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This was on the Jags forum..


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"Although this Sunday we got absolutely rocked, I have to say I'm very unimpressed with colts and their organization. Andrew Luck looks about as average as anyone can be and Trent Richardson looks like just another guy. They spent a first round pick on him and Bradshaw and brown have looked better. They also spent their first pick on Werner which is just laughable. The colts new gm looks like another polian which is great news for everybody in the division. 

With that being said I feel pretty confident about our chances of starting our reign over the whole afc south in two years. We will have the best qb and reciever in the division with bridgewater and Blackmon and Caldwell really seems to know what he's doing. The arrow is pointing down for the colts and the jags is definitely going up. "


LOL I can't even. Andrew Luck average? Jags reigning over the AFC? Best QB and WR? Arrow going down for us? 


lmao the comedy you hear out there is outstanding 

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That... is one of the silliest and least informed things I've ever heard. Luck is RIGHT NOW one of the top QB's in the NFL, and in some metrics is top 5 hanging around with Brees and Phillip Rivers (not kidding on that one, Rivers is having a heckuva turnaround year). To also say that Blackmon is one of the best young receivers is also premature, considering hes never had anyone capable of throwing him the ball, so really there's no way to tell what he even is talent wise.


I agree, Caldwell looks like he has his head on straight and has the right ideas about how to build a competitive team, but saying anything other than the Jags might be competitive in 2015 is counting chickens before they're hatched. Especially when you dismiss not one, but two of the brightest rising stars in the NFL in Indianapolis and Tennessee. Houston still isn't exactly a slouch either, even though the offense has shown some cracks of late.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

"Although this Sunday we got absolutely rocked, I have to say I'm very unimpressed with colts and their organization. Andrew Luck looks about as average as anyone can be and Trent Richardson looks like just another guy. They spent a first round pick on him and Bradshaw and brown have looked better. They also spent their first pick on Werner which is just laughable. The colts new gm looks like another polian which is great news for everybody in the division. 

With that being said I feel pretty confident about our chances of starting our reign over the whole afc south in two years. We will have the best qb and reciever in the division with bridgewater and Blackmon and Caldwell really seems to know what he's doing. The arrow is pointing down for the colts and the jags is definitely going up. "


LOL I can't even. Andrew Luck average? Jags reigning over the AFC? Best QB and WR? Arrow going down for us? 


lmao the comedy you hear out there is outstanding 

I didn't know Skip Bayless was a Jags fan....

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Not going to type out some long paragraph and waste my time on a team that has not been relevent since Mark Brunnell was the starting QB, I will say this....if posting things like that helps them sleep better at night well then good for them

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The reality is that our offensive mentality is holding Luck back from looking like an elite QB. He is not throwing the ball 50 times a game for 300 yards and multiple touchdowns. Look at Brady this year; the Patriots are taking the same approach. 


We will have many fans of opponents who make these comments, but we will continue to rack up the wins.


We might as well get used to this type of response.

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I wasn't on this forum during the 2-14 season or before for that matter but to those who were, how active was it? I checked the Jags and Raiders forums cause we played them and they both seem died down (with the Raiders being slightly better). 


Love the activity of this forum though!

We stuck with it during the 2-14 season... to be honest I'd follow this team to the ends of the earth, and it felt so good seeing the same people on the forum through thick and thin.... it just proved my belief that this ballclub has some of the most loyal fans in sports... not nearly as many fair weather fans as some organizations!

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They are just bitter and who can blame them since we've been in the same division they have blown two high draft picks on Gabbert and Leftwich at QB and David Garrard has been their best QB mean while the Colts have had maybe the best QB of all-time in Peyton Manning and what looks to be the next great one in Andrew Luck. 

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We stuck with it during the 2-14 season... to be honest I'd follow this team to the ends of the earth, and it felt so good seeing the same people on the forum through thick and thin.... it just proved my belief that this ballclub has some of the most loyal fans in sports... not nearly as many fair weather fans as some organizations!

Loss after loss I'd wear my peyton Manning Jersey to sschool, as a loyal fan. Taking the criticism from my amigos. I was that kicker/punter who was a colts fan. Andnthan we didn't even sign Manning again so it looked even worse haha

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"Although this Sunday we got absolutely rocked, I have to say I'm very unimpressed with colts and their organization. Andrew Luck looks about as average as anyone can be and Trent Richardson looks like just another guy.

What exactly was this person looking for??

Wings? Batmobiles? Green skin? Sparkles??

Most football players look like regular dudes in street clothes. So while homeboy dreams of super QB who's more powerful than a speeding locomotive, I will be dreaming of the second shellacking that the Colts will hand down to the Jags.

Geez, what a goober.

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100% agree with the Jags fan.

what? are you even a colts fan? sure luck didn't play fantastic ans sure bradshaw is by far better than T rich, but do you really agree that the jags will own the division in 2 years?.

Edited by Nadine
personal shot/skirting the profanity filter
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what? are you even a colts fan? sure luck didn't play fantastic ans sure bradshaw is by far better than T rich, but do you really agree that the jags will own the division in 2 years?.


--------------------------------------- The Joke






/I\ <- you



May want to recalibrate your internet sarcasm detectors, they may be a tad off today :P

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I actually agree sort of with what the fan is saying. I think the AFC South will be Colts/Jags for the next 5/10 years if they get Bridgewater. 


But Andrew Luck average. No


Best wide reciever. No not while Reggie/Johnson are here but when they retire i think Hilton will be the best.


Best O Line. Possibly so.


Still though while their D line looks like that i don't think much will become of the jaguars.

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I actually agree sort of with what the fan is saying. I think the AFC South will be Colts/Jags for the next 5/10 years if they get Bridgewater. 


But Andrew Luck average. No


Best wide reciever. No not while Reggie/Johnson are here but when they retire i think Hilton will be the best.


Best O Line. Possibly so.


Still though while their D line looks like that i don't think much will become of the jaguars.

I haven't really seen Bridgewater play, but is he really that good?

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Don't get riled up over it.


Just think, those fans have to live with Blaine Gabbert and those bums on that team.


Be happy, we've got a great team to cheer for!

Yes, that is the other side of the coin. You either trivialize your competition, lash out in frustration, or cry incessantly. It must be unbearable to be a Jags fan. OUCH! 

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They are just jealous.

We went from Manning to Luck.

They had Leftwich and Gabbert..

They will be at the bottom of the division for a long time..

We didn't play our best and still win by nearly 5 touchdowns..

Talk about a double negative...Although David Garrard took them to the Playoffs in 2008 though against the Steelers & won 31-29. 

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