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Shocker- Josh Gordon fails another drug test


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Well, that probably just ruined the Gordon for Hyde trade I had set up in my keeper league. Boooo.


Seriously though, how much do you have to love weed to willingly say, "I'm going to pay millions of dollars for this." I hope it was good.

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6 hours ago, B~Town said:

Was for a diluted test he passed the follow up tests I read in a article


excerpt from cbs article

From Fox Sports' article:

Gordon's sample, which was collected in early March, tested positive for marijuana and dilute, according to a source informed of the results of the test. The source added that both the "A" and "B" samples collected were positive for marijuana and dilute. Though the level of marijuana was below the 35 nanograms per milliliter required for a positive test, the diluted sample is considered a positive test.

According to Garafolo, the failed drug test doesn't guarantee Gordon will miss the entire season. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell hasn't made a decision yet on Gordon's reinstatement request. As ESPN's Field Yates previously reported, the NFL is not required to make a decision within 60 days of Gordon's request. So, this could potentially drag on for quite some time.

For what it's worth, Gordon seems relatively unconcerned.



The Fox Article Cited



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16 hours ago, 21isSuperman said:

Complete waste of talent.  You could have been on the big stage, playing a game you're exceptional at while making 7 figures per year for it.


I don't think he's making 7 figures just yet while on rookie contract.


But he likely would have started making 8 figures if he had just quit weed and focused on football.  


Guy is going to wake up sometime in his 30's and realize that he could have been a multi-millionare.  

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6 minutes ago, Valpo2004 said:


I don't think he's making 7 figures just yet while on rookie contract.


But he likely would have started making 8 figures if he had just quit weed and focused on football.  


Guy is going to wake up sometime in his 30's and realize that he could have been a multi-millionare.  

He signed 4 years 5+ million.    He lost over 1 million last year and will probably lose 1 + million this year

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Just kick him out of the league.  I don't even want to see this guy in the news anymore.  Him and Johnny Manziel.  Just a complete waste of talents - to a lesser extent for Manziel, who was never all that good.


I'll never be convinced that this stuff is not addictive.  It clearly is on some level - whether it's chemical dependence or some other cognitive dependence. 

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1 hour ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Just kick him out of the league.  I don't even want to see this guy in the news anymore.  Him and Johnny Manziel.  Just a complete waste of talents - to a lesser extent for Manziel, who was never all that good.


I'll never be convinced that this stuff is not addictive.  It clearly is on some level - whether it's chemical dependence or some other cognitive dependence. 


ones needs to decide for themselves what are priorities and long term effects on u & family, etc and believe me if a rational decision is made & thats simpler than it sopunds even after years of use, just out of fear of possibly damaging oneself to far , 1 can stop it, they have to find a reason to stop that's more important than to use


that may be effect on family & kids - but if a firm decision is made yes one can stop, people may have addictive personalities, then u channel that addictive personality to be used in constructive ways, - dont ask how i know but i know

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Gordon will be tested up to 12 times per month over the next 60-90 days.  If he is clean on them all, Goodell may well reinstate him.  If Gordon is addicted to the weed in some fashion, he'll get caught and that will likely end his NFL career.


While Manzeil make me furious (No talent robbed the Browns of cash), Gordon make me very disappointed.  Unlike Manzeil, he earned all of his cash, too bad a little too much of it went to recreational smoking drugs.

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18 hours ago, bayone said:


excerpt from cbs article

From Fox Sports' article:

Gordon's sample, which was collected in early March, tested positive for marijuana and dilute, according to a source informed of the results of the test. The source added that both the "A" and "B" samples collected were positive for marijuana and dilute. Though the level of marijuana was below the 35 nanograms per milliliter required for a positive test, the diluted sample is considered a positive test.

According to Garafolo, the failed drug test doesn't guarantee Gordon will miss the entire season. NFL commissioner Roger Goodell hasn't made a decision yet on Gordon's reinstatement request. As ESPN's Field Yates previously reported, the NFL is not required to make a decision within 60 days of Gordon's request. So, this could potentially drag on for quite some time.

For what it's worth, Gordon seems relatively unconcerned.



The Fox Article Cited



"For what it's worth, Gordon seems relatively unconcerned." I roared with laughter when I read that priceless line of yours Barry. LOL! 


I'm laughing due to your comedic genius brother. Just how I picture you saying it with perfect sarcastic tone. lmao

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6 hours ago, southwest1 said:

"For what it's worth, Gordon seems relatively unconcerned." I roared with laughter when I read that priceless line of yours Barry. LOL! 


I'm laughing due to your comedic genius brother. Just how I picture you saying it with perfect sarcastic tone. lmao

the line is in the article , i just highlighted it


after that line in article is this  this tweet its probably referring to of Gordons


Call me if u need a real story worth writing..  

     ( note the emogi is in the tweet )
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6 hours ago, southwest1 said:

"For what it's worth, Gordon seems relatively unconcerned." I roared with laughter when I read that priceless line of yours Barry. LOL! 


I'm laughing due to your comedic genius brother. Just how I picture you saying it with perfect sarcastic tone. lmao

The line is in the article, I just highlighted it, the author probably was referring to the Gordon tweet response that followed that line


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On ‎4‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 7:33 AM, MPStack said:

Boggles the mind that individuals can`t simply stay away from a non-addictive drug. 

For a drug that is called non addictive there seems to be a problem just about everywhere with the mental addiction part of it. A lot of people all over the country are still not getting jobs and losing jobs because they cant stay away from it. Is it really that non addictive? Mental addiction is real.

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55 minutes ago, crazycolt1 said:

For a drug that is called non addictive there seems to be a problem just about everywhere with the mental addiction part of it. A lot of people all over the country are still not getting jobs and losing jobs because they cant stay away from it. Is it really that non addictive? Mental addiction is real.


Its one psychological profile, as I note earlier some people simply have addictive personalities, they like it they do it, One must have a reason to and  most important of all " want to stop " in order to break the cycle, then one can channel an addictive personality to constructive things and its amazing the good that same personality can then do

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1 hour ago, bayone said:


Its one psychological profile, as I note earlier some people simply have addictive personalities, they like it they do it, One must have a reason to and  most important of all " want to stop " in order to break the cycle, then one can channel an addictive personality to constructive things and its amazing the good that same personality can then do

I guess it's not easy for some to put priorities above what they want out of themselves. If you never set goals and then have the will power to accomplish those goals you are selling yourself short IMO.  No matter what side of the fence you stand on with the legalities of the issue you cant put your life on hold waiting around for the results you are looking for. I worked a lot of years in the transportation industry and was always at risk with testing for anything illegal. I always put my family the priority when it came to my job and what it provided for me. I am no saint that is for sure but I couldn't look at myself knowing I threw away opportunity just to get high.

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2 hours ago, crazycolt1 said:

I guess it's not easy for some to put priorities above what they want out of themselves. If you never set goals and then have the will power to accomplish those goals you are selling yourself short IMO.  No matter what side of the fence you stand on with the legalities of the issue you cant put your life on hold waiting around for the results you are looking for. I worked a lot of years in the transportation industry and was always at risk with testing for anything illegal. I always put my family the priority when it came to my job and what it provided for me. I am no saint that is for sure but I couldn't look at myself knowing I threw away opportunity just to get high.


There aint no saints and if someone tells u they are they are probably liars, no one is perfect


I am single so no kids wife  etc that mattered , but have nephews & since none of my own they to me are like sons, as far as I was concerned myself may have mattered but far and away  the example i set for those loving kids meant all the world to me

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On April 12, 2016 at 10:58 AM, bayone said:


ones needs to decide for themselves what are priorities and long term effects on u & family, etc and believe me if a rational decision is made & thats simpler than it sopunds even after years of use, just out of fear of possibly damaging oneself to far , 1 can stop it, they have to find a reason to stop that's more important than to use


that may be effect on family & kids - but if a firm decision is made yes one can stop, people may have addictive personalities, then u channel that addictive personality to be used in constructive ways, - dont ask how i know but i know

I trust & yield to your medical school expertise Barry. I'm in no position to condemn anybody over an addiction. I just wish that Mr. Gordon & Mr. Manziel would decide what's more important a brief high or a long NFL career. I hope they figure it out before it's too late. Right now, it doesn't sound promising for either one. 

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11 hours ago, bayone said:

The line is in the article, I just highlighted it, the author probably was referring to the Gordon tweet response that followed that line



Yeah, I know. I just pictured you saying that unconcerned line with the appropriate level of cynicism & doubt in the back of your mind Barry. 

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10 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Yeah, I know. I just pictured you saying that unconcerned line with the appropriate level of cynicism & doubt in the back of your mind Barry. 


we all mainly believe he was probably to high to realize what he was tweeting  at least but has to know whats happening to his career & yet ???


Just unbelievably sad with such talent

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Gordon's indefinite suspension continues until August 1, 2016 as his petition for reinstatement was denied. His last chance is the next few months leading up to August 1, 2016.  Gordon must keep the NFL abreast of his location at all times.  At any moment, an NFL rep could show up at Gordon's doorstep for a urine sample.  This can and likely will happen many times throughout the summer.  And Gordon is hanging with Johhny (no) football and expects to test clean throughout the next few months? 


There are too many things that could go wrong for Gordon.  If he travels away on vacation or whatever, and he doesn't inform the NFL of his whereabouts, then he could fail a drug test because they could not locate him.  Missing a test is the same as a positive test in the NFL's eyes.  If a test is diluted, or contains known masking agents (or other detox or cleansing agents) confirmed in an adulterant test, then it is viewed as a positive as well; with the addition of it being viewed as an intentional a cover up.  And of course, if there are traces of prohibited substances in amounts above the positive level threshold, he'll fail the test.


To me, one of those 3 things is very likely to occur before he can petition the league for reinstatement August 2, 2016. It is disappointing and unfortunate, but it seems very likely at this point that Josh may never wear an NFL uniform ever again, unless he truly goes Cold Turkey not only until August 2, but thereafter as well.


Best of luck to him, he'll need it.

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10 hours ago, bayone said:


we all mainly believe he was probably to high to realize what he was tweeting  at least but has to know whats happening to his career & yet ???


Just unbelievably sad with such talent

Uh huh. Mr. Gordon is a very gifted athlete that gave Browns fans a glimmer of hope & respectability as a franchise that he just decided to flush down the toilet. Very sad indeed. 

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6 hours ago, ColtsBlueFL said:

Gordon's indefinite suspension continues until August 1, 2016 as his petition for reinstatement was denied. His last chance is the next few months leading up to August 1, 2016.  Gordon must keep the NFL abreast of his location at all times.  At any moment, an NFL rep could show up at Gordon's doorstep for a urine sample.  This can and likely will happen many times throughout the summer.  And Gordon is hanging with Johhny (no) football and expects to test clean throughout the next few months? 


There are too many things that could go wrong for Gordon.  If he travels away on vacation or whatever, and he doesn't inform the NFL of his whereabouts, then he could fail a drug test because they could not locate him.  Missing a test is the same as a positive test in the NFL's eyes.  If a test is diluted, or contains known masking agents (or other detox or cleansing agents) confirmed in an adulterant test, then it is viewed as a positive as well; with the addition of it being viewed as an intentional a cover up.  And of course, if there are traces of prohibited substances in amounts above the positive level threshold, he'll fail the test.


To me, one of those 3 things is very likely to occur before he can petition the league for reinstatement August 2, 2016. It is disappointing and unfortunate, but it seems very likely at this point that Josh may never wear an NFL uniform ever again, unless he truly goes Cold Turkey not only until August 2, but thereafter as well.


Best of luck to him, he'll need it.

A beautifully written post CBFL. You have a way of diluting complicated legal matters down into an easy to comprehend & digest tangible form. Bravo! 


I always enjoy reading your thoughts on relevant NFL matters of the day. Thank you for your valuable contributions on the forum. :hat: 

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43 minutes ago, Fx Stryker said:

Sorry, but I don't see why people are acting like he's so horrible for smoking marijuana.

No one is really saying he is horrible. Stupid is more what people are saying. Millions of dollars on the line. A job he trained for years to get. No matter your personal thoughts are on the legalities of weed is at this point it is not legal in the NFL. You sign a contract and take money that states what the rules are. Yes, stupid is a very good term to use when you throw all that away just to catch a buzz. Weed is not physically addictive so it's all mental. If a person does not have the will power to follow the rules and get paid very well to use the will power we all have then there are more words to describe him other then stupid.

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10 hours ago, Fx Stryker said:

Sorry, but I don't see why people are acting like he's so horrible for smoking marijuana.


It's not the smoking act itself (though it is not legal in most states nor the NFL), it is what his continued use of it represents.  That Gordon puts Josh's 'fun' above above team and duty.


Besides, it has been stated before.  You have to be crazy stupid or into more addicting substances to ever get caught and put on a very restrictive Substance Abuse Program by the NFL.  If you are clean and never tested positive, you only get tested for banned recreational substance from mid April until early August.  Stay off of it from now until the first game is played! After the first game is on the books, smoke as often as you desire, but produce on the field. And stop sometime in March. But once one is caught and placed in the Abuse Program, random testing for recreational substances is a year round reality.


The Only drug tests that are year round for those not in the Substance Abuse program are for PED's



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20 hours ago, Fx Stryker said:

Sorry, but I don't see why people are acting like he's so horrible for smoking marijuana.

Like most people on here have already stated FX, Josh isn't a pariah or anything despicable perse. It's just difficult to understand why Gordon would throw away millions of dollars aka life changing money just to light up grass. 


Most people aren't born with the God given athletic ability Josh has & if they were, they wouldn't squander a lottery ticket for pot. 

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On April 13, 2016 at 9:01 AM, crazycolt1 said:

For a drug that is called non addictive there seems to be a problem just about everywhere with the mental addiction part of it. A lot of people all over the country are still not getting jobs and losing jobs because they cant stay away from it. Is it really that non addictive? Mental addiction is real.

Ain't that the truth!! Not addictive my butt.

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