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Kravitz seizing the opportunity to gloat


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A tad, just a tad premature IMO. Kravitz is for the most part.............how do I say this...........a dork. Look at the 2 pictures in his article. Luck running with meaning and determination. And Peyton? Well he looks like he just discovered the road kill in front of his house was his dog. haha

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A tad, just a tad premature IMO. Kravitz is for the most part.............how do I say this...........a dork. Look at the 2 pictures in his article. Luck running with meaning and determination. And Peyton? Well he looks like he just discovered the road kill in front of his house was his dog. haha

Very valid point about the suitably chosen pictures. :)

Kravitz' biggest beef was with the Polians, and he sometimes took it out on Dungy, and sometimes on Peyton. Polians were not the most media friendly folks, I heard. :)

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Even the Indy columists hate RGIII. They will play each other once every four years for crying out loud. Why do people have to make a stink about it so much.

I hear ya. John Clayton was on radio the other day stating that Luck has taken at least 78 clean hits from defenders trying to execute Arians' offense and here we are more concerned about RG3's longevity??? I just hope Luck lasts through his rookie contract; Mad scientist Arians gotta dial it down and not Luck be a Big Ben like injury report waiting to happen.

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I hear ya. John Clayton was on radio the other day stating that Luck has taken at least 78 clean hits from defenders trying to execute Arians' offense and here we are more concerned about RG3's longevity??? I just hope Luck lasts through his rookie contract; Mad scientist Arians gotta dial it down and not Luck be a Big Ben like injury report waiting to happen.

Keep counting John.....according to NFL.com 88 and thats not factoring in sacks (28) for a combined 116 times a defender has gotten a hit on Luck over 12 games, I have no idea how David Carr lived to tell about his 76 sacks and then in 2005 get sacked 68 more times
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So when he has an unpopular opinion he gets crucified for it, and when he turns out to be right he isn't aloud to rub it in a little? He deserves it, he got a lot of hate for saying that Irsay needed to make the desicions with his mind, not their heart, and he was right.

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Very valid point about the suitably chosen pictures. :)

Kravitz' biggest beef was with the Polians, and he sometimes took it out on Dungy, and sometimes on Peyton. Polians were not the most media friendly folks, I heard. :)

The chest bumping got absurd. I'll respect Kravitz's right to gloat, but somehow I just don't think this will be the last we hear of this. He's getting restless and there aren't any pots to stir with the present management.

Or IS there.........

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I know how Kravitz feels on a much smaller level. He said he started talking about starting over in week 11 last yr., well I started saying it after week 6 last yr.. I took quite a bit of heat from quite a few people on this forum as well as another forum. I took more heat from agreeing with and defending Kravitz's article's. It's still a little early for me to gloat though. There are 4 games left this season and if the Colts lose all 4 of those games, Colts fans aren't going to be feeling as cheery as they are right now. So if we go ahead and make the playoffs and then actually win a playoff game, then look out, because I just may be gloating as much as Kravitz. :D

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Seems it's NOT okay for Kravitz to gloat, but if Colts were on their way to anohter 2-12 season, fans would be crucifying him because of his columns? Kravitz put it out there early and often - it was bold. People - it's really okay that he was right! It's good in fact. And if he wants to point it out, well then good for him. It's best we think beyond the "columnist=bad 100% of the time" loser mentality.

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Is it just me or do columnists have just the right to gloat when they are right and not the responsibility to own up to something when they were totally wrong as well?

What I really got out of that article: He's a dinosaur. I've read similar posts here that were better written. The Star is the last place I go for Colts news, and the guys at various blogs like Colts Authority write consistently better stories.

I almost feel sorry for anyone who works at a newspaper. The paradigm has changed and they still don't get it.

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Kravitz is not a very good sports columnist.

Had we kept Peyton Manning, traded the pick, drafted Russell Wilson (or Tannehill, or Weeden, or Foles who I think has the ability to be a good NFL qb), and were 10-2 right now with Peyton (which I think would be the case), would it still have been the right thing to do?

Because we are 8-4 right now does not make this automatically the right decision. We'll have more information for discussion in a couple of years, but right now we can just cheer for Luck and the Colts without having to validate our position on the decision prematurely.

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I commend him for standing firm. 1 quarter into the Texans' road game last season (1st game), I said to friends "we're going to go 0-16 and draft Andrew Luck." They left, claimed ol' Peyton'd be back and we'd squeak into the playoffs. They got angry when I said I didn't think Peyton would ever be the same.

Realistically, and I've explained this before, the 900lb gorilla on my shoulders (and many of you) was the end of Peyton's career coming (regardless of injury) and what would happen to our beloved franchise. This is a QB-driven league. You won't have long term, or even continuous, success without an elite (top 6) QB. We had, what 3-5 years of a healthy Manning left, pre-injury. It killed me that father time was catching up on my favorite athlete of all-time. But I love our Colts more than I love Manning. Watched Luck is Soph and Junior years, never believing he'd be a Colt, until that first game of 2011. It all came through. 100% right decision for Irsay and kudos for him for looking long-term. And now we have the rarest of rare opportunities, to go from one elite, HOF'er (I say GOAT) QB to what looks like the next best QB in the league for the next 14 years or so.

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I feel for kravitz last season he was one of the first suggesting to bring in luck and cut manning and he was being crucified for it. people were calling him every name in the book! its still early but the decision is looking good. especially if manning goes one and done again bcuz now he has a great team so there are no * excuses

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Well, I'm no judge. I was sooo ticked at losing Peyton I couldn't see straight. I was SOOOOOO wrong about this season. The only thing I did find out about myself this season is that I am a true blue Colt fan. I follow Peyton, but I'm a fan of the Colts.

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Kravitz deserves to gloat a little. He wrote what he thought was the way to go, knowing it would be met with anger and disbelief, and it was. He probably did get some nasty e-mails. In some ways maybe he took some of the burden off of Jim Irsay`s shoulders early on in that deal and took the heat. It was ugly around here last year. Besides, he is humbly gloating..not really being condescending about it

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Kravitz is not a very good sports columnist.

Had we kept Peyton Manning, traded the pick, drafted Russell Wilson (or Tannehill, or Weeden, or Foles who I think has the ability to be a good NFL qb), and were 10-2 right now with Peyton (which I think would be the case), would it still have been the right thing to do?

Because we are 8-4 right now does not make this automatically the right decision. We'll have more information for discussion in a couple of years, but right now we can just cheer for Luck and the Colts without having to validate our position on the decision prematurely.

Maybe maybe not. We have no idea what the team would have looked like with Peyton still here. I doubt that Reggie would still be in a Colts uniform if we would have had to pay Peyton his 27 mill before the season started. I doubt that we would be 10 -2 right now with Peyton. As much duress that Luck has been under with no run game to help and having to run for his life and throw on the run which is something that Peyton has struggled with throughout his career, I would say that there would have been a reasonable chance that Peyton would be back on IR by now with the punishment that he would have taken to this point. Then how good would the decision have been.

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Well if he would write a column everything he was wrong there wouldn't be anymore room in the paper for other news !

See, I wounder if you read the article, because he made those jokes about himself.

I don't take sports media as seriously as you guys seem to.

I'm plenty critical of these people's political stances when they go there (whitlock, costas), but it's hard to be as disingenuous when discussing something as simple as football, compared to events in the middle east, government budgets or tax rates.

People see the football game and are aware of the final score. That's the only important information. That's why I like sports still, I think..

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