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Charley Casserly said that LaRon Landry don't do much working out on his own.


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Charley Casserly on the NFL network said that LaRon Landry don't do much working out in his own. But he is a extreme talent. IMO If he becomes injury prone with the Colts were going to say it's because of the lack of working out. But if thinks he's so great that he don't need to work out good for him and hopefully good for us. He sure looks to me he must do a lot of lifting on his own he's ripped.  

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That's the DUMBEST thing I've heard all day. Seriously? This is how you know it's the off-season when buffoonery like this is said.

Laron isn't injury prone people. Played all 16 last year on his way to a Pro Bowl. Only way he comes here and gets injured is if the injury bug that we're known for gets ahold of him.

Which I really hope doesn't happen

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ah i dont think this guy has any idea what he is talking about...just follow Landry on twitter and instagram...dude just got picked up to rep musclepharm...he works out plenty and is an absolute beast, dude is always either posting pictures of his workout routines or flexing

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I heard the interview, and maybe I misheard, but I thought Casserly said Landry doesn't do much work with the team during the offseason. Not that he doesn't work out.

That would make more sense.  It's not possible for a guy to not workout much and have the body he has and play in a professional sports league.

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That's the DUMBEST thing I've heard all day. Seriously? This is how you know it's the off-season when buffoonery like this is said.

Laron isn't injury prone people. Played all 16 last year on his way to a Pro Bowl. Only way he comes here and gets injured is if the injury bug that we're known for gets ahold of him.

Which I really hope doesn't happen


That's the DUMBEST thing I've heard all day. Seriously? This is how you know it's the off-season when buffoonery like this is said.

Laron isn't injury prone people. Played all 16 last year on his way to a Pro Bowl. Only way he comes here and gets injured is if the injury bug that we're known for gets ahold of him.

Which I really hope doesn't happen

I actually agree with you. I was just going by what he said not saying I believe it. I only said it because it sounded crazy to me because this guy is a physical specimen . 

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I heard the interview, and maybe I misheard, but I thought Casserly said Landry doesn't do much work with the team during the offseason. Not that he doesn't work out.

He didn't say team he just said he doesn't do much in the offseason. But maybe he met that I don't know. 

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Yes,  the comment pertains to Landry not working out with the team....   not that he doesn't work out on his own.


Of course,  there's a big difference between being in weight-room shape and being in game-shape from working out with the team.


Believe me if Landry looks lost or under-performs out there,  this webpage will not be kind to him.   The comments will be scathing here.   Even Grigson will come in for some heat for letting him skip so much of practice.


I know much of what he missed is not mandatory,  but there's a way to convey your want/approval when you're making an offer to a player....


Let's hope for everyone's sake that Landry fits in with the defense well,  that he stays healthy,  and produces on the field....

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Yes, the comment pertains to Landry not working out with the team.... not that he doesn't work out on his own.

Of course, there's a big difference between being in weight-room shape and being in game-shape from working out with the team.

Believe me if Landry looks lost or under-performs out there, this webpage will not be kind to him. The comments will be scathing here. Even Grigson will come in for some heat for letting him skip so much of practice.

I know much of what he missed is not mandatory, but there's a way to convey your want/approval when you're making an offer to a player....

Let's hope for everyone's sake that Landry fits in with the defense well, that he stays healthy, and produces on the field....

You're really blowing this out of proportion. Laron Landry does the exact same thing every off-season. Miss voluntary workouts and come to mandatory training camp. He did this last season and had a pro bowl year with

16 games played: 100 Tackles (76 solo), 8 pass deflections, 4 forced fumbles, 2 interceptions & 1 pick 6

If that's looking lost or underperforming, I hope he looks lost or underperforms every year he's here in Indianapolis

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You're really blowing this out of proportion. Laron Landry does the exact same thing every off-season. Miss voluntary workouts and come to mandatory training camp. He did this last season and had a pro bowl year with

16 games played: 100 Tackles (76 solo), 8 pass deflections, 4 forced fumbles, 2 interceptions & 1 pick 6

If that's looking lost or underperforming, I hope he looks lost or underperforms every year he's here in Indianapolis


Point being - he's on a new team and you'd think he'd want to get to know the coaches and players.  With the new CBA, every chance to practice or get together with the team is essential since they're so limited.


Yes, he may fit right in once camp starts.  I hope so.  No doubt, he's a physical specimen.  Which means nothing when it comes to playing football.  No one is posing for cameras, and no one cares how much you can bench press.

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Point being - he's on a new team and you'd think he'd want to get to know the coaches and players. With the new CBA, every chance to practice or get together with the team is essential since they're so limited.

Yes, he may fit right in once camp starts. I hope so. No doubt, he's a physical specimen. Which means nothing when it comes to playing football. No one is posing for cameras, and no one cares how much you can bench press.

I get what you're saying but everyone is different. You can't knock the guy for doing his own thing. Yes you should take advantage of every chance you have to meet the team, but it's not mandatory. He'll meet everyone in 2 weeks. Gotta let people do their own thing. As long as he's not getting into trouble, I'm fine with his off-season schedule
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Point being - he's on a new team and you'd think he'd want to get to know the coaches and players.  With the new CBA, every chance to practice or get together with the team is essential since they're so limited.


Yes, he may fit right in once camp starts.  I hope so.  No doubt, he's a physical specimen.  Which means nothing when it comes to playing football.  No one is posing for cameras, and no one cares how much you can bench press.


Those practices are voluntary. Ideally, everyone would show up, especially players new to the team. But they are voluntary. I don't think it's fair to criticize a veteran player for continuing his yearly workout program away from the team. It's what works for him to keep his body in shape, which is what's most important for a veteran player during the offseason. For a quarterback, it would be a different story.


Reggie Wayne doesn't participate in voluntary workouts either, yet he's always ready to go and never misses games. And that includes last offseason, when we had new management, a new coaching staff, new quarterbacks, new everything.

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I get what you're saying but everyone is different. You can't knock the guy for doing his own thing. Yes you should take advantage of every chance you have to meet the team, but it's not mamandatory. He'll meet everyone in 2 weeks. Gotta let people do their own thing. As long as he's not getting into trouble, I'm fine with his off-season schedule


Yeah, I'm not saying it's wrong.  I was just saying that's the point of the article or comments by Casserly.


Personally, I would have liked to see him work out with the team.  But he wasn't required to show, so it's his perogative.

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Yeah, I'm not saying it's wrong. I was just saying that's the point of the article or comments by Casserly.

Personally, I would have liked to see him work out with the team. But he wasn't required to show, so it's his perogative.

Ahh who cares what Casserly thinks? He can say what he wants. Landry is gonna be the best thing to happen to us at safety since Bob Sanders (when he was healthy) imo

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You're really blowing this out of proportion. Laron Landry does the exact same thing every off-season. Miss voluntary workouts and come to mandatory training camp. He did this last season and had a pro bowl year with

16 games played: 100 Tackles (76 solo), 8 pass deflections, 4 forced fumbles, 2 interceptions & 1 pick 6

If that's looking lost or underperforming, I hope he looks lost or underperforms every year he's here in Indianapolis


I think you're missing the bigger picture....


LaRon Landry has underperformed most of his career.     Coming off a 1-year deal where he was playing for a bigger contract, Landry puts up a very good season.    But that might be his best year.    He hasn't lived up to expectations.


Now....   let's see him be that good again this year.   And next year.   And so on.

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I think you're missing the bigger picture....

LaRon Landry has underperformed most of his career. Coming off a 1-year deal where he was playing for a bigger contract, Landry puts up a very good season. But that might be his best year. He hasn't lived up to expectations.

Now.... let's see him be that good again this year. And next year. And so on.

3 90+ tackle seasons out of 6 is pretty good to me.


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I think you're missing the bigger picture....


LaRon Landry has underperformed most of his career.     Coming off a 1-year deal where he was playing for a bigger contract, Landry puts up a very good season.    But that might be his best year.    He hasn't lived up to expectations.


Now....   let's see him be that good again this year.   And next year.   And so on.

Disagreement about Landry's expectations aside, I don't think that has anything to do with his offseason training program.

The Colts could have added a workout bonus into his contract if they really had an issue with his well-documented routine of not showing for OTAs. I think they knew he wouldn't be there when they signed him.

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I think you're missing the bigger picture....


LaRon Landry has underperformed most of his career.     Coming off a 1-year deal where he was playing for a bigger contract, Landry puts up a very good season.    But that might be his best year.    He hasn't lived up to expectations.


Now....   let's see him be that good again this year.   And next year.   And so on.

I don't think he underperformed to the extent most people, including me, believe(d). I think that perception is due to his missing almost two years with his Achilles injury....which he may have brought on himself, but that's another story.

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Disagreement about Landry's expectations aside, I don't think that has anything to do with his offseason training program.

The Colts could have added a workout bonus into his contract if they really had an issue with his well-documented routine of not showing for OTAs. I think they knew he wouldn't be there when they signed him.


I don't think the Colts were surprised,  by LaRon's lack of attendance,   but the comment that bothered TKnight is that I said Colts fans will be upset if he doesn't turn out to be the player that everyone hopes he will.    I think that comment is legitimate.  


When Landry showed up and he was interviewed by the media,  his quote that got the most attention (to me, at least)  was LaRon saying he was a team player who would do anything to help his team win.......   


The first thing I thought of was this.....      Anything,  except show up to off-season workouts and practices.   You're busy in the gym building up your body....


That was my first thought.....


Again,  I want to stress I'm neither hoping for,  nor predicting that Landry will be a bust.    I was only commenting that if he turns out not to be the player we hope for,   the comments about him here won't be very nice...


Just an opinion....   I could easily be wrong,  and often am!!

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