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The fact Pags stayed and is watching his staff burn is proof he's a fake


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3 hours ago, SteelDragon said:

Pagano is a high-character guy.

You can question his decision-making. You can question his coaching.

Heck, you can question his ability to make interesting and useful soundbites when being interviewed.

But don't you dare question the man's integrity

This infuriates me.  Do you personally know Chuck Pagano? Integrity? Please.  Pep Hamilton had Integrity.  He should have thrown Pags under the bus the moment he was scapegoated

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It's not throwing anyone under the bus when your team is at or near the bottom of the league under those coordinators. It's called common sense to replace those that are not even average at their jobs. It also shows that Chuck does what he thinks is best for the team without having personal ties that effect any changes.

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16 minutes ago, YourNextGM said:

This infuriates me.  Do you personally know Chuck Pagano? Integrity? Please.  Pep Hamilton had Integrity.  He should have thrown Pags under the bus the moment he was scapegoated


Pep wasn't scapegoated...he was fired for being bad at his job.

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50 minutes ago, Jason_S said:


Pep wasn't scapegoated...he was fired for being bad at his job.

Yet Pagano is good at his job? All I know is up until this yr,  the offense was productive and carried the team.  The defense has sucked every yr under coach clap and cry. 

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While the TCs approach is a little off, I understand what he's trying to say. Basically he thinks coaches are becoming  fall guys for the inadequacy of Pagano and Grigson. 


Now I don't think it goes as far as Pagano being manipulative and out for himself, but I do think it's an actual talking point.

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2 hours ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

How do you figure that? It has been widely reported that one of the reasons a rift between Chuck and the FO was he didn't get choose his staff? I believe one of the conditions of him re-signing was the ability to do just that and we are seeing the fallout from it. It is a good thing, imo....


This is correct IMO.  I think he has finally been given the chance to pick his own staff and now he's cleaning house of guys that he never wanted.  

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2 hours ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

How do you figure that? It has been widely reported that one of the reasons a rift between Chuck and the FO was he didn't get choose his staff? I believe one of the conditions of him re-signing was the ability to do just that and we are seeing the fallout from it. It is a good thing, imo....


I agree.


The bigger question is why would Pagano originally agree to these types of terms? He pretty much handcuffed himself from the get-go if he did. Was the job just that enticing?

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This thread should be closed because it is a personal attack, IMO.


Argue all the merits of coaching, his modus operandi w.r.t football and if Pagano is the right one or not and make your points. But I think this is a bit over the top.

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2 hours ago, TheRustonRifle#7 said:

How do you figure that? It has been widely reported that one of the reasons a rift between Chuck and the FO was he didn't get choose his staff? I believe one of the conditions of him re-signing was the ability to do just that and we are seeing the fallout from it. It is a good thing, imo....

Everything you said is pure speculation. 

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1 hour ago, NBColtsFanatic said:

The fact that you keep starting these negative threads show that you're not a fan and that you're pathetic. If you don't like what the Colts are doing, get out. I'll admit I was angry by the news, but I'm not going to let it eat at me. So just stop.

I don't agree with the OP, but just because he doesn't like what the Colts are doing doesn't mean he's not a fan or should leave. 

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OP- Your kidding right.  Like others have said our defense was ranked 26 and our tight ends were nearly invisible all year.  The positional coaches have to be evaluator's of talent as well. If they are not giving good feedback to the HC on a players ability then that is a problem. Our backup talent is pretty terrible on this team. Our positional coaches need not be afraid to voice their concerns with the HC.  The hope now is with the handcoffs being taken off Pagano, he now can lean on his staff and make better decisions on who plays. If they dont pan out, then with this new balance or power we are seeing there should be no problem for those idea's to brought to the table. Pagano should have more of a say who plays.

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1 hour ago, YourNextGM said:

Yet Pagano is good at his job? All I know is up until this yr,  the offense was productive and carried the team.  The defense has sucked every yr under coach clap and cry. 


not true.  the offense has left the defense out to dry in previous seasons as well.  Since Pep took over, the offense has been boom or bust...either big chunk plays and scoring a lot of points, or a lot of 3-and-outs...there's not been much middle ground or consistency, and that has affected the defense more than anything.

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