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This year I watched football, deperately hoped for Painter to win, maybe make a couple of awesome throws, and become a "game manager"...didn't happen.

I tuned out all of the noise about Peyton, Luck, blah blah blah...as I have no control over the outcome so why waste and ponder.

Last night after reading the interviews with Peyton and Irsay.....it hit me; The Peyton in blue and white era has come to an end.

We all knew it would come and it would be hard....but wow I honestly didn't know I would be this somber about it.

I saw Peyton two years ago, against the Raiders...I almost decided not to go..thank goodness I did.

Yes our future looks bright; but at this moment in time.....this change IS hard.

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I agree with you that Peyton's era is over. The last game I saw Peyton play was the playoff loss against the Jets. Instead of Peyton and Jim going back and forth with the media, why don't they come out and say what's going on with Peyton's recovery. I believe that there are still some nerve issues and that is why neither Peyton or Jim have come out and said the Peyton WILL be the QB for next season. It's not looking good.

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If this is in fact the end of the Manning era in Indy, I just hope Irsay and the new Colts organization handles it with the dignity he deserves so I (we) can be proud of our past and look forward to our future with a new q.b. My greatest hope is that he takes a position in the front office, ie qb coach, offensive coordinator so we can still root for him

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With as much as Irsay was slobbering over Luck it signaled the end of the Manning era the moment we got the first pick.

The only way I expected the option to be picked up was if Manning was ready to play a full season in March and that just is not going to be the case.

What has really annoyed me is how this is all playing out. We have the HOF QB and the owner talking in the media instead of face to face. I was Colts fan before Manning and I will stay a Colts fan after Manning, but I do not want to see the exit of Manning go down the drain.

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Bill Walsh once said that one of the toughests things he had to do in the early 80s was to let go some of his veterans who help him and the 49ers win their first SB in 1981 . . .he wanted to keep the vets but realized for one reason or another he had to make a changing of the gaurd . . .we are still not 100% sure what is up with PM's situation, and surely the ideal situation would be for him to have an elway like exit, play say two years and then Luck takes over . . . but sometimes things dont always go exactly as we wish . . . and sorta what happened with Walsh, one may not be able to make the ideal two years and exit scenario . . . when you have a possible franchise QB coming in that will give you 10-12 years, they are kind of rare and their start time [well draft time] does not always coinside perfectly with the incumbants ideal exit . . .

so it is kind of 2 steps back but 10-12 steps forward . . .

its a bummer to see you guy go, if he does, but you have the future to look too . .. i know it tough, my teams has not lost a player with the magnitude of PM, but have lost lesser players, Branch, McGinnest, Givens, AV, etc . . . in exchange for the turnover bug . .. its a bummer, but down the road more often that not it is for the better . . .even tho at the time the pain is there . . .

it is raining here in NE, but the sun will come out tomorrow both here and in Indy . . .

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I went to the Colts ravens playoff game. Flew from NY for my first ever Colt game. I'm sooooo glad I got to see the greatest QB to ever play. Hoping I get to see more, but now I can at least say I've seen him play.

I hear you - I live in California, and the only game I got to see in person was a loss at Washington when the Big 3 were still there. Despite the outcome, I have reflected on how great it was to see Manning, Harrison, and Edge in person. Every year in August I looked at airline tickets and hotels to get to Indy. Heck, I had chances to go to Candlestick or Oakland too, but life got in the way. I do regret not committing to getting to more games now. Sometimes you think things will last forever I guess.

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its dream to be believe that any QB can play forever so I realize the the great PM also has to follow the same eventual path as every other NFL great. Retirement. Will it be this year? I hope not. a year or two behind behind PM would only help any "NFL ready" (LOL. no such thing) college QB. If he does decide to go, I hope its retirement and not free agency. Again I say that "he" deserves to Play in a place that he created. On another note, a new QB is sure to be in our future draft. I feel that any great QB needs to have the work ethic of manning. Has anobody ever heard any info on the work ethic of Luck or RG3. please discuss.

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I hear you - I live in California, and the only game I got to see in person was a loss at Washington when the Big 3 were still there. Despite the outcome, I have reflected on how great it was to see Manning, Harrison, and Edge in person. Every year in August I looked at airline tickets and hotels to get to Indy. Heck, I had chances to go to Candlestick or Oakland too, but life got in the way. I do regret not committing to getting to more games now. Sometimes you think things will last forever I guess.

Yeah, my first live game was this year against the Steelers. I had the tickets bought prior to the pre-season. Just figured the media was making a big deal about nothing as far as 18's neck went.

At least it was an exciting game, but I have yet to see Manning play in person. :(

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its dream to be believe that any QB can play forever so I realize the the great PM also has to follow the same eventual path as every other NFL great. Retirement. Will it be this year? I hope not. a year or two behind behind PM would only help any "NFL ready" (LOL. no such thing) college QB. If he does decide to go, I hope its retirement and not free agency. Again I say that "he" deserves to Play in a place that he created. On another note, a new QB is sure to be in our future draft. I feel that any great QB needs to have the work ethic of manning. Has anobody ever heard any info on the work ethic of Luck or RG3. please discuss.

The reason a lot of us here are high on Luck is because if you watch his videos, you will find exactly what we had under center for the past decade for the Colts. Luck is literally the Peyton Manning of college. He will call audibles, change the plays, reads defenses, plays in a pro style offense. He just looks SO much like Manning its scary. He has the same type of attitude, hes a modest guy, doesn't have character issues. On top of that he is a better prospect coming out of college right now than Manning was in 1998. I have no idea why some are still not willing to embrace Luck. He is a fantastic quarterback.

Watch lucks last drive against OKST in the bowl game. Amazing. And their FG kicker shanked it just like Vanderjagt. That is a sign! :)


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I think I am having a hard time with all of this because I didn't see it coming so soon. That being said, Irsay has said several times that IF Manning can show he is healthy, he will be a Colt. This seems like a pretty big if. The bonus due date doesn't give any wiggle room. If Manning isn't healthy, I think the best option is of coursse to start over with Luck. Tough to swallow, but it makes the most sense.

The only thing I would ask fromt the two sides, is to sit down, have a beer, and talk with each other. I don't want Twitter updates, I don't want to read a snippet from Bob Kravitz, I just want you to sit down and talk. If in the next month Manning isn't healthy, ask him how big of a parade he wants thrown and give him a proper send off.

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I hear you - I live in California, and the only game I got to see in person was a loss at Washington when the Big 3 were still there. Despite the outcome, I have reflected on how great it was to see Manning, Harrison, and Edge in person. Every year in August I looked at airline tickets and hotels to get to Indy. Heck, I had chances to go to Candlestick or Oakland too, but life got in the way. I do regret not committing to getting to more games now. Sometimes you think things will last forever I guess.

Actually, if I'm not mistaken, that Washington game is where PM injured his neck.

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This year I watched football, deperately hoped for Painter to win, maybe make a couple of awesome throws, and become a "game manager"...didn't happen.

I tuned out all of the noise about Peyton, Luck, blah blah blah...as I have no control over the outcome so why waste and ponder.

Last night after reading the interviews with Peyton and Irsay.....it hit me; The Peyton in blue and white era has come to an end.

We all knew it would come and it would be hard....but wow I honestly didn't know I would be this somber about it.

I saw Peyton two years ago, against the Raiders...I almost decided not to go..thank goodness I did.

Yes our future looks bright; but at this moment in time.....this change IS hard.

I think the PM change wont come this year...

But it will come soon and it will be hard whenever it arrives...

..The success we had the last 10 years is not the real world...

...we will go back to being a .500 team....

..and I'm not looking forward to it..

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Actually, if I'm not mistaken, that Washington game is where PM injured his neck.

October of 2002. And I only remember that because the DC area sniper was still shooting people, and there was a little tension in the DC/Maryland area at that time. I do remember Edge pulled a hammy in that game. I don't remember any injury to PM, or awkward hit, etc.

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October of 2002. And I only remember that because the DC area sniper was still shooting people, and there was a little tension in the DC/Maryland area at that time. I do remember Edge pulled a hammy in that game. I don't remember any injury to PM, or awkward hit, etc.

The Washington game where he injured his neck was a few years after that. I want to say 2007 or 2008 or so.

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The Washington game where he injured his neck was a few years after that. I want to say 2007 or 2008 or so.

2006 home game. A couple of redskins nearly ripped his head off. You could hear peyton yell in pain on the play. Yet no flag for roughing the passer. Yet in the same game Freeney had a sack taken away for barely hitting brunnel's helmet when he leaned into him on the way down. Btw the Freeney play happened first. That's why I've never bought the line Peyton is protected more because he is a star player if anything I think officials let teams do a little more to him so they aren't seen as protecting a star player.

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Has anyone even considered Irsay paying Peyton in March even though he's not 100%? Sounds crazy cap wise but we really don't know where they are cap wise until several other players are dealt with, and not just this years FA's. You have guys that could be let go now and guys that could rework deals that are expiring in the next season or two. He paid Peyton 26 million to watch Colins, Painter and Orlovsky play, why not a couple more to mentor a rookie for a few games.

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Has anyone even considered Irsay paying Peyton in March even though he's not 100%? Sounds crazy cap wise but we really don't know where they are cap wise until several other players are dealt with, and not just this years FA's. You have guys that could be let go now and guys that could rework deals that are expiring in the next season or two. He paid Peyton 26 million to watch Colins, Painter and Orlovsky play, why not a couple more to mentor a rookie for a few games.

Sure its possible..........My worry is that Manning is not yet hralthy (He makes no comments about his progress)

..and might not be healthy in August..

Manning could be cut and signed to a one-year contract...with options....in which he could rehabilitate and tutor Andrew Luck.

Then the Colts could deal either Luck or Manning for Multiple picks..and players.....depending on how Mannning ra-habs and Luck performs.

There would be a lot of drama in 2012,..but Irsay Loves drama

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I live in RI near so many pats fans. I was goning to see the colts for the first time against the pats this year to watch Peyton play. He never did and i still went to the game and thought we recovered the onside but when we didnt it hit me that i may never get to see peyton play ever so im just hopeing that he gets healthy quick and if he cant he better retire because i would hate to see him go to another team. If he cant play why cant he just say it so he can retire and become OC because it will be too hard to see him in another orginization.

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the last 3 seasons i have drove to houston from dallas the day before the colts played the texans to watch manning play, and although i live in dallas i was born in indianapolis and i gotta say watching manning those three times live right there in front of me was magical. not everyone can say they have got to watch a great QB play in person. and to see how the texans fans react when they call mannings name during pregame team inductions how they cheered for him, showed that although they hope the texans beat him, they still liked the guy because of how good he was. i even got his autograph last year when i was sitting behind the colts bench and they were coming back from half time. got him to sign my manning jersey. so its sad to say im gonna really miss this guy when he leaves. hopefully irsay will let him on as a QB Coach or OC. so he can still teach luck on how to run a fast paced offense like manning ran it.

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What I honestly thing is that both the Colts and Manning would be better off parting ways even if Manning is healthy. Luck is going #1, that is a given, we are not trading that pick and we are taking a QB.

I do not believe that the team as it is sits is a SB contender, I dont think even with Manning we are as good as New England, Green Bay, Baltimore, San Fransisco, New Orleans, or even the Texans in our own division.

I think Manning could come back and turn this team around to be an 8-10 win team with an outside chance at 11-12 but very unlikely. Our offensive line is in shambles, our defense is in shambles. The bulk of our good players are either free agents (Wayne, Mathis, Tamme, Garcon, etc) or are making too much $$ to field a competitive team .(Clark, Freeney, Manning, etc)

We are in a position where if you sign Peyton and pay him his $$ you cannot afford to sign the veterans you need to make that final run. Thats assuming of course the team is talanted enough and can stay healthy enough to do so.

I think the risks are far greater to the franchise as a whole to keep Manning and hope he stays healthy and they can make a run. What happens if he gets hurt or worse we come to find out he isnt what he used to be and we are not winning games? You are on the hook for a GIANT salary cap hit if you cut him, trade him, or he retires after you pay him that giant bonus.

You are giving up the future of the organization to make a possible run for 2-3 years with a guy that may or may not be healthy on a team that may or may not have the talent to help Manning get there.

As much as I LOVE Manning, and trust me I do, but he is better off on a better team. He deserves to be on a team with a defense, he deserves to be on a team that is just missing a QB. How amazing would San Fran, Baltimore, or even Houston be with Manning knowing how stacked the rest of that team would be? I hope he goes off and wins 2-3 rings in his last 3 years. He wont win any if he stays here imo.

It is time for an amecable divorce, the Colts need to get younger, there is going to be a 2-3 year rebuilding time and you do not want to do that with two QBs making 30-40 million against your cap when only one can play. It is better long term to do this with a 22 year old than a 36 year old coming off three serious neck surgeries.

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I think I am having a hard time with all of this because I didn't see it coming so soon. That being said, Irsay has said several times that IF Manning can show he is healthy, he will be a Colt. This seems like a pretty big if. The bonus due date doesn't give any wiggle room. If Manning isn't healthy, I think the best option is of coursse to start over with Luck. Tough to swallow, but it makes the most sense.

The only thing I would ask fromt the two sides, is to sit down, have a beer, and talk with each other. I don't want Twitter updates, I don't want to read a snippet from Bob Kravitz, I just want you to sit down and talk. If in the next month Manning isn't healthy, ask him how big of a parade he wants thrown and give him a proper send off.

I want to stay truo to topic and not debate anything:

I live in the Bay Area - twenty minutes from Stanford and watched a few games. I am not a scout, just a FAN and I want to reserve my ho hum for Andrew Luck until he is a Colt. We have seen what Jim has done with Alex Smith....

I am in no way saying that Alex Smith and Luck should even be mentioned in the same breath........

I must admit I had reservations about Manning as well; especially after the media was done hashing out the pros and conse of Manning and Leaf....

But truly, to have a QB as great, elite, as Peyton AND have the work ethic that he had is a GEM and if whoever our future QB becomes can come close to Manning's work ethics...we can truly say we are one lucky fan base.

Fo what Peyton has done for this organization and the game itself - It is in my opinion that Irsay should have been and should be direct with Manning. If he didn't like what Manning said...call him and tell him.

back on topic: Whereever it is, I hope PM can and will still play.

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My biggest worry is that of all the words being said.

..any description of Manning's condition or progress or lack of it..

is not among them...

....If he is steadily improving....wouldnt he or someone say that?

If he is not improving..wouldnt that get out.?

I dont believe that Manning has absoluetly no idea of whether he's progressing or not...

In an intervew with the Star//////where he apparently hit many subjects...He said nothing about himself...and he was not pressed on it.

He knows how he is or isnt.

I'm worried he says nothing either way.

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The last time I saw him play was when the Colts defeated Eli and the Giants on Sunday, September 19, 2010. My wife and I got married the day before and were given tickets to the game as a wedding gift. My wife is from NY and a life long Giants fan, so going to that game was very special. Who knew at the time it could have been my last time seeing Peyton play.

By March 8th he and Irsay will have a good idea whether he'll be able to play this season. Irsay has been clear...if Peyton is healthy he will pay the bonus and Manning will be the QB in 2012. I would think by March 8th Manning will know if he can ever regain the arm strength he needs to play and play well. He's a proud man...team oriented, and would only play if he can be effective. He's not the type to hang around in order to collect checks.

If we've seen the last of Peyton in a Colts uniform, or on the field as well, then that's all part of the game and of life. We should consider ourselves lucky to be Colts fans and to have enjoyed the great ride he took us on for many years.

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My thoughts:

I think it's fitting that Tom Brady is going to his 5th Superbowl and about to be crowned IN INDIANAPOLIS the Greatest Quarterback of All Time by the ENTIRE SPORTS MEDIA WORLD at the same time that Manning is getting kicked outta' the Colts organization and thrown unceremoniously out the back door like yesterday's garbage.

Who could have ever though this is how it would all end?

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Has anyone even considered Irsay paying Peyton in March even though he's not 100%? Sounds crazy cap wise but we really don't know where they are cap wise until several other players are dealt with, and not just this years FA's. You have guys that could be let go now and guys that could rework deals that are expiring in the next season or two. He paid Peyton 26 million to watch Colins, Painter and Orlovsky play, why not a couple more to mentor a rookie for a few games.

Sorry, but that would be one of the biggest mistakes Irsay could make. Investing 28 mil. on a guy that possibly wouldn't play again would handicap this team terribly and Irsay is smart enough to know that.

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My thoughts:

I think it's fitting that Tom Brady is going to his 5th Superbowl and about to be crowned IN INDIANAPOLIS the Greatest Quarterback of All Time by the ENTIRE SPORTS MEDIA WORLD at the same time that Manning is getting kicked outta' the Colts organization and thrown unceremoniously out the back door like yesterday's garbage.

Who could have ever though this is how it would all end?

So glad a manning win own brady during the superbowl...

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Now I feel spoiled for seeing these guys as much as I have.

I've seen nearly all the 'greats' in person. Past and present.

Montana,Young,Kelly,Favre, Marino (alot), Brady, Ben, Brees, Rodgers.

Ben is not a great, if you ask me. Not even close to the level of the other guys you mentioned.

In all fairness, the Peyton stuff hasn't been figured out yet. Ideally, of course, he returns to Indy and we win another Super Bowl or two with his help. The second best scenario, in my opinion, would be him going to San Fran and winning a couple championships there, while we build our team into a perennial contender and develop Andrew Luck. After a few years away from the game to spend time with his family, Peyton returns to Indy as a coach

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My thoughts:

I think it's fitting that Tom Brady is going to his 5th Superbowl and about to be crowned IN INDIANAPOLIS the Greatest Quarterback of All Time by the ENTIRE SPORTS MEDIA WORLD at the same time that Manning is getting kicked outta' the Colts organization and thrown unceremoniously out the back door like yesterday's garbage.

Who could have ever though this is how it would all end?

Brady will only win if belichek brings those cameras along.

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My thoughts:

I think it's fitting that Tom Brady is going to his 5th Superbowl and about to be crowned IN INDIANAPOLIS the Greatest Quarterback of All Time by the ENTIRE SPORTS MEDIA WORLD at the same time that Manning is getting kicked outta' the Colts organization and thrown unceremoniously out the back door like yesterday's garbage.

Who could have ever though this is how it would all end?

My thoughts this post coupled with your name smells like trolling.

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My thoughts:

I think it's fitting that Tom Brady is going to his 5th Superbowl and about to be crowned IN INDIANAPOLIS the Greatest Quarterback of All Time by the ENTIRE SPORTS MEDIA WORLD at the same time that Manning is getting kicked outta' the Colts organization and thrown unceremoniously out the back door like yesterday's garbage.

Who could have ever though this is how it would all end?

I find it very sad that people "troll" other message boards with this nonsense. Insecure much...

But hey thanks for a good chuckle.

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Ben is not a great, if you ask me. Not even close to the level of the other guys you mentioned.

No not nearly on those levels. Just lumping him in with the recent guys. I forgot Rivers in there too.

Oddly enough of all the 'new' elite qbs the only one I haven't seen is Eli.

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