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Cowherd: "The Colts are building a team to beat Manning/Brady"


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Interesting take from Colin Cowherd today. He talked about how the Colts are slowly building a team to beat Manning/Brady in the playoffs. He talked about hiring Pep and his "ground and pound" (his words) offense, drafting/signing offensive lineman built for the run game, signing TRich, shortening Luck's throws, etc. He talked about Luck's completion % going from 54% last season to 64% this year so far. And his short throws, he's in the low 70% range. A caller also mentioned us picking up more physical corners (Davis, Toler), and Cowherd agreed, and said we did this to try and throw off Manning's timing. He praised the Colts as a "smart organization" for doing this. And he talked about how no one is really noticing that the Colts aren't a finesse team anymore. The reason they are doing this, according to him, is to keep Manning/Brady off the field bc defenses can't stop them.


Now we all know this is true, and I appreciate his props to us, when we are kind of flying under the radar. I don't fully agree that we "can't stop Manning/Brady", because I think our defense is much improved and we will get some stops. That said, and I was paraphrasing all that above so sorry if I was inaccurate, I think he's dead on. We're building the "monster" for a deep playoff run. A good running game and good defense is what wins in the playoffs. We have both right now, and hopefully we'll get back some injured players down the stretch. We may be a year away, but we are getting there.


All in all, it was an interesting take

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Cowherd is officially on the bandwagon...

while some dislike Colin, I enjoy the guy, think he is humorous & better than most sports radio guys, my local radio station that used to aire "The Herd"  removed his show a year or so ago & I miss it for my morning drive to work...

I enjoy his show as well. I also like Olbermann late night show too. Both have a sense of humor with a touch of sarcasm. 

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Both Mark S. and Greeney said on Mike and Mike this morning if one undefeated team loses this week it will be Seattle.  Mark had a great analogy about the Colts being sick and tired of being bullied on the playground and finally punched the bully, bloodied his nose, and sent him crying to the principal's office. (Saying that's what we did to the 49ers)

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I wouldn't say we are building a team to beat Manning/Brady. We are building a team to fit our philosophy, and to win games, nothing more, nothing less. I mean in another 5 years, Manning and Brady may not even be playing. We are building a young corps to win. That's all it is to me.

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Cowherd is officially on the bandwagon...

while some dislike Colin, I enjoy the guy, think he is humorous & better than most sports radio guys, my local radio station that used to aire "The Herd" removed his show a year or so ago & I miss it for my morning drive to work...

i've always gotten the idea he likes Luck but wasn't a big Manning guy which probably explains why he has flipped on the Colts.
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i've always gotten the idea he likes Luck but wasn't a big Manning guy which probably explains why he has flipped on the Colts.

Yeah he always seemed like a big Pats homer, and I've heard him say he respected 18, but in the Manning-Brady thing he favored Brady, his success in playoffs & SB's vs Manning's stats...

Anyways he is definitely big on Luck...

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I wouldn't say we are building a team to beat Manning/Brady. We are building a team to fit our philosophy, and to win games, nothing more, nothing less. I mean in another 5 years, Manning and Brady may not even be playing. We are building a young corps to win. That's all it is to me.

Yep. I don't think teams with the exception of Miami build their teams up to try and stop those two anymore. Everyone knows they will be gone soon and the Colts don't play the Broncos or Patriots every year anyway.

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Like everything else he says, I'll take with a grain of salt... He is probably the worst person with ESPN, He changes his minds and flip flops each week

Really? I know a lot of people aren't big on Cowherd, but as far as him changing his mind & flip-flopping, I seem to remember him owning up to his opinions & admitting when he was wrong or admitting when he changed a stance, this was actually a reason I started liking his morning show in the first place...

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Really? I know a lot of people aren't big on Cowherd, but as far as him changing his mind & flip-flopping, I seem to remember him owning up to his opinions & admitting when he was wrong or admitting when he changed a stance, this was actually a reason I started liking his morning show in the first place...


The guy has a segment on Monday morning called.....   "Where Colin was right,  and where Colin was wrong"....


And he has just as many wrongs as he does rights....     For the most part, and for as much as anyone in the media,  Cowherd owns his mistakes.


I listen to him often, and I think he's one of the best people on ESPN.      Bayless is the runaway winner of the worst....

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Really? I know a lot of people aren't big on Cowherd, but as far as him changing his mind & flip-flopping, I seem to remember him owning up to his opinions & admitting when he was wrong or admitting when he changed a stance, this was actually a reason I started liking his morning show in the first place...

I apologize, It is Bayless i am thinking of... Once again sorry

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I don't think it is all just about Manning and Brady. Besides, neither has won a SB for many years now anyway.


We want to build a balanced team. Good passing game, good running game and good defense/special teams. I don't think it's any mystery and the types of teams that always beat our pass happy squads in the past is what I sometimes feel we are starting to look like lately.


This team hopes to be physical and to not just get a lead and hold a lead but to STOP the opposing team as well......

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I don't think it is all just about Manning and Brady. Besides, neither has won a SB for many years now anyway.


We want to build a balanced team. Good passing game, good running game and good defense/special teams. I don't think it's any mystery and the types of teams that always beat our pass happy squads in the past is what I sometimes feel we are starting to look like lately.


This team hopes to be physical and to not just get a lead and hold a lead but to STOP the opposing team as well......

Bingo! A gold star for Jules. Manning & Brady aren't the powerhouse teams anymore. Yes, I respect both field generals & yes they have fluid, crisp offenses that can score at will, but people need to judge Luck & the Colts against his draft peers: Rg3, Wilson, & CK in San Fran.


Even Peyton isn't a fair comparison anymore since our approach to running takes a more dominant presence now. Other than Donald Brown, Adam V., & Robert Mathis, who is left on the INDY squad that Peyton played with? Eventually, both the league & the fans, need to let other QBs assume the premier status mantle. I'm not saying abandon Manning & Brady. Just spread the spotlight wealth. No one man stays atop the NFL mountain forever. 

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I apologize, It is Bayless i am thinking of... Once again sorry

Bayless is worthless, I see why people dislike Cowherd, he can come across as arrogant & his brand of sarcasm is an acquired taste for some I guess, and I am sure many Colts fans still have a bone to pick with the guy because he was somewhat of a hater before the Luck era, (although he did pick Colts to make the Super Bowl before the season started), but I was just surprised with the whole flip-flop thing, cause that's one thing Colin doesn't do, or if he does he owns it...

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Cowherd is officially on the bandwagon...

while some dislike Colin, I enjoy the guy, think he is humorous & better than most sports radio guys, my local radio station that used to aire "The Herd"  removed his show a year or so ago & I miss it for my morning drive to work...

He's been on the bandwagon... He put money on the Colts at the beginning of the year to win the Superbowl.  But, I too, enjoy him.  He actually admits when he's wrong which is a quality most radio guys and sportswriters don't possess.

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I enjoy his show as well. I also like Olbermann late night show too. Both have a sense of humor with a touch of sarcasm. 


Yeah, KO is hilarious! His Tom Brady body language comical rant was priceless.  haha

I've been wondering how Olbermann's show has been. I've stayed away since his last few gigs have gone all weird.

The guys on Total Access on NFLN spoke fairly positively about about the Colts last night.

Keith has a knack for sports & sarcasm. He's a natural at it. Keith is so effortless at incorporating sports history, literature, stats, & he has a flair for the dramatic rivaled only by Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central. I love the guy because he is well spoken, well educated, & very provocative in nature meaning that KO makes you think. 

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Yeah, KO is hilarious! His Tom Brady body language comical rant was priceless.  haha

Keith has a knack for sports & sarcasm. He's a natural at it. Keith is so effortless at incorporating sports history, literature, stats, & he has a flair for the dramatic rivaled only by Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central. I love the guy because he is well spoken, well educated, & very provocative in nature meaning that KO makes you think. 

Here is the Brady rant. I thought it was funny. Brady would laugh at this himself & it's 1 of the reasons I like him. He doesn't sweat the small stuff. He performs well on game day & lets everything else go. 



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Cowherd, I like.  Bayless and Olbermann, I refuse to watch.  I don't even like Dan Patrick anymore.  He has an ongoing love affair with himself.

I can respect that LockeDown. I have 2 relatives just like Bayless & Olbermann. 1 is never wrong or so he thinks. While the other is so original in his bizarre rants, I never want the entertaining circus ride to stop. It's better than booze, a court jester, & an illegal narcotic mixed together. Christmas is so awesome with my Uncle Johnny.  haha

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For the record....

Cowherd predicted us this pre-season to go to the playoffs this year...

And he's predicted that we go to the Super Bowl, next year..... The 2014 season, the 2015 Super Bowl.

Hope that clarifies for everyone.....

He's one smart man for that ;) I agree completely. We make not make it to the nonsense this year but we will be a force next year.

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Here is the Brady rant. I thought it was funny. Brady would laugh at this himself & it's 1 of the reasons I like him. He doesn't sweat the small stuff. He performs well on game day & lets everything else go. 



That's funny. I had never seen it all. It was funny when he mentioned Belichick with the look on his face. 

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Yep, he gets WAY to preachy for may taste but he is sensible.    And he will take the noise when he is wrong.  


I like him better than most on the radio today.

The guy has a segment on Monday morning called.....   "Where Colin was right,  and where Colin was wrong"....


And he has just as many wrongs as he does rights....     For the most part, and for as much as anyone in the media,  Cowherd owns his mistakes.


I listen to him often, and I think he's one of the best people on ESPN.      Bayless is the runaway winner of the worst....

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Really?  Is Peyton retiring Oct 19?


This team is for real.     In fact Sal Pal from ESPN was on the Dan Dakich show today and said SF, Sea, Denver, ...   AND INDY, yes INDY were the 4 best teams in the NFL.


It's not smoke and mirrors when you are simply beating teams up.     Which is what Indy is doing.


When our team is fully ready to stop Manning and Brady..

They both will be retired already..

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Cowherd is officially on the bandwagon...

while some dislike Colin, I enjoy the guy, think he is humorous & better than most sports radio guys, my local radio station that used to aire "The Herd"  removed his show a year or so ago & I miss it for my morning drive to work...


Cowherd is only loyal to success. He has said it several times. I believe he got a little carried away with giving Brady too much credit, but for the most part he calls it fairly.

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I can respect that LockeDown. I have 2 relatives just like Bayless & Olbermann. 1 is never wrong or so he thinks. While the other is so original in his bizarre rants, I never want the entertaining circus ride to stop. It's better than booze, a court jester, & an illegal narcotic mixed together. Christmas is so awesome with my Uncle Johnny.  haha

Bayless, Olberman were either spoiled as kids or treated badly. One has to be right and the other has to be the smartest...and Patrick just wants to be a movie star despite having the skin of a Bridges of Madison County Eastwood.

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I think we match up good vs the Broncos i know their 4-0 and Peyton is having a great year but they have played against average teams with bad defenses. If theirs anyone in the league that knows Manning's weaknesses it's Clyde Christensen. He's been with Peyton since 2002 and knows his tendencies and what types of defenses he has trouble with. If we can stop their run and make Peyton one dimensional the defense can pin their ears back and get after them.


Offensively we have to control clock with long 7 to 8 min drives and keep their offense off the field. Don't turn the ball over and Luck ability to run will be a major factor in the game. It'll come down to the 4th quarter and if we have the ball last we will win. As great as Peyton has been in the regular season hes been average in the playoffs. Even the year we won the SB he had 3TD's with 7 INT's, it was the defense primarily Bob Sanders the reason we won. If were up 3 in the 4th with 2 mins to go and Peyton has the ball i like our chances of getting a sack or turnover and winning the game because he hasn't been good late in games in the playoffs.

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Really?  Is Peyton retiring Oct 19?


This team is for real.     In fact Sal Pal from ESPN was on the Dan Dakich show today and said SF, Sea, Denver, ...   AND INDY, yes INDY were the 4 best teams in the NFL.


It's not smoke and mirrors when you are simply beating teams up.     Which is what Indy is doing.

I think it's a little pre- mature too call Indy a top 4 team.. Yet.

We are heavily banged up for one and we are still very young..

We are still getting familiar with new faces,schemes and coaches.

We are headed in the right direction though.

These three teams will show us where we really stand though.

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Sadly I don't see too many teams that can stop Manning and Denver right now. That being said it is a long season and teams tend to go through ups and downs but Manning is in a special place right now with his play and that whole team seems to be playing at some other worldly level that is rarely seen. How long can they sustain it?


This is the NFL, your 1 injury away from falling. So, although Cowherd may have some really good points there is still a lot of football to be played this season. As for building the team to beat Manning/Brady, I can't disagree with his observations. Are we there yet? That's yet to be determined but if I had to say today I'd say we're still not quite there. Maybe 10 weeks from now I'll have a different opinion.

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