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Power rankings suck...


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First off, all of the latest NFL power rankings I have seen have said nice things about Coach Pagano...

That said, ESPN has us ranked 31st. Let that sink in. Behind 0-4 New Orleans, several 1-3 teams, etc. Really? I hope the Colts use it as motivation. They are not great, but they aren't the 31st ranked team in the NFL either. Two losses, one to a possible Super Bowl contender, a win against a surprising Vikings team, and a close loss to a team that always plays us close no matter what the records are. I know power rankings really don't mean anything, but they still suck...

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I don't get this...at all. We ARE one of the worst teams in the league. Yes, the Saints are 0-4, but they're quite obviously more talented than we are. The only team I can HONESTLY say we're better than is the Jags...but we just lost to them, so......

29-32 is right where I'd have us in a Power ranking.

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Had we won the Jax game, my guess is we would be 20th or so. Yes, New Orleans has more talent, but you are what your record says you are. They should NOT be ranked ahead of us. Sorry, but 0 win teams don't get ranked ahead of teams with wins, regardless of talent. The Bears loss isnt that bad as we are seeing they are pretty darn good, and we hung with them for a half, in this new team's first game together. Oh well, at the end of the day, power rankings really don't mean anything... I am getting worked up for nothing really

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That's why I don't even bother with power rankings, especially from espn (besides them being a joke the way it is). Power rankings are pretty worthless since so many things can happen with a team such as; injuries, who've they played, how they've played, etc. Although I will agree we don't deserve to behind some of the teams that are ranked in front of us.

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In my original post I said I know they don't mean anything....but it still makes me mad to see us behind an 0-4 team. BSPN must not think very highly of us, which (with a few exceptions) is par for the course for that joke of a network

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In my original post I said I know they don't mean anything....but it still makes me mad to see us behind an 0-4 team. BSPN must not think very highly of us, which (with a few exceptions) is par for the course for that joke of a network

Power rankings are not about records typically. There is no point in having a power ranking if you are just going to do it by records.

Typically people do power rankings by who they think would win on a neutral field. I guess the guy could move us up a couple spots, but we are not a very good team. We are coming off a loss to the Jags so not like we are getting disrespected any.

Honestly, if we played the Saints on a neural field 5 times they would probably win three of them so them being higher is not to big of a deal.

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Had we won the Jax game, my guess is we would be 20th or so. Yes, New Orleans has more talent, but you are what your record says you are. They should NOT be ranked ahead of us. Sorry, but 0 win teams don't get ranked ahead of teams with wins, regardless of talent. The Bears loss isnt that bad as we are seeing they are pretty darn good, and we hung with them for a half, in this new team's first game together. Oh well, at the end of the day, power rankings really don't mean anything... I am getting worked up for nothing really

1) Had they beat the Jags... Since they didn't, where do you think they should be ranked?

2) Oh well...Best sentence in all your posts in this thread.

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The Colts are 1-2 this year after going 2-14 last year....winning 3 of your last 19 games is going to get you ranked pretty low on those things.

Win some games and their "power ranking" will go up....for whatever that's worth.

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The Colts are 1-2 this year after going 2-14 last year....winning 3 of your last 19 games is going to get you ranked pretty low on those things.

Win some games and their "power ranking" will go up....for whatever that's worth.

actually they have won 3 of the last 6

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I have a very sneaky feeling that if we were at no.1 in these polls, they would not be seen as 'worthless' by the majority of the posters on here. Just a hunch really.....

there have been many power rankings in the past where we were on top. just as meaningless then

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Power rankings are a snapshot in time. Not necessarily a predictor of the future, just tells the story to that point. Many times, some teams rank low in the early stages, and rocket to the top at the end of the season. It's you division record that counts first, then if you are at the top there at the end, the season starts all over again and anything can happen. Including claiming the big prize.

The loss to the Jags hurts a lot worse for that reason (division record) than any other.

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I guess a better question would be......why does it matter anyway?

Yes - that's my question also. Folks are free to think what they think, and the media do these ratings to generate page views and therefore ad money.

It doesn't affect what we'll do on the field next game.

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