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I was 18 the last time the Colts missed the playoffs 2 straight seasons


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I turned 37 yesterday. That's nearly 20 years. The last time the Colts missed the playoffs in 2 consecutive seasons was 1997-1998. Now, barring a miracle, it will be 2015-2016. They missed in 2001 and 2011 too....

While I'm upset about yesterday and the direction of the franchise, it's still pretty amazing what the Colts have done over the past two decades. 

But we need to make some big changes and not waste Luck's prime....my Captain Obvious statement 

Missing the playoffs sucks. I don't care if we aren't the "complete" team. Look at the 2014 team. Got within a game of the Super Bowl and they were far from perfect. 


Just some random musings....

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10 minutes ago, corgi said:

I was 12 and didn't really care about football. Bright side is an easier schedule next year and better draft position (save the that Grigson will wasre comments.)

It had to end sooner or later . What's going on now reminds me of the mid-90s, and the late 80s. They went from mediocre to bad fast . Until Grigson is sent packing it's not looking good. Only positive is that the Manning only fans are long gone. 

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12 minutes ago, corgi said:

I was 12 and didn't really care about football. Bright side is an easier schedule next year and better draft position (save the that Grigson will wasre comments.)


The "easier" schedule is not as large of an issue the way the AFC plays out now.  You miss NE but the AFC West has 3 teams about equal at the top . So the difference between first and 3rd is about 50% less a factor looking into 2017.

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2 hours ago, dw49 said:


The "easier" schedule is not as large of an issue the way the AFC plays out now.  You miss NE but the AFC West has 3 teams about equal at the top . So the difference between first and 3rd is about 50% less a factor looking into 2017.


Schedules, you cannot read much into it, it only makes a difference of two games because you have 6 in the division no matter what, 4 against an NFC division (which will be NFC West next year) and 4 against an AFC division (AFC North) no matter what, those 14 games apply to the entire AFC South. We may play the Broncos, likely to be 3rd in their division and the   Bills, likely to be 3rd in theirs, IMO but those aren't slouches either if we don't get our act right.

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4 hours ago, cmgww said:

I turned 37 yesterday. That's nearly 20 years. The last time the Colts missed the playoffs in 2 consecutive seasons was 1997-1998. Now, barring a miracle, it will be 2015-2016. They missed in 2001 and 2011 too....

While I'm upset about yesterday and the direction of the franchise, it's still pretty amazing what the Colts have done over the past two decades. 

But we need to make some big changes and not waste Luck's prime....my Captain Obvious statement 

Missing the playoffs sucks. I don't care if we aren't the "complete" team. Look at the 2014 team. Got within a game of the Super Bowl and they were far from perfect. 


Just some random musings....


It gets frustrating no doubt, but i often feel like anyone expecting the success we've had the past couple decades doesn't really know how hard it is to compete and win, at almost anything, and those are the same people expecting way too much.  BUT, this current team definitely makes it harder than it seems like it needs to be haha..


I've witnessed my favorite sports teams win a Super Bowl, a couple Stanley Cups & a hand full of NBA titles, one season pretty much in person... and I don't say that to brag, I'm just lucky to be able to have seen that.  So, I want success with the Colts but in my 29 years alive and 20 years as a fan, I've had more good Sundays than bad, so it's all good.  


...& the overall product of the NFL is garbage now, top to bottom, so.. meh

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28 minutes ago, chad72 said:


Schedules, you cannot read much into it, it only makes a difference of two games because you have 6 in the division no matter what, 4 against an NFC division (which will be NFC West next year) and 4 against an AFC division (AFC North) no matter what, those 14 games apply to the entire AFC South. We may play the Broncos, likely to be 3rd in their division and the   Bills, likely to be 3rd in theirs, IMO but those aren't slouches either if we don't get our act right.



Right... and that was my point. It's only 2 games and why I said next year it appears to be only worth 50% of what it could be worth is the fact that KC , Oak and Denver are all about the same strength. 

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30 minutes ago, dw49 said:



Right... and that was my point. It's only 2 games and why I said next year it appears to be only worth 50% of what it could be worth is the fact that KC , Oak and Denver are all about the same strength. 


Sucks to play the Steelers again. :(


We will likely be playing the Steelers and the Browns at home while playing the Ravens and Bengals on the road (because we played both Steelers and Browns on the road in 2014).


We will likely be playing the Seahawks and Rams on the road (played them at home in 2013, Tavon Austin game, still remember, this team has always been Jekyll and Hyde) while playing the 49ers and Cardinals at home (Arians vs Pagano??).



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43 minutes ago, chad72 said:


Sucks to play the Steelers again. :(


We will likely be playing the Steelers and the Browns at home while playing the Ravens and Bengals on the road (because we played both Steelers and Browns on the road in 2014).


We will likely be playing the Seahawks and Rams on the road (played them at home in 2013, Tavon Austin game, still remember, this team has always been Jekyll and Hyde) while playing the 49ers and Cardinals at home (Arians vs Pagano??).




Yeah .. you would think that we would have a clue how to play them by now ? Reminds me of how NE just killed us with the same running play for around 4 straight games.

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Yeah reaching the Playoffs are over. I have laid low for a couple of days as that was a tough loss to take. Congrats to QwizBoy on his teams win. As of now the Texans own bragging rights over us as hard as that is to say. Texans still have to take care of the Titans though to win the Division which may not be easy? Anyway I thought we would beat Houston but I was wrong. I don't think we are a Bad team but we are Average at the moment and until we improve our Roster we wont be in the Good category, not to mention the Very Good or Great category. No excuses for losing to Brock Osweiler and crew but it happened not once but twice and we had Andrew! That last play on 4th and 1 had me beside myself! I cant believe we didn't run the ball or just have Andrew roll out and run if the pass wasn't there. Oh well it's over now. The thing is, I doubt anyone gets fired, all not making the Playoffs will do is give us a slightly higher Draft pick. I seriously doubt Irsay fires Pagano or Grigs. I just cant see it for the people that think that may happen. He just signed both to 4 year deals so I bet he gives them 1 more season. After Sunday, they probably should get their walking papers but then if that happens, Irsay has to find the right guys. Who knows who that could be? To the Topic on hand we haven't missed the Playoffs 2 seasons in a row since 1997/1998.

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I think this team has some talent but I just don't believe in the coaching staff to get the most out of them.  It's the little things.  I mean when you see them continually calling timeouts at strange times, challenging plays you don't have a chance to win, not seeming to be able to down a perfect punt time and again, strange play calls at CRITICAL times, a lot of penalties also at CRITICAL times, seemingly doing as much to beat yourself as the team across from you, man it just gets old.


In the long run perhaps it is good if this team doesn't make it.  Perhaps this team will start hitting in the draft and nailing it and guys start making this team good as early as next season.  I just have my doubts, at least with this regime.  At least with Polian & Dungy I got the feeling after a playoff disappointment that they would be able to rally the troops and get them close the next season.  I don't get that same feeling with these guys.

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On ‎12‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 8:01 AM, cmgww said:

I turned 37 yesterday. That's nearly 20 years. The last time the Colts missed the playoffs in 2 consecutive seasons was 1997-1998. Now, barring a miracle, it will be 2015-2016. They missed in 2001 and 2011 too....

While I'm upset about yesterday and the direction of the franchise, it's still pretty amazing what the Colts have done over the past two decades. 

But we need to make some big changes and not waste Luck's prime....my Captain Obvious statement 

Missing the playoffs sucks. I don't care if we aren't the "complete" team. Look at the 2014 team. Got within a game of the Super Bowl and they were far from perfect. 


Just some random musings....


How old were you last time colts missed playoffs 3 straight years?

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It's all well and good to say "losing happens" and "we weren't gonna win 11+ games every year." It's the truth.

But really, I don't see things getting too much better as long as Pagano and Grigson are here. That's why those type of comments ring hollow for me. Obviously I can still root for them to win and turn things around, but it's hard to really enjoy the journey when you don't believe in the abilities of the coach or GM.

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5 hours ago, LJpalmbeacher said:


How old were you last time colts missed playoffs 3 straight years?

I was 23, it happened from 1992-1994. We actually missed the Playoffs 7 years in a row from 1988-1994. If that happened now the younger fans wouldn't be able to cope with that, they are having a tough enough time with missing 2 years in a row. We have had so much success since 1995 that most people 30 or younger don't really remember how bad it was when we first moved to Indy in 1984. They weren't even born in 1984.

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33 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

Mathematically we aren't out of it but after losing to Houston it pretty much is over. If we cant beat them at home with what was at stake that shows me we don't have it this season.


youll be singing a different tune in two weeks

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5 minutes ago, BertJones said:


youll be singing a different tune in two weeks

I hope you are right as I have been one of the more positive people in here all season. I still want to win games because IMO Pagano isn't getting fired anyway and Drafting a few slots higher doesn't make a difference if you aren't picking in the Top 10. It's who a team takes in the Draft not where they pick especially if it's outside of the Top 10.

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7 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I was 23, it happened from 1992-1994. We actually missed the Playoffs 7 years in a row from 1988-1994. If that happened now the younger fans wouldn't be able to cope with that, they are having a tough enough time with missing 2 years in a row. We have had so much success since 1995 that most people 30 or younger don't really remember how bad it was when we first moved to Indy in 1984. They weren't even born in 1984.

Yeah you're right.  The youngins don't remember the awful dark years that were the 80's and early 90's.  I became a fan when they moved to Indy but, for me, it was almost destiny for me to be a Colts fan since I was literally born on Superbowl Sunday 1971.  Colts beat the Cowboys 16-13.  A strange, morbid part of me wonders if I'm going to have to die before they win another one, ya know, sort of bookend things?


I think the difference between now and then is the QB.  Back then we really didn't have a "franchise" guy (since that meanie John Elway refused to come to Indy!  Grrrr......) and Jeff George was never gonna be "the guy".  And since this is a throwing league now anyway the emphasis on the QB has only grown since then.  And I think what is so devastating is the fact that we are literally WASTING the prime of a franchise QB's career with inept leadership.  If we didn't have a QB like we have, it would be one thing.  But to have this guy here and not being able to surround him with help is more than a little frustrating.

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49 minutes ago, AZColt11 said:

Yeah you're right.  The youngins don't remember the awful dark years that were the 80's and early 90's.  I became a fan when they moved to Indy but, for me, it was almost destiny for me to be a Colts fan since I was literally born on Superbowl Sunday 1971.  Colts beat the Cowboys 16-13.  A strange, morbid part of me wonders if I'm going to have to die before they win another one, ya know, sort of bookend things?


I think the difference between now and then is the QB.  Back then we really didn't have a "franchise" guy (since that meanie John Elway refused to come to Indy!  Grrrr......) and Jeff George was never gonna be "the guy".  And since this is a throwing league now anyway the emphasis on the QB has only grown since then.  And I think what is so devastating is the fact that we are literally WASTING the prime of a franchise QB's career with inept leadership.  If we didn't have a QB like we have, it would be one thing.  But to have this guy here and not being able to surround him with help is more than a little frustrating.

That is really what bothers me the most and why I still take losses so hard still, is that we have a Great QB and cant at least win the Division every season. Winning the SB rarely happens even the Patriots went 10 years without doing it with BB and Brady but we should at least win the Division considering our other opponents.

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On 12/12/2016 at 8:01 AM, cmgww said:

I turned 37 yesterday. That's nearly 20 years. The last time the Colts missed the playoffs in 2 consecutive seasons was 1997-1998. Now, barring a miracle, it will be 2015-2016. They missed in 2001 and 2011 too....

While I'm upset about yesterday and the direction of the franchise, it's still pretty amazing what the Colts have done over the past two decades. 

But we need to make some big changes and not waste Luck's prime....my Captain Obvious statement 

Missing the playoffs sucks. I don't care if we aren't the "complete" team. Look at the 2014 team. Got within a game of the Super Bowl and they were far from perfect. 


Just some random musings....

When I was 17,  they had won Super Bowl V (70 season, 71 Super Bowl).Then Bob Irsay bought the Rams, traded the Rams for the Colts- traded or cut the high priced guys, and went 5-9, 4-10, and then 2-12 in 1974.


I was spoiled tho- I grew up watching Unitas!

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On 12/12/2016 at 0:19 PM, Nostrils said:


It gets frustrating no doubt, but i often feel like anyone expecting the success we've had the past couple decades doesn't really know how hard it is to compete and win, at almost anything, and those are the same people expecting way too much.  BUT, this current team definitely makes it harder than it seems like it needs to be haha..


I've witnessed my favorite sports teams win a Super Bowl, a couple Stanley Cups & a hand full of NBA titles, one season pretty much in person... and I don't say that to brag, I'm just lucky to be able to have seen that.  So, I want success with the Colts but in my 29 years alive and 20 years as a fan, I've had more good Sundays than bad, so it's all good.  


...& the overall product of the NFL is garbage now, top to bottom, so.. meh

Totally agree with you I think Colts fans have been extremely spoiled over the past decade or so and forget what it's like to have losing season. It's fine to be upset with the team I am too believe me but the ones who say they wont support the team anymore are fair weather fans in my opinion and we don't need them. For anyone who follows hockey I've been a Leafs fan my whole life and lets just say they haven't had too many winning seasons but I continue to follow them and cheer for them because that's what true fans do. Sorry for the rant just sick of reading ridiculous comments on this site.

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3 hours ago, coltsleafs said:

Totally agree with you I think Colts fans have been extremely spoiled over the past decade or so and forget what it's like to have losing season. It's fine to be upset with the team I am too believe me but the ones who say they wont support the team anymore are fair weather fans in my opinion and we don't need them. For anyone who follows hockey I've been a Leafs fan my whole life and lets just say they haven't had too many winning seasons but I continue to follow them and cheer for them because that's what true fans do. Sorry for the rant just sick of reading ridiculous comments on this site.


I'm heated with the team/organization/league... no need to be sorry, I love it.

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