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AB accused of rape


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I was just reading about this on a newswire.


Hard to say.......


Sometimes I think some of these women are looking for an easy payday...  one might ask if she was raped a first time, why put yourself in the position a 2nd, and 3rd time?



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1 minute ago, Gramz said:

I was just reading about this on a newswire.


Hard to say.......


Sometimes I think some of these women are looking for an easy payday...  one might ask if she was raped a first time, why out yourself in the position a 2nd, and 3rd time?



Ah, there it is. I was wondering how long it would take for this opinion to appear. Stop victim blaming. This is why women don't come out with rape accusations until much later. If this is true, you know full well why she didn't do anything.


11 minutes ago, csmopar said:

First of all, innocent until proven guilty comes into play here, especially a he said/she said case. 


That said, it sure didn’t take long for AB to stir even more drama. Gonna be interesting to see how this one plays out



I bet people still will want to sign him.

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2 minutes ago, IndyScribe said:

Ah, there it is. I was wondering how long it would take for this opinion to appear. Stop victim blaming. This is why women don't come out.


I bet people still will want to sign him.

Well, it's a legitimate question. 


I'm not saying he didn't assault her.  We don't know. 

I do know,  if I was sexually assaulted by someone, I would not allow myself to be in a position to allow this person near enough to me ever again. 



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Gramz - maybe if you read her story you would see where he went back to her and apologized and begged for her to be his trainer again.  Then he supposedly did it again from what she says.  It's all over TMZ and the Daily Mail.  True, she maybe should have not agreed to train him again if that really did happen.

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13 minutes ago, Nancy said:

Gramz - maybe if you read her story you would see where he went back to her and apologized and begged for her to be his trainer again.  Then he supposedly did it again from what she says.  It's all over TMZ and the Daily Mail.  True, she maybe should have not agreed to train him again if that really did happen.

I did read it. I'm saying if it was me, I wouldn't put myself in that position again.


I'm also not saying he's innocent.  


But when someone asks for $$$$$, you have to wonder,..No?

I believe this is a civil suit, which is all about $$$$.  Why no arrest, or criminal charges?



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34 minutes ago, Gramz said:

I did read it. I'm saying if it was me, I wouldn't put myself in that position again.


I'm also not saying he's innocent.  


But when someone asks for $$$$$, you have to wonder,..No?

I believe this is a civil suit, which is all about $$$$.  Why no arrest, or criminal charges?


(In bold) That's a good point.


I agree with you. If someone sexually assaults me, I will do everything possible not to be alone with that person again. I'm not saying that it did or did not happen but at the very least, it shows poor judgment to continue to engage with someone who has sexually molested/assaulted her.

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Had he handled the Oakland situation with some dignity this rape accusation probably doesn't even ever come out.  Sometimes when you put ugly into the atmosphere it stirs up stuff that never would have occured if you had handled things the right way.  Not to say that he's innocent, but if the claim is untrue it probably never even comes to surface without all the drama that he's stirred up.

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42 minutes ago, krunk said:

Had he handled the Oakland situation with some dignity this rape accusation probably doesn't even ever come out.  Sometimes when you put ugly into the atmosphere it stirs up stuff that never would have occured if you had handled things the right way.  Not to say that he's innocent, but if the claim is untrue it probably never even comes to surface without all the drama that he's stirred up.

And that's the problem..... Antonio Brown has voluntarily and rebelliously shown so much blatant narcissism, arrogance, sense of entitlement and selfishness that one could easily see him carry these behaviors over into acquaintances and relationships.


Based on what we know from his INTENTIONALLY public and defiant behavior.... he, at best, has made himself a target for this type of accusation..... and at worst, actually did what he's being accused of.

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I gotta say, this skepticism shown towards every single rape victim is just gross. 


I can totally understand showing restraint when it comes to labeling someone a rapist, but that's not what it is at all. This is putting the victim on trial, with very little information to make a judgement.


And why anyone feels the need to defend AB, I'm not sure. I AM sure he has a well paid attorney that will do that for him, if necessary. But the victim blaming just encourages women to stay quiet, and that's not good at all.

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1 hour ago, GoatBeard said:

But the victim blaming just encourages women to stay quiet, and that's not good at all.

Good point GB. It takes a lot of strength & intestinal fortitude to admit that a person has been violated against their will & do something about it legally. Courage many of us probably wouldn't have. 


Sometimes, people just want a huge settlement, but if a woman was raped in this case, generally it is a horrific experience that is rarely conjured up out of thin air. Yes, automatic victim shaming from jump street is indeed wrong & inexcusable in my estimation. 


It is possible that a rich athlete was targeted? Maybe. However, I was raised to believe that women bringing forth this allegation aren't lying. They don't want publicity & celebrity status. They just want their reputation, good name, & some sense of normalcy back even if it's only in small doses yrs later. They want to ensure that the alleged aggressor is prohibited from violating another woman or at least thinks twice about it anyway. 

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27 minutes ago, southwest1 said:

Good point GB. It takes a lot of strength & intestinal fortitude to admit that a person has been violated against their will & do something about it legally. Courage many of us probably wouldn't have. 


Sometimes, people just want a huge settlement, but if a woman was raped in this case, generally it is a horrific experience that is rarely conjured up out of thin air. Yes, automatic victim shaming from jump street is indeed wrong & inexcusable in my estimation. 


It is possible that a rich athlete was targeted? Maybe. However, I was raised to believe that women bringing forth this allegation aren't lying. They don't want publicity & celebrity status. They just want their reputation, good name, & some sense of normalcy back even if it's only in small doses yrs later. They want to ensure that the alleged aggressor is prohibited from violating another woman or at least thinks twice about it anyway. 



And let me clarify.....I think it's every bit as gross for anyone to label Antonio Brown a rapist based purely off an allegation, and am in no way suggesting he is. I have no clue. And I despise the man.


But we as a society just have to be able to let these things play out and understand we dont have to have an opinion or make a determination, right away. We can afford to be patient. There is nothing on the line here, for us. 


And my comments were in no way directed at anyone in particular, just a trend I've noticed in the last few years. It's purely a general statement, so I hope noone here takes offense. I too wonder if the woman would make it up. Its natural.


I just have sisters, one of whom was raped years ago. And I know how it changed her, forever, and not for the better. It a horrific experience for anyone to live thru, man or woman, and my heart goes out to every legit rape victim there has ever been. My heart also goes out to anyone who has been wrongfully accused.


I think everyone has good intentions, for the most part. Nobody wants someone to go thru either thing. And that shows the hearts of people are for the most part, pure. But we are absolutely impatient and opinionated as a society, and it often leads to ugliness. 

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1 hour ago, pacolts56 said:

And that's the problem..... Antonio Brown has voluntarily and rebelliously shown so much blatant narcissism, arrogance, sense of entitlement and selfishness that one could easily see him carry these behaviors over into acquaintances and relationships.


Based on what we know from his INTENTIONALLY public and defiant behavior.... he, at best, has made himself a target for this type of accusation..... and at worst, actually did what he's being accused of.

I must admit that you make an intriguing argument here PAC56. AB's arrogance & sense of entitlement makes him prime pickings for anyone who wants to bleep with his life & flip his whole world upside down. 


Yes, we all know that there are drop dead gorgeous women out there who use deception & ulterior motives to gain financial security down the road. However, in many cases, that involves pregnancy/child support payment as opposed to forced sex against a person's will. 


So, it becomes a battle between searching for a sugar daddy versus treating females like a commodity only existing for a rich man's enjoyment preferences.  Empirical evidence usually determines what really happened i.e. consensual or forced. 


I do agree though that AB's attitude of the world revolves around me & look how great I am isn't doing him any favors or allowing others to give him the benefit of the doubt. 

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4 hours ago, Gramz said:

I did read it. I'm saying if it was me, I wouldn't put myself in that position again.


I'm also not saying he's innocent.  


But when someone asks for $$$$$, you have to wonder,..No?

I believe this is a civil suit, which is all about $$$$.  Why no arrest, or criminal charges?



That's a fair question. I will be the first to admit that every accusation deserves scrutiny, or we are heading into a dangerous place. I dont have a problem with asking hard questions. 


In my sisters case, she immediately went to the authorities and went thru the necessary procedures to secure evidence of the attack and the man got a fairly light jail sentence given the gravity of his actions. She also never pursued monetary damages as the man didnt have anything to offer in that regard.


But, she also didnt know the man on a personal level. Sometimes I think people who know their attacker have trouble separating their human side from the dark side on display during an attack. Do you judge a person based solely on the few minutes of the incident? It's hard to say. I guess it depends on the relationship you have with them prior. And as messed up as it sounds, they might feel empathy towards that person. Keep in mind, this woman might have had a relationship with him that lasted awhile. They might have shared good times together. She might have even found him attractive. But rape is rape and it all depends on the circumstances surrounding the incident. 


It will be interesting to see what happens. Antonio hasnt done himself any favors with his conduct of late. I just hope the truth comes out. If he is that guy he deserves all the shame the public can offer. If hes not he deserves his name to be clear of it.


I try not to take sides, and just see what happens.

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6 minutes ago, GoatBeard said:



And let me clarify.....I think it's every bit as gross for anyone to label Antonio Brown a rapist based purely off an allegation, and am in no way suggesting he is. I have no clue. And I despise the man.


But we as a society just have to be able to let these things play out and understand we dont have to have an opinion or make a determination, right away. We can afford to be patient. There is nothing on the line here, for us. 


And my comments were in no way directed at anyone in particular, just a trend I've noticed in the last few years. It's purely a general statement, so I hope noone here takes offense. I too wonder if the woman would make it up. Its natural.


I just have sisters, one of whom was raped years ago. And I know how it changed her, forever, and not for the better. It a horrific experience for anyone to live thru, man or woman, and my heart goes out to every legit rape victim there has ever been. My heart also goes out to anyone who has been wrongfully accused.


I think everyone has good intentions, for the most part. Nobody wants someone to go thru either thing. And that shows the hearts of people are for the most part, pure. But we are absolutely impatient and opinionated as a society, and it often leads to ugliness. 

I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your sister. No one ever deserves that level of pain & anxiety which never subsides. 


I must also commend you for standing up for anyone falsely accused of a crime that they did not commit. Yes, we definitely need to be patient here & not condemn anyone before all the facts are in. Well said GB. Absolutely right. Rushing to a judgement in either direction is a dangerous slippery slope indeed. 


Again, my deepest condolences to your family once again regarding your sibling. I truly mean that. 

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1 minute ago, southwest1 said:

I am so sorry to hear about what happened to your sister. No one ever deserves that level of pain & anxiety which never subsides. 


I must also commend you for standing up for anyone falsely accused of a crime that they did not commit. Yes, we definitely need to be patient here & not condemn anyone before all the facts are in. Well said GB. Absolutely right. Rushing to a judgement in either direction is a dangerous slippery slope indeed. 


Again, my deepest condolences to your family once again regarding your sibling. I truly mean that. 

Thank you, much appreciated. 

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19 minutes ago, GoatBeard said:

That's a fair question. I will be the first to admit that every accusation deserves scrutiny, or we are heading into a dangerous place. I dont have a problem with asking hard questions. 


In my sisters case, she immediately went to the authorities and went thru the necessary procedures to secure evidence of the attack and the man got a fairly light jail sentence given the gravity of his actions.


But, she also didnt know the man on a personal level. Sometimes I think people who know their attacker have trouble separating their human side from the dark side on display during an attack. Do you judge a person based solely on the few minutes of the incident? It's hard to say. I guess it depends on the relationship you have with them prior. And as messed up as it sounds, they might feel empathy towards that person. Keep in mind, this woman might have had a relationship with him that lasted awhile. They might have shared good times together. She might have even found him attractive. But rape is rape and it all depends on the circumstances surrounding the incident. 


It will be interesting to see what happens. Antonio hasnt done himself any favors with his conduct of late. I just hope the truth comes out. If he is that guy he deserves all the shame the public can offer. If hes not he deserves his name to be clear of it.


I try not to take sides, and just see what happens.

I have to give you a ton of credit for having such a fair & balanced perspective on the Antonio Brown alleged incident given what you & your family have already endured on a personal level. If my own sister went thru a similar traumatic violation, I'm not sure I would be able to gain that level of insight & wisdom even with time. 


I won't mention your sister anymore because I respect your privacy & I no desire to evoke bad memories for you. 


Yes, that is indeed possible [what I bolded in red.] Friendship gone horribly wrong does happen more often than most people like to think it does. Rape always revolves around power & dominance over another & sometimes famous athletes have never been told no before. They are so used to getting their way that any form of resistance ticks them off. And sometimes, the unthinkable occurs...And once that safety gets shattered--A woman's life is never the same again. 

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

I have to give you a ton of credit for having such a fair & balanced perspective on the Antonio Brown alleged incident given what you & your family have already endured on a personal level. If my own sister went thru a similar traumatic violation, I'm not sure I would be able to gain that level of insight & wisdom even with time. 


I won't mention your sister anymore because I respect your privacy & I no desire to evoke bad memories for you. 


Yes, that is indeed possible [what I bolded in red.] Friendship gone horribly wrong does happen more often than most people like to think it does. Rape always revolves around power & dominance over another & sometimes famous athletes have never been told no before. They are so used to getting their way that any form of resistance ticks them off. And sometimes, the unthinkable occurs...And once that safety gets shattered--A woman's life is never the same again. 

Hey man don't worry about that. I put it out there. And we are all anonymous here or I wouldn't have mentioned it for fear of violating her privacy. 


And honestly, I was very, very young at the time. And I think that has helped me not to get too over the top in my opinions on the matter, over time of course. I wasnt exactly in the know during the whole situation. I just more less witnessed the aftermath of it all. But even so, in my younger days I was far more aggressive in my opinions, and that was based purely on trying to make up for the fact that I felt powerless in the whole situation. I even tried to look for this guy at one point in my life, with plans to get payback of some sort. A brothers job is to protect his sister, if he has one. But I was not capable or even in a position to do that, and it took me awhile to understand it. And letting it consume me would've done me more harm than good and brought more pain to my family. It haunted me for a long time. But with age comes understanding and proper perspective. You learn to let certain things go.


I appreciate all the kind words. For what its worth my sister is doing pretty well now. This happened over 30 years ago. She struggled with depression and drug addiction for years after. But she eventually got into therapy and took control of her life again. She has strength that inspires us all. She is married with 2 great kids and has a hell of a husband. She isn't a victim anymore. And that's a blessing. Some never make it out of that hole. We are just grateful for that, and I think that's the biggest thing we took from it as a family. It brought us all closer in a round about way. She still shows signs of PTSD. She gets anxiety attacks in certain situations.


All in all, I think you just have to find that silver lining. She survived. Some dont. We have had so many good times since then. So we dont see it as a sad story. We see it as perseverance and admire her strength.


Thanks again. 

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7 hours ago, Gramz said:

I did read it. I'm saying if it was me, I wouldn't put myself in that position again.


I'm also not saying he's innocent.  


But when someone asks for $$$$$, you have to wonder,..No?

I believe this is a civil suit, which is all about $$$$.  Why no arrest, or criminal charges?




6 hours ago, NFLfan said:


(In bold) That's a good point.


I agree with you. If someone sexually assaults me, I will do everything possible not to be alone with that person again. I'm not saying that it did or did not happen but at the very least, it shows poor judgment to continue to engage with someone who has sexually molested/assaulted her.


Both reasonable statements. But anyone who works in or knows about sex crimes knows that victims often don't come forward because they blame themselves


I don't have an opinion on this one way or another. But I just want to point out that it is paramount to keep an open mind, and to have compassion for whoever in this case may deserve it

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8 hours ago, Gramz said:

I did read it. I'm saying if it was me, I wouldn't put myself in that position again.


I'm also not saying he's innocent.  


But when someone asks for $$$$$, you have to wonder,..No?

I believe this is a civil suit, which is all about $$$$.  Why no arrest, or criminal charges?



Criminal case will be hard to prove. He said/she said case with zero physical evidence that we know of. Unless there is text or email between the two discussing it, the burden of proof is gonna be hard to prove.  


Civil court has a much lower threshold as in civil court, reasonable suspicion is enough to warrant awarding on behalf of the plaintiff 

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1 hour ago, csmopar said:

Criminal case will be hard to prove. He said/she said case with zero physical evidence that we know of. Unless there is text or email between the two discussing it, the burden of proof is gonna be hard to prove.  


Civil court has a much lower threshold as in civil court, reasonable suspicion is enough to warrant awarding on behalf of the plaintiff 

Yes. I know all this, I have several attorneys, and a magistrate in the family.   I know how the law works. 


Let me say, I'm sorry if I offended anyone with my initial response.  


I was in no way defending AB.  Do I think he Is capable of this behavior? Absolutely.


And I didn't mean to come across as victim blaming. That was wrong.   I, too, have a family member who was victim of a violent rapist years ago.   I understand the  affects of this horrendous act.


Just thinking out loud, and giving a benefit of doubt to both sides.  Only the 2 of them know what really transpired. 


I do still stand by my comment that if someone assaulted me, I certainly would do everything in my power to not be alone with this person ever again, and certainly would not return to his home. :dunno:

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I don't have any compelling reason to believe her.  I don't subscribe to the notion that I need to believe the accuser, or any accuser, because of "what it might say"  about all other future rape accusations by anybody.


The proper avenue is to accuse AB in front of the police.  That's what makes it an accusation.


If she is only making the statement to the media, and never told the police,  she is basically making a statement to everyone on the planet that doesn't matter.  Doing so does not require me to think of the statement as a legitimate accusation. 


Statements communicated in this manner actually begin to make AB look like a sympathetic figure.

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3 minutes ago, DougDew said:

I don't have any compelling reason to believe her.  I don't subscribe to the notion that I need to believe the accuser, or any accuser, because of "what it might say"  about all other future rape accusations by anybody.


The proper avenue is to accuse AB in front of the police.  That's what makes it an accusation.


If she is only making the statement on twitter, and never told the police,  she is basically making a statement to everyone on the planet that doesn't matter.  Doing so does not require me to think of the statement as a legitimate accusation. 


Statements communicated in this manner actually begin to make AB look like a sympathetic figure.



To accuse someone on twitter...then ask for people to respect her privacy..  :scratch:

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8 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

It's the Patriots problem now haha 


Yeah, he should fit in pretty well out there with Deflating Tom, Cheatin’ Bill, sex-trafficking Kraft, etc.  They should have. Ring of Dishonor in their stadium with all-time greats like Murderin’ Hernandez, Dirty Rodney, etc.

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I don't know what to think; I can't automatically believe any accuser until I get more facts.  However, it wouldn't surprise me if Brown actually was guilty. Keeping an open mind here. She could be in it for money because the timing seems off since it first occurred in 2017.  Why did she go back to training him? After the first time, she shouldn't have trusted him to change.  


As someone mentioned, it's the Patriots' problem now. let them deal with the situation. 

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10 hours ago, Anonymous said:

She doesn't want to file criminal charges but wants to go for the $$ instead? Yeah that's a red flag right there.


AB is a piece of **** but this whole thing doesn't seem right.

I don't exactly know, but maybe statue of limitations comes into play here. It was in college, so that's a long time ago

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1 hour ago, DougDew said:

I don't have any compelling reason to believe her.  I don't subscribe to the notion that I need to believe the accuser, or any accuser, because of "what it might say"  about all other future rape accusations by anybody.


The proper avenue is to accuse AB in front of the police.  That's what makes it an accusation.


If she is only making the statement to the media, and never told the police,  she is basically making a statement to everyone on the planet that doesn't matter.  Doing so does not require me to think of the statement as a legitimate accusation. 


Statements communicated in this manner actually begin to make AB look like a sympathetic figure.


On the flip side, I don't automatically not believe her either. The position of an allegation should be neutrality, not one way or the other

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