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Backup QB (merge)


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With Drew Stanton gone, will Chandler Harnish become the new backup to Andrew Luck? This is of course if he is still available to us.


Or is this another move best left to Free Agency and/or Draft?


Just thought of switching it up for a change.

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I think Harnish is the guy. I know he has no experience, but he has great ability.  Plus, Luck is like a block of granite back there.  I really think a backup to Luck is like a backup to Manning.  Unless Luck goes down with a neck injury that requires a fusion, we really don't need to worry about backup.  That said, I love Harnish's ability.

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I don't think Fitzpatrick would want to be Luck's back-up.   He wants an outside chance to play and a few more dollars.


We're likely going to offer something like $1M-1.25M and a chance to watch every play of every game.    Not much fun.


As for Harnisch.    He is simply not ready.   He is simply not even close to being ready.    Forget being the holder of the clipboard.


What does Harnisch do if Luck goes down for a game or two?    Harnisch has never even seen a 1st string defense in a pre-season game,  much less a 1st string defense in a regular season game.   And those two things are completely different.


And forget the talk of 'liking what you saw' of him in the pre-season.    You saw nothing.   All you saw was Harnisch playing against the 3rd string defenses.    Talk about scrubs?!?    Come on now.    My mother looks good in the pre-season against 3rd string defenses and she's been dead for more than 20 years!   (but she had quite the arm!)


Harnisch maybe the back-up next year.   But I don't see it for this year.   Not if we're serious about being a playoff contender -- and we are.

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I want Harnish as our #2. It's not like Luck is gonna go down *knocks on wood*

I mean the guy was playing on a bad knee for majority of the year according to our injury reports every week. Nothing wrong with Harnish. Rather him than some bum like Fitzpatrick or something

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why not bring in ryan fitzpatrick

My buddy (also a  huge Colt fan) & I were discussing the back-up QB situation & he brought up bringing in Fitz, & my first reaction was YEAH RIGHT & i basically laughed, but he brought up a few good points...

as far as a back-up goes in Indianapolis you are not going to see alot of playtime (knocking on wood), and while Harnish had a decent showing last pre-season(especially for being Mr. Irrelevant), but he is as young as Luck and is even less experienced at the NFL level, so my buddies point was it could be valuable to have an intelligent backup QB with experience, so when Luck is on the sidelines there is a knowledgable veteran QB there able to discuss defensive reads, packages etc...

I guess it seemed like Fitz might be a good fit since while he wasnt able to put it all together in Buffalo, he still seems to be one of the more intelligent QBs in the league & he may not be looking for a huge payday since Buffalo will be paying him for awhile, and he might be more valuable knowledge wise as a back-up ...

anyways, it sorta made sense when we were talking about it, but of course if you are a QB you probably want a chance to play...


if nothing else maybe Fitzs beard could teach Lucks neck beard a thing or two...

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I like to think of it as we tried that experiment and learned that a backup QB needs practice reps and needs the coaches to tailor the offense to his abilities


i would just feel more comfortable with someone who has started and has real game experience.

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Harnish isn't as bad as people are making him seem. Dudes accuracy was beautiful when he did get in the game. And he's a runner. I believe if we ever benched Luck for resting starters or something (doubt we'll ever do that based on what Pagano said last year about resting guys) but anyway, I think Harnish could get it done. We're going to a West Coast offense. I think Harnish would do just fine

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didnt we try that experiment already called curtis painter how did that work out?

That's a completely different quarterback. Not every backup qb is absolutely terrible, like Curtis Painter. Some are Tom Brady or Kurt Warner. Most are more like TJ Yates. I'm not sure how good or bad Harnish is, but you don't keep him buried just because Painter sucked.

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