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would you move Fleener for a proven wr and draft a te?


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I really don't go why people are so down on Fleener on this board, part is down I'm sure to the fact that Allen had such a good year himself but I'd implore to really look at his numbers. The main issues for me is he missed a chunk of season to injury (can happen to anyone, I don't think he's especially injury prone and it wasn't a re-occurance of an old injury), a lack of confidence at times and not getting enough targets. 


When he did get the ball thrown to him , a few stupid schoolboy drops aside he did damage. In a new system more like his college days I can only see him improving.


If there's cause to still have this debate at the end of next season fair enough, but really this is getting repetitive now.


Oh and in the spirit of a earlier post by the OP, I may be slightly biased as I'm a Colts fan...

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Quarterback Andrew Luck targets Ertz significantly more than his two other tight ends, Coby Fleener and Levine Toilolo. Heading into the USC game, Luck looked to Ertz 31 times, Fleener 21 times and Toilolo 12 times.

From an espn article after Ertz was injured in the sc gm. Seems Luck prefered him over Fleener too.


So if TY Hilton is targeted more because Wayne is double covered all game, does that mean Hilton is a better WR than Wayne?  Of course not.  Other teams knew that Fleener was the most athletic of all the TE's and that he was Luck's favorite target so they'd do what they could to take Fleener out of the game.  That rarely worked though, but I'm sure did lead to a few games where Ertz was targeted more.


OH and to answer the original question, no I would not trade Fleener, especially not to turn around and use our first round pick on Ertz or Eiffert.  I do think both are very good TE's but I've always thought Fleener was better than either.

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I really don't go why people are so down on Fleener on this board, part is down I'm sure to the fact that Allen had such a good year himself but I'd implore to really look at his numbers. The main issues for me is he missed a chunk of season to injury (can happen to anyone, I don't think he's especially injury prone and it wasn't a re-occurance of an old injury), a lack of confidence at times and not getting enough targets. 


When he did get the ball thrown to him , a few stupid schoolboy drops aside he did damage. In a new system more like his college days I can only see him improving.


If there's cause to still have this debate at the end of next season fair enough, but really this is getting repetitive now.


Oh and in the spirit of a earlier post by the OP, I may be slightly biased as I'm a Colts fan...

Buddy...anybody who knows football is not down on Fleener.  Why in the world would we bring in Pep Hamilton and a variation of the West Coast Offense to get rid of someone who THRIVED in it?


I flat out guarantee we will see Fleener's athleticism as well as Allen's brute strength in this offense....runs after catch are going to be exciting...


Fleener was banged up a little last year, but made strides in both his blocking and route running in the Arians offense....GO  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:   :coltslogo:  :coltslogo:  :coltslogo: !!!!!!


GOOD LUCK to anyone thinking a trade will occur.....:)

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I honestly don't get all the talk about moving Fleener on.


He had a mediocre first year, mainly down to injury.


Then you bring in his college OC and start running the offense that he excelled in at Stanford with his college QB and you want to move him on.


It makes so little sense it is scary. 

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with it being St. Patricks day the night you posted this, im going to take it you were drunk when you posted this. because why would you want to give up on a kid just because he had a unexpected poor season with an injury. it isnt like the kid is costing us 8 or 9 million a year, keep him and let him try to improve...


i really hate seeing these topics on trying to get " better " wr's. what is exactly wrong with our crop of receivers??? we did just bring in Palmer and Kelley after the season ended i believe and they are on the roster. i remember when we signed these guys everyone was talking very highly of them and now people want " better " WR's. we have 6 or 7 of em, we have bigger needs on the Oline,Dline and secondary.

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Ertz or Eifert. I would bet they both will be more durable Fleener. And block better.



Is it possible that you contribute anything to this forum other than threads that bash Fleener? Are you actually intent on having the same conversation over and over again? Or is your memory that of a goldfish and you forgot you made this same thread last week, and the week before that, and the week before that....

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Do you guys get bored during the offseason and just try to come up with stupid and dumb ideas to waste time. Wow you can't be serious with all of these threads...

Why would you call people out it is just for fun,and people wanting their favorite people on the team.Just have fun here and smile :) peaceAnd no way should we get rid of Fleener

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No. Fleener has potential to be special. All great TE's struggle their first year. Fleener will improve and I could easily see him being a top 3 TE in like 3 years. 

Maybe, but Dwayne Allen sure didn't struggle. In fact, Allen was not only the best rookie tight end, but he was among the best tight ends period. He's got it all.

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Is it possible that you contribute anything to this forum other than threads that bash Fleener? Are you actually intent on having the same conversation over and over again? Or is your memory that of a goldfish and you forgot you made this same thread last week, and the week before that, and the week before that....


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Is it possible that you contribute anything to this forum other than threads that bash Fleener? Are you actually intent on having the same conversation over and over again? Or is your memory that of a goldfish and you forgot you made this same thread last week, and the week before that, and the week before that....



No not mad, just irritated, and I'm not the only one.


Maybe you should move on from this and try and contribute something to this forum that doesn't involve Coby Fleener.

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Posted · Hidden by Coltssouth, March 19, 2013 - inappropriate
Hidden by Coltssouth, March 19, 2013 - inappropriate

No not mad, just irritated, and I'm not the only one.

Maybe you should move on from this and try and contribute something to this forum that doesn't involve Coby Fleener.

Are you Chinese or Cuban? Because I am an American. I am not under communist rule. I will discuss whatever I want to discuss. You are welcomed to comment or ignore.

We have a bloody commie amongst us brothers!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted · Hidden by Coltssouth, March 19, 2013 - reply to quoted post
Hidden by Coltssouth, March 19, 2013 - reply to quoted post

Are you Chinese or Cuban? Because I am an American. I am not under communist rule. I will discuss whatever I want to discuss. You are welcomed to comment or ignore.

We have a bloody commie amongst us brothers!!!!!!!!!!

Well, the "commie" is speaking for many of us.....

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