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Wow - Tebow Traded To Jets

Peyton and Eli fan

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I'm not on the Tebowmania bandwagon, but i kinda like Tebow. The kid has worked so hard and proved himself well by turning the Broncs around to make the playoffs, to end up being a backup. I'd like to see him go to a team where he can actually start, like the Browns, or the Fins, I just think he deserves to be a startter.

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Teams know how to stop the Wildcat though

They know how to stop the RB wildcat, but they haven't seen the Tebow Wildcat. It will probably look similar to the Brad Smith Wildcat and teams had very tough times stopping that due to Smith's ability to run and throw.

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Teams know how to stop the Wildcat though

I knew that was a matter of time. I heard we made an offer for Tebow, and I'm glad we didn't get him. While I'm not overly fond of Vick as the starter anymore, one positive with him being a starter, is it took the WC out of Reid's offense. He overused it, and with little success. I would worry that getting Tebow would bring it back.

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I knew that was a matter of time. I heard we made an offer for Tebow, and I'm glad we didn't get him. While I'm not overly fond of Vick as the starter anymore, one positive with him being a starter, is it took the WC out of Reid's offense. He overused it, and with little success. I would worry that getting Tebow would bring it back.

I think you guys still have one of the better offenses in the league. It's certainly pretty explosive. If you can get your O-line down and have Vick play safer so he doesn't always get hurt, I think you'll be good. The bigger issue is your defense

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I think you guys still have one of the better offenses in the league. It's certainly pretty explosive. If you can get your O-line down and have Vick play safer so he doesn't always get hurt, I think you'll be good. The bigger issue is your defense

The O-Line actually ended up being one of our better units once they got to play together. One reason I'm glad we were able to retain Mathis. Our line is now intact until 2014.

Agreed on our defense. The D-Line is good, and we're good at CB. The biggest questions are at safety, and LB, although the trade for Ryans certainly helps if he can even get close to what he was before his injury. Even as he is, he's our best LB.

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That's where the problem comes in with Tebow haha

I joke about it too but not all Tebow's throws are bad. If he has time to wind his arm he can be accurate enough. He's better than a pure RB, that makes a difference in the wildcat.

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Tebow's effect on the Jet's 'culture' could assume nightmare proportions. If he is successful, and become's the team leader, will Jets fans support

him? It could be like a disciple of Christ entering Sodom. The organization would have to put up a front and support him as long as he wins, but would

turn on him savagely if he loses. Had a dream last night that the Jets made the playoffs with Tebow, and the team was introduced with the Salvation Army cheerleaders shaking their pom-poms to 'Give Me That Olde Time Religion'. Jets fans reacted by throwing beer cans and launching F-bombs. At the end of the game, with the Jets tied with the mighty Ravens 3-3, Tebow drove the Jets to Baltimore's 35. With seconds remaining, Tebow rolled out to his leftt, and suddenly a golden light shone from above on an open receiver in the end zone. Tim gathered all his strength and threw, then missed the tackle as Ed Reed returned the errant throw 95 yards for the winning score. Excited, Jets fans stormed the field and crucified Tim on the goalpost. The Jet's head coach was carried off the field in triumph on the shoulders of his team. He and all of Gotham were now safe to resume their devotion to ( toe ) sucking....

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Great Move NY! Put a chaplin in a house of prostitution. Not only is this one of the worst cities for vulgar fans along with Philly and Boston but every third word out of the head coach is #-$-%-&. O.J's glove is a better fit than this!!!!! Pray for Tebow.

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Thanks for the editing. I agree that PM's unique method of mentoring QB2s is by ignoring them (contrary to what many fans claimed Luck would enjoy under PM).

I agree. Peyton will not share the steering wheel with anyone. He is too competitive for that. He would not do it with Luck or Tebow or whomever. That is why he always took and will still take 100% of the snaps in practice and in games. I love Peyton and I love his competitiveness, but when it comes to mentoring or sharing snaps, it is NOT happening...that is not in his DNA.

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I agree. Peyton will not share the steering wheel with anyone. He is too competitive for that. He would not do it with Luck or Tebow or whomever. That is why he always took and will still take 100% of the snaps in practice and in games. I love Peyton and I love his competitiveness, but when it comes to mentoring or sharing snaps, it is NOT happening...that is not in his DNA.

Yes, and that is why the perfect QB2 for Peyton is a Curtis Painter or a Jim Sorgi.

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Bingo...that is why it all fell apart last year. :thanks:

I hope Elway sees this, and makes sure that his new QB2 is much more capable than Painter/Sorgi.

If PM cannot go (for whatever reason) during the season, the Broncos cannot afford to repeat what the Colts did last season.

I understand why Elway traded Tebow. But Tebow did demonstrate that he can win with the Broncos. Now Elway has to find another QB to back up PM, that can also win with the Broncos.

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I hope Elway sees this, and makes sure that his new QB2 is much more capable than Painter/Sorgi.

If PM cannot go (for whatever reason) during the season, the Broncos cannot afford to repeat what the Colts did last season.

I lean towards yes considering the contract they just gave him, but we shall see.

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This is the beginning fo the end for Sanchez and Rex..

REx is super bowl or bust and tebow cant get you there..

But the Tebow cult will force Rex to play their boy.

Maybe Rex can be the DC for the Colts??

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I joke about it too but not all Tebow's throws are bad. If he has time to wind his arm he can be accurate enough. He's better than a pure RB, that makes a difference in the wildcat.

But 8-8 was good enough in Denver..

Its Super Bowl or bust for Rex...and the Pats ate Tebow up

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I wouldn't put Sorgi in the same category as Painter. If you were a Colts fan when Sorgi was on the roster, that would be crystal clear. I guess not everyone was.

Manning doesn't have to hold a quarterbacks hand to mentor them. The QB2 position in Indy might not get the on-field work that some others do, but the QB2 in New England rarely does as well. That's on the coaching staff. If they are too spineless to stand up to a player then that is on them.

The involvement the QB2 has in prep work for the week, film study, watching the game plan being built shows them the proper work ethic, shows them how things are done correctly one a week to to week or annual basis.

They most certainly aren't ignored. Manning/Sorgi were close. To suggest he was ignored is nothing more than wrong. If Manning ignored Sorgi so much why was he in Miami(for the 2nd Super Bowl, watching film and crunching data for Manning) note he wasn't on the roster that year.

Curtis Painter's skill set and his lack of NFL caliber ability are the reasons he failed. That and the coaching staff(Caldwell/Christensen) were asking more of him than he could provide. He could have been given 25% of the snaps his first 2 years and his performance wouldn't have had a drastic change in my opinion.

Sorgi was a better QB2 than Painter. He wouldn't have led this team to the playoffs last year, but they would have had 5-6 wins.

Some are taking every shot at Manning they can. That's fine. I guess it makes them sleep better at night, but it is still a very sad agenda.

To blame Peyton Manning for Painter's shortcomings is just insane.

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I think the Jets are going to use Tebow to try and see what they really have with Sanchez ... The presence of Tebow at his heels should motivate Sanchez to be all he can be if you will ... if it doesn't and he continues to perform poorly or inconsistently, then the Jets will know what they have and will know they need to stop wasting time on him.

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Some are taking every shot at Manning they can. That's fine. I guess it makes them sleep better at night, but it is still a very sad agenda.

To blame Peyton Manning for Painter's shortcomings is just insane.

You are mistaken on these points.

1) Hoping the Broncos find a capable QB2 (aside from TT) that can step in for PM when needed, is not taking a shot at PM.

2) Showing how some Colts fans who claimed that PM mentors QB2s effectively as a reason for Luck/RG3 to sit behind PM is fantasy, is not taking a shot at PM.

3) Nobody is claiming that Painter's shortcomings are PM's fault.

What is insane is interpreting every comment as a shot against PM.

People who do this need to get over themselves.

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I think the Jets are going to use Tebow to try and see what they really have with Sanchez ... The presence of Tebow at his heels should motivate Sanchez to be all he can be if you will ... if it doesn't and he continues to perform poorly or inconsistently, then the Jets will know what they have and will know they need to stop wasting time on him.

In fairness to Sanchez, if they want him to do better, rather than aquiring Tebow, they should get him some receivers.
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You are mistaken on these points.

1) Hoping the Broncos find a capable QB2 (aside from TT) that can step in for PM when needed, is not taking a shot at PM.

2) Showing how some Colts fans who claimed that PM mentors QB2s effectively as a reason for Luck/RG3 to sit behind PM is fantasy, is not taking a shot at PM.

3) Nobody is claiming that Painter's shortcomings are PM's fault.

What is insane is interpreting every comment as a shot against PM.

People who do this need to get over themselves.

I'm not mistaken about one word in my post.

I don't see the relevance in your 3 points but okay.

  1. It's irrelevant because I didn't address the Broncos QB2
  2. Luck, RGIII, or any QB would benefit by working with/under whatever you want to call it, with Manning, Brady, Brees. But even then it's not the job of Manning, Brady or Brees to "tutor" or "mentor" the QB2, but if the QB2, is a smart quarterback on his own, then they will have a benefit and be mentored by just being afforded the ability to watch a Manning, Brady or Brees work. Painter would have been a lot worse than he was if he were backing up a lesser QB. But again, is there a relevance?
  3. There have been comments stating exactly that. I think they have been removed, but those comments have been on the site.

Instead of continuing this with the sentence i just typed and deleted.

I'll leave it at No Comment.

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In fairness to Sanchez, if they want him to do better, rather than aquiring Tebow, they should get him some receivers.

Fairness to Sanchez? LOL! He is inconsistent when he does have weapons - I am thinking he has a work ethics issue! Tebow on the team will either solve that or he will be sent packing!

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You are mistaken on these points.

1) Hoping the Broncos find a capable QB2 (aside from TT) that can step in for PM when needed, is not taking a shot at PM.

2) Showing how some Colts fans who claimed that PM mentors QB2s effectively as a reason for Luck/RG3 to sit behind PM is fantasy, is not taking a shot at PM.

3) Nobody is claiming that Painter's shortcomings are PM's fault.

What is insane is interpreting every comment as a shot against PM.

People who do this need to get over themselves.

sometimes I hope we draft RG3 just to see if you disappear.

That said, I interpreted your comment as a shot on PM, as did FJC.

Your agenda, If I remember correctly was to draft Luck and get rid of Manning. Which means you wanted Luck to get 100% reps. Do you want Lucks backup getting reps instead of Luck?

Us Colts fans have been a direct benefit of the wins Peyton has brought this franchise. Practics makes perfect and Manning is a perfectionist.

Doubtful Curtis painter would have been any good regardless of who he held the clipboard for.

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