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Kravitz: Might Jim Irsay run Andrew Luck out of Indianapolis with his intemperate remarks?


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Jim Irsay isn't running Andrew Luck out of town, he just signed him to a huge 5 year deal. Secondly he let Peyton Manning go in order to Draft Andrew. He is also on record saying that he thinks Andrew can be better than Peyton. I seriously doubt all of this. I really hope this isn't how the off season media is going to be, if so pathetic!

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2 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Jim Irsay isn't running Andrew Luck out of town, he just signed him to a huge 5 year deal. Secondly he let Peyton Manning go in order to Draft Andrew. He is also on record saying that he thinks Andrew can be better than Peyton. I seriously doubt all of this. I really hope this isn't how the off season media is going to be, if so pathetic!

Well the media in general is pathetic.

Go back and think how the media was treating the Colts in Andrew's first three years. Then came deflate-gate and the big bad Colts put a bad light on the golden boy. The media negativity has been pretty non stop since then. Add Irsay's legal problems and the losses it just makes it a lot worse than it needs to be.

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We are still talking about this?


There is no rift between Jim Irsay and Andrew Luck.


Kravitz pulls an article like this out from under his bed from time to time. He was getting showed up on how to hate-on the Colts by Doyel and felt left out.


How much did Irsay pay Luck to play this year? Yeah, a person has a reason to be * off if they pay someone that much money and get nothing in return. That’s only natural. 


On the other hand, Luck feels bad for taking that money and producing nothing. That too is natural. 


Will this cause a certain amount of friction? Yes! But, you guessed it; these are natural emotions for anyone to have.


It was reported that Irsay felt he was misled. Is it possible he was misled about this being an issue 4 inches between Luck’s ears? 


Two can play that game Kravitz.

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1 hour ago, jvan1973 said:

Kravitz hasn't been a good sports analyst' in a long time.   If I had irsays money and power,   I would have wrecked him and Doyle long ago

yea, dakich has eluded to the fact that he is "pressured" from the Colts organization to stay aligned with the good guys (paraphrasing) and that he hasn't given in, nor will (whether true or not who knows).

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6 hours ago, Everyone said:

Interesting comments from Dungy regarding what Irsay told him. 

Not my opinion, just sharing what I see.

I know you don't share in the article's opinion just to be clear.  That said, this article you linked really seems like quite a reach.  I never got the impression that Irsay ever implied the injury is all in Luck's head.  And I have been fairly critical of Irsay and his public comments/reactions regarding this entire situation.


Some in the media are reaching wildly to drive the Luck wants out of Indy bus.  Given his contract and the financial implications involved I think that scenario is unlikely.  I'd be more concerned about Luck retiring prematurely due to injury than him demanding his way out of Indy.

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For the record I am huge Jimbo fan. People can bash him all they want for his DUI and Pill ordeal or be butt hurt because he let Peyton go. Here's what he has done, as GM he put us on the map in 1987 by trading for Eric Dickerson - we won the Division that season and people stopped making fun of us. He was behind bringing Jim Harbaugh here and we were 1 play away from making the SB in 1995. He made sure as owner that we drafted Peyton and Luck. As owner of the team he has the 2nd most wins over the last 20 seasons only 2nd to Robert Kraft + we have won a SB. He also donates to tons of charities and helps out with the Children's Hospital. Right now he just payed Luck a huge amount of money for not even playing. He paid Peyton 25 Million in 2011 and he didn't even play a snap. Let all of this sink in before we continue to rip this guy :thmup:

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I sure hope Kravitz doesn’t have a private line to Oliver & Andrew’s agent. I can easily see a scenario where they are frustrated and scared with the damage Luck has taken the last few years. They may be sick and tired of the Grigson/Pagano show and are putting their feet down like the Elways...  


Protect Andrew or he’ll retire or whatever...  If that’s the case, I can see them being frustrated with the fact that Irsay brought Chuck & Chud back.  So in essence Irsay has made himself part of the problem as well and saying Luck is “mentally fragile” most certainly wouldn’t help the situation...


Hopefully, this is all speculation and conjecture and Kravitz is full of it but it’s not hard to envision a scenario where the Luck’s are fearing for Andrew’s prolonged health and are gonna start becoming more demanding on things they want and expect out of the organization.

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27 minutes ago, Smoke317 said:

I sure hope Kravitz doesn’t have a private line to Oliver & Andrew’s agent. I can easily see a scenario where they are frustrated and scared with the damage Luck has taken the last few years. They may be sick and tired of the Grigson/Pagano show and are putting their feet down like the Elways...  


Protect Andrew or he’ll retire or whatever...  If that’s the case, I can see them being frustrated with the fact that Irsay brought Chuck & Chud back.  So in essence Irsay has made himself part of the problem as well and saying Luck is “mentally fragile” most certainly wouldn’t help the situation...


Hopefully, this is all speculation and conjecture and Kravitz is full of it but it’s not hard to envision a scenario where the Luck’s are fearing for Andrew’s prolonged health and are gonna start becoming more demanding on things they want and expect out of the organization.

:facepalm:-- You absolutely will go to no ends will you?

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It’s not the first time Irsay has hinted at it being in Luck’s Head.  He made a comment about it during the Colts Bengals pre-season game.  There was a report by Peter King I believe on Sunday Night Football that Luck to go see someone to regain his throwing motion because he had lost it.  Maybe that’s what Irsay was talking about or maybe he means Andrew will have to learn to play with some pain even post surgery.  I don’t know that’s just guesses on my part.


As for Kravitz article it seems mostly based on something Dan Patrick said in regards to him wondering if Luck’s future is here.  Fair question on Patrick’s part but nothing solid that would lead me to think this should be a story like Kravitz is presenting it as.  I think the bigger story here is what Dungy said Irsay told him.  That’s a story on its own.


As for Luck’s futureche doesn’t really much leverage other than to retire which I don’t think he wants to do.  The Colts own his rights until his contract is up and then can franchise tag him three years in a row after that if needed.  By then the bulk of his career would be over.


With that said if they truly do have an unhappy player it might be in both parties best interest to make a move but I think we are there yet.  I am guessing Irsay would explore all options before trading the guy he cut Peyton Manning for and expecting to have anything close to a fanbase left.  


With that said Luck could make this all go away by just saying I want to be an Indianapolis Colt and I am working as hard as I can to make sure I can get back out there and help my teammates next year and to this point he has yet to do that.  I am not saying that means there is a fire here but it doesn’t make the smoke go away either.    

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5 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

The local media isn't doing us any favors either, can they at least print something positive for once :dunno:

There hasn’t been much positive to print about the Colts this year.  Their job isn’t to be team cheerleaders their job is to tell you what’s going on with the team and sometimes the truth is ugly.


In Kravitz case it’s a little different because he’s a columnist and is paid to offer his opinion but again, right now, there isn’t a lot to have a positive opinion about.  Although I would agree I think he’s reaching a bit here.  

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4 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

It’s not the first time Irsay has hinted at it being in Luck’s Head.  He made a comment about it during the Colts Bengals pre-season game.  There was a report by Peter King I believe on Sunday Night Football that Luck to go see someone to regain his throwing motion because he had lost it.  Maybe that’s what Irsay was talking about or maybe he means Andrew will have to learn to play with some pain even post surgery.  I don’t know that’s just guesses on my part.


As for Kravitz article it seems mostly based on something Dan Patrick said in regards to him wondering if Luck’s future is here.  Fair question on Patrick’s part but nothing solid that would lead me to think this should be a story like Kravitz is presenting it as.  I think the bigger story here is what Dungy said Irsay told him.  That’s a story on its own.


As for Luck’s futureche doesn’t really much leverage other than to retire which I don’t think he wants to do.  The Colts own his rights until his contract is up and then can franchise tag him three years in a row after that if needed.  By then the bulk of his career would be over.


With that said if they truly do have an unhappy player it might be in both parties best interest to make a move but I think we aren’t there yet.  I am guessing Irsay would explore all options before trading the guy he cut Peyton Manning for and expecting to have anything close to a fanbase left.  


With that said Luck could make this all go away by just saying I want to be an Indianapolis Colt and I am working as hard as I can to make sure I can get back out there and help my teammates next year and to this point he has yet to do that.  I am not saying that means there is a fire here but it doesn’t make the smoke go away either.    

None of us can get into Irsay's mind for sure. Maybe Irsay made the comment in reference to Luck having to change his linebacker mentality?  The very way Luck plays is what most of us like in him. The sad part is it's not conducive to his health. As eccentric as Jim is he could try to explain what he meant and just confound us all. :dunno::D

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5 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

There hasn’t been much positive to print about the Colts this year.  Their job isn’t to be team cheerleaders their job is to tell you what’s going on with the team and sometimes the truth is ugly.


In Kravitz case it’s a little different because he’s a columnist and is paid to offer his opinion but again, right now, there isn’t a lot to have a positive opinion about.  Although I would agree I think he’s reaching a bit here.  

We just won at Houston and Brissett had his best game as a Colt, why cant he talk about that instead of trying to stir up a pile of dung between Irsay and Luck.

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22 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

We just won at Houston and Brissett had his best game as a Colt, why cant he talk about that instead of trying to stir up a pile of dung between Irsay and Luck.

Because even some of the fans here weren’t happy they won that game and it’s nice they won but the Colts aren’t going anywhere this season and everyone knows it.  The story with the Colts is and will be the health of Andrew Luck until there is a clear answer.

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11 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

Because even some of the fans here weren’t happy they won that game and it’s nice they won but the Colts aren’t going anywhere this season and everyone knows it.  The story with the Colts is and will be the health of Andrew Luck until there is a clear answer.

Heck there are some who want to win just because they are just Colt fans.

There are some who want them to lose because of a phantom draft pick.

There are pros and cons for both opinions.

Fandom sure is a strange thing. Makes the fanatic come out big time.


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After reading through this thread, it’s become abundantly clear that almost no one read the article.  


Tony Dungy told Dan Patrick that when he was in town for the Manning ceremony, Irsay told him that Luck wasn’t playing because Luck was struggling mentally.


That was a nugget Dungy thought he was sharing off the record.


Now we know that as recently as in-season, Irsay was of the impression that Luck was physically capable of playing.


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3 minutes ago, zibby43 said:

After reading through this thread, it’s become abundantly clear that almost no one read the article.  


Tony Dungy told Dan Patrick that when he was in town for the Manning ceremony, Irsay told him that Luck wasn’t playing because Luck was struggling mentally.


That was a nugget Dungy thought he was sharing off the record.


Now we know that as recently as in-season, Irsay was of the impression that Luck was physically capable of playing.


If there is truth to that it means Irsay was not telling lies as he is accused of. With that said it is sad that something Dungy said off record to Dan Patrick then it was Patrick who run his mouth and created all this horse dung.

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4 minutes ago, zibby43 said:

After reading through this thread, it’s become abundantly clear that almost no one read the article.  


Tony Dungy told Dan Patrick that when he was in town for the Manning ceremony, Irsay told him that Luck wasn’t playing because Luck was struggling mentally.


That was a nugget Dungy thought he was sharing off the record.


Now we know that as recently as in-season, Irsay was of the impression that Luck was physically capable of playing.


No need to read the article when you see a Title like - Might Jim Irsay run Andrew Luck out of Indianapolis with his remarks. That is just stupid in itself. If you cant see that sorry. These negative articles are really getting old and they are just plain dumb.

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8 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

No need to read the article when you see a Title like - Might Jim Irsay run Andrew Luck out of Indianapolis with his remarks. That is just stupid in itself. If you cant see that sorry. These negative articles are really getting old and they are just plain dumb.

I agree my friend but I have come to the conclusion it comes with the territory. When some forum members enjoy wallowing in negativity there are still some who know the NFL well enough to know what the saying means when it is said this is the NFL. It is not unusual for teams to go through all the drama we are going through right now. All we have to do is look all around the NFL and see the Colts are no different than 80% of other teams.

Take the Lions-Packers game. At the start of the season it would have been really dumb to think the Lions would put an old fashion butt whippin on the Packers. In todays NFL it has become the norm not to be normal.

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5 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

I agree my friend but I have come to the conclusion it comes with the territory. When some forum members enjoy wallowing in negativity there are still some who know the NFL well enough to know what the saying means when it is said this is the NFL. It is not unusual for teams to go through all the drama we are going through right now. All we have to do is look all around the NFL and see the Colts are no different than 80% of other teams.

Take the Lions-Packers game. At the start of the season it would have been really dumb to think the Lions would put an old fashion butt whippin on the Packers. In todays NFL it has become the norm not to be normal.

I agree. Look at how good the Packers are without Rodgers - they are a joke. I guess McCarthy should be fired lmao They will be lucky to win a game without their starting QB.

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7 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

In the Packers case who is the owner that needs firing or needs to turn in their papers?  :dunno:

I don't know seems pretty incompetent to me, I mean cant win without your starting QB. Come on now haha :sarcasm: Packers fans should be like, tank time for a better pick and fire them all! You know what they don't do that, some of our fans do though.

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

The Packers are proving my point 100% in that without your best player/Franchise QB you aren't going to win much and I don't care if Vince Lombardi is the Coach, Packers aren't winning without Rodgers. We aren't without Luck. I like Brissett but he isn't Luck.

But it's the coaches fault don't you know.

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4 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

If there is truth to that it means Irsay was not telling lies as he is accused of. With that said it is sad that something Dungy said off record to Dan Patrick then it was Patrick who run his mouth and created all this horse dung.


I 100% believe what Tony Dungy says.  I've been fortunate enough to meet and spend time with several of his family members - all great people.


There is a video clip of all this being said (i.e., there is a video clip from the show of Dungy and Patrick discussing this).


This isn't just Patrick saying he was told something.


I'll even do the work and post the transcript below -


Patrick asked Dungy about the Luck situation:


Dungy: "I don't know what's going on there. Jim Irsay made a comment to me about six weeks ago, 'It's inside his head now.'"


Patrick: "Wait, it's inside Luck's head?"


Dungy: "Yeah, he (Irsay) said that when I was out (in Indianapolis) for Peyton's ceremony."


Patrick, stunned: "Wow . . . I really wonder if Luck's future is in Indianapolis. I really do."


Dungy didn't respond initially, then when Patrick brought up the fact that Irsay expected Luck back at the start of the season or early in the season . . .


Dungy: "They obviously believed it because they did nothing to prepare for him not being there."


4 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

No need to read the article when you see a Title like - Might Jim Irsay run Andrew Luck out of Indianapolis with his remarks. That is just stupid in itself. If you cant see that sorry. These negative articles are really getting old and they are just plain dumb.


Huh?  You don't think Luck, his agent, and his family aren't going to be ticked off at the fact that the owner has now repeatedly said, not just to the media, but to Tony Dungy, that the reason he isn't playing is because he can't get his mind right?


That no one in the Luck camp is going to be miffed at the fact that the owner is questioning the mental fortitude of a guy that has been battered (broken ribs, torn labrum, concussion, damaged vital internal organs) behind an incompetent o-line that the organization has trotted out onto the field on an annual basis?


If you can't see why this (transcript above) is a big deal and you can't get past a goofy headline to read the facts that just got dropped yesterday, then respectfully, I'm sorry.



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21 minutes ago, zibby43 said:


I 100% believe what Tony Dungy says.  I've been fortunate enough to meet and spend time with several of his family members - all great people.


There is a video clip of all this being said (i.e., there is a video clip from the show of Dungy and Patrick discussing this).


This isn't just Patrick saying he was told something.


I'll even do the work and post the transcript below -


Patrick asked Dungy about the Luck situation:


Dungy: "I don't know what's going on there. Jim Irsay made a comment to me about six weeks ago, 'It's inside his head now.'"


Patrick: "Wait, it's inside Luck's head?"


Dungy: "Yeah, he (Irsay) said that when I was out (in Indianapolis) for Peyton's ceremony."


Patrick, stunned: "Wow . . . I really wonder if Luck's future is in Indianapolis. I really do."


Dungy didn't respond initially, then when Patrick brought up the fact that Irsay expected Luck back at the start of the season or early in the season . . .


Dungy: "They obviously believed it because they did nothing to prepare for him not being there."



Huh?  You don't think Luck, his agent, and his family aren't going to be ticked off at the fact that the owner has now repeatedly said, not just to the media, but to Tony Dungy, that the reason he isn't playing is because he can't get his mind right?


That no one in the Luck camp is going to be miffed at the fact that the owner is questioning the mental fortitude of a guy that has been battered (broken ribs, torn labrum, concussion, damaged vital internal organs) behind an incompetent o-line that the organization has trotted out onto the field on an annual basis?


If you can't see why this (transcript above) is a big deal and you can't get past a goofy headline to read the facts that just got dropped yesterday, then respectfully, I'm sorry.



You are looking to deep into this my friend. The media seems to be trying to get Luck out of Indy with their Bull Dung over and over. Ever since DeflateGate it's been going on and has got worse. I don't have a high IQ for nothing and can see what's going on. Luck went to Stanford and should be smarter than me so I hope he isn't falling for anything silly that the media is trying to say. No way does Irsay want Luck gone, Luck is a once in a lifetime QB.

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22 minutes ago, zibby43 said:

If you can't see why this (transcript above) is a big deal and you can't get past a goofy headline to read the facts that just got dropped yesterday, then respectfully, I'm sorry.



That news is not new . All of this 4 inches between the ears talk started about 3 months ago


August 13, 2017 https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2017/08/13/doyel-only-thing-thats-clear-colts-qb-situation-its-not-kaepernick/559368001/



“It’s been said before,” Irsay said, “all sports is played on a 4-inch field between your ears. … It’s really important that we continue to help Andrew emotionally, mentally, get his confidence and his endorsement, deep down his rubber stamp (in) his heart of hearts because in the end that carries the biggest weight.”


Sept 4, 2017 https://www.indystar.com/story/sports/columnists/gregg-doyel/2017/09/04/doyel-why-we-talking-so-much-andrew-lucks-head/627109001/



Team owner Jim Irsay has weighed in on the most valuable real estate, per square inch, in franchise history. He keeps weighing in on it, keeps voluntarily raising the subject of Luck’s state of mind, which might be why General Manager Chris Ballard is now voluntarily addressing those 4 inches as well.

“Andrew right now mentally is in the best place I’ve seen,” Ballard was saying Monday from the Colts’ complex. “The strain is off the face. He’s in a real good spot right now.”

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