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Rahem Brocks Great Tweet Vs Hank Basket


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Raheem Brock was a defensive end for the Colts during that Super Bowl. In fact, it was his last game as a Colt. Brock was also watching last night's shootout between the Packers and Saints,

and when Driver recovered Kasay's onside kick,

Brock tweeted this:

Dear hank baskett: if u were watching the game tonight.....that's how u catch an onside kick!!! I'm just sayn... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yep, Raheem went there.

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I used to like Brock...a lot. But no more. And I am so sick of Hank getting blamed for that play.

Not to start a whole new debate, but he WAS the ONLY person on ST that even tried for the darned ball in the first place and he had the ball at the bottom of the scrum. The whistle sounds and it is called Colts ball so he lets up because he is being crushed. That is when they grab it away from him. I have always thought that was one of the most unfair plays I have ever seen, especially since have of the Saints bench and coaching staff were on the field at that time, too.

Sorry, just don't get me started. Hank has taken a lot of crap that he didn't deserve for that and Raheem just needs to can it. Maybe if Raheem had stepped up, we might have still had a chance, eh?

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kinda unfair for baskett since nobody were prepared for the onside kick in SB. He was there alone and unaware of the situation. After these yrs I think we'd not blame him that much.

that is what we get for bringing a horrible reality show husbund onto our team. p.s. receivers

should always be prepared to catch the ball. i am with brock on this a bit of a low blow however.

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kinda unfair for baskett since nobody were prepared for the onside kick in SB. He was there alone and unaware of the situation. After these yrs I think we'd not blame him that much.

Maybe u never heard what Basket admitted to after he left us and was resigned by eagles,

He actualy said he secured the ball, heard all the colt players saying its Colts ball, so he just let go and tried to get up.

He said he never realized to wait for the whistle & refs to take the pile apart

and for sure he has seen enough plays to know to wait for ref to take pile of players off anmd see who is left with ball in the scrum and whistle it dead & signal

NOT A SUPRISING< McNab u remember while an Eagle didnt know a game could end in a tie, What did the Eagles teach there players

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That is a nice cheap shot there Brock. Maybe had the defense played some defense after the onside kick it would not have hurt us. ;)

Brock just comes off as a giant *.

I was going to say maybe after Freeney or Mathis gets a sack this year Hank can tweet back "Hey Brock if you were watching that's how you sack the QB...just saying."

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I dont really think thats fair. Last I saw, it wasn't Basket that let Brees throw 1200 completions that day or whatever it was.

Do agree our D wasnt up to par, feel much of that was lack of Freeney in second half when ankle got worse from ist half action so brees had all day to throw , in first half they couldnt move the ball, and our secondary is never able to cover if QB has plenty of time, cant always cover at all even if QB doesnt have much time when to much cushion given

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Raheem Brock was a defensive end for the Colts during that Super Bowl. In fact, it was his last game as a Colt. Brock was also watching last night's shootout between the Packers and Saints,

and when Driver recovered Kasay's onside kick,

Brock tweeted this:

Dear hank baskett: if u were watching the game tonight.....that's how u catch an onside kick!!! I'm just sayn... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yep, Raheem went there.

My link

That made me laugh, but it's a low blow. I'm sure Baskett isn't happy about how it all turned out. Bad idea by Brock to bring it up again

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Raheem Brock was a defensive end for the Colts during that Super Bowl. In fact, it was his last game as a Colt. Brock was also watching last night's shootout between the Packers and Saints,

and when Driver recovered Kasay's onside kick,

Brock tweeted this:

Dear hank baskett: if u were watching the game tonight.....that's how u catch an onside kick!!! I'm just sayn... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yep, Raheem went there.

My link

ahahahah epic!

Bout time someone publicly called him out for that, what kind of WR gets hit in the chest with a ball and doesn't catch it!

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Maybe u never heard what Basket admitted to after he left us and was resigned by eagles,

He actualy said he secured the ball, heard all the colt players saying its Colts ball, so he just let go and tried to get up.

He said he never realized to wait for the whistle & refs to take the pile apart

and for sure he has seen enough plays to know to wait for ref to take pile of players off anmd see who is left with ball in the scrum and whistle it dead & signal

NOT A SUPRISING< McNab u remember while an Eagle didnt know a game could end in a tie, What did the Eagles teach there players

That was a facepalm moment for the fanbase. Then he had to take it further and ask what would happen if it happened in a playoff game or the Super Bowl.

Worse yet, last year in GQ magazine, he tried to blame his ignorance on the refs.

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Maybe u never heard what Basket admitted to after he left us and was resigned by eagles,

He actualy said he secured the ball, heard all the colt players saying its Colts ball, so he just let go and tried to get up.

He said he never realized to wait for the whistle & refs to take the pile apart

and for sure he has seen enough plays to know to wait for ref to take pile of players off anmd see who is left with ball in the scrum and whistle it dead & signal

NOT A SUPRISING< McNab u remember while an Eagle didnt know a game could end in a tie, What did the Eagles teach there players

Why didn't he just get up with the ball?

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Why didn't he just get up with the ball?

That's the question...

It's the Super Bowl you hold on to that ball till you hand it to an offical...

Also for the record I don't blame the coaches for not telling him that. They shouldn't have too, somethings should be common sense if you make it to the NFL and that's one of them.

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I agree with what Brock said but Brock seems to be a negative jerk. For lack of better words.

Brock also over looks the fact that he was the one who came in for Freeney and once Freeney went out we stopped getting a pass rush and that was when Brees started picking us apart. He had just as much to do with the loss as Basket did in a lot of ways.

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Brock also over looks the fact that he was the one who came in for Freeney and once Freeney went out we stopped getting a pass rush and that was when Brees started picking us apart. He had just as much to do with the loss as Basket did in a lot of ways.

Yep, very true. There were many mistakes during this game. He's an easy target, and a coward hiding behind his little tweetie machine. Hank's mistake didn't lead to n 'immediate' TD like Manning's interception.

He's a second rater himself, as he proved when Dwight went down.

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Yep, very true. There were many mistakes during this game. He's an easy target, and a coward hiding behind his little tweetie machine. Hank's mistake didn't lead to n 'immediate' TD like Manning's interception.

He's a second rater himself, as he proved when Dwight went down.

Very well said. It is far easier to blame a nobody journeyman than to blame the face of our franchise. Frankly, I wish Al Qaeda would blow up twitter.

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Maybe u never heard what Basket admitted to after he left us and was resigned by eagles,

He actualy said he secured the ball, heard all the colt players saying its Colts ball, so he just let go and tried to get up.

He said he never realized to wait for the whistle & refs to take the pile apart

and for sure he has seen enough plays to know to wait for ref to take pile of players off anmd see who is left with ball in the scrum and whistle it dead & signal

NOT A SUPRISING< McNab u remember while an Eagle didnt know a game could end in a tie, What did the Eagles teach there players

So he's an *???

Worse yet, last year in GQ magazine, he tried to blame his ignorance on the refs.

So his * behavior led him to blame the refs??

Raheem's just jealous that he's never had anything even COMPARING to Kendra :) (how's THAT for a 3rd post of my daily 3 :) )

Kendra the girl who was sleeping with Hugh Hefner and considered one of his three wives basically??

Ok so in conclusion via my scientific research on this thread we can conclude Hank Basket is an * who blames others for his mistake, & is sleeping with a woman who slept with the equivalent of Benjamin Button, (the young Benjamin which would technically be the elder looking Benjamin). Sounds like a fabulous guy.

Who cares if Raheem is low blowing him, (Ewwww that didn't sound good). But seriously, Hank suxxxored, that uber newb roflechopter uber pwnage.

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kinda unfair for baskett since nobody were prepared for the onside kick in SB. He was there alone and unaware of the situation. After these yrs I think we'd not blame him that much.

Hank Baskett was playing football in the NFL. There isn't an excuse for not being prepared on a kickoff. What makes it even worse is he said he recovered the ball and then let go before the whistle. Just plain stupid.

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Hank Baskett was playing football in the NFL. There isn't an excuse for not being prepared on a kickoff. What makes it even worse is he said he recovered the ball and then let go before the whistle. Just plain stupid.

as i wrote before & agree with u

Maybe u never heard what Basket admitted to after he left us and was resigned by eagles,

He actualy said he secured the ball, heard all the colt players saying its Colts ball, so he just let go and tried to get up.

He said he never realized to wait for the whistle & refs to take the pile apart

and for sure he has seen enough plays to know to wait for ref to take pile of players off anmd see who is left with ball in the scrum and whistle it dead & signal

NOT A SUPRISING< McNab u remember while an Eagle didnt know a game could end in a tie, What did the Eagles teach there players

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I used to like Brock...a lot. But no more. And I am so sick of Hank getting blamed for that play.

Not to start a whole new debate, but he WAS the ONLY person on ST that even tried for the darned ball in the first place and he had the ball at the bottom of the scrum. The whistle sounds and it is called Colts ball so he lets up because he is being crushed. That is when they grab it away from him. I have always thought that was one of the most unfair plays I have ever seen, especially since have of the Saints bench and coaching staff were on the field at that time, too.

Sorry, just don't get me started. Hank has taken a lot of crap that he didn't deserve for that and Raheem just needs to can it. Maybe if Raheem had stepped up, we might have still had a chance, eh?

I agree with Peyton Girl in regards to that play. Hank has gotten an unfair wrap in my opinion due to Colts fans' disappointment over how that Super Bowl ended up. We needed a scape goat and you know hardly any of us wanted to blame Peyton or Reggie for the pick 6 so there you go...its Hank Baskett.

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Heart warming article about how Kendra breastfed herself.

Attention: If you are sentimental and love heart warming, touching stories of life and love this article will to touch your heart and make you a believer in who is for sure to go down in history as the most influential female of all time.


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Heart warming article about how Kendra breastfed herself.

Attention: If you are sentimental and love heart warming, touching stories of life and love this article will to touch your heart and make you a believer in who is for sure to go down in history as the most influential female of all time.


Heart warming!! I guess you can't have leaks when you go clubbin'

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I agree with Peyton Girl in regards to that play. Hank has gotten an unfair wrap in my opinion due to Colts fans' disappointment over how that Super Bowl ended up. We needed a scape goat and you know hardly any of us wanted to blame Peyton or Reggie for the pick 6 so there you go...its Hank Baskett.

The pick six had almost nothing to do with it. Even had they scored (not a gimme by any means since they were just inside the 40 at the time) there is no evidence at all that the Saints would not simply march right down and kick a field goal because the defense never stopped the Saints from scoring once after the midpoint of the 2nd quarter.

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Hank Baskett was playing football in the NFL. There isn't an excuse for not being prepared on a kickoff. What makes it even worse is he said he recovered the ball and then let go before the whistle. Just plain stupid.

wth I hope this is misinformation and he did not do this for real. It's the Superbowl

and there should be nothing less than a dead body pulled from the scrum for ball


The TURNING POINT of the game was that play right there! One less possession for Brees and

one more possession for Manning with impeccable field position, leads to a more probable

victory for thr Colts.

Anyone who wants to defend this play and defend Hank.....I'm your Huckleberry.

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