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Ijalana Healthy?


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Is Ben expected to be cleared soon? Last heard he still hasn't been cleared to participate in OTA's. I'm really hoping he's healthy and that we can rely on him this year. The projected O-line has me pretty excited!!

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Is Ben expected to be cleared soon? Last heard he still hasn't been cleared to participate in OTA's. I'm really hoping he's healthy and that we can rely on him this year. The projected O-line has me pretty excited!!

I have not heard anything.

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I think those that are counting on him to be the starting RG next year are going to be very disappointed.

That's my thinking also, including the coaching staff....I hope not, but it is a significant injury to recover from and the fact that he isn't participating yet isn't a good sign IMO.

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I've heard knee ligament injuries take 2 years to fully heal. Hopefully he is able to come back healthy and strong this year, but I haven't heard anything so far

I heard it takes 8-12 months. He had his surgery in October so 8 months would be June just in time for the last OTA. Chapman had his surgery in Janruary and has promised to be ready by training camp which is a very quick recovery. Costonzo has not participated in training so far either.
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Is Ben expected to be cleared soon? Last heard he still hasn't been cleared to participate in OTA's. I'm really hoping he's healthy and that we can rely on him this year. The projected O-line has me pretty excited!!

The projected O-line has me scared to death! lol Interesting how differently people see things. I am hopeful but not excited that is for sure. A lot of question marks on this line.
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Sounds like at this point we ar ejust trying to find people that are healthy for the Offensive Line, I didnt know Castonzo wasnt participating for whatever reason, this is worse then I even thought,

calm down it's May not the end of July when they put the pads on probably just holding them out so they make sure they are 100% for real training camp in the end of July and preseason

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calm down it's May not the end of July when they put the pads on probably just holding them out so they make sure they are 100% for real training camp in the end of July and preseason

I know its still early but also its not like we are putting out alot of experienced veterans out their as well especially at offensive line
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I know its still early but also its not like we are putting out alot of experienced veterans out their as well especially at offensive line

They're all in the classroom learning a new offense just like 5 year vet coming over would be doing so they all would be in the same boat and by listening to Castanzo,Rucker, and Nevis talk the are getting very comfortable with the new playbooks so when camp starts the can work on the physical part and not worry too much on the mental side of football

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They're all in the classroom learning a new offense just like 5 year vet coming over would be doing so they all would be in the same boat and by listening to Castanzo,Rucker, and Nevis talk the are getting very comfortable with the new playbooks so when camp starts the can work on the physical part and not worry too much on the mental side of football

I know but unfortunately its not that easy, hopefully these injuries heal as expected and when expected thats what I meant (I should have actually said that)
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Is Ben expected to be cleared soon? Last heard he still hasn't been cleared to participate in OTA's. I'm really hoping he's healthy and that we can rely on him this year. The projected O-line has me pretty excited!!

This guy concerns me, no one can say what we're getting from him yet. He played against second and third tier talent in college. And he started, what, one quarter before going down for the season?

A second round pick for a guy that's now being projected at G can't be a bust.

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This guy concerns me, no one can say what we're getting from him yet. He played against second and third tier talent in college. And he started, what, one quarter before going down for the season?

A second round pick for a guy that's now being projected at G can't be a bust.

He played in 4 games before going down

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Anderson, Hicks, Reitz, and McGlynn can all play G. There is tallent in that group and Ijalana if healthy makes it an excellent group. Anderson, Hicks are over 330 lbs. McGlynn has bulked up over 325 and Reitz is still at about 320.

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Ppl bodies recover different from injuries but if you wanna get a good timetable on his return just follow Adrian Peterson because they have the same injury and Peterson went down a little after Ijilana did

I agree but Peterson isnt 300 plus pounds, I would think that wouldnt help. just by walking around it
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Ppl bodies recover different from injuries but if you wanna get a good timetable on his return just follow Adrian Peterson because they have the same injury and Peterson went down a little after Ijilana did

True, but Adrian and Ben use their legs in different ways. I don't think you can compare or use AP as a yard stick.

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I agree but Peterson isnt 300 plus pounds, I would think that wouldnt help. just by walking around it

Running back ACLs go threw way more pressure with the sharp cuts and stuff than O lineman plus Peterson had his surgery round new years way after Ijilana and Peterson is almost back already.but ppl bodies react different to injuries so who knows until he speaks out

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I've heard knee ligament injuries take 2 years to fully heal. Hopefully he is able to come back healthy and strong this year, but I haven't heard anything so far

I was going to say this isn't like he had his knee scoped or something this is pretty major what he is trying to come back from. I am not at all shocked he's not 100% yet.
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I have a good feeling about Justin Anderson,Steven baker,and Hayworth hicks. They are all big,baker is huge. And ive heard pretty good things about all 3 of them but MOSTLY Baker and hicks.The biggest offensive linemen we have signed in a WHILE! One of those 3 are going to end up starting for us, just watch. You heard it HERE FIRST!

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He played in 4 games before going down

Yes but three of them were only in special teams. The 4th game (against the bucs) he only got to play OT because Castonzo went down. One quarter later, he went down too. In reality, we haven't seen enough of him to really know what he can do at any position and with the current injury, who knows when he will be ready.

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I was going to say this isn't like he had his knee scoped or something this is pretty major what he is trying to come back from. I am not at all shocked he's not 100% yet.

Me neither, but time (since he got injured so early in the season, like week 3) and his Age are in his favor. I do expect him ready for the season, not sure about training camp, etc. so he might start in the bench and by mid season, if he proves he has it, might be our starting RT/RG

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Me neither, but time (since he got injured so early in the season, like week 3) and his Age are in his favor. I do expect him ready for the season, not sure about training camp, etc. so he might start in the bench and by mid season, if he proves he has it, might be our starting RT/RG

Right and I think that is a realistic expectation. I just mean I am not shocked he's not ready now. I agree with you I would expect him to be back this season. Most players can play a year after having the kind of injury he had it just may take up to two years for him to get back to his healthy self. Like when Edge got hurt he was able to play the following season but he wasn't his old self till the following season and even then he was just never the same after it.
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I heard it takes 8-12 months. He had his surgery in October so 8 months would be June just in time for the last OTA. Chapman had his surgery in Janruary and has promised to be ready by training camp which is a very quick recovery. Costonzo has not participated in training so far either.

It can take a couple years for a player who is jumping and cutting and who relies on his agility for lateral movement. And for a big fella like Ijalana, it could take that long because he's moving a lot of weight. Then there's atrophy in the surrounding leg muscles, and strain on other parts of the body. It's prickly.

However, the usual turnaround time is 8-12 months before you can resume full activity, and then another few months before you're back to your normal self. Like Wes Welker, who recovered and got back on the field in about 8 months, but wasn't as effective as normal that following season. Then he bounced back last season looking like the old Wes Welker.

I could see Ijalana being ready by camp. I could also see him starting the season on the PUP list.

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He should be back in July if all goes right. ACL surgery takes 9-10.5 months to recover from.

I should add that that knee will never be 100% ever again. Think about it like this, you have no knee ligament, they're just using a piece of your hamstring...

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I should add that that knee will never be 100% ever again. Think about it like this, you have no knee ligament, they're just using a piece of your hamstring...

A lot of the new ACL surgeries are using a teflon rope instead. It is supposed to perform more like a ligament and will last longer. I've watched the surgery before. Pretty cool. Of course I have no idea which type of ligament replacement Ben's surgeon used.

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