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Irsay cryptic tweet/Bob Lamey (Voice of the Colts) retiring (merge)

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6 minutes ago, DaveA1102 said:


Maybe a poor choice of words on my part, but they could still be seen to be letting him off with something that many would be fired for. 


I realise that he lost his job either way, but I still think it doesn't reflect well.


I disagree the Colts are trying to let a long standing employee, with no other issues that I know of, a graceful way out.  That shows loyalty in my book, he made a mistake, one that in todays world is somehow unforgivable, the organization looks to me like they are not trying to kick a man when he is down.

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16 minutes ago, Cynjin said:


As he should be.

The beer thing is escalating.  All this craft beer.  My daughters also are huge beer fans and like weird beers that I really cannot stand.......like sours :yuk:


I'll have maybe two beers a year and it's likely to be a citrus beer.  My husband has had a few subscriptions to beer of the month club.  It's the perfect gift for him.


I can't think of anything I like as well as these people love their beer.


So yeah.......burning dinner is not a big deal but being out of beer is an emergency

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5 minutes ago, DaveA1102 said:


Maybe a poor choice of words on my part, but they could still be seen to be letting him off with something that many would be fired for. 


I realise that he lost his job either way, but I still think it doesn't reflect well.


I try really hard to not always worry about how something 'reflects' on others. Too many try to make something out of nothing. That's the definition of fake news, isn't it?


I have to hold judgement on that pending me knowing all the details.

I don't know who the whistle blower is. I don't know what the story being told was.

But, so far, I'm trying not to make this a bigger issue then what I already know.

We also don't know if Bob may have retired before he could get fired.

I also agree with the company's 'we don't talk about personnel issues' stance. It isn't everyone's business.

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2 minutes ago, Nadine said:

The beer thing is escalating.  All this craft beer.  My daughters also are huge beer fans and like weird beers that I really cannot stand.......like sours :yuk:


I'll have maybe two beers a year and it's likely to be a citrus beer.  My husband has had a few subscriptions to beer of the month club.  It's the perfect gift for him.


I can't think of anything I like as well as these people love their beer.


So yeah.......burning dinner is not a big deal but being out of beer is an emergency

I have not had a full drink or n my life

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It’s one thing to say it. 


It’s an entirely different thing to directly quote someone else who said it. 


Cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it. 


I just wonder how long it will be before we start damning people who just so much as hear something offensive. “No one should listen to that! Your life needs ruined for hearing it!”


Rabble rabble. 

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2 minutes ago, buccolts said:


I try really hard to not always worry about how something 'reflects' on others. Too many try to make something out of nothing. That's the definition of fake news, isn't it?


I have to hold judgement on that pending me knowing all the details.

I don't know who the whistle blower is. I don't know what the story being told was.

But, so far, I'm trying not to make this a bigger issue then what I already know.

We also don't know if Bob may have retired before he could get fired.

I also agree with the company's 'we don't talk about personnel issues' stance. It isn't everyone's business.

In today’s world of insta news that stance is out of date

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19 minutes ago, DaveA1102 said:

One thing worth mentioning, as Zak Keefer did, is that the Colts appear to have actually tried to cover this up.  Lamey was slated to come back this year, they then played it as the trip to Seattle made him realise that it wasn't for him when, obviously now, there was more to it.


Maybe not all the facts are at hand, but not a good look for the organisation.

actually not really. Legally, they could be sued by Lamey if they had made it public. In most cases, it is illegal to publicly announce personnel situations unless extreme circumstances are present. Only reason they can now comment is because the employee went public and to WTHR.  But by doing so, she's potentially opened herself up for firing depending on the Colts internal HR policies. 

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1 hour ago, chad72 said:

I am not going to defend Bob Lamey at all for his slur. We can continue to speculate what kind of person he was all we want, when no one is watching, but I am not going to do that. 


However, I will say this. If a clean wall has just a few dirty spots, I will still focus on the clean that can overshadow the few dirty spots because I never believe a person is good because they are always good; it is because they are good far more often than bad. No one is perfect. I will leave it at that.


With the greatest respect, it wasn't (if reports are accurate), his slur. Should he have been more aware of the content of the story and chosen not to repeat it verbatim, sure. Should he have had more awareness how it could insult people listening, sure. Should he have realised if you need to be so careful as to ask if the mic is off that you probably shouldn't be telling said story, 100%. 


He made a big mistake, realised it as the moment and apologised on the spot. Further to that, realising how bad a mistake it was he resigned. I don't think you really need to speculate on what type of man he is. I don't think incident is indicative of whether anyone is a racist. As you say, it's a stain on his professional history but his career shouldn't not be defined by it alone. 


Maybe it's different here as we don't have one single word  that is as inflammatory. 

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13 minutes ago, csmopar said:

actually not really. Legally, they could be sued by Lamey if they had made it public. In most cases, it is illegal to publicly announce personnel situations unless extreme circumstances are present. Only reason they can now comment is because the employee went public and to WTHR.  But by doing so, she's potentially opened herself up for firing depending on the Colts internal HR policies. 

The whole “tired” story could have been dropped



  this is now in the Court of Public Opinion 

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I hear people say racist and sexist and religiously intolerant things all the time.  I hear a lot of it from people I love.  My dad was a terrible sexist and so are my brothers.  I try to call them out on it and they just double down.


It's all around us all the time.  We should all do the best we can to remind people not to use slurs.  



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5 minutes ago, Nadine said:

I hear people say racist and sexist and religiously intolerant things all the time.  I hear a lot of it from people I love.  My dad was a terrible sexist and so are my brothers.  I try to call them out on it and they just double down.


It's all around us all the time.  We should all do the best we can to remind people not to use slurs.  



So true



  my parents would have sit downs after certain visits 

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10 minutes ago, Nadine said:

I hear people say racist and sexist and religiously intolerant things all the time.  I hear a lot of it from people I love.  My dad was a terrible sexist and so are my brothers.  I try to call them out on it and they just double down.


It's all around us all the time.  We should all do the best we can to remind people not to use slurs.  




Yes, and it's O.K. to do it privately.

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7 minutes ago, buccolts said:


Yes, and it's O.K. to do it privately.

That's a can of worms. 

Not going to get political, but that's too much rope to give to people who think all issues are intersectional and the country is implicitly racist. 

It's not cool to be carrying on about the *other* with racist language- that's how I look at it. 


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I decided to look at this for a sec, and the expectations you are putting on an almost 80 year old man are appalling. He shouldn't have to conform to the horrible way that this planet has turned into. Most of us weren't around when he grew up. He had actual freedom of speech back then before we were a nation divided. He shouldn't have to be so careful that a few people who don't have a brain in their head and can't tell what a non-issue is from actual racism lets it affects his job and well being. 


We are in a horrible state right now in this world. The PC garbage needs to go very quickly, as it's being used to divide us a nation. I feel bad for Lamey as he probably thinks these people are crazy for criticizing him, and he's right. 

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The more I read about it, the more it looks like it was less innocent than Lamey presented it as in his statement. To me it looks like he related a story that used the N-word as a punchline in some sort of a joke and he found it funny enough to retell it. Now I don't know much about his character to broadly condemn it for a single instance, but it definitely is not as innocent as I thought when I posted my post earlier here.  


Also in the aftermath, the Colts don't come out looking great about how they handled it. 

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1 minute ago, stitches said:

The more I read about it, the more it looks like it was less innocent than Lamey presented it as in his statement. To me it looks like he related a story that used the N-word as a punchline in some sort of a joke and he found it funny enough to retell it. Now I don't know much about his character to broadly condemn it for a single instance, but it definitely is not as innocent as I thought when I posted my post earlier here.  

The thing that got me was the fact that he checked to see if the mics were off

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This thread is important.


When the beloved Bob Lamey has a thread dedicated to him transformed into a (pretty civil, so far) discussion on racism because he said a racist word (whether he is actually racist or not), we need to open our eyes and look back.


The U.S. is one of the youngest countries in the world, and all of the awful parts of our very recent history are still right there in our rear-view mirror.  And we're reminded of it every time the N-word is used, by black-youths yes, but ESPECIALLY when an old white guy says it, no matter the context.  Anyone that calls it "just a word" and doesn't think anyone should be offended by "just a word" is not being empathetic to those that the word was used to degrade.


We can't erase this history.  We can't ignore this history.  And Bob should know better than to joke about it...



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Just now, PrincetonTiger said:

The thing that got me was the fact that he checked to see if the mics were off

I think he did that because he was somewhat aware of the overreaction it may get. He probably did have some awareness of the consequences his actions could receive. Doesn't mean he deserved them. The stupid run the asylum these days, and the younger generation wonder why their elders and grandparents continuously talk about the "good old days." They were called that for a reason. If I were in charge, I'd take the best qualities of today (modern medicine and modern technology), and use them in a 70s and 80s setting where we were united once again. That's was before the world started it's downtrend. I'd even go back to the 90s. I literally said anything I wanted as a kid and had no fear of the consequences. 

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4 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I think he did that because he was somewhat aware of the overreaction it may get. He probably did have some awareness of the consequences his actions could receive. Doesn't mean he deserved them. The stupid run the asylum these days, and the younger generation wonder why their elders and grandparents continuously talk about the "good old days." They were called that for a reason. If I were in charge, I'd take the best qualities of today (modern medicine and modern technology), and use them in a 70s and 80s setting where we were united once again. That's was before the world started it's downtrend. I'd even go back to the 90s. I literally said anything I wanted as a kid and had no fear of the consequences. 

You do realize that the good ol days were only good to some 

   If we use the standards of the past many would be 2nd class citizens for various reasons 

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4 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

If I were in charge, I'd take the best qualities of today (modern medicine and modern technology), and use them in a 70s and 80s setting where we were united once again. That's was before the world started it's downtrend. I'd even go back to the 90s. I literally said anything I wanted as a kid and had no fear of the consequences. 


2 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

Bob is a racist, and the Colts need to apologize to fans for employing a known racist


You two need to hang out and see if your opposite extremes can find a way to meet in the middle.



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1 minute ago, Pacergeek said:

I don't like PC politics, but Lamey using racial slurs crosses the line. Bob is a racist, and the Colts need to apologize to fans for employing a known racist

I tend not to believe he's a racist, but that he just doesn't believe it's really that big of a deal, when society treats it as such. The majority of people in the past were very racist. Some white people to an extent 50 years ago had the same attitude toward blacks that blacks have towards whites today. It's just switched over, and the media has a different perception now, so most younger people don't even realize it. Everyone is a little racist IMO.

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6 minutes ago, Lucky Colts Fan said:



You two need to hang out and see if your opposite extremes can find a way to meet in the middle.



I'd honestly probably be friends with him easily. I just don't like the PC culture, and the people that support it today, that's my main problem. As long as someone has a level head, I can get along with them, and pacergeek does.

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12 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

The stupid run the asylum these days, and the younger generation wonder why their elders and grandparents continuously talk about the "good old days." They were called that for a reason.


6 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

The majority of people in the past were very racist.


So, you want to go back to the "good ol days" when "the majority of people were very racist"...





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Just now, Lucky Colts Fan said:



So, you want to go back to the "good ol days" when "the majority of people were very racist"...





People are still very racist today. In case you haven't noticed. Now it just gets called out to the extreme. Back then, less people made a big deal of it.

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7 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I tend not to believe he's a racist, but that he just doesn't believe it's really that big of a deal, when society treats it as such. The majority of people in the past were very racist. Some white people to an extent 50 years ago had the same attitude toward blacks that blacks have towards whites today. It's just switched over, and the media has a different perception now, so most younger people don't even realize it. Everyone is a little racist IMO.

Personally, I look at common sense, in terms of what is offensive. As a white guy, never saying the N word is common sense. PC politics blur the line that is common sense.

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Just now, Pacergeek said:

Personally, I look at common sense, in terms of what is offensive. As a white guy, never saying the N word is common sense. PC politics blur the line that is common sense.

I do agree with that. He made a mistake. I'm just a bit more sympathetic towards him because of his age, I guess, and because of my relationship I have with my grandparents.

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Just now, Jared Cisneros said:

I do agree with that. He made a mistake. I'm just a bit more sympathetic towards him because of his age, I guess, and because of my relationship I have with my grandparents.

I had very strong relationships with my GPs and that doesn’t change a thing


    My Grandfather made sure I had a normal childhood 

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Just now, PrincetonTiger said:

Yes they did. 

 See Rosa Parks, MLK, Medgar Evers et.al

Those were very large figures, however, there was still no social media, internet, and people were a lot more tolerant back then. I'd rather live in the era of underreaction this the era of extreme overreaction. There needs to be awareness and steps to stop it, but not to the point where it divides the nation. The media solely has a perception that it's all on one race, and even my minority friends agree with me on this issue. Everyone has turned on everyone in this day and age.

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1 minute ago, PrincetonTiger said:

I had very strong relationships with my GPs and that doesn’t change a thing


    My Grandfather made sure I had a normal childhood 

Did your grandparents have alzheimer's? That's a big reason why I'm not giving Lamey crap as they tend to forget things as they get older. 80 is entering that "zone".

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2 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Those were very large figures, however, there was still no social media, internet, and people were a lot more tolerant back then. I'd rather live in the era of underreaction this the era of extreme overreaction. There needs to be awareness and steps to stop it, but not to the point where it divides the nation. The media solely has a perception that it's all on one race, and even my minority friends agree with me on this issue. Everyone has turned on everyone in this day and age.

If people were not proactive in the 40s/50s the civil rights laws/rulings of the 50s/60s would not have passed

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24 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

I think he did that because he was somewhat aware of the overreaction it may get. He probably did have some awareness of the consequences his actions could receive. Doesn't mean he deserved them. The stupid run the asylum these days, and the younger generation wonder why their elders and grandparents continuously talk about the "good old days." They were called that for a reason. If I were in charge, I'd take the best qualities of today (modern medicine and modern technology), and use them in a 70s and 80s setting where we were united once again. That's was before the world started it's downtrend. I'd even go back to the 90s. I literally said anything I wanted as a kid and had no fear of the consequences. 

Being able to say what you like, and not fearing the consequences are two very separate concepts. If you never learn to fear the consequences of your actions how would you ever learn things like responsibility? Taking ownership of your actions? 


I don't agree with censoring, or point blank banning a word, let people who want to use such words (within sensible limitations) and be judged accordingly by their peers. All censorship does is weed out the stupid and teach the really dangerous folk to be more under the radar. 

12 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

Personally, I look at common sense, in terms of what is offensive. As a white guy, never saying the N word is common sense. PC politics blur the line that is common sense.


There is a big difference between making an error of judgement and being a racist. 

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18 minutes ago, Pacergeek said:

Personally, I look at common sense, in terms of what is offensive. As a white guy, never saying the N word is common sense. PC politics blur the line that is common sense.

No one, of any race, should be saying it. Its completely unacceptable.  If anyone is okay with a non-white person saying it, he/she is a HUGE hypocrite. Period

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Just now, csmopar said:

No one, of any race, should be saying it. Its completely unacceptable.  If anyone is okay with a non-white person saying it, he/she is a HUGE hypocrite. Period


Bingo.. if you're going to call for a word to be banned, it's a ban for all or a ban for none. Otherwise aren't you just perpetuating another type of inequality? 

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1 hour ago, buccolts said:


Cover Up is such an ugly phrase.

The company offered a good, long standing employee a graceful way out of an unfortunate mistake.

I'm fine with that.

That’s what I see it as and I think what the Colts were trying to do.


With that said I understand why in today’s world people throw out cover up even if I don’t agree with it.  It’s more sensational and that’s what gets people’s attention now a days.

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4 hours ago, Pacergeek said:

This thread needs to be locked. Cannot believe how many people are defending Bob Lamey here


Its crazy. None of these people know him on a personal basis. Even if he was just repeating a joke, the fact that he felt comfortable repeating the joke to another person in earshot of others bothers me. Maybe he took too much Ambien. 

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