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Aqib Talib shot at Dallas Night Club


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48 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

Not much good ever comes from clubbing it seems.


28 minutes ago, CR91 said:

I like what dungy use to tell his players "nothing good happens after 12" so true

I don't think it has to do with clubbing or being out after midnight.  I've been to clubs, and I've been out beyond midnight many times.  I think it has to do with stupid people making stupid decisions.

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1 hour ago, 21isSuperman said:


I don't think it has to do with clubbing or being out after midnight.  I've been to clubs, and I've been out beyond midnight many times.  I think it has to do with stupid people making stupid decisions.


But the question remains, did anything good happen?

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4 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

Not much good ever comes from clubbing it seems.

I've always been of the mindset to make your home be the hub of entertainment with a few close friends that you can trust rather than jeopardizing one's lucrative livelihood in a club. 


Naturally, Talib didn't deserve to get shot in the leg. I realize that & a lot of rich athletes like lively dance clubs & women wearing next to nothing in some cases. I'm glad he's okay & able to resume his career without any limitations. I feel bad that the guy won't be able to celebrate his SB team victory at the WhiteHouse now though. Major bummer. 


So, I guess I agree with your thesis in theory CC1. I'm sure that Talib could have just been an innocent bystander in this case. However, as a married man now Aqib must be smarter than that & know when to leave a club early. 

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1 hour ago, southwest1 said:

I've always been of the mindset to make your home be the hub of entertainment with a few close friends that you can trust rather than jeopardizing one's lucrative livelihood in a club. 


Naturally, Talib didn't deserve to get shot in the leg. I realize that & a lot of rich athletes like lively dance clubs & women wearing next to nothing in some cases. I'm glad he's okay & able to resume his career without any limitations. I feel bad that the guy won't be able to celebrate his SB team victory at the WhiteHouse now though. Major bummer. 


So, I guess I agree with your thesis in theory CC1. I'm sure that Talib could have just been an innocent bystander in this case. However, as a married man now Aqib must be smarter than that & know when to leave a club early. 

I never really did enjoy the clubs when I was a drinker. I guess I always valued my money more than passing it around at a club. I was like what you said. We would have our own parties at home in the comfort of people we knew and trusted. Other that an occasional beer at a cookout and a shot of good bourbon at x-mas or new year I haven't drank in 26 years. I find myself feeling the only way to be around people who drink is by drinking with them or they are very nerve racking. I drank enough from the age of 18 till I quit to more than make up for it though. :D

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these guys are dumb, really dumb.  if you make the kind of money they do, why risk your life and career being in questionable places?  Yeah, it's fun, but you're gonna draw major attention as a superbowl champ, alcohol and egos mixing equals high chances of at least a shoving match

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19 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I never really did enjoy the clubs when I was a drinker. I guess I always valued my money more than passing it around at a club. I was like what you said. We would have our own parties at home in the comfort of people we knew and trusted. Other that an occasional beer at a cookout and a shot of good bourbon at x-mas or new year I haven't drank in 26 years. I find myself feeling the only way to be around people who drink is by drinking with them or they are very nerve racking. I drank enough from the age of 18 till I quit to more than make up for it though. :D

Ah huh. I'm not a heavy drinker either except once in awhile at graduations of relatives I know or on the 4th of July for instance. Yep, when you get older, you just like being around certain friends that make you laugh & you don't care about impressing strangers anymore that you probably will never see again in a club anyway. 

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13 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

haha I've seen the "Too drunk to fish" t-shirts, but never one that said "Too drunk to make a positive ID in a police lineup before." 


So, does this mean strolling through the park with friends is hazardous to your health now? Just messing around. Or maybe fresh air & exercise is overrated. Okay, I'll stop. 

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18 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

Apparently theres a rumor out that Talib shot himself.



                                                                                                                                                                                                          I hope that's what happened .

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20 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:

Apparently theres a rumor out that Talib shot himself.




3 hours ago, RockThatBlue said:


Okay, normally I do not laugh at people getting shot.  However, if he was too drunk to remember shooting himself, that would be funny.

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23 minutes ago, RockThatBlue said:

Talib isnt exactly the smartest person on the planet. 

Oh I believe he is fairly smart but also has the emotional maturity of a teenager and never left those years behind him

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Looks like Talib may have shot himself.  From Roto:



NBC Denver reports Aqib Talib "has told people close to him" he accidentally shot himself Sunday morning in Dallas.
Police are investigating the matter. But this sounds like Plaxico Burress 2.0. Talib was allegedly so drunk that he doesn't even remember who shot him, but it is shaping up to be Talib himself. The bullet went through the back of his right thigh and out his calf, an odd trajectory if someone else fired the bullet. Talib will miss the rest of OTAs and minicamp and could open camp on active/NFI


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On ‎6‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 9:51 PM, southwest1 said:


Naturally, Talib didn't deserve to get shot in the leg.

Not naturally for me.


Minors excluded of course......but.........,


frankly, I tend to be of the opinion that, when all things are considered, if anybody ever really gets shot by a real gun and real bullett, they probably deserved it. 


Gotta ask why someone chooses to go club where he thinks a gun might be useful.  Seems like an odd combination to me.  


You know...do undeserving people say this......"Just showered, put on my best shirt, new shoes, fancy cologne, just got the car washed, now lets go to that fun club.....oh wait, I forgot my gun...I might need that."


If that last thought came to me, it would tend to take the fun out of the evening before it even got started.




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20 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Not naturally for me.


Minors excluded of course......but.........,


frankly, I tend to be of the opinion that, when all things are considered, if anybody ever really gets shot by a real gun and real bullett, they probably deserved it. 


Gotta ask why someone chooses to go club where he thinks a gun might be useful.  Seems like an odd combination to me.  


You know...do undeserving people say this......"Just showered, put on my best shirt, new shoes, fancy cologne, just got the car washed, now lets go to that fun club.....oh wait, I forgot my gun...I might need that."


If that last thought came to me, it would tend to take the fun out of the evening before it even got started.

I understand your general point, but the concept of innocent bystanders is very real.  Not everyone who gets shot deserves it.

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17 minutes ago, DougDew said:

Not naturally for me.


Minors excluded of course......but.........,


frankly, I tend to be of the opinion that, when all things are considered, if anybody ever really gets shot by a real gun and real bullett, they probably deserved it. 


Gotta ask why someone chooses to go club where he thinks a gun might be useful.  Seems like an odd combination to me.  


You know...do undeserving people say this......"Just showered, put on my best shirt, new shoes, fancy cologne, just got the car washed, now lets go to that fun club.....oh wait, I forgot my gun...I might need that."


If that last thought came to me, it would tend to take the fun out of the evening before it even got started.




I've always wondered how gentlemen's clubs & other drinking establishments i.e. the owners view concealed carry permits. I imagine protocol varies from state to state district attorney wise. 


It will be interesting to see what both the NFL investigation & Broncos investigation ultimately reveals & bears out when the dust settles in this case. 


I don't wanna turn this topic into a heated political discussion. All I will say is this: Given the salary Talib makes from the Broncos organization, why would any elite NFL athlete making millions annually jeopardize such a nice standard of living by getting intoxicated & acting foolish with a firearm or getting into an altercation with an angry customer trying to push Talib's buttons? 


I'm not upset with you DD & I did laugh at what you said that I bolded which was funny & accurate BTW. 


If you wanna infer that Talib should have used better judgment say hiring a couple of body guards to look out for him vs packing heat himself, sure I would concur & co-sign that statement Doug no problem. 


Sidenote: Yes, I realize there are responsible, level headed, & law abiding gun owners out there in the world who are not foolish & would never put themselves in a compromising situation like Talib did. The man either likes to live on the edge or he sees himself as invincible. Talib should know better. 

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21 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

I understand your general point, but the concept of innocent bystanders is very real.  Not everyone who gets shot deserves it.

Yeah its an overstatement.  Its just an observation of mine that people who pack heat feel like it is needed, that somehow they regularly are in places that have gunfire.


I'm over 50 years old.  The only place I've ever heard live gunfire is at a shooting range.  I don't know what the difference is, other than I must live a sheltered life.  I've never had the chance to even be a bystander, as far as I know.


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7 minutes ago, southwest1 said:


I don't wanna turn this topic into a heated political discussion. All I will say is this: Given the salary Talib makes from the Broncos organization, why would any elite NFL athlete making millions annually jeopardize such a nice standard of living by getting intoxicated & acting foolish with a firearm or getting into an altercation with an angry customer trying to push Talib's buttons? 



Neither do I.  I was hoping to make an observation that getting shot is USUALLY the result of an altercation of some sort, with a person who is carrying a gun.  While "deserved" is an overstatement, going somewhere where a gun might be needed, actually carrying a gun yourself, AND getting into an altercation, all add up to some level of culpability, IMO.  

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24 minutes ago, DougDew said:

going somewhere where a gun might be needed, actually carrying a gun yourself, AND getting into an altercation, all add up to some level of culpability, IMO.  

To be honest with you DD, I do agree that Talib seems to be omitting vital details of what really went down here. He knows more than he's telling right now IMO. 


Is it possible that Talib was just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Sure, but Talib's story just sounds fishy to me especially after he openly admits he was drunk when the gunplay occurred. 

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