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A Feeling Of A Trade Not To Say It's Peyton Manning, But Someone Else?


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Is anyone with any value and a reasonable cap hit even under contract to trade?

The name I see the most is Clark but I'll admit I am not sure of Clark's cap hit. With that said, till we get some other people signed Dallas isn't going any where. Frankly you just don't see players traded in the NFL because you never get anything close to their value in return and the cap hit that comes from moving them tends to be way more than the cap hit that comes from releasing them and that difference out weighs the value you would get back in a trade.

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The name I see the most is Clark but I'll admit I am not sure of Clark's cap hit. With that said, till we get some other people signed Dallas isn't going any where. Frankly you just don't see players traded in the NFL because you never get anything close to their value in return and the cap hit that comes from moving them tends to be way more than the cap hit that comes from releasing them and that difference out weighs the value you would get back in a trade.

5,580,000 2012 Dead Cap Space
1,740,000 2012 Savings
8,120,000 2013 Savings

If Manning returns I could see a restructure for Clark.

If Manning doesn't then there might be some value in trading him.

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5,580,000 2012 Dead Cap Space
1,740,000 2012 Savings
8,120,000 2013 Savings

If Manning returns I could see a restructure for Clark.

If Manning doesn't then there might be some value in trading him.

Bigger than Manning is what happens with Tamme and Wayne and Garcon. If we lose all of them in free agency we can't afford to move Clark because the only other major weapon we have coming back is Collie (I don't count White as a major weapon and I am not sure of his contract status either).

Clark is young enough that if we go with Luck we can keep him with Luck and Luck has proven this year in college he likes tightends so I really don't think Manning coming back is going to affect Clark status that much unless you are just talking from a pure money stand point.

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Bigger than Manning is what happens with Tamme and Wayne and Garcon. If we lose all of them in free agency we can't afford to move Clark because the only other major weapon we have coming back is Collie (I don't count White as a major weapon and I am not sure of his contract status either).

Are we still considering Clark to be a major weapon? He was awful this year and, by all outward appearances, is a small, average TE that can't block for squat. As a former fan of his, I think he's done being a weapon in this league.

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Bigger than Manning is what happens with Tamme and Wayne and Garcon. If we lose all of them in free agency we can't afford to move Clark because the only other major weapon we have coming back is Collie (I don't count White as a major weapon and I am not sure of his contract status either).

Clark is young enough that if we go with Luck we can keep him with Luck and Luck has proven this year in college he likes tightends so I really don't think Manning coming back is going to affect Clark status that much unless you are just talking from a pure money stand point.

Tamme will get paid, but I don't see him getting near what Dallas did, even though I think his production in 2010 was nearly as good as what Dallas has had. I was looking forward to seeing a return to the 2 TE set with each on the field this year with Manning running the show.

Garcon is going to likely demand some coin.

Wayne will want more than he is really worth.

White has one year left on his rookie deal.

I could see Garcon getting tagged (9.4-9.8) with an extension worked out, unless they plan on using the tag on Wayne or Mathis.

So that group of 4 players will be interesting.

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Everyone's production in terms of offense went down including the o-line! Once Manning was out there was no production on offense in receiving or the o-line trying to keep Manning upright...I think they paid back Painter/Collins/Orlovsky for all those years of abuse protecting Manning so much. :)

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Are we still considering Clark to be a major weapon? He was awful this year and, by all outward appearances, is a small, average TE that can't block for squat. As a former fan of his, I think he's done being a weapon in this league.

He's worth a look with a real QB again (no disrespect to Collins/Painter/Orlovsky) especialy if we lose Wayne, Garcon, and Tamme. Do you really turst the only major returning reciever to be Collie next year?

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Tamme will get paid, but I don't see him getting near what Dallas did, even though I think his production in 2010 was nearly as good as what Dallas has had. I was looking forward to seeing a return to the 2 TE set with each on the field this year with Manning running the show.

Garcon is going to likely demand some coin.

Wayne will want more than he is really worth.

White has one year left on his rookie deal.

I could see Garcon getting tagged (9.4-9.8) with an extension worked out, unless they plan on using the tag on Wayne or Mathis.

So that group of 4 players will be interesting.

Yep, and like I said before we worry about Clark, because I can see a scenario with him leaving, we need to see what happens with this group of players first. If the Colts can keep two or three of them Clark becomes much more expendable but if we can't we probably need him next year.

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Also, I don't think Clark would garner much in a trade. He hasn't even put up 1,000 yards in the last two years combined. I'd like to get something out of the guy, but it's probably going to be another mediocre year of play. I'd rather pay Tamme 2 mil and get better production out of him, than pay Clark his 8 mil or whatever for what he provides.

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Are we still considering Clark to be a major weapon? He was awful this year and, by all outward appearances, is a small, average TE that can't block for squat. As a former fan of his, I think he's done being a weapon in this league.

I think he's almost become gun shy to a certain extent. He's had his bell rung so many times down the middle he hears footsteps. He never used to drop so many balls.

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He's worth a look with a real QB again (no disrespect to Collins/Painter/Orlovsky) especialy if we lose Wayne, Garcon, and Tamme. Do you really turst the only major returning reciever to be Collie next year?

Peyton used him well. He also used Tamme exceedingly well. I got an itchy feeling that Peyton could make alot of average receivers look like pro-bowlers. He was so stinky this year with the drops, fumbles and bad routes, not being ready for the pass....he looked like he didn't even care.

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I think he's almost become gun shy to a certain extent. He's had his bell rung so many times down the middle he hears footsteps. He never used to drop so many balls.

I mentioned this way early in the season in some obscure 'Dallas hate' thread. You are exactly right to my estimation. I remember a few times that he got hung out to dry by Peyton.

He was just so bad this year. I'm sure he cared but he wasn't gettin with it. Anywho.....I don't think it hurts our receiver corps even if Wayne leaves. From what I saw, he's easily replaceable.

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Peyton used him well. He also used Tamme exceedingly well. I got an itchy feeling that Peyton could make alot of average receivers look like pro-bowlers. He was so stinky this year with the drops, fumbles and bad routes, not being ready for the pass....he looked like he didn't even care.

Tamme is a free agent so there is no promise he's coming back. That's my point. If we move Clark before we resign anyone the only proven pass catcher we have coming back is Collie. Till we figure out if we are going to keep some combantion of Tamme, Wayne, and Garcon then Clark isn't going anywhere. Once we figure that out and if do bring say like Tamme and Garcon then they might very well revisit Clark.

So you think Clark didn't care about what was going on out there? I disagree. Maybe Clark was unhappy or frustrated because he knew he wasn't playing or because they were losing? I know I saw several times where I saw Clark on the sidelines and he looked very frustrated with what was going on.

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I don't know why Blair gets such bad marks here. When Peyton started throwing more often to him he made some very good plays. That was about the time when a journalist wrote that Manning could turn even a corpse into a pro-bowl receiver (not that Blair is merely a corpse on the field haha). I'd love to see more from White. Not that he is a heck of a player, but he is a good one I think and worth another look.

Clark is getting older and injury-prone. He has dropped so many passes this season like cumulated in all other seasons (at least it seemed to me that way). I was very high on Clark throughout all the seasons but I wouldn't cry if he would leave. And I like both Reggie and Garcon. One still has all the skills and is a good team mate, the other is still a work in progress I would say. If somehow feasible I would go on with both of them.

The other player apart from Clark that I would suggest for a trade is Freeney because of the big bucks he would get next season but due to the (for me) difficult to understand cap system I don't know if that is financially reasonable.

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Does anyone like me have the feeling that we're going to try and trade someone on our team? Not to say it's Peyton Manning, but someone else?

Well, first we have to wait until March, when trading begins. At that time we either invested $28M into a healthy Peyton, or we're re-building around a rookie QB. Two very diverse paths.

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Man, it's crap if we have to pay Garcon 10 mil. He's nothing more than a number 2 receiver. He couldn't even get 1,000 yards. I like the guy a lot but no way should he be payed number 1, Larry Fitzgerald money.

rest easy, i don't think garcon is going to get anywhere near that kinda money.

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Man, it's crap if we have to pay Garcon 10 mil. He's nothing more than a number 2 receiver. He couldn't even get 1,000 yards. I like the guy a lot but no way should he be payed number 1, Larry Fitzgerald money.

Agree... I like Garcon and all but if he wants crazy #1 receiver type money...hit the road partna! He doesn't have the consistency to be the number one. He would only be one here by default.

By the way...trade Gonzo for a pair of crutches. Much more useful to have around our sidelines.

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I don't know where we use Brackett if Angerer stays in the middle unless it's for depth.

Only with a healthy Manning can we contend for the Super Bowl next year and we would still need to pickup a veteran in the secondary, keep the LB's & Dline strong, add a deep threat opposite Reggie if we can keep him. This assumes we continue to progress with the running game and the OLine. This has to be accomplished through trades, free agency, and draft. Bill Polian was a master at finding the needed skills through low and undrafted players. Hope the next person can be as good.

Otherwise, it's listen to the promises of the future ....

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Clark and Freeney are the only players under contract that have any real trade value, aside from Manning. Randy Moss got traded for a third rounder last year. I could see either of those two having similar value for the right team. And it would save us money over the next two seasons.

I love both of them, but the time is coming. Neither has a great cost-benefit at this point. Dallas has been hurt the past two years, and Freeney is still really good but not worth $14 million a year. I have a feeling he'll be gone one way or the other, unless he agrees to a reasonable extension.

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Clark and Freeney are the only players under contract that have any real trade value, aside from Manning. Randy Moss got traded for a third rounder last year. I could see either of those two having similar value for the right team. And it would save us money over the next two seasons.

I love both of them, but the time is coming. Neither has a great cost-benefit at this point. Dallas has been hurt the past two years, and Freeney is still really good but not worth $14 million a year. I have a feeling he'll be gone one way or the other, unless he agrees to a reasonable extension.

They are already maybe facing life without Mathis I doubt they will face life without Freeney and Mathis in the same off-season. There have already been rumblings about an extension for Freeney so that is what I would look for.

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Man, it's crap if we have to pay Garcon 10 mil. He's nothing more than a number 2 receiver. He couldn't even get 1,000 yards. I like the guy a lot but no way should he be payed number 1, Larry Fitzgerald money.

While I agree, in terms of what he's worth, the only reason he fell short of 1,000 yards was because we didn't have good QB's throwing to him. Orlovsky proved serviceable, but our defense was on the field all game long, so the offense didn't get to do a whole lot.

I'd trade Adam V, Painter, Orlovsky, Gonzo, Wheeler, Hughes and Clyde for a tall and talented WR right now.

You wouldn't get any WR for those players. At least not of the "tall and talented" variety.

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