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Irsay furious about Luck situation, feels he was misled


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8 minutes ago, Stephen said:

Actually the team doctor stepping down could be a major factor. What if the team doctor lied and said luck should be fine to start the season but knew there was a chance he wouldnt

An MD would never made such a statement.   The surgeon wouldn't either

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Misled by whom???  This screams of Irsay trying to make himself the victim so it doesn’t look like he sold us all a dream of Luck being ready for the season in order to sell tickets...  Smart move by the PR department to try to get out in front of this because that talk is only gonna heat up and get louder.  But I’m not buying it.  I was already on the hook for my season tickets anyway, so it doesn’t bother me. I just want my QB back being healthy and my franchise back winning again...

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6 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

I’d love to know who these sources are. 


Irsay himself or people close to him that he told to leak it. Nobody has heard  a peep from Irsay about this in quite a while, now on the day he goes to I.R. we get this report?  What a coincidence.

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7 minutes ago, Shafty138 said:

team doctors don't perform surgeries often, if at all..... they all go to renowned specialists like Dr. Andrews.

Did Dr. Andrews perform Luck’s surgery?  And if not, then why not?  This isn’t some Joe Shmoe. This is our FRANCHISE QB.  Maybe there are better surgeons out there but Andrews has a heckuva reputation. I would have wanted him to do the surgery. 

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17 minutes ago, ReMeDy said:


So basically, the team doctor botched the surgery, said, "Well, Mr. Irsay, your million-dollar QB will be just fine!" Then packed his bags and fled. That doctor was smart to leave when he did!


Luck’s personal surgeon in Stanford did the surgery, Ballard mentioned his name in his presser today, can’t remember it now though.

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52 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:




53 minutes ago, Boiler_Colt said:

I wonder if the team doctor suddenly "stepping down" is related to this.


26 minutes ago, Stephen said:

Actually the team doctor stepping down could be a major factor. What if the team doctor lied and said luck should be fine to start the season but knew there was a chance he wouldnt


24 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Very well could be, this makes sense.


Let me nip this wild speculation in the bud now.


1) Dr. Rettig did not perform the surgery.  Shoulders aren’t even his area of expertise under the Methodist Sports Medicine roof.


2) Dr. Rettig’s stepping down had nothing to do with Luck.


3) I personally know Dr. Rettig.


4) The end.

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5 minutes ago, zibby43 said:





Let me nip this wild speculation in the bud now.


1) Dr. Rettig did not perform the surgery.  Shoulders aren’t even his area of expertise under the Methodist Sports Medicine roof.


2) Dr. Rettig’s stepping down had nothing to do with Luck.


3) I personally know Dr. Rettig.


4) The end.

I never said he did the surgery (and knew he didn't) but he stepped down for a reason. What was that reason?

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1 minute ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I never said he did the surgery (and knew he didn't) but he stepped down for a reason. What was that reason?


I’m not trying to put you or anyone on blast, I just wanted to put that fire out before it grew legs.  So no worries there.


His decision was to retire, so stepping down isn’t necessarily even the best way to frame the situation.


Dr. Rettig was an incredible surgeon, especially when it came to the hand/wrist. Have had the privilege of watching him work and he’s a consummate professional.


He has also treated close friends and family.


His son Lance is a hell of a surgeon, too.  

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1 minute ago, zibby43 said:


I’m not trying to put you or anyone on blast, I just wanted to put that fire out before it grew legs.  So no worries there.


His decision was to retire, so stepping down isn’t necessarily even the best way to frame the situation.


Dr. Rettig was an incredible surgeon, especially when it came to the hand/wrist. Have had the privilege of watching him work and he’s a consummate professional.


He has also treated close friends and family.


His son Lance is a hell of a surgeon, too.  

No problem, I was just wondering why he stepped down/retire. Everyone is just trying to figure out what is going on. I understand why you Posted what you Posted because some may think he did the surgery.

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59 minutes ago, IinD said:

Our organization is sounding dumb on this here honestly.

Bad look by Irsay. He was the only one saying publicly Luck would definitely play this season.  Then has to back track.  Of course he needs another scapegoat so he gets mad at the doctors. Should have probably listened to them better before running his mouth. Now he looks like more of a laughing stock because he is getting “furious” and in so doing furthering the perception of incompetence in the handling of Luck’s situation. Media will have a field day.

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1 minute ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Bad look by Irsay. He was the only one saying publicly Luck would definitely play this season.  Then has to back track.  Of course he needs another scapegoat so he gets mad at the doctors. Should have probably listened to them better before running his mouth. Now he looks like more of a laughing stock because he is getting “furious” and in so doing furthering the perception of incompetence in the handling of Luck’s situation. Media will have a field day.


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Why do sports fans think that a doctor who tells you when a player will be healthy knows for sure.

Sometimes..the doc says grandma is coming home in a week and she dies the next day.


Why do sports fans think that doctors are lying to them when they cant tell you exactly when a guy will be healthy.

Is it possible they do not know.?



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4 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Bad look by Irsay. He was the only one saying publicly Luck would definitely play this season.  Then has to back track.  Of course he needs another scapegoat so he gets mad at the doctors. Should have probably listened to them better before running his mouth. Now he looks like more of a laughing stock because he is getting “furious” and in so doing furthering the perception of incompetence in the handling of Luck’s situation. Media will have a field day.

I don think he looks dumb at all. If a doctor tells you a friend of yours will be fine after major surgery you would be happy telling everyone that info. Then a week a later if your friend has major complications would you say you were misleading others. Imagine if that situation actually occurred and people were calling you a liar. Would you like it? No you wouldn't.

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3 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

Why do sports fans think that a doctor who tells you when a player will be healthy knows for sure.

Sometimes..the doc says grandma is coming home in a week and she dies the next day.


Why do sports fans think that doctors are lying to them when they cant tell you exactly when a guy will be healthy.

Is it possible they do not know.?



We expect a doctor to be more consistent than a football player at a job. Player X in the NFL can be a complete bust and it's expected, however, we expect a licensed medical doctor that has his own field of practice to be accurate on what he diagnoses injury-wise and the recovery. You went to college for 8 years, you do daily surgeries on patients, and you are the best of the best in your field if you performing surgeries on professional athletes. We have high standards for these people, and they are in a field where they can't afford to get info like this wrong because it could affect their livelyhood wrong anywhere from a little to the point where they are never the same.

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8 minutes ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Bad look by Irsay. He was the only one saying publicly Luck would definitely play this season.  Then has to back track.  Of course he needs another scapegoat so he gets mad at the doctors. Should have probably listened to them better before running his mouth. Now he looks like more of a laughing stock because he is getting “furious” and in so doing furthering the perception of incompetence in the handling of Luck’s situation. Media will have a field day.

Agreed, your last two sentences are exactly what I meant with my comment you quoted.


Regardless of if it's been a fluid situation which was hard to judge, he should have simply answered in a conservative manner since August/September. 


Outside looking in, we look like we've botched this whole situation and we don't look like the Colts of old where we were a tight ship. Not Browns dumb, but you get it.

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4 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I don think he looks dumb at all. If a doctor tells you a friend of yours will be fine after major surgery you would be happy telling everyone that info. Then a week a later if your friend has major complications would you say you were misleading others. Imagine if that situation actually occurred and people were calling you a liar. Would you like it? No you wouldn't.

Apparently Irsay disagrees. He feels stupid about it to the point where he is blaming others instead of just admitting he was wrong and offering a public apology. He could of said "I'm sorry, Lucks recovery hasn't gone as planned", but he feels obligated to pass the blame. That makes me think he feels stupid for what he said, but he won't own up to it.

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2 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

We expect a doctor to be more consistent than a football player at a job. Player X in the NFL can be a complete bust and it's expected, however, we expect a licensed medical doctor that has his own field of practice to be accurate on what he diagnoses injury-wise and the recovery. You went to college for 8 years, you do daily surgeries on patients, and you are the best of the best in your field if you performing surgeries on professional athletes. We have high standards for these people, and they are in a field where they can't afford to get info like this wrong because it could affect their livelyhood wrong anywhere from a little to the point where they are never the same.

I don't know why you expect a doctor to know the time of recovery.

All people are different..and  'time of recovery' is only a guess because of that


.The doctor isn't lying to us


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2 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

Apparently Irsay disagrees. He feels stupid about it to the point where he is blaming others instead of just admitting he was wrong and offering a public apology. He could of said I'm sorry, Lucks recovery hasn't gone as planned, but he feels obligated to pass the blame. That makes me think he feels stupid for what he said, but he won't own up to it.

Well Irsay could defintley tell everyone things didnt go as planned, I dont disagree with that but it doesnt mean he wasnt mislead by doctors either.

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5 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Well Irsay could defintley tell everyone things didnt go as planned, I dont disagree with that but it doesnt mean he wasnt mislead by doctors either.

There's a chance, but it's a low one. You have to understand he's a billionaire businessman, and he's in some hot water right now. More than likely, he's deflecting the blame from his words earlier in the season to the medical staff. It's possible he didn't know Luck wasn't going to play, but more than likely, it was a business move to sell off as many tickets as possible before eventually putting Luck on IR. Again though, a public apology in a Colts meeting explaining the situation would of made this a lot more forgiving. Now, I literally have no trust in Irsay and am skeptical of everything he says. He's like the little boy who cried wolf.

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6 minutes ago, Jaric said:

Something had to have happened when he started throwing again.  They announced he was gonna start throwing, then they shut that down and went radio silent.  Then he shows up on IR.

Part that is concerning without any evidence of course is that it's going to be almost a year soon and he's obviously not right.


Just a crappy situation for us fans (and of course #12 and the organization in general) because this situation now wouldn't shock me if he comes back damaged or a diminished version of Andrew Luck.


Could be totally nothing, but just going on the whole timeline, it's been very up and down emotion wise.

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39 minutes ago, oldunclemark said:

Not any more. He has pain and he shouldnt.

Doesn't matter.

Nobody knew then and nobody knows now.

Nobody was misled


Of course he’s having pain. Those were the most ramped up workouts that he’s had in almost a year, so anyone would be sore. The fact that there aren’t reports of something being wrong internally after seeing several specialists is a positive in my eyes, & shutting him down is simply the right move at this point.

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2 hours ago, Shafty138 said:

team doctors don't perform surgeries often, if at all..... they all go to renowned specialists like Dr. Andrews.


Did you know Dr. Andrews is a team physician for the Washington Redskins?  And the Tampa Bay Rays?  And the University of Auburn and the Alabama Crimson Tide? He also performs surgery of players on other teams/sports.


Dr. Chao was the team physician for the San Diego Chargers and performed surgery on many Charger players,  and on and on...   Many team doctors perform surgery, and many themselves are specialists. Here's a short list of "Super Surgeons", some team doctors (mainly of baseball teams)-




But it is true less and less players are using their own team doctor for surgery and seeking second opinions and outside surgeons. But most, if not all, tram physicians are ortho docs that are capable of performing many of the surgeries themselves, and some team doctors are 'specialists sought out by other players...




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6 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

We expect a doctor to be more consistent than a football player at a job. Player X in the NFL can be a complete bust and it's expected, however, we expect a licensed medical doctor that has his own field of practice to be accurate on what he diagnoses injury-wise and the recovery. You went to college for 8 years, you do daily surgeries on patients, and you are the best of the best in your field if you performing surgeries on professional athletes. We have high standards for these people, and they are in a field where they can't afford to get info like this wrong because it could affect their livelyhood wrong anywhere from a little to the point where they are never the same.

What?  The healing process for anyone who has surgery is all different. The doctor cant predict setbacks. I have been around surgeries and doctors a lot over the last few years. Not one time have I been told of a hard date when I was to recover. I went through two years of recovery after two cervical neck surgeries and fusions. Never did the surgeon or the follow up doctors give me a date.

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6 hours ago, Jared Cisneros said:

There's a chance, but it's a low one. You have to understand he's a billionaire businessman, and he's in some hot water right now. More than likely, he's deflecting the blame from his words earlier in the season to the medical staff. It's possible he didn't know Luck wasn't going to play, but more than likely, it was a business move to sell off as many tickets as possible before eventually putting Luck on IR. Again though, a public apology in a Colts meeting explaining the situation would of made this a lot more forgiving. Now, I literally have no trust in Irsay and am skeptical of everything he says. He's like the little boy who cried wolf.

If you have that much hate and distrust for Irsay then you are going to be very unhappy. Irsay is not going anywhere. Even when he does his family will continue in his place. As long as he is alive he will have his hand in this team.

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21 minutes ago, coltsfeva said:

Who the heck is Benjamin Albright?

I was just thinking that.  A Denver radio host?

I never know what to think about 'multiple sources'


I believe that Irsay is furious because......well, this is not what he thought would happen and not what he told the fans.  But how would anyone know that he feels he was misled?

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