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Luck has First Endorsement Deal....


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It was inevitable....   as predictable as death and taxes,  Luck has now entered the world of the product endorser....


And it appears he picked the product....  a high tech company whose owner also went to Stanford....


I don't know the company or what this will turn into....   but the story is simple and straight forward and easy to read....


Read on about Andrew!     Enjoy!        :thmup:




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Really? I was hoping that Andrew was gonna say something in German for Rosetta Stone foreign language training software or do a set of Architecture commercials paying homage to Frank Lloyd Wright? Only teasing...


Nice work Andrew! Corporate sponsors are gonna love your image associated & affiliated with their top notch products. 


Or a norelco beard trimmer...Too Obvious? Yeah, but I was looking forward to the Chewbacca line of razors though. LOL! Both George Lucas & Walt Disney pictures would sadly sue Luck over copyright infringement. Sigh...Everyone is so litigation prone these days it seems. Bummer...

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"He often describes himself as a nerd."


Jules, maybe you should pitch him an "Adorkable" line of clothing for misfit people in this world. Make Geek fashionable again. Hey, there is that new Steve Jobs film coming out too. Strike while the iron is hot right?  :P


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"Luck, like his predecessor Peyton Manning, decided he wanted to limit the commercials and focus on football as a rookie - a move that could pay far bigger long-term dividends.

There is an expectation that he (Luck) is the quarterback of the future,'' said Marc Ganis, president of SportsCorp, a Chicago-based sports business consulting firm. With Robert Griffin III there is an expectation that he is fragile, and you saw that last season. That makes a difference when you talk to sponsors." 
Whoa, are Klipsch company executives calling RG3 "Mr. Glass?" [A Samuel L. Jackson character reference to the film "Unbreakable."] RG3 is over exposed on commercials, but he isn't soft. Be careful there. Injuries can happen to anybody. I do respect that Luck waited to prove himself in this league before lining up for endorsement deals though. 
Everytime, SW1 sees the word fragile I laugh because I think of the father in "A Christmas Story" who wins a literature contest & gets awarded a sexy leg lamp labeled frag-G-Lay!  :lol:
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"The path has already been blazed by Peyton Manning, and the second guy always has an advantage.'' I disagree 100% with Michael Marot's statement.


Peyton Manning set a precedent for division titles & SB victories in INDY. Tell me, how is that easier for Luck exactly?


He still needs to win Playoff games & rings. A very foolish statement on behalf of that reporter. Sigh... 

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The article also mentions that Luck is a fan of The Who. 1 problem though: The TV show CSI uses "Who are you?" as their main theme song & CSI [Chief Source Of Information] reminds me too much of my cataloging classes in library school. Not a pleasant experience for me at all. Multiple access points & correcting online MARC records is no picnic to SW1...Shoot me now please...


In addition, Luck is a fan of "The Boss" AKA Bruce Springsteen. I suppose he could do Christmas commercials for electronics equipment in December with "Santa Claus is Coming To Town" playing in the background. Or "War" on "Black Friday" right after Thanksgiving when people go nuts for discount prices on expensive items. haha  Fighting shoppers for a trivial item does kind of feel like a dog eat dog  war zone actually, but I digress...

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Mr. Luck could be the spokesman for the device in this video. I read about it a couple years back and I believe Mr. Luck has already been subjected to its benefits. It is a Stanford University original and I would imagine, before long, this device becomes a staple to all NFL teams to help raise conditioning levels faster than ever.



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How is this his first endorsement deal when he had an endorsement deal with PepsiCo and Nike way before this?

When did he endorse those products?  Because to my knowledge, I haven't seen anything of the sort.  Not bashing, just curious.  Links (not youtube, at work) would be appreciated.

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How is this his first endorsement deal when he had an endorsement deal with PepsiCo and Nike way before this?


I don't know about those, but he had Gatorade and EA Sports, as well as the card companies.


Maybe this is his first BIG endorsement deal.

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When did he endorse those products? Because to my knowledge, I haven't seen anything of the sort. Not bashing, just curious. Links (not youtube, at work) would be appreciated.

Back in 2012,

"Griffin already has signed major sponsorship deals with Adidas, Subway sandwich shops, EA Sports, Castrol Motor Oil and football safety gear maker EvoShield.

Luck meanwhile, has signed deals with Nike and Pepsi, for which he’ll do ads for Gatorade and Quaker Oats."

Gatorade and Quaker oats is owned by PepsiCo.


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Have you considered you might be able to pick up an endorsement ?  Oh yeah that other female product ..


I'm thinking you could make a killing in sales a couple of days a month every month .

I'm sure I could sell them to your mom or wife....and they could finally stop using that tube sock.

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You seem a lil bent outta shape maybe you & I should just move along . I realize some can dish it out but fail to see humor when it comes full circle .  My bad  :thmup:

I wasnt bent out of shape all....it just wasn't funny

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Klipsch actually makes some of the most top notch home audio around.

Klipsch also owns what is formerly known as deer creek, one of the most premier concert venues in Indiana.

Pretty cool unique company.

I will always call it deer creek

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