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The Colts should take a lesson from the Pats - Find a great HC and build around him


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The reason the Patriots are so phenomenal is not what they necessarily do ON the field, but rather what they do OFF the field. It all starts with Bill Belichick. Anyone who has watched his latest documentary videos would know he is a master detail-oriented tactician. He accommodates his coaching to conform to the players. Contrary to what he is like in front of a podium, Belichick is a gifted motivational speaker and knows the right buttons to push to milk his player's performance.

Belichick is a master at working the draft boards. This upcoming draft, New England will have two 1st round draft picks and two 2nd round draft picks. Expect him to trade down, and make it look easy. Furthermore, Belichick's head coaching brilliance means he can "train" players into becoming 1st round quality, saving the organization money from having pursued overpriced 1st round talent. Belichick's superb training also means whatever Belichick touches effectively turns to gold, as coaches in the league value Belichick-trained players (ex. Matt Cassel, Richard Seymour, Randy Moss, Mike Vrabel, Adam Vinatieri, the list goes on).

Here is the kicker though: Belichick has been coaching New England for about 12 years, and counting. This means he outlasts the life expectancy of the average age of a QB, and Belichick doesn't have to take significant time off due to injuries, like players would. Basically, when Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are gone, Belichick will persist, ensuring New England's dominance for as much as a decade to come. We saw the Patriots lead a team with the young Matt Cassel to an 11-5 season, which suggests New England is a by-product of Belichick's ingenuity, not Tom Brady.


The Colts built their team around their QB. New England built their team around their head coach. You do the math and figure out which has a longer impact on the organization. There is also the theory Bill Polian has too much sway over Caldwell's decisions. If true, this needs to change - we've seen what upper management fiddling did to Oakland's head coaches. You don't see Robert Kraft telling Belichick what to do!

Regardless, the Colts need to dump Caldwell and push very hard for an A+ quality head coach. He needs to have experience, tenacity, great motivational speaking, and the talent to develop players. With Caldwell, I'm not convinced he is developing anyone. He inherited Freeney, Mathis, Manning, etc. so no development was needed, but what about the other players?... All our 1st round talent is failing to develop. This is not a coincidence people, it's bad coaching!

The Colts need to give Jon Gruden, Jim Tressel, Rob Ryan, or almost anyone else a look because I can guarantee all of them would be better than Caldwell and his pathetic performance. If only we had heeded the warning signs of Wake Forest...

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Polian would never give all that power to a coach. BB is like the old Parcells "I shop for the groceries too" That's a lot of work for one guy and BB has no life except football. 16 hrs a day.

Still..a coach that would have more responsibilty would be good for the colts. Or a good Pioli drafting type guy.

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The reason the Patriots are so phenomenal is not what they necessarily do ON the field, but rather what they do OFF the field. It all starts with Bill Belichick. Anyone who has watched his latest documentary videos would know he is a master detail-oriented tactician. He accommodates his coaching to conform to the players. Contrary to what he is like in front of a podium, Belichick is a gifted motivational speaker and knows the right buttons to push to milk his player's performance.

Belichick is a master at working the draft boards. This upcoming draft, New England will have two 1st round draft picks and two 2nd round draft picks. Expect him to trade down, and make it look easy. Furthermore, Belichick's head coaching brilliance means he can "train" players into becoming 1st round quality, saving the organization money from having pursued overpriced 1st round talent. Belichick's superb training also means whatever Belichick touches effectively turns to gold, as coaches in the league value Belichick-trained players (ex. Matt Cassel, Richard Seymour, Randy Moss, Mike Vrabel, Adam Vinatieri, the list goes on).

Here is the kicker though: Belichick has been coaching New England for about 12 years, and counting. This means he outlasts the life expectancy of the average age of a QB, and Belichick doesn't have to take significant time off due to injuries, like players would. Basically, when Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are gone, Belichick will persist, ensuring New England's dominance for as much as a decade to come. We saw the Patriots lead a team with the young Matt Cassel to an 11-5 season, which suggests New England is a by-product of Belichick's ingenuity, not Tom Brady.


The Colts built their team around their QB. New England built their team around their head coach. You do the math and figure out which has a longer impact on the organization. There is also the theory Bill Polian has too much sway over Caldwell's decisions. If true, this needs to change - we've seen what upper management fiddling did to Oakland's head coaches. You don't see Robert Kraft telling Belichick what to do!

Regardless, the Colts need to dump Caldwell and push very hard for an A+ quality head coach. He needs to have experience, tenacity, great motivational speaking, and the talent to develop players. With Caldwell, I'm not convinced he is developing anyone. He inherited Freeney, Mathis, Manning, etc. so no development was needed, but what about the other players?... All our 1st round talent is failing to develop. This is not a coincidence people, it's bad coaching!

The Colts need to give Jon Gruden, Jim Tressel, Rob Ryan, or almost anyone else a look because I can guarantee all of them would be better than Caldwell and his pathetic performance. If only we had heeded the warning signs of Wake Forest...

Great idea but he's one of a kind. You'll never find another coach like him. That's like telling the Broncos to go and find another Brady or Manning to lead their team. Not gonna happen. I'm no Caldwell fan but don't expect the Colts to find anyone remotely in the same ballpark as the HOOD!

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The reason the Patriots are so phenomenal is not what they necessarily do ON the field, but rather what they do OFF the field. It all starts with Bill Belichick. Anyone who has watched his latest documentary videos would know he is a master detail-oriented tactician. He accommodates his coaching to conform to the players. Contrary to what he is like in front of a podium, Belichick is a gifted motivational speaker and knows the right buttons to push to milk his player's performance.

Belichick is a master at working the draft boards. This upcoming draft, New England will have two 1st round draft picks and two 2nd round draft picks. Expect him to trade down, and make it look easy. Furthermore, Belichick's head coaching brilliance means he can "train" players into becoming 1st round quality, saving the organization money from having pursued overpriced 1st round talent. Belichick's superb training also means whatever Belichick touches effectively turns to gold, as coaches in the league value Belichick-trained players (ex. Matt Cassel, Richard Seymour, Randy Moss, Mike Vrabel, Adam Vinatieri, the list goes on).

Here is the kicker though: Belichick has been coaching New England for about 12 years, and counting. This means he outlasts the life expectancy of the average age of a QB, and Belichick doesn't have to take significant time off due to injuries, like players would. Basically, when Tom Brady and Peyton Manning are gone, Belichick will persist, ensuring New England's dominance for as much as a decade to come. We saw the Patriots lead a team with the young Matt Cassel to an 11-5 season, which suggests New England is a by-product of Belichick's ingenuity, not Tom Brady.


The Colts built their team around their QB. New England built their team around their head coach. You do the math and figure out which has a longer impact on the organization. There is also the theory Bill Polian has too much sway over Caldwell's decisions. If true, this needs to change - we've seen what upper management fiddling did to Oakland's head coaches. You don't see Robert Kraft telling Belichick what to do!

Regardless, the Colts need to dump Caldwell and push very hard for an A+ quality head coach. He needs to have experience, tenacity, great motivational speaking, and the talent to develop players. With Caldwell, I'm not convinced he is developing anyone. He inherited Freeney, Mathis, Manning, etc. so no development was needed, but what about the other players?... All our 1st round talent is failing to develop. This is not a coincidence people, it's bad coaching!

The Colts need to give Jon Gruden, Jim Tressel, Rob Ryan, or almost anyone else a look because I can guarantee all of them would be better than Caldwell and his pathetic performance. If only we had heeded the warning signs of Wake Forest...

very good post, i agree it starts with the coach, i hate belichick but he is a great coach

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There's also good/great coaching within the framework of team identity and philosophy, e.g. PITT under Knoll, Cowher and Tomlin. Three head coaches since 1969 (modern era) and by far the most successful franchise. All under Rooney ownership with great consistency and the common thread of tough defense and ability to run the ball no matter what else they put on the field, for the most part, spanning decades and regardless of what else has trended in the leauge.

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The biggest reason for Belichicks success is his ability to draft the right players for his system. What do you think that Bill Polian does for the Colts? I have an enormous amount of respect for Belichick, but 1) he is unique, 2) I don't like having a coach also being responsible for player personnel - it's just too much

It remains to be seen how good a coach Caldwell is, but some of the criticism of him is ridiculous. If Caldwell had made some of the poor decisions that were emphasized in the Belichick documentary he would have been ridden out of town on a rail. Belichick is far from perfect, and the Colts organization just went through a run of unprecedented success. I have NO desire to trade places with them.

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There's also good/great coaching within the framework of team identity and philosophy, e.g. PITT under Knoll, Cowher and Tomlin. Three head coaches since 1969 (modern era) and by far the most successful franchise. All under Rooney ownership with great consistency and the common thread of tough defense and ability to run the ball no matter what else they put on the field, for the most part, spanning decades and regardless of what else has trended in the leauge.

true it can also start at the top

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That would be awesome, but like was said above... BB is an extremely rare coach and I dont think there is anyone out there now like him. I always liked the thought of Bill Cowher but I hadnt thought about Rob Ryan.

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I know Dungy was brought in to have a defensive minded coach for the Colts. I would like that to be taken a step further w.r.t the head coach calling plays on D from the sidelines, that might help our D, IMO, a Steve Spagnuolos kind. I like what Chuck Pagano, current DC of the Ravens has done out there. He has defensive backs experience, just like Mike Tomlin and I would not mind if the Colts gave a chance, just like the Steelers did with Mike Tomlin, to a guy like him:


Low key coach with proven results, defensive minded with defensive backs background and one that can leave the O to Peyton and Clyde :). It is not the big name coach that we need, it is the coach that is most likely to address our key needs while being able to fit with our organization and how things are done.

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That's why Bill Polian has to go as well because he will never let a coach have full control like need be. But it will never happen with our current owner. We are stuck. The Polians are here as long as they want to be and that will prevent us from getting an elite level coach I think. So yeah in some ways I do think Bill's ego gets in the way. The only way we get rid of Bill is if Peyton has to retire and becomes coach and decides he wants a change. Irsay would only listen to Peyton I think.

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Bill is a great coach, ppl need to realize that he won with the players like seymore, and bruschi and other players like that... now their defense is not very good at all, they are pretty much like the colts now... and couple that with injuries... well you have the colts. They have handled trading and drafting excellent though.

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That's why Bill Polian has to go as well because he will never let a coach have full control like need be. But it will never happen with our current owner. We are stuck. The Polians are here as long as they want to be and that will prevent us from getting an elite level coach I think. So yeah in some ways I do think Bill's ego gets in the way. The only way we get rid of Bill is if Peyton has to retire and becomes coach and decides he wants a change. Irsay would only listen to Peyton I think.

So in other words your preference is to get a sub-par general manager and a control freak of a coach instead. Why? How many coaches can approach the lifetime winning percentage of Polian built teams (over three different NFL organizations).

The coach can only work with the players he is given. The GM is more important to the success of a team than the coach regardless of what sport you are playing. We have one of the best GMs ever - you don't throw that away just because his personality rubs you the wrong way. I don't have to talk to him over the diner table, I just get to enjoy the results on Sunday.

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For as great as Belichick is -- and he's GREAT -- the Pats haven't won a Super Bowl in seven years. All the fans who say the Colts have underachieved because they don't have more rings, and then we turn around and praise Belichick. It's not a knock against him. It's just a testament to the fact that no matter how good you are, no matter how genius your coach and front office guy is, most of the time you don't win it all. That's what makes winning so special.

I think we could do better than Caldwell at head coach. Wouldn't mind upgrading the entire coaching staff, as a matter of fact. I like how Chris Polian approached the draft and secondary free agency this year. We focused on several specific needs, and we added at least three really good players, with two others that might be significant contributors. The salary cap structure won't allow us to go spend a lot of money on free agent acquisitions, so we're not going be major players in primary free agency for the foreseeable future, no matter who's running the show. I prefer the draft-oriented approach anyways. I don't think there needs to be any major shake-up in the front office. I'm of the opinion that our front office does a very good job, with certain exceptions.

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We've had 1 of the best teams in the NFL for several years. We won a Super Bowl. If not for the Patriots, we probably would have won a couple more. So what if the team was built around Peyton. We have been so good because of him. And we got good quickly when we drafted him. Few fans get to experience what we have experienced. Yeah, things are screwed up now, but I wouldn't give up Peyton to have a coach like Belichick (not to suggest that's your stance).

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Interesting...why wasn't Bill successful in Cleveland?

And why have Colts coaches had more success than Belichick in the playoffs the last 6 seasons?

Their Super Bowls are history - the previous era. Those championships may have been won unfairly as well. Even in giving them the benefit of the doubt, Brady has gotten better, Belichick smarter, yet they are winning less now than they did when their crew came together more than 10 years ago. I don't want to model after a franchise that had success long ago, and far away, but can't outdo a lousy franchise like the Colts... ;)

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And why have Colts coaches had more success than Belichick in the playoffs the last 6 seasons?

Their Super Bowls are history - the previous era. Those championships may have been won unfairly as well. Even in giving them the benefit of the doubt, Brady has gotten better, Belichick smarter, yet they are winning less now than they did when their crew came together more than 10 years ago. I don't want to model after a franchise that had success long ago, and far away, but can't outdo a lousy franchise like the Colts... ;)

huh..73-23 since the last SB. Multiple playoff appearances. Are you kidding?

Or are you one of those who expect a SB every year. 3 is not enough? :>

Sorry, I don't get the winning less.

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I think Dungy was/is awesome...

I do miss the half time adjustments we used to make well with Dungy. MJD would go for 100 yards or so before the half and we would limit him to less than 50 yards or so after the half. Our 3rd quarters, in terms of adjustments set the tone for so many wins, even if the game was not decided after the 3rd.

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The Colts will never have an awesome HC w/ Polian dont you fans get that?

What do you call Tony Dungy then? He's going to the Hall of Fame one day if that's not an awesome Head Coach I don't know what it takes to be one.

Like someone else said it's not like there are a lot of Hall of Fame Coaches just sitting out there waiting for the Colts to hire them, wanting one and getting one and then getting one to fit what is a good team with all it's peaces is very hard to do.

Also read Dungy's book and you'll quickly see it's Jim Irsay who hired the coach not Bill Polian.

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huh..73-23 since the last SB. Multiple playoff appearances. Are you kidding?

Or are you one of those who expect a SB every year. 3 is not enough? :>

Sorry, I don't get the winning less.

When you look at all the numbers since the last time the Pats won a Super Bowl there is no one area in a way you measure winning in this league to say the Pats have been better than the Colts. The Colts have more wins, more head to head wins vs. the Pats, more playoff wins, more trips to the Super Bowl and more Super Bowl wins since 2004.

It doesn't mean BB is doing a bad job by any means though. He is clearly still the best head coach in the NFL.

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I think Dungy was/is awesome...

And I firmly believe that Dungy is the reason we only had 1 SB win in his tenure. The only year we won a SB was the year they finally brought in a legit NT for our defense. Dungy went way too far, imo, with the "small but fast" philosophy. He was turning DE's into DT's, safeties into LBs etc etc. Even with the same scheme but someone not asking for players so ridiculously undersized would have resulted in, imo, at least 1-2 more SB appearances and/or wins. In retrospect, I would have taken Kiffin or Lovie Smith over Dungy. yes there are those that will cite his winning percentage while he was here but as many people counter, how much of that really was due to anything he did defensively? Manning and the offense were constantly overcoming the deficiencies of the defense that Dungy was supposed to correct. Just my opinion.

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And I firmly believe that Dungy is the reason we only had 1 SB win in his tenure. The only year we won a SB was the year they finally brought in a legit NT for our defense. Dungy went way too far, imo, with the "small but fast" philosophy. He was turning DE's into DT's, safeties into LBs etc etc. Even with the same scheme but someone not asking for players so ridiculously undersized would have resulted in, imo, at least 1-2 more SB appearances and/or wins. In retrospect, I would have taken Kiffin or Lovie Smith over Dungy. yes there are those that will cite his winning percentage while he was here but as many people counter, how much of that really was due to anything he did defensively? Manning and the offense were constantly overcoming the deficiencies of the defense that Dungy was supposed to correct. Just my opinion.

Though to be fair, you have to think that the Colts might well have rolled to the SB in 2005 if not for Dungy's sons death. Not that it changes your argument because they had Corey Simon (and Edge among others - that was just a dominant team) - but they just came out so flat against Pittsburgh in that the first quarter or so. That remains about the biggest disappointment for me of the Manning era.

If Dungy had won two, the entire conversation about the Colts/Patriots and Manning/Brady and Dungy/Belichick these past few years would be entirely different. And of course Dungy retired pretty young. Imagine if he had been there in 09 and they had won three. There is often a very fine line between winning (and thus being crowned the greatest of all time) and "losing".

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When you look at all the numbers since the last time the Pats won a Super Bowl there is no one area in a way you measure winning in this league to say the Pats have been better than the Colts. The Colts have more wins, more head to head wins vs. the Pats, more playoff wins, more trips to the Super Bowl and more Super Bowl wins since 2004.

It doesn't mean BB is doing a bad job by any means though. He is clearly still the best head coach in the NFL.

My mistake, I didn't read his post clearly in that he was comparing wins to the colts.

Colts were 75-21 in that periord. 2 more wins than NE.

(Of couse we don't want to add in 2011 to complete the cycle of both QBs missing a year:)

I was more pointing out he was still a winning coach by far. As you know teams that reach/win a SB tend to regress after. Its hard to keep a good team with the cap and all. That is perhaps BBs best accomplishment in that he has. Although perhaps if he wasn't so stubborn and used one of those high draft picks or got a FA stud they might have won another...but its hard to complain as a fan as they compete each year.

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I think Tony Dungy was/is a great guy, and a much better person than I am. But I don't think he's a lock for the HOF by any means. His teams had a lot of regular season success but a 9-10 career record in the postseason kind of undermines that. Years from now, no one is going to care about his string of "playoff appearances."

The great coaches all benefited from the players who suited up for them. Lombardi had Starr. Chuck Knoll had The Steel Curtain and Hall of Fame players like Lynn Swann. Walsh had Montana. It's pretty rare to see a coach who achieves any consistent success (in any sport) without at least a couple of big-name players.

Belichick was born to be a football coach. By the time he was in junior high he was breaking down film for Navy. Those guys are rare and difficult to find. He's not perfect by any means, but no one is.

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My mistake, I didn't read his post clearly in that he was comparing wins to the colts.

Colts were 75-21 in that periord. 2 more wins than NE.

(Of couse we don't want to add in 2011 to complete the cycle of both QBs missing a year:)

weren't the pats 11-5 the year brady didn't play?

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