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The new HC and Chuck


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With all these articles about a new head coach candidate, chuck saying he dose not think he will be here next year do you think he is even trying cause honestly why would he at this point if he has no job?


I'd assume he is trying his hardest. Even if he isn't here next year, he wants to increase his worth to potential suitors. More wins = more money, either here or another team.

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I'd assume he is trying his hardest. Even if he isn't here next year, he wants to increase his worth to potential suitors. More wins = more money, either here or another team.

He said he would retire if he were fired I believe. I find it hard to believe but for a guy who's been through all he's been through, without being able to choose the guys he wants to coach or sometimes the guys he wants to play, he still sees a Superbowl as a possibility this year. If Luck is healthy, with Chud now involved, and a decent backup in Hasselbeck with the toughest part of the schedule over with, I don't see why we don't have a chance to win it all. Broncos may have to go with Osweiler. Big Ben and DeAngelo Williams are injury riddled. Pats are unstoppable but beatable and unhealthy. Andy Dalton has yet to win a playoff game. We can beat the Bills or Jets if we play the way we played against Denver. Packers have now lost 3 straight. Seahawks are not the Seahawks of the last two years, and we led the NFC's undefeated team in overtime after spotting them so many points early on with our poor play and turnovers.

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He isn't a guy that will quit on his team I don't think. If anything I can see him getting desperate during game days to win games and get calls and challenging them in an effort to win. On top of that he would not want to give his next potential suitor (if that comes to pass) reason to doubt if times get tough will he just up and quit


I don't think Pagano is the problem at this point. Are there better coaches in the NFL? Of course and if a coach comes free Grigson or Irsay likes better then Pagano then go for him but I think 1 of the 2-3 biggest problems has been solved and that was Pep being sent packing. Does that mean Chud is the answer? Meh 1 game...More games ahead to make that decision BUT the other 3 problems being:


-not enough talent on the roster or old talent. Just for an example and I know other names could be picked and I know Toler has had his moments but as long as we are having to call him our #2 Corner we will have problems winning consistently once playoff times come around. Am I saying we are not a SB team with him? No any team can get hot and any player can get hot and play like he hasn't for the majority of his career (Joe Flacco for example) but you don't win multiple SB's with players that you hope get hot. You win with consistency


Can we win a SB with him as our #2? I think so. but multiple? No


-Still having to work with Peps playbook and that means some bad play designs at times


-I don't think at this point Joe Gilbert is the right guy to get this O Line turned around. We have the talent to get this turned around.... they are playing overall much better compared to early in the season(Broncos game being the exception seeing as how they have talent everywhere on defense) and we certainly have depth issues but many NFL teams can say that

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If the chud experiment continues to work, I doubt they fire pagano, more likely to fire or take some control from Grigson


I hold out the possibility that Chuck won't be back next year, because he doesn't want to, and they've all known it for some time.

Possible due to his earlier medical issues. Just doesn't want to go beyond his original deal.


If true, this may be Chud's audition to the HC job, and may be why he's been here all along(?).


I'm sure something's going on. I'm just not convinced it's what everyone wants us to believe is going on.

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I hold out the possibility that Chuck won't be back next year, because he doesn't want to, and they've all known it for some time.

Possible due to his earlier medical issues. Just doesn't want to go beyond his original deal.


If true, this may be Chud's audition to the HC job, and may be why he's been here all along(?).


I'm sure something's going on. I'm just not convinced it's what everyone wants us to believe is going on.

Some great tasting food for thought.

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No matter what anyone thinks of Chuck, quitter is not one of them. I don't know the extent of the rumors about Grigson and exactly what or who had control but I hope Chuck gets another contract.

I agree especially if he has been saddled with Pep because of Grig's. I think it is obvious Chud was his choice. Why it took so long is beyond me.

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I'd assume he is trying his hardest. Even if he isn't here next year, he wants to increase his worth to potential suitors. More wins = more money, either here or another team.

Actually he stated that this would be his last job, period.   


Perhaps he'll retire.  I hadn't heard him actually say, on the record, that he wouldn't be here next year.  Can someone link me to where he said that?

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If Chud somehow lands the Colts HC job next year, we are back to finding a great OC to replace him unless he wants to continue that role.  I can't see Irsay giving him GM control or anything though.  I don't think he has earned that much power.

Well, if, and I say if, the observation (wherever it came from) is true about Chuck not wanting to stay or (here's that word, again), if, the powers that be want him released from HC, the OC job could land into Chud's hands no matter (here we go, again), if, and when he would become HC or not.

Man, that's a lot of ifs & speculation, isn't it?

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The premise of this thread is pretty ridiculous. There, I said it.


Now, about Pagano, I'm pulling for him. I hope the team plays well down the stretch, and I hope he gets a new deal, and I hope he gets full control over his staff. Keep Chud, and think about a replacement at DC. But more importantly, improve the defensive personnel, particularly at linebacker.


Pagano won't be mistaken for a savant, but he's made some significant adjustments in his team as our head coach, proving to me that he's capable of learning and applying what he's learned. The willingness to go for onside kicks, to go for it on 4th down, the shift from a stubborn "run first" offense (and even though the results have been mixed, he's not continually banging that 'run the ball' drum anymore, and has admitted that he's had to come off of that stance). In other words, we've already suffered through his growing pains, and now we have the chance to benefit as he's (hopefully) put those behind him. Players work their butts off for the guy. He treats his people with respect. I want him to do well, and I want him to stay. He has a chance for the next 6 weeks or so to prove that he's not just riding the back of a star QB. 

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Actually he stated that this would be his last job, period.

Perhaps he'll retire. I hadn't heard him actually say, on the record, that he wouldn't be here next year. Can someone link me to where he said that?

Reggie Wayne once said he would never be in another uniform besides the colts and that he would retire before that happened. As soon as the reality happened that he wasn't going to come back to the Colts, all of a sudden he wanted to play for someone else. They are all just words and positioning when they say these things. Until someone actually does it and follows through, I don't buy it.
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he's not continually banging that 'run the ball' drum anymore, and has admitted that he's had to come off of that stance). In other words, we've already suffered through his growing pains, and now we have the chance to benefit as he's (hopefully) put those behind him. Players work their butts off for the guy. He treats his people with respect. I want him to do well, and I want him to stay. He has a chance for the next 6 weeks or so to prove that he's not just riding the back of a star QB. 

Thank you Supes. This is, as they say, Chuck's first rodeo as a HC. Very few people instantly become legendary successful coaches overnight. A lot of people forget how 'ole Bill's career started. I am very hesitant to completely write Chuck off. 

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Thank you Supes. This is, as they say, Chuck's first rodeo as a HC. Very few people instantly become legendary successful coaches overnight. A lot of people forget how 'ole Bill's career started. I am very hesitant to completely write Chuck off. 


I agree. If Pagano had made zero improvement as a coach over the last three years, I'd be fine with writing him off. Take Caldwell, for instance, who basically got worse over time. Get rid of a guy who's stalled out. And maybe Pagano is stalled out, but these next two months will be critical. I could feel totally different about him by January, depending on how the team plays.


But he's obviously made advancement with critical decisions and game management. Some of his clock management is infuriating, especially when he goes super conservative at the end of the half, which he did against Denver last week. I'd like to see him squeeze out more win probability in situations like that.

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The premise of this thread is pretty ridiculous. There, I said it.


Now, about Pagano, I'm pulling for him. I hope the team plays well down the stretch, and I hope he gets a new deal, and I hope he gets full control over his staff. Keep Chud, and think about a replacement at DC. But more importantly, improve the defensive personnel, particularly at linebacker.


Pagano won't be mistaken for a savant, but he's made some significant adjustments in his team as our head coach, proving to me that he's capable of learning and applying what he's learned. The willingness to go for onside kicks, to go for it on 4th down, the shift from a stubborn "run first" offense (and even though the results have been mixed, he's not continually banging that 'run the ball' drum anymore, and has admitted that he's had to come off of that stance). In other words, we've already suffered through his growing pains, and now we have the chance to benefit as he's (hopefully) put those behind him. Players work their butts off for the guy. He treats his people with respect. I want him to do well, and I want him to stay. He has a chance for the next 6 weeks or so to prove that he's not just riding the back of a star QB. 



One of the best posts I've read on this forum, ever. 

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The premise of this thread is pretty ridiculous. There, I said it.


Now, about Pagano, I'm pulling for him. I hope the team plays well down the stretch, and I hope he gets a new deal, and I hope he gets full control over his staff. Keep Chud, and think about a replacement at DC. But more importantly, improve the defensive personnel, particularly at linebacker.


Pagano won't be mistaken for a savant, but he's made some significant adjustments in his team as our head coach, proving to me that he's capable of learning and applying what he's learned. The willingness to go for onside kicks, to go for it on 4th down, the shift from a stubborn "run first" offense (and even though the results have been mixed, he's not continually banging that 'run the ball' drum anymore, and has admitted that he's had to come off of that stance). In other words, we've already suffered through his growing pains, and now we have the chance to benefit as he's (hopefully) put those behind him. Players work their butts off for the guy. He treats his people with respect. I want him to do well, and I want him to stay. He has a chance for the next 6 weeks or so to prove that he's not just riding the back of a star QB.

No argument here. This is only Pagano's 3rd year coaching, IMO. Write off 2012. You hit on a couple of great points. Chuck is a fantastic guy. A player's coach. Like you said, "Players work their butts off for the guy." That comes from respect. And he, in turn, gives it back. Then, the improvement to our linebacking core. We've touched on this before. Any defense worth its salt, is prone towards acquiring very-good to great ILBs & OLBs. It's the catalyst of defense. I've always been of the thinking that these positions, not only enhance, but catapult and capture, a very-good to great offense, along with a great franchise QB to achieve Championships.

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I agree. If Pagano had made zero improvement as a coach over the last three years, I'd be fine with writing him off. Take Caldwell, for instance, who basically got worse over time. Get rid of a guy who's stalled out. And maybe Pagano is stalled out, but these next two months will be critical. I could feel totally different about him by January, depending on how the team plays.


He is definitely not in the top tier of coach's in the league, but is nowhere near the bottom. Considering he apparently has not had full control of his staff or even who to play during his tenure. Couple that with the fact he's only been a head coach for 2.5 seasons at the highest level and you are bound to have problems that we've experienced. He's sure had a lot more success and motivates a lot more people than many of the other coach's that have been navigating themselves around the league from team to team in recent years. I still watch his post Green Bay press conference and pray it works out for him. It can't happen to a better person than him. Hoping he just gets his one.

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No argument here. This is only Pagano's 3rd year coaching, IMO. Write off 2012. You hit on a couple of great points. Chuck is a fantastic guy. A player's coach. Like you said, "Players work their butts off for the guy." That comes from respect. And he, in turn, gives it back. Then, the improvement to our linebacking core. We've touched on this before. Any defense worth its salt, is prone towards acquiring very-good to great ILBs & OLBs. It's the catalyst of defense. I've always been of the thinking that these positions, not only enhance, but catapult and capture, a very-good to great offense, along with a great franchise QB to achieve Championships.


Pass rush is obviously very important. I don't think anyone would argue that.


But I believe that you have to be good up the middle of the defense: DT, ILB, S. Outside of screens passes, most teams are best and most efficient at throwing in the middle of the field. And with so many good slot receivers and TEs, that part of the field has come to be explosive, not just efficient. If you can't cover the middle of the field, you're toast. And if you can't get push up the middle, your pass rush is less effective.


We've consistently been bad up the middle. Up until 2014, our back end safety play was bad. Adams and Lowery are the best safety tandem we've had, and that's two journeyman veterans. Chapman was decent against the run, but got no push, and while Parry is more capable of penetrating, he's not really pushing the pocket either. And the coverage across the middle is soft as Charmin. If we can get better up the middle, I think our pass rush gets better and our corner play gets better.

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Pass rush is obviously very important. I don't think anyone would argue that.


But I believe that you have to be good up the middle of the defense: DT, ILB, S. Outside of screens passes, most teams are best and most efficient at throwing in the middle of the field. And with so many good slot receivers and TEs, that part of the field has come to be explosive, not just efficient. If you can't cover the middle of the field, you're toast. And if you can't get push up the middle, your pass rush is less effective.


We've consistently been bad up the middle. Up until 2014, our back end safety play was bad. Adams and Lowery are the best safety tandem we've had, and that's two journeyman veterans. Chapman was decent against the run, but got no push, and while Parry is more capable of penetrating, he's not really pushing the pocket either. And the coverage across the middle is soft as Charmin. If we can get better up the middle, I think our pass rush gets better and our corner play gets better.

True. All true. You hit my recollection button. The last time the Colts had an impressive run on defense, was of course, 2006. Sanders compensated on the slack by sliding up and covering the middle during the Playoffs that year & Super Bowl 41. Brackett was decent, but it was Sanders' play (and threat), that put Indianapolis over the top that post season, along with our offense, that captured the VL.

Nice assessment, btw. "coverage across the middle is soft as Charmin".

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I hope he stays here.  Players love him and (aside from that year he was out sick), he's taken the Colts to the playoffs every one of Andrew's years.  In addition, I think Chud in the OC position will work out nicely.  Tweak the defense and let's go to the Super Bowl.


They came within 7 of NE (could have beaten them if it weren't for a couple of dumb play calls) and they beat Denver.  

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Pass rush is obviously very important. I don't think anyone would argue that.


But I believe that you have to be good up the middle of the defense: DT, ILB, S. Outside of screens passes, most teams are best and most efficient at throwing in the middle of the field. And with so many good slot receivers and TEs, that part of the field has come to be explosive, not just efficient. If you can't cover the middle of the field, you're toast. And if you can't get push up the middle, your pass rush is less effective.


We've consistently been bad up the middle. Up until 2014, our back end safety play was bad. Adams and Lowery are the best safety tandem we've had, and that's two journeyman veterans. Chapman was decent against the run, but got no push, and while Parry is more capable of penetrating, he's not really pushing the pocket either. And the coverage across the middle is soft as Charmin. If we can get better up the middle, I think our pass rush gets better and our corner play gets better.

I know your speaking of the defensive side of the ball but as to the offensive side I'd really wish we would get an O Coordinator that would try to exploit the middle of the field more


The combo of Luck and Hasselbeck has thrown over the middle of the field 36 times out of 369 attempts according to ESPN's splits for both respective QB's. That's only 10 percent of Luck and Hasselbecks combined throws

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I know your speaking of the defensive side of the ball but as to the offensive side I'd really wish we would get an O Coordinator that would try to exploit the middle of the field more


The combo of Luck and Hasselbeck has thrown over the middle of the field 36 times out of 369 attempts according to ESPN's splits for both respective QB's. That's only 10 percent of Luck and Hasselbecks combined throws


So often we have no receivers even running routes across the middle, especially shallow routes. I don't get it.

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I know your speaking of the defensive side of the ball but as to the offensive side I'd really wish we would get an O Coordinator that would try to exploit the middle of the field more


The combo of Luck and Hasselbeck has thrown over the middle of the field 36 times out of 369 attempts according to ESPN's splits for both respective QB's. That's only 10 percent of Luck and Hasselbecks combined throws

And, that's not an impressive approach to achieving this offense's capacity. Not even close. I hope Chud can establish a more agressive sway towards short & medium sized yardage. We did better against Denver. But, over the middle slants, side-outs, and check downs need to be infused on a much higher level, IMO.

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With all these articles about a new head coach candidate, chuck saying he dose not think he will be here next year do you think he is even trying cause honestly why would he at this point if he has no job?

:scratch:  :dunno:


You really would just tank if you were him?  Or is that just a question to spur discussion?  I hope for your employer's sake, it's the latter!   :thmup:

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The combo of Luck and Hasselbeck has thrown over the middle of the field 36 times out of 369 attempts according to ESPN's splits for both respective QB's. That's only 10 percent of Luck and Hasselbecks combined throws


Ok, so it wasn't my imagination!  Wayne, Harrison and Peyton used to feast on that short little drag route and slant.  I remember some bozo WR even criticizing Marvin's numbers because of so many easy pitch and catch routes.  Boy, we could use some of that now!

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Pass rush is obviously very important. I don't think anyone would argue that.


But I believe that you have to be good up the middle of the defense: DT, ILB, S. Outside of screens passes, most teams are best and most efficient at throwing in the middle of the field. And with so many good slot receivers and TEs, that part of the field has come to be explosive, not just efficient. If you can't cover the middle of the field, you're toast. And if you can't get push up the middle, your pass rush is less effective.


We've consistently been bad up the middle. Up until 2014, our back end safety play was bad. Adams and Lowery are the best safety tandem we've had, and that's two journeyman veterans. Chapman was decent against the run, but got no push, and while Parry is more capable of penetrating, he's not really pushing the pocket either. And the coverage across the middle is soft as Charmin. If we can get better up the middle, I think our pass rush gets better and our corner play gets better.


I think we've had better push up the middle this year than most with Parry, Anderson and Langford.  No Warren Sapp or John Randle in that bunch, but not bad either.

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Ok, so it wasn't my imagination!  Wayne, Harrison and Peyton used to feast on that short little drag route and slant.  I remember some bozo WR even criticizing Marvin's numbers because of so many easy pitch and catch routes.  Boy, we could use some of that now!

I think we're going to see a very good mix from Chudzinski that'll pay off dividends. We just need some more games under our belt. The next 3 games will tell us quite a bit. Too soon to think about anything, i.e., playoffs, Chud leaving, Pagano out, et.al. Let's see what happens @ Atlanta, v. Tampa Bay, @ Pittsburgh. Should be a good measuring tool.

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