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O-line Improvements Now Noticeable


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23 minutes ago, Mameluc said:

I dont think he likes to hold to the ball. The scheme works like that IMO, he is supposed to hold untill routes develop. 


I do think he prefers to hold the ball, and is willing to hang in there while plays develop. But I assume and believe that if the scheme were intended for him to get the ball out quickly, he would. 

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3 minutes ago, Superman said:


Seven carries in the first half, one of which was Luck's 33 yarder...


I dont get it sometimes, I remember vividly when Chuck first arrived, he said there and then he wanted to establish a tough team with good run offense and defense. It was criminal what Chud was calling out there. If it wasnt for the Texans rookie cb (name escapes me) it would have been an embarresing result in front of our home crowd. Gore has been good this year, and Turbin has been effective on short yardage situations. I know alot of people want a RB in the draft early to mid rounds, but it wont really matter a jot who we get if there is not consist commitment from the coaching staff to run the football.

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49 minutes ago, Mameluc said:

I dont think he likes to hold to the ball. The scheme works like that IMO, he is supposed to hold untill routes develop. 

I've seen times where Luck has an underneath route open (I think yesterday he had Hilton or Dorsett open late in the game on an underneath route), but his eyes are always looking downfield for the deep throw.

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17 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

I've seen times where Luck has an underneath route open (I think yesterday he had Hilton or Dorsett open late in the game on an underneath route), but his eyes are always looking downfield for the deep throw.


Yeah, but who would blame him for not wanting to throw to Dorsett lol!  He could easily drop those quick underneath routes,  haha .

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Luck needs to get rid of the ball faster. He's waiting until the WR's are clearly open. Instead he needs the throw them open. Now this is all about play calling. The 96 yard drive in GB showed a great game plan on that drive. Luck got rid of the ball fast. 

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57 minutes ago, richard pallo said:

I think Clark got into the lineup yesterday.  He had to with all the injuries.  Does anyone have any idea on how he did?  We could be seeing more of him now.  Keep your fingers crossed. 

I saw a good run block or two out of Clark. Dont remember the pass blocking, but don't recall him giving up any bad plays.

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4 hours ago, throwing BBZ said:


 He was awful at leading his receivers and he didn`t throw a single ball low where they could go down and get

it and protect themselves. Lucky was an Oaf yesterday. He sure did look good a runnin' tho! bla bla


The next time you wonder why you don't get the feedback you might want,  think back to comments you write like this....


If you can't make a legitimate criticism without writing some kind of nonsense like this, then perhaps you might want to take another elementary course in english.


I thought Luck was exceeding poor yesterday.      Really disappointing.      But an Oaf?      What are you?   12?


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6 hours ago, RollerColt said:

I suppose that's why they keep doing it. Because they believe they are playing to Luck's strengths. They aren't looking at the whole picture. It's basically saying, "Hey you get paid millions for this, so it's all on you!" 


It's not like Andrew is in year 15. He's still very young and could really benefit from learning a different offense. Heck he's going to have all of January for starters...

My take on why we do the Coryall playbook with Luck is he does it beautifully well in practice because he is playing against our defense and the team thinks we have it down, practice was crisp and how can we lose. They don't take into account our defense isn't very good and Luck makes them look bad while making the offense look so much better. Only logical thing I honestly can think of. 

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Well, I've sort of been defending the OL this year, so why stop now!!  LOL.  I've always felt they were no where near as bad as people say.  Yes, they aren't the best, but they are serviceable and will only get better once they can stay intact!  They've used what....about a dozen different combinations this year?  


IMO, I think it's more on Andrew, the play calling, or the WRs.  If you want to know how the OL is really doing, time them.  VERY seldom does Andrew get any pressure under 2.5 seconds.  It's always when he still has the ball around the high 2s or 3 second mark.  That much time is a luxary IMO.



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We are like a bad movie with bad casting.  A deep throwing offense with a young suspect Oline.  We have Frank Gore....right before he retires.  A 3/4 defense with below average linebackers.  The movie is called Build the Monster, but there is no monster in the movie.  The director and producer are no names who are making their first big budget movie.  The leading man ?   like putting Robert Dinero  in Space Jam.  

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13 hours ago, SilentHill said:

So is it Luck holds onto the ball too long? Or is it the WR not getting separation, or is it the OC not designing quick throw plays?

Its a mix of all 3.


There are times when Luck holds on to the ball too long. Our WRs outside of Hilton and maybe the occasional play by Moncrief do struggle getting open. And theres definitely times where not enough short throws are called. Its not a good mix.

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7 hours ago, Colt Overseas said:


I dont get it sometimes, I remember vividly when Chuck first arrived, he said there and then he wanted to establish a tough team with good run offense and defense. It was criminal what Chud was calling out there. If it wasnt for the Texans rookie cb (name escapes me) it would have been an embarresing result in front of our home crowd. Gore has been good this year, and Turbin has been effective on short yardage situations. I know alot of people want a RB in the draft early to mid rounds, but it wont really matter a jot who we get if there is not consist commitment from the coaching staff to run the football.

Its been a reoccuring theme of the Colts to not stick with the run no matter who the OC is. I think its a Pagano thing, which is weird because he preaches that he wants a power run team every offseason, only to abandon it time after time. Gore was averaging 4.1 YPC against Houston, but we still gave up on it.

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It would help if this was a more timing-specific offense.  Throw the ball to spots, before the WR makes his break, and it's there waiting for him.  Tough to defend too.  But we either have a mistrust problem between QB and WR's/TE's or the will/know how to do that aren't there or the play-calling isn't getting us into those types of plays.  I have no idea what it is.

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3 hours ago, VaAllDay757 said:

I think harrison is good at left guard just never put him at center again

Only problem with that is that we have a LG and a C so where do we end up putting him? Is RG an option because he seems to do very well pulling, which is a good feature for a RG. I loved his play Sunday though. Was very surprised when I saw that awesome pancake block in the second quarter that led to Gore's TD, then more so when I found out that was Harrison. I feel like I've been down on him too long and he deserves a chance at right guard (seeing as the other options we have there aren't exactly "mainstays"). I say try a combo of AC, Mewhort, Kelly, Harrison, and Haeg next game and see how it pans out. If it's anywhere near decent, keep it there, because decent for us is pretty rare. A second O-line thought: AC, Harrison, Kelly, Haeg, Mewhort.

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16 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

I've seen times where Luck has an underneath route open (I think yesterday he had Hilton or Dorsett open late in the game on an underneath route), but his eyes are always looking downfield for the deep throw.

sure, and if we disect everygame we will see tons of that which is bad.

But I also have to wonder, maybe the read was supposed first the other dude and then comeback to the other ones. Like i feel we can only guess.


Whatever the case is, i just dont like the scheme and i dont think its a fit for our personnel.


I wont deny however, that he likes to go deep. I have to wonder if that is also from Arians and the fact that is how we have ALWAYS come back to games and won. He needs a new OC/HC guy IMO, to work with him on this. Thats why i want so much a new regime.

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