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Dwayne Allen Out For Season


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Yuck. I had us at most 10-6 before we lost Ballard/Thomas/Allen. Now we are looking at .500 or worse.

Miracles can happen, and that is what it will take for us to get double digit wins. After the SF/Denver/Seattle stretch we are all gonna be looking forward to next year.

Ugly ugly ugly.

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Wow, from hes okay to season ending surgery.

I already knew it was serious and said so, for Pagano to lead people along is uncalled for.  If I heard it through the grapevine over the weekend, why have to agonize longer.  Yea yea yea, 2nd opinions, bla bla.  Just tell us it's very serious and not this day to day garbage.

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Is this the 3rd starter in the space of a week has been put on the IR.

I know Williams replaced Ballard on the roster and Maysonet has replaced Williams on the ps.

Who has replaced Allen and Thomas though?

Thornton took Thomas' place during the game. I don't think Allen's replacement has been named.

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Is this the 3rd starter in the space of a week has been put on the IR.

I know Williams replaced Ballard on the roster and Maysonet has replaced Williams on the ps.

Who has replaced Allen and Thomas though?

@KBowenColts: The Colts officially place guard Donald Thomas on injured reserve. Now an open spot on 53-man roster.

Still an open spot. Now 2 open slots since Allen is out. We'll find out soon cause Grigson doesn't sleep

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Justice Cunningham and Hugh Thornton

For this week at least probably Thomas Austin and Justice Cunningham

Thornton took Thomas' place during the game. I don't think Allen's replacement has been named.

@KBowenColts: The Colts officially place guard Donald Thomas on injured reserve. Now an open spot on 53-man roster.

Still an open spot. Now 2 open slots since Allen is out. We'll find out soon cause Grigson doesn't sleep

Thought that Cunningham and Austin would be elevated and some other rookies would take their spots on the PS. Then Thornton and Fleener/Jones will take their depth chart spot. I have no problem with this but i would like at least 1 vet FA to be signed with the 2 spaces. 

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Thought that Cunningham and Austin would be elevated and some other rookies would take their spots on the PS. Then Thornton and Fleener/Jones will take their depth chart spot. I have no problem with this but i would like at least 1 vet FA to be signed with the 2 spaces.

Agreed and figured it would be Austin and Cunningham for this week since they already know the play book.

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I already knew it was serious and said so, for Pagano to lead people along is uncalled for. If I heard it through the grapevine over the weekend, why have to agonize longer. Yea yea yea, 2nd opinions, bla bla. Just tell us it's very serious and not this day to day garbage.

its his job to keep this stuff quiet until he has to give the info up.

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This sucks, what is up with all the injuries across the league this year....How do you go from questionable all last week, to done for the year??????  Fleener is kind of a softy so expect him to go down here and there, this is getting ridiculous...Dominique Jones and Jack Doyle here we come, COLTS are always playing the next man up game.

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Next man up I suppose. 3 starters out for the year in one month? Gotta be an NFL record

1st Ballard, then D. Thomas, now Allen

in one month?? more like in less then a week lol. Ballard was out thursday or friday (they announced friday he was done for the year) then Thomas sunday, and now Allen granted Allen didnt play sunday but there was still hope up until today. so in 5 days we lost 3 starters. Ballard and Allen big losses but Thornton looked very good sunday filling in for Thomas. 

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I doubt it. And it's not like Ballard can't be adequately replaced with Bradshaw. The other two, not so much.

ummm THomas is and was replaceable with Hugh Thornton. and Thornton looked good sunday. but losing one of our two big TE's is and will hurt down the stretch, especially if we lose Wayne, DHB or TY Hilton for a period of time (knock on wood)  

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For all those 3 and 4 WR sets fans, your getting your wish now. Look for more of a wide open offense now as the Colts can't be as efficient without Allen in there in a 2 TE sets.


Luck will be airing it now...

I doubt they change their game plan. they still have Mr. Irrelevant who could be good, granted not Allen good, but decent enough to hold down the fort all season

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