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living room GMs


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I hate to say it, I love the colts but this forum is really turning me off cause all the people who think they are general managers from their computer, Nevis and ijilanna were released for a reason, Grigson Pagano and Irsay no what they are doing that's why they have the jobs they have.

If you disagree how come your not the colts GM, oh yah cause your sitting on cpu pretending

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I hate to say it, I love the colts but this forum is really turning me off cause all the people who think they are general managers from their computer, Nevis and ijilanna were released for a reason, Grigson Pagano and Irsay no what they are doing that's why they have the jobs they have.

If you disagree how come your not the colts GM, oh yah cause your sitting on cpu pretending

It's "you're".

You do understand what the forum is all about, right?

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It's what forum people do.  We have a lot of posters that do know a lot of what they are talking about when it comes to these kinds of things and have proven themselves over and over.  With that said, I do think some people really do think they know more than GM and Coach of the team but at the sametime I don't think it's a major issue because after all a forum is for sharing ideas and opinions on what has happened or on what people think should happen. 

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What do you want? Everybody to agree 100% with every move Grigson makes just beacuse he was hired as GM?

If you watch the games closely, and have an understanding of the game, like a lot of the posters here do, it doesnt take a geniuis to see, who is a good player and who stinks.

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OP, why do you think GMs get fired? They don't make the right decisions every time, and a forum is for opinions.


Yeah, get over it..

and yet are never replaced by fans on the internet...


I think part of what he is saying holds merit, often times we on forums think we know more than we really do.  With that said I also agree that a forum is for sharing opinions and thoughts on moves or what people think should be done so to me it's part of the forum. 

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I would definitely describe myself as a living room gm. I am annoyed Nevis and Ijalana haven't made the squad but like you said at the end it isn't me to make the calls. I would have loved it if they had made the squad but at the end of the day if Grigson or whoever decides to cut 'X' player and we still win games i'm satisfied. Just initially i would like to think that some people deserve a spot over others but like i said earlier, whatever makes us win more games is the right call. 

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Don't get mad because the OP is right...

People using grammar as a way to jab back... Shows the character of some of you.

I don't mind it, I come here mainly for NEWS, but understand it is a forum and therefore opinions and discussions are the main thing, but like I've said before I wish it was separated even more when it comes to topics..

"Colts football" would be nice for a majority of the news, not wild opinion after wild opinion, but it is what it is

With that said, I definitely understand why other fan bases take jabs at me when I'm in Colts gear or hear im a Colts fan, and say we have the WORST fans in the league. Because it's true. A LOT of you guys don't know how to appreciate anything and definitely have no idea what you're talking about.. And are the first people to say something negative, and then when someone else says something negative, ohhhhh boy, shame on them!

You guys are adorable

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This is nuts. If you want to talk about living room GMs, look at the archives during the 2011 season. What's going on right now is nothing. Even go back to last March if you want to see a board in full revolt mode; not just the Manning decision, but people were jumping ship when we cut Brackett, Addai, Clark and Bullitt, and three of those guys haven't played a single down in the NFL since. Seriously, being mildly upset over a couple of fan favorite cuts doesn't warrant a potshot thread like this. It's almost like the OP doesn't know what a message board is supposed to be.


Sure, fans on a message board don't know as much as the GM does. That doesn't mean the GM is above reproach. I'm a huge Ryan Grigson fan, but it's not because I agree with every single thing he does. It's because he does his best at building a football team, and he refuses to ignore an opportunity to make even the darkest corner of the roster better. Being a fan doesn't mean you never criticize your team or the things the team does. The entire premise is ridiculous.

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Don't get mad because the OP is right...

People using grammar as a way to jab back... Shows the character of some of you.

I don't mind it, I come here mainly for NEWS, but understand it is a forum and therefore opinions and discussions are the main thing, but like I've said before I wish it was separated even more when it comes to topics..

"Colts football" would be nice for a majority of the news, not wild opinion after wild opinion, but it is what it is

With that said, I definitely understand why other fan bases take jabs at me when I'm in Colts gear or hear im a Colts fan, and say we have the WORST fans in the league. Because it's true. A LOT of you guys don't know how to appreciate anything and definitely have no idea what you're talking about.. And are the first people to say something negative, and then when someone else says something negative, ohhhhh boy, shame on them!

You guys are adorable

First of all let's not pretend like other fans bases don't have internet GMs too.  Also forums are still a relatively small sample size of the WHOLE fan base so I wouldn't judge any fan base based on their internet forum.  Are Colts fans as "good" as Packers fans or Steelers fans for example?  Probably not.  Are they the worst fans in the league that I would disagree with.  Jags fans, Bucs fans, or Cardinals fans would probably be worse just thinking off the top of my head.  Heck depending on how you are grading you could argue Eagles fans are worse they boo EVERYTHING and are total jerks to any other teams fans.  They are very loyal to the Eagles franchise though so like I said it all depends on how you are grading them. 

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Asking why creates accountability. Imagine if we never asked why to political leaders? It's called a dictatorship. We pay money to watch our team. It's our right to hold leadership responsible and scrutinize decisions. No one is calling for grigsons job, we are just wanting accountability.

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Don't get mad because the OP is right...

People using grammar as a way to jab back... Shows the character of some of you.

I don't mind it, I come here mainly for NEWS, but understand it is a forum and therefore opinions and discussions are the main thing, but like I've said before I wish it was separated even more when it comes to topics..

"Colts football" would be nice for a majority of the news, not wild opinion after wild opinion, but it is what it is

With that said, I definitely understand why other fan bases take jabs at me when I'm in Colts gear or hear im a Colts fan, and say we have the WORST fans in the league. Because it's true. A LOT of you guys don't know how to appreciate anything and definitely have no idea what you're talking about.. And are the first people to say something negative, and then when someone else says something negative, ohhhhh boy, shame on them!

You guys are adorable




Again, this is a message board, not a bulletin board, not a news site.


And for a Colts fan to say that you understand when other people say Colts fans are the worst in the league is just rich. 

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Asking why creates accountability. Imagine if we never asked why to political leaders? It's called a dictatorship. We pay money to watch our team. It's our right to hold leadership responsible and scrutinize decisions. No one is calling for grigsons job, we are just wanting accountability.


It's not even about accountability. I disagree with the Drake Nevis cut, but if he goes on to be a Pro Bowler, I'm not going to think that Grigson should be fired. Nevis is a borderline guy that was fighting for a roster spot. No one should be surprised that he was released, whether they disagree with it or not. This is a 50/50 decision.


What this is -- for me, anyways -- is an expression of my opinion. For people to insinuate that I'm a bad fan because my opinion differs from that of the staff is asinine, at best.

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I hate to say it, I love the colts but this forum is really turning me off cause all the people who think they are general managers from their computer, Nevis and ijilanna were released for a reason, Grigson Pagano and Irsay no what they are doing that's why they have the jobs they have.

If you disagree how come your not the colts GM, oh yah cause your sitting on cpu pretending



By your logic, there's no such thing as a bad move, as long as it comes from a front office official. Matt Millen.....a genius, I tells ya

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I hate to say it, I love the colts but this forum is really turning me off cause all the people who think they are general managers from their computer, Nevis and ijilanna were released for a reason, Grigson Pagano and Irsay no what they are doing that's why they have the jobs they have.

If you disagree how come your not the colts GM, oh yah cause your sitting on cpu pretending

Hmm. not familiar with the concept of a Team Forum are you?

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It's not even about accountability. I disagree with the Drake Nevis cut, but if he goes on to be a Pro Bowler, I'm not going to think that Grigson should be fired. Nevis is a borderline guy that was fighting for a roster spot. No one should be surprised that he was released, whether they disagree with it or not. This is a 50/50 decision.

What this is -- for me, anyways -- is an expression of my opinion. For people to insinuate that I'm a bad fan because my opinion differs from that of the staff is asinine, at best.

Getting upset over unpopular decisions is in the "fan" manual. Every fan does it.

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Asking why creates accountability. Imagine if we never asked why to political leaders? It's called a dictatorship. We pay money to watch our team. It's our right to hold leadership responsible and scrutinize decisions. No one is calling for grigsons job, we are just wanting accountability.

Accountability means we some how have the ability to hold the GM and Head Coach accountable.  While we can voice our opinions on here and by not going to games only Jim Irsay can truly hold them accountable, it's not like politics where we get a vote and can hold people accountable that way and frankly it is truly up to us to hold them accountable, that's not true with pro sports that is up to the owner to do and frankly it is a dictatorship, don't believe me ask Raiders fans don't you think they wished they had a vote on some of the moves Al Davis made over the years?  I don't think Irsay is making those decision based on what is said on the forum.  Honestly, fans are extremely emotional, look at how the opinions on Irsay a lone went two years ago, when he fired Polian he was the best owner in football, when it looked like he might keep Caldwell he was the worst owner in sports, when he did fire Caldwell he was back to being a great owner, then he cut Peyton Manning and he was a terrible owner again till we realized that Andrew Luck kid wasn't so bad and heck some people still hate Irsay over that move. 


Sorry we don't hold the coach and GM accountable the owner does that.  With that said I fully agree that a forum is for people to express their view points on things regarding the teams and things the team does.  With that said, I would say thinking we can hold the team accountable on the forum is a little unrealistic and wishful thinking.  The best way a fan has to try to hold someone accountable is to not go to games.  I would also say that maybe we all do need to look at how we respond to some posters, and I include myself in that, because I do see that sometimes posters throw out their opinion and they are treated like they are stupid if others don't agree with that opinion or aren't as well versed in certain football rules.  I think it would be helpful if we were all a little less willing to drop gloves and fight to the death over opinions and agree that just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean that person wronged you some how.


Just to be clear there are a lot of general statements in that last paragraph that aren't directed at you personally so please don't take it that way.  It's also just my two cents on the subject. 

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I hate to say it, I love the colts but this forum is really turning me off cause all the people who think they are general managers from their computer, Nevis and ijilanna were released for a reason, Grigson Pagano and Irsay no what they are doing that's why they have the jobs they have.

If you disagree how come your not the colts GM, oh yah cause your sitting on cpu pretending

I may not be a GM but I did stay at a Holliday Inn once.

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Accountability means we some how have the ability to hold the GM and Head Coach accountable.  While we can voice our opinions on here and by not going to games only Jim Irsay can truly hold them accountable, it's not like politics where we get a vote and can hold people accountable that way and frankly it is truly up to us to hold them accountable, that's not true with pro sports that is up to the owner to do and frankly it is a dictatorship, don't believe me ask Raiders fans don't you think they wished they had a vote on some of the moves Al Davis made over the years?  I don't think Irsay is making those decision based on what is said on the forum.  Honestly, fans are extremely emotional, look at how the opinions on Irsay a lone went two years ago, when he fired Polian he was the best owner in football, when it looked like he might keep Caldwell he was the worst owner in sports, when he did fire Caldwell he was back to being a great owner, then he cut Peyton Manning and he was a terrible owner again till we realized that Andrew Luck kid wasn't so bad and heck some people still hate Irsay over that move. 


Sorry we don't hold the coach and GM accountable the owner does that.  With that said I fully agree that a forum is for people to express their view points on things regarding the teams and things the team does.  With that said, I would say thinking we can hold the team accountable on the forum is a little unrealistic and wishful thinking.  The best way a fan has to try to hold someone accountable is to not go to games.  I would also say that maybe we all do need to look at how we respond to some posters, and I include myself in that, because I do see that sometimes posters throw out their opinion and they are treated like they are stupid if others don't agree with that opinion or aren't as well versed in certain football rules.  I think it would be helpful if we were all a little less willing to drop gloves and fight to the death over opinions and agree that just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean that person wronged you some how.


Just to be clear there are a lot of general statements in that last paragraph that aren't directed at you personally so please don't take it that way.  It's also just my two cents on the subject. 


This is a good post, but complaining about this kind of stuff on a message board is like complaining about physics. Gravity exists, the earth is round, and people on message boards argue over opinions. If that turns you off from posting on a message board, then the message board experience simply isn't for you.

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This is a good post, but complaining about this kind of stuff on a message board is like complaining about physics. Gravity exists, the earth is round, and people on message boards argue over opinions. If that turns you off from posting on a message board, then the message board experience simply isn't for you.

No I understand people argue on a message board but as most posters do here all the time there is disagreeing with an opinion and keeping it to that and then people who seem to feel like they need to make it personal with someone if they don't agree on a view point simply because they don't agree with the view point or treating someone like they are a fool just because they might not know something.  Like anything in life it comes down to being nice or being a jerk about it.  I think vast majority of posters here elect to be nice however, at times some like to be jerks and I am just saying maybe it wouldn't be bad for us all to try to be aware of that and try not to be the jerk if that makes sense and not everything needs to a fight to the death just because sometimes two different people see things different ways. 

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I hate to say it, I love the colts but this forum is really turning me off cause all the people who think they are general managers from their computer, Nevis and ijilanna were released for a reason, Grigson Pagano and Irsay no what they are doing that's why they have the jobs they have.

If you disagree how come your not the colts GM, oh yah cause your sitting on cpu pretending


I visit this sight to find out what other Colts fans think about the decisions made by the team and how they feel about the players and how they have performed.


I also think there are some very smart football people sharing their insights on this forum. Who's to say there aren't former players, coaches and personel people behind some of the names on this site.  Just saying.....


Ignore all the opinions you don't agree with, but don't be ignorant to the process of sharing ideas.

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No I understand people argue on a message board but as most posters do here all the time there is disagreeing with an opinion and keeping it to that and then people who seem to feel like they need to make it personal with someone if they don't agree on a view point simply because they don't agree with the view point or treating someone like they are a fool just because they might not know something.  Like anything in life it comes down to being nice or being a jerk about it.  I think vast majority of posters here elect to be nice however, at times some like to be jerks and I am just saying maybe it wouldn't be bad for us all to try to be aware of that and try not to be the jerk if that makes sense and not everything needs to a fight to the death just because sometimes two different people see things different ways. 


Thing is, some people are jerks. We haven't figured out a way to keep them off of message boards yet. I'd work on it more aggressively, but I'm afraid I'd be banned, too. Along with some of my favorite posters.


Point is, you get on a message board and connect with people who are different than you are. You're going to get different opinions, different ways of expressing those opinions, different personalities, etc. All this nonsense about how this makes us a bad fanbase and how people don't want to use the board because of it is just nonsense. 


Like I said, I like your earlier post. I just don't understand why you'd make a thread on a message board that basically says 'I hate message boards.' 

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Thing is, some people are jerks. We haven't figured out a way to keep them off of message boards yet. I'd work on it more aggressively, but I'm afraid I'd be banned, too. Along with some of my favorite posters.


Point is, you get on a message board and connect with people who are different than you are. You're going to get different opinions, different ways of expressing those opinions, different personalities, etc. All this nonsense about how this makes us a bad fanbase and how people don't want to use the board because of it is just nonsense. 


Like I said, I like your earlier post. I just don't understand why you'd make a thread on a message board that basically says 'I hate message boards.' 

I understand some are jerks, and I am not blaming you or the mods for people being jerks either.  I am just saying it wouldn't hurt us all to try not to be jerks because I think sometimes the none jerks act jerks when they don't have too, and I'll include myself in that list.  So I am just saying maybe people should think a little more about how they respond to someone before they don't.  Am I naïve enough to think everyone is going to do that?  No. 


There is nothing wrong with people having different opinions but I can also see why people sometimes get tired of people being jerks to them just because someone has a different opinion as them too though.  With that said, most of the posters here are not jerks and are really good people and are really good at leaving it to the opinion and not making it personal. 


My guess and this is a total guess is that the OP started the thread because he or she was frustrated with the over reacting.  I fully understand people responding get over it however, I would also say just because someone elects to do something silly doesn't mean people have a right to be nasty back and frankly some of early posts in this thread were nothing more than that.  That doesn't help the situation either.  If you think it's silly just ignore it.  If you disagree with the point and can say why you disagree with by all means share that view point that is 100% what the forum is for. 

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