the ball.  you might change your mind

Yup. Defenses are very aware of what's probably going to happen with Richardson in. But a shotgun formation draw to Brown has them 10 yards back. 

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brown is running in completely different scenarios.  you can't even compare the two.  i encourage you to go back, watch the games again and actually pay attention to who is on the field both offensively and defensively, count the guys in the box compared to blockers, and then make an assessment of where he should have went with the ball.  you might change your mind

You ask me to go back and watch tape.  Go back and watch browns tape.  He did same thing there.  Running right into the line.  He averaged the same ypc there.  So I dont think he is all the sudden gonna change the way he runs.  Yes i realize brown is in on passing downs.  But you also cant just say thats why trich runs right into the line every time.  

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You ask me to go back and watch tape.  Go back and watch browns tape.  He did same thing there.  Running right into the line.  He averaged the same ypc there.  So I dont think he is all the sudden gonna change the way he runs.  Yes i realize brown is in on passing downs.  But you also cant just say thats why trich runs right into the line every time.  

Well, there's going to be more room to run when you spread out the D as opposed to running the ball with 9 guys in the box.  Just sayin.  Different scenarios completely.  With 3 wide sets, Trich has been just fine.  He just doesn't get the opportunity very often.

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