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This Sunday will show a lot


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Im hoping this team shows it can play very well for the full 60 minutes, and not just the 2nd half. Luck needs to stop with the INTs if this team is going to have a shot against quality opponents. I like that BA admitted in the last postgame speech that once we play well the full game we're gonna be darn good. Now lets see it!

I for one would like to see some comfortable leads/wins instead of narrow ones.

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Luck will stop with the interceptions when his offensive line stops offending. And when he stops staring WR's down

Yeah, he'll always throw INTs if he continues to be the most pressured and most hurried QB in the league. Offensive line is below the bottom of the barrel. Critical this has to be the primary focus on the off season or else he'll eventually get injured.

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Or just throw it away. :/

Yeah that would be an abnormally large amount of throw always though, haha.

They just need to do the best they can this year, Luck can get better while the mgmt can find some semblance of an offensive line with all that cap room + the draft next year.

I think shoring up both the OL and DL need to come first. Pick up a nice CB somewhere. Rookies will learn and progress and next year we can start the decade long rise to stardom. Got kind of an early start this year at least :)

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I'd rather chuck it out of bounds and lose a down instead of losing yardage. If nothing is open, toss it away.

That's a difficult task while in a collapsing pocket. Range of throwing motion is greatly reduce. With this Oline, there's very little time to decide. It's one thing to throw the ball away if nothing's open. It's another to have 1000 lbs of meat about to engulf you lol
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Some better play calling in the first half would be nice. Don't have to sling it down field every single down. Need to be more creative and mix in some short routes, draws, stretch plays...we just need to play to our lines strength so we're not out there getting luck killed. Whatever that might be, heh. Need the right guys on the line also, even if that means link and shipley

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Some better play calling in the first half would be nice. Don't have to sling it down field every single down. Need to be more creative and mix in some short routes, draws, stretch plays...we just need to play to our lines strength so we're not out there getting luck killed. Whatever that might be, heh. Need the right guys on the line also, even if that means link and shipley

Exactly I would love BA to concede the offensive line sucks, therefore putting a gameplan together that gets the ball out fast to backs or short routes and more play action. Not so much telegraphing the plays.

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its seems as If Bruce Ariens is under the imprssion that the O line has done well this year becuase they have blocked well at certian times which has helped us come back to an extent and win these games. I dont know for sure but I hope he realsizes that overall for this season the Oline has played very poor, besides maybe a lil improvement in the run game. But those games were against bad defenses so I dont know you can really take too much from that. And yes we have had Injuries too but still its been bad.

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Well, i would say what my thoughts were on this game from a week ago, but for some reason, Houston should not be a scare. I don't say that from watching the absolute whoopin' they got on MNF but from just knowing that JJ Watt is so pumped up to kick our butts and the Texans hate us and Foster should run for 300 yards and all that, but ya know,,,,,,,,,,, I just have a good feeling bout this game. I hope I'm not back here eatin' Raven after Sunday.

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Exactly I would love BA to concede the offensive line sucks, therefore putting a gameplan together that gets the ball out fast to backs or short routes and more play action. Not so much telegraphing the plays.

Maybe he will just milk this downfield game plan until the playoffs and then bust out the dink & dunk one to throw people off guard. =p

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Luck will stop with the interceptions when his offensive line stops offending. And when he stops staring WR's down

I feel he's getting better each week. Compare his numbers from the Lions game to the Titans game, and I think you'll see a decrease in interceptions.

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Im looking at Lucks Game Splits according to NFL.com and can someone tell me where it says 20+, does that 20+ mean number of ATTEMPTS of 20+ yards or COMPLETIONS of 20+ I would guess completions because I think Luck is WELL over the numbers of attempts that are in these Game Splits

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Arians in his Monday press conference expressed that Luck chose to look downfield when he had Fleenor open short 3-4 times and Arians wasn`t pleased with Lucks choices there. Arians said, "he would rather Luck took the easier throw".

To me Luck IS staring down his receivers and Was over targeting Reggie pretty Badly.

So I wonder, how much of this holding onto the ball and constantly looking deep is a Luck problem?

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Luck definitely has a gunslinger mentality at times. It doesn't help when he is under constant pressure from his weak O-line, but I don't think that it is any secret he always looks for the long ball before he does his short routes. Whether that is because those long balls are his first reads or whether he just wants bigger chunks of yards I am not sure, or maybe it is simply a product of BA's offense. His deep balls have both hurt the Colts and paid off big at different times this season. I do believe that with an offseason of coaching, and even more importantly, improving that terrible O-line, his completion percentage will go way up and his INTs way down.

This Sunday he just needs to take what the defense gives him. Really cliche, but if we don't turn the ball over we should have a chance in the 4th quarter to steal this one from the Texans. Like I said in another post, if you give me Luck with the ball in the 4th quarter with a chance to win/tie the game, I am feeling pretty good with the guy's 2nd gear for game winning drives/comebacks.

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BA is right some of Luck's int's are mechanical (ball sails, ball under thrown) and those are on Luck not the line (to be fair some are on his receivers, not crossing the face of the defender, per BA in Detroit). That being said, Luck's ability to keep his eyes focused down the field given the never ending pressure he always faces is nothing short of astounding. Once we have a good pass blocking line in front of Luck or even if we replaced the current line with a great run blocking line so that the defense was always concerned with run first and Luck was mostly play action passing then Luck will be unstoppable.

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If we can at least have some sort of hot reads/quick throws in these plays for luck to throw, then we can win this game. We won the Lions game this way!

Our O-Line is not going to hold up for these 20 yard routes the entire day. Dink and dunk worked perfectly for the Pats. Then when Texans are tired of that and press up close, throw the deep ball. This isn't rocket science. I hope Arians watched tape of the Pats game all week and makes some adjustments for this game!

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Why take chances? lol

Exactly, we have to take chances in order to score. Almost every play the Oline gets blown up off the snap, Luck makes hurried throws or flushed out of the pocket almost every play. Either Arians needs to come up with shorter, more conservative plays or Grigson gets a Oline.

Until then, INTs will be thrown.

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I feel he's getting better each week. Compare his numbers from the Lions game to the Titans game, and I think you'll see a decrease in interceptions.

I feel he's getting better each week. Compare his numbers from the Lions game to the Titans game, and I think you'll see a decrease in interceptions.

This is all about Luck handling overload blitzes and making ok to good decisions on 9 out of 10 throws.

To be honest in the last three games Luck hasn't been making ok to good decisions on 9 out of 10 throws.

I'll share your optimism though!

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Exactly, we have to take chances in order to score. Almost every play the Oline gets blown up off the snap, Luck makes hurried throws or flushed out of the pocket almost every play. Either Arians needs to come up with shorter, more conservative plays or Grigson gets a Oline.

Until then, INTs will be thrown.

I don't worry about luck throwing while being flushed out of the pocket. He's got that rythm down pat. And yes, he needs more options in the short passing game. My point was, when the pocket collapses and there's no escape, don't force the ball.
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    • I think even though the sample size was small last season it gave people a false sense of where he is. But we also can’t ignore thst maybe the regression is just because of the lack of off season work. If it’s just the lack of offseason work it should correct itself fairly quickly. We should def him settle in by game 6 or 7.
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    • Other than the fact that Luck was a proven NFL QB in his prime and that his shoulder rehab lasted 3x as long.   
    • His lack of experience was a well-known risk in drafting him and it's a big reason why some were skeptical (including me). On the flip side, it sort of seemed like people disregarded his lack of experience then in favor of things like potential and upside. But now he's struggling and it's showing. If anything, it's validated those initial concerns.   I tend to think WR drops following a QB from college to the NFL says as much about the QB as it does the pass catchers. But they need to do better. I think it will take a combination of improvements from both AR and the pass catchers.   Not sure if something is up with MPJ, but some "regression" this year was very predictable. At one point, I actually thought he might leave in FA when faced with prospect of re-signing with a run-first team and a young QB who is still learning how to throw short and intermediate passes (the area he operates). But he stayed...and I am glad he did. But if it continues, there are going to be a lot of people blaming MPJ, which is pretty ridiculous, when you think about just 6 months ago, people were talking about how great of a contract it was and that MPJ was a legit WR1 with AR.  
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