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Luck = Bert Jones


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Luck looked like Bert Jones Sunday. The phsyical runs up the middle, the shaking off Matthews and making the play downfield on the 3rd and 12. He doesn't have as big a arm as Jones but, his ability to extend plays and the toughness he shows like when he took the vicious hit from Perry and bounced back up and smiled, it was like watching Bert Jones in his prime. Luck has Peytons mental ability to go along with Bert Jones phsyical and atheletic ability. John Elway was the only other guy with this kind of ability and look how he turned out. Luck has unlimited ability, He has no weakness, the sky is the limit as a Colt fan it

is so exiting to be able to watch this guy develop into one of the all time greats for the next 12 to 15 years. What a great time to be a Colt fan. "GO COLTS"

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I totally agree with you. My brother and I were watching the game and marvelled how much he looked like Bert Jones. Same kind of build. Strong arm, fearless, feisty leader. Jones, had he not gotten hurt and been cursed with Bob Irsay, could have been an all time great. Bert Jones physical skills with Peyton Mannings mental is a pretty lethal combo to other teams!

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Luck is like a Rothisberger, Manning, Newton hybrid to me.

He has Rothisberger's toughness and ability to escape pressure and be accurate outside the pocket.

He has Manning like mental capacity, and has the brain power to make all of the right moves at the line and deliver perfect thread and needle passes from the pocket.

He has Newton's ability to Run, Thankfully we don't need it that often, but in the red zone, the QB draw is something we haven't seen in a long time with Indy. He is almost a gimme inside the 1 yard line for a QB sneak.

All of this put together, makes for one heck of a QB. Once he and his receivers (Other than Wayne) get in sync, and he develops more trust with them, the sky is the limit for him.

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Please no. Bert had a lot of injuries at that is what made him a decent QB for the franchise.

Luck right now looks like something totally different than anybody has seen because he has a rocket arm and can run.

Also he plays like a QB who has ice water in his veins. And so young in his career.

Bert was special in his own right, but Luck is different

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In the short time Bert Jones was healthy he was the best player in the NFL, being compared to Bert Jones in his prime is no slight. Bellicheck was asked if Tom Brady was the most talented Quarterback he has ever been around and he said no. He was an assistant coach for the Colts when Bert Jones was in his prime and he said Bert Jones was the most talented player he had ever seen in his career. Jones was very lethal as a runner too, big and strong and Luck looks alot like him when he runs, a passer first but could make plays with his legs when he had too. Gale Sayers and Bert Jones are the two players, if not for injuries, that would have really been fun to see what their careers could have been. Jones had the size and running ability of todays quaterbacks and this was in the mid to late 70's. He was a great field general and a fearless leader Jones, Elway and Luck are the three best quaretrback prospects I've ever seen in my time and I'm 52 years old. Being compared to Jones is a compliment not a slight.

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In the short time Bert Jones was healthy he was the best player in the NFL, being compared to Bert Jones in his prime is no slight. Bellicheck was asked if Tom Brady was the most talented Quarterback he has ever been around and he said no. He was an assistant coach for the Colts when Bert Jones was in his prime and he said Bert Jones was the most talented player he had ever seen in his career. Jones was very lethal as a runner too, big and strong and Luck looks alot like him when he runs, a passer first but could make plays with his legs when he had too. Gale Sayers and Bert Jones are the two players, if not for injuries, that would have really been fun to see what their careers could have been. Jones had the size and running ability of todays quaterbacks and this was in the mid to late 70's. He was a great field general and a fearless leader Jones, Elway and Luck are the three best quaretrback prospects I've ever seen in my time and I'm 52 years old. Being compared to Jones is a compliment not a slight.

Bert Jones was no Chuck Norris.


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In the short time Bert Jones was healthy he was the best player in the NFL, being compared to Bert Jones in his prime is no slight. Bellicheck was asked if Tom Brady was the most talented Quarterback he has ever been around and he said no. He was an assistant coach for the Colts when Bert Jones was in his prime and he said Bert Jones was the most talented player he had ever seen in his career. Jones was very lethal as a runner too, big and strong and Luck looks a lot like him when he runs, a passer first but could make plays with his legs when he had too. Gale Sayers and Bert Jones are the two players, if not for injuries, that would have really been fun to see what their careers could have been. Jones had the size and running ability of today's quarterback and this was in the mid to late 70's. He was a great field general and a fearless leader Jones, Elway and Luck are the three best quarterback prospects I've ever seen in my time and I'm 52 years old. Being compared to Jones is a compliment not a slight.

I agree 100 percent..I grew up 80 miles from Baltimore, and watched them since I was 7 years old. I attended many home games, with Bert Jones at QB, he was simply awesome. Yes he did get hurt a lot, but it was more his style of play, hard nosed, in your face, with a strong desire to win. He took on defenders when he had to run and tried to hit them harder than they hit him. Not many athletes had his total physical presence at the QB position, and man did he have a laser for an arm. Luck does remind me a little of Jones, except I believe Luck has a more mental game. He thinks, rather than reacts, where Jones would sometimes react first before thinking.

When you mentioned Sayres and Jones that you would like to have seen what they could have done if not being injures..here's a name that I would have loved to see. He suffered a horrific knee injury, and was heading for a Hall of Fame career at RB. Billy Sims...He is one of the most awesome backs to ever have touched the ball. When you get a chance, look up some of his highlights, especially the kung fu kick run he did against Houston.

And I still have my old Bert Jones Jersey wrapped in plastic, hanging in my closet...

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Time fades all. Jones to Carr was a deadly combination. Today's young fans dont even know how awesome they were. Some day people will be talking about how awesome the new QB to WR combo is. They will not have experienced Peyton to Marvin, or Luck to Reggie. Today's fans will be outraged at the slight.

Believe it, Bert Jones to Roger Carr was awesone.

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Bert Jones was before my time. But I think Luck looks like Elway when he rolls out of the pocket and fires off bullets across his body. Mentally though, he is Peyton Manning. Arians already said that Luck is further along at this point than Peyton was. Gonna enjoy this season but I cannot wait for Luck in year two. Year two was when Peyton made his monster jump.

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Well I guess I have to respond to this thread since my avatar is Bert Jones.

Physically, Luck is no Bert Jones. In his own words Jones said "that he could throw a football as well or better than anyone else ever could." And he was extremely mobile.He was AWESOME!!!

Mentally,Bert Jones was no Andrew Luck. Luck has a photo-matic memory,already excellent at pre-snap reads and decipering defenses.

Jones was one of the most under-rated qb's in history BUT I think Luck has a chance of going down as one of the greatest in history,right up there with Unitas.

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Bert had a more "lanky" build and look to him if you ask me especially in the way he moved and threw. As for talent, Bert is the closest comparison (ever in a Colts uniform) you can make to Andrew but I prefer not to ponder this comparison because Bert Jones' durability or lack of it first diminished his play then prematurely ended his career before he could ever reach his full brilliance and potential. Let's all hope that point of comparison between these two great Colts never needs discussion again.

The Colts history is sso unique if you ask me, when the Colts have had a great QB (Unitas, Jones, Manning and now Luck?) they have had good and great teams. When the Colts have not had a "superstar" QB they are never a "good" team.

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In the short time Bert Jones was healthy he was the best player in the NFL, being compared to Bert Jones in his prime is no slight. Bellicheck was asked if Tom Brady was the most talented Quarterback he has ever been around and he said no. He was an assistant coach for the Colts when Bert Jones was in his prime and he said Bert Jones was the most talented player he had ever seen in his career. Jones was very lethal as a runner too, big and strong and Luck looks alot like him when he runs, a passer first but could make plays with his legs when he had too. Gale Sayers and Bert Jones are the two players, if not for injuries, that would have really been fun to see what their careers could have been. Jones had the size and running ability of todays quaterbacks and this was in the mid to late 70's. He was a great field general and a fearless leader Jones, Elway and Luck are the three best quaretrback prospects I've ever seen in my time and I'm 52 years old. Being compared to Jones is a compliment not a slight.

Bert was my all-time favorite Colt but I think you may have misquoted Coach B. I thought he said that Bert had the "strongest arm" of any QB he had ever seen.

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I am not sure if the Bert Jones / Andrew Luck comparison is legitimate as these are two similar style players in two completely different football eras. The one memory I have about Bert Jones goes back to Dec 18, 1977 when the Colts were fighting for a playoff spot. It was a cold a rainy Sunday, and although I was very happy :-) on the bus ride home to NJ, I also remember consuming way to much mass quantities of Blackberry Brandy. ;-)

You can google "1977 Colts vs Patriots week 14" for highlights of the game.

Here is the boxscore >>> http://www.pro-football-reference.com/boxscores/197712180clt.htm

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The quote from Bill Belichick was that Jones was the "best pure passer" he ever saw. It's on Wikipedia. Maybe I'm wrong, but I blame Wiki if that's the case.

Jones is the reason I became a Colts fan when I was a kid and he's still my all time favorite

Colts player. He wasn't better than Peyton, but he's still my favorite.

I think Luck will be the best ever before he's done.

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Bert Jones healthy or Bert Jones post injuries?

I love Luck and I think he will be special, but to compare him at this point in his career to a healthy Bert Jones is a slap in the face to Bert Jones IMO. The guy was one of the best players of his time before the injuries (esp. that shoulder injury) came along. Jones, Carr, Dougherty, Mitchell, the sack pack....I enjoyed that period as much as the Manning era.

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