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Wayne And Freeney On The Colts


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The more Wayne talks, the less I like it. It's like he is buying his own ticket out of Indy. Freeney (in the video) on the other hand handled it very well. Wayne says we are like a soap opera, Freeney says "it's different and this is the NFL and this kind of stuff happens. You never know, it could be for the better".

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All I can say is, before Wayne leaves town, I got 2 pictures with him yesterday night outside Ruth Chris' steak house. He was posing for pics with fans when my wife and I were walking back from the SB village. I got in on the fun, got 2 pics - one on my digital camera and one on my camera phone :). I was ecstatic :).

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All I can say is, before Wayne leaves town, I got 2 pictures with him yesterday night outside Ruth Chris' steak house. He was posing for pics with fans when my wife and I were walking back from the SB village. I got in on the fun, got 2 pics - one on my digital camera and one on my camera phone :). I was ecstatic :).


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I think Wayne knows the only way it makes sense for him to come back to Indy is if Manning is still here and if Manning is still here that probably means we can't afford Reggie. So I think Reggie's figured out he wont be a Colt next season.

Honestly till lately we've been lucky as Colts fans we've gotten see most of our "star/fan" players only play as Colts, Manning, Harrison, Glenn, Freeney, Mathis, Saturday, Bethea, and Wayne have only been Colts during their careers. The noteable exception to this was Edge. Yes we've seen other guys move around but the Colts have held the "core" together. Heck we even got see Tony Dungy retire rather than go to another team or get fired and forced to go another team. Harrison and Glenn both retired as Colts. Saturday might very well retire a Colt. So this is new ground to Colts fans and we could see as many as five key players to this over the years end up playing some place next year in Manning, Wayne, Mathis and then if Saturday doesn't retire and if we do release Freeney.

With that said I see a way where we could keep as many as four of those guys but I just Reggie is going to be the odd man out. It stinks no one likes to see our favoirtes leave but this is a business and I think we should just be grateful we haven't had to see this side of the business very often in the past 10 or so years.

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These guys who have been here for a while have never seen this kind of upheaval. I understand it being shocking, to an extent. Like Manning was saying, being a facility where guys are cleaning out their offices, especially when they've been with the team for the better part of a decade, or more, is nuts. For Browns fans or Dolphins fans or Jets fans, or pretty much every other team in the NFL, this is normal. Happens every few years. But if you've been with the Colts for the past several years, you've never seen a coach get fired. You've never seen an entire staff get turned over in a month's time. Think about how crazy people were going in 2008 when we thought Tom Moore and Howard Mudd were going to have to retire. This kind of change is foreign to a team that's been the most stable in the NFL for ten-plus years.

Even good teams like the Patriots have had staff turnover, mostly because their assistants and coordinators take better jobs in other organizations. But if Belichick and his staff were fired, Tom Brady and Wes Welker and Vince Wilfork would be saying the same things Manning, Wayne and Freeney are saying.

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Ironically, I think that is where Wayne might end up. Arizona still misses not having Boldin in the middle, Reggie will provide that presence for Fitzy on the flanks.

If Reggie leaves, I hope he goes to a team with a good quarterback and another good receiver. Not only do I think he deserves it and would hate to see him toil through another season like 2011, but the better off he does, the better our compensatory pick is.

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Maybe Wayne going to AZ could be a good thing for him. Since Fitz will draw double coverage most of the time... You never know, maybe PM will go to Arizona too. It is reported the Cards and Phins are the most interested in PM if he hits the open market

Aren't the Cardinals higher on the waiver list to make a claim?

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Ironically, I think that is where Wayne might end up. Arizona still misses not having Boldin in the middle, Reggie will provide that presence for Fitzy on the flanks.

I kinda wonder if Manning ends up released if a team that signs Manning might bring Wayne in to go with him.

Arizona minght have interest in Manning as well and if Miami goes after Manning like they have said they will I don't know if you would have to twist Reggie's arm very hard to get him to go home and play with Peyton in Miami.

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I kinda wonder if Manning ends up released if a team that signs Manning might bring Wayne in to go with him.

Arizona minght have interest in Manning as well and if Miami goes after Manning like they have said they will I don't know if you would have to twist Reggie's arm very hard to get him to go home and play with Peyton in Miami.

Makes a lot of sense. But what about keeping Wayne around with Luck?

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Makes a lot of sense. But what about keeping Wayne around with Luck?

I wouldn't completely rule it out but I don't know if an ageing WR with a rookie QB makes a lot of sense. Also I am not sure if Wayne will want to stay here with a rookie QB.

Frankly I would expect us to resign Garcon and use him with Collie as our number one and two WRs till a future number one WR can be found in the draft probably next year.

This is where missing in the draft has killed us. Gonzo was supposed to be Marvin's replacement and then this year Castonzo should have been our new Reggie Wayne. That's where missing on Ugoh is just killing us. It's hurt us in three different drafts. The year we picked him. The next year we had to give our first round pick for him and then last year we had to draft another tackle. We could have had three others player than Tony Ugoh here. Had we done that then everything might be very different right now.

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I wouldn't completely rule it out but I don't know if an ageing WR with a rookie QB makes a lot of sense. Also I am not sure if Wayne will want to stay here with a rookie QB.

Frankly I would expect us to resign Garcon and use him with Collie as our number one and two WRs till a future number one WR can be found in the draft probably next year.

This is where missing in the draft has killed us. Gonzo was supposed to be Marvin's replacement and then this year Castonzo should have been our new Reggie Wayne. That's where missing on Ugoh is just killing us. It's hurt us in three different drafts. The year we picked him. The next year we had to give our first round pick for him and then last year we had to draft another tackle. We could have had three others player than Tony Ugoh here. Had we done that then everything might be very different right now.

You're probably right - why would they keep an aging and expensive WR with a rookie QB. But they'll need more than Garcon and Collie. This draft is weak in TEs. I wish the Colts could draft Trent Richardson. He could be the next Edge.

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The more Wayne talks, the less I like it. It's like he is buying his own ticket out of Indy. Freeney (in the video) on the other hand handled it very well. Wayne says we are like a soap opera, Freeney says "it's different and this is the NFL and this kind of stuff happens. You never know, it could be for the better".

I don't follow your logic here; I read the article and didn't get that sense at all, he was just simply stating he has no idea whats going on and has to look to the media (shudder) for info like all of us. . . . my 2 cents here.

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You're probably right - why would they keep an aging and expensive WR with a rookie QB. But they'll need more than Garcon and Collie. This draft is weak in TEs. I wish the Colts could draft Trent Richardson. He could be the next Edge.

Well that's why I think Clark will be kept as well. I think Tamme could be fairly cheap and I think we'll bring him back. Luck used a lot of two tightend sets in college. Manning used a lot of tightends early in his career when Arians was Manning's QB coach. So it wouldn't shock me if we went back to more of an attack like that.

Clearly Garcon and Collie can't be our only WRs on the roster. I would look for White to come back next year and probably find a young kid late in the draft or dare I say it free agency if we don't bring Peyton back. You just can't rebuild the team overnight. It's going to take more than one draft. So I think we'll probably have to get our true number one WRs in the draft next year.

I don't think we can get Richardson. I think he is projected to be a top five pick. So if we take a QB which it sounds like we are going to do regardless of what happens with Peyton in the draft that probably rules out Richardson. Also Brown looks like he is finally turning into a legit running back in this league. I am not saying we couldn't use an upgrade at running back but with all the holes we have on the roster I think running back is pretty far down on the list of needs.

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Wayne has always been more of the complainer and the doomsday guy. He is a reciever they are just more out spoken and usually alittle more self promoting. Freeney is a humble DE that has to battle OL and TE for a living. Not to mention no matter what Freeney is going to find a nice little pay check no matter if he is here or somewhere else. Wayne is going to have more trouble finding a place at his age. He will be signed no doubt, but probably have to take a hit in the pocket book.

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I don't follow your logic here; I read the article and didn't get that sense at all, he was just simply stating he has no idea whats going on and has to look to the media (shudder) for info like all of us. . . . my 2 cents here.

I just feel that for Wayne to call his team a "soap opera" is a little uncalled for. Freeney was asked the same question and all he said was "it's different and it could be for the better". Wayne said the Colts are a soap opera right now. I don't like the negative connotations that come with soap opera.

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I just feel that for Wayne to call his team a "soap opera" is a little uncalled for. Freeney was asked the same question and all he said was "it's different and it could be for the better". Wayne said the Colts are a soap opera right now. I don't like the negative connotations that come with soap opera.

Like it or not it's true. Manning and Irsay have been the lead story in Sports all week. I agree I don't like hearing it but Reggie has always been extremely honest and frankly he's right.

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Like it or not it's true. Manning and Irsay have been the lead story in Sports all week. I agree I don't like hearing it but Reggie has always been extremely honest and frankly he's right.

From what I've seen from the fans on this forum, most of us feel it was the media making a huge deal out of nothing. If us fans on this forum (who likely know next to nothing about what was really going on behind closed doors) can say something like that, why can't Reg (who can contact Peyton and/or Irsay and get the lowdown? Why couldn't Reg have said something like "I think it's being made into a bigger deal than it is" or like Freeney, say something positive? Lately, he has been talking really negative and has made it seem like he doesn't want to be in Indy anymore

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From what I've seen from the fans on this forum, most of us feel it was the media making a huge deal out of nothing. If us fans on this forum (who likely know next to nothing about what was really going on behind closed doors) can say something like that, why can't Reg (who can contact Peyton and/or Irsay and get the lowdown? Why couldn't Reg have said something like "I think it's being made into a bigger deal than it is" or like Freeney, say something positive? Lately, he has been talking really negative and has made it seem like he doesn't want to be in Indy anymore

The media making a huge deal out of is a soap opera in the sports world. The Colts have spent years trying to avoid the media and now they are THE story in the media. It's a soap oprea. With that said I don't disagree with you he could have said it better like Freeney did but he's not wrong.

I think Reggie realized a while ago he was done in Indy. I think he knows they can't give him the money he thinks he wants and frankly I do think he's handling it like business but at the sametime I think Reggie is being honest. He always has been.

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The media making a huge deal out of is a soap opera in the sports world. The Colts have spent years trying to avoid the media and now they are THE story in the media. It's a soap oprea. With that said I don't disagree with you he could have said it better like Freeney did but he's not wrong.

I think Reggie realized a while ago he was done in Indy. I think he knows they can't give him the money he thinks he wants and frankly I do think he's handling it like business but at the sametime I think Reggie is being honest. He always has been.

@ this....

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Like it or not it's true. Manning and Irsay have been the lead story in Sports all week. I agree I don't like hearing it but Reggie has always been extremely honest and frankly he's right.

Manning and Irsay might be the lead story in Indy, but that's about it.

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Yes. Really.

And I'd agree that Cam and Luck also play different.

However, I think the difference is what Luck/Wayne COULD have, is something that would come in time.

Why is that? I doubt Smith is much if any faster than Wayne these days, both are relatively small WRs and both are older and have lost a step.

Cam and Smith got into a groove and they didnt even have an offseason to work things out together. With a proper offseason and pres season Wayne and Luck imo could be just fine.

I think it makes a TON of sense to keep Wayne if you can afford to.

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Yes. Really.

And I'd agree that Cam and Luck also play different.

However, I think the difference is what Luck/Wayne COULD have, is something that would come in time.

Do you have any examples to back you up here? My point was that a veteran/rookie tandem is possible.

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