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Vinatieri made clutch kicks in the rain.....Our O-line got better as the night went on

Our D was strong all night....

And Luck dragged us from 23-6 down to a tie game.

I know we're supposed to whine like diaper babies when we lose..

But against a 7-0 team on the road? I was proud...we gave it all we had

Well that's fine, but a lot of other aren't impressed by mediocrity. If I took solace in moral victories, i'd be a Browns fan.

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I think I am honestly more disgusted with this team than the 2-14 one. At least we expected that team to be bad

I agree. the coaching is flat out horrendous. I actually like Pagano and think he's a good guy but that doesn't always translate into a good HC

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We played very hard in bad weather...Great comeback....Andrew was very good down the stretch...Defense was outstanding almost all night.lost on a tipped pass..We've lost to two 7-0 teams......we'll be okay.I have no problem with our effort here on the road

Finally, a voice of reason.

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i liked what we showed in the 4th and like to see it more consistent, in other words, in quarters that arent the 4th


i really wanna know who was behind the playcalling in the 4th if it wasnt still pep, or if it was pep, what made him change it? make that change for good.


the playcalling is very stupid for the majority of the game although ill say that hilton didnt step up alot, and gore did have a great game throughout.


either way, the offense needs to stop being garbage both in execution and gameplanning/playcalling. they need to stop saving everything thats smart for the end of the game and do it the whole time instead

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He still makes bad decisions which is alarming to me.

He hasn't progressed whatsoever in that area.

I'm worried about him.

Oh I agree. He was terrible in the first 3 quarters. But he's been like that all year. He never shows up til he absolutely has too in 4th quarters. He has ice water in his veins, if only he could clean up the mistakes.

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Uhhh, Luck playing bad and Pep calling a bad game aren't mutually exclusive. Pep (again) called an awful game.

Well I'm glad you & I watched the same game. The Luck and Pep were hot garbage for 52 minutes. We still lost. So doesn't matter in my eyes whether we tried to mount a comeback or not. If we were well coached we wouldn't be playing like trash for 52 minutes

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I agree. the coaching is flat out horrendous. I actually like Pagano and think he's a good guy but that doesn't always translate into a good HC

I agree. He's a damn fine human being, probably somebody who most would want their kids to look up to. That said, he leaves a lot to be desired as a coach.

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Well I'm glad you & I watched the same game. The Luck and Pep were hot garbage for 52 minutes. We still lost. So doesn't matter in my eyes whether we tried to mount a comeback or not. If we were well coached we wouldn't be playing like trash for 52 minutes


Yeah, a win would have been nice, but there's a big issue when the QB has five completions halfway through the 4th quarter.

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I can't take Pep anymore. It's getting tiring. Organization needs to act now. What happened to Bradshaw and gore? All 4th period and OT it's just a bunch of play calls that chucks the ball far down the field and I can tell it's the play design vs Luck holding the ball bcuz the receivers aren't even looking at the qb yet. Just like the last pass we had. Luck had to throw it but the Andre wasn't even looking yet. The design is horrible. Also, all our designs on our run plays stink. You always know when we about to run and they all involve Luck having to do a full 180 to hand the ball off. That whole process takes so long that by the time the rb gets the ball the defense is on it. That's why we can't run. If we break a run it's strictly on that RB skills. No type scheme helped him out. We never do screens, pitches, toss, nothing. Just that slow draw type run form every single time. Too predictable. Tired of this dude. He's like a preschool guy. Can anybody figure out why this guy refuses to call the same type game he calls for Hass?? What the heck is it? U find what works, then never use it again. I just don't get this guy.

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Uhhh, Luck playing bad and Pep calling a bad game aren't mutually exclusive. Pep (again) called an awful game.

Nope don't agree. So those picks luck threw were Peps fault? Same story, turnovers on short fields. Plus it was pouring raining for much of the first half which made things even worse. There wasn't really a whole lot to be done other than run the football which both teams did for most of the first 2 quarters.

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What are you guys with this moral victory smoking? We are 3-5 and looked like trash for 52 minutes. Moral victories and second place ribbons don't count for crap. What will you say when we're 3-8?

we didn't look like trash..and we cant change the outcome.

...so I refuse to whine about a great effort like that and an OT loss on the road to an undefeated team.

We were good tonight..I was proud...we're not going to be 3-8 as I know you know.

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In year 4, moral victories are no longer acceptable. I love my Colts to death and support them no matter what.  But I am not proud of this performance, nor am I proud of last week's performance.  We should not feel proud about coming up short with these comebacks.  We should be playing 60 minutes of football, beating these teams that continue to beat us.  Having pride in these losses give us a mentality of accepting mediocrity.  The mentality of teams like Cleveland or Jacksonville that put up strong fights against teams they are not expected to beat.  But in year 4 of our rebuild, with our "best QB prospect since PM" we should be winning these games!  We should be competing for 60 minutes!  For the past few years, Luck has put on the Superman cape and covered up our major flaws with his incredible athleticism, but now that he is injured and, I would argue, flustered, these major flaws are being exposed.  Call me out for being a "bad fan" for refusing to wear the rose colored glasses, but this team is extremely flawed and our FO has failed to address the glaring needs. 



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Nope don't agree. So those picks luck threw were Peps fault? Same story, turnovers on short fields. Plus it was raining which made things even worse. There wasn't really a whole lot to be done other than run the football which both teams did for most of the first half.


Why do those picks have to be Pep's fault for Pep to have called a bad game???

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Play calling and lack of execution by the Offensive line early + stupid decisions by Luck killed us. Front 8 on defense and Vontae have been playing well....Toler is trying to do a poor impersonation of Richard Sherman, without the talent to back it up. Is never ready, doesn't appear to be running full stride, and constantly gets burned.

Edited by 21isSuperman
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 Why should we be surprised that the team only shows up in the second half? It's been that way every since Luck got here. It's like Pagano's legacy.   I knew there would come a point where Luck couldn't dig us out of those holes quite as often which is why I predicted a Colts regression and Pagano firing this season. With better coaching and playcalling this team would come out of the gate better prepared and more likely not to have to count on miraculous comebacks. Make no mistake a lot of it is coaching.

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we didn't look like trash..and we cant change the outcome....so I refuse to whine about a great effort like that and an OT loss on the road to an undefeated team.We were good tonight..I was proud...we're not going to be 3-8 as I know you know.

Check the schedule. We could easily be sitting at 3-8 soon. Emphasis on if nothing changes. If nothing has changed by now to show we can have a good game plan and make good adjustments then nothing will.

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This was the worst possible outcome. They battle back and are on a short week. That means everyone probably keeps his job. Hello 3-6. Nothing changes until Pep is gone. Even when successful, everything in this offense looks excruciatingly difficult. There are no drive starting plays. There are no layups for the QB. I don't know what QB could succeed in this situation, with Pep and this scheme... with the surrounding team.

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Is there ANYONE...ANYONE in the NFL who has had MORE TURNOVERS than our own #12?? (It's a serious question because statistically I don't really know...but I will guarantee you he's at the top of the list if not at the #1 or #2). I have NOT forgotten those last 3 years...the've been thrilling...but the guy doesn't make the best decisions sometimes...and unfortunately it's definitely costing us games more than we would all like to see. He's got to get that fixed...then I wouldn't have such an issue with him having poor stats...quit turning the ball over is all I ask seriously...it's not a lot to ask.

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Check the schedule. We could easily be sitting at 3-8 soon.

Long term, it might be for the best, honestly. We're headed for a complete house cleaning and total rebuild in January. In that situation, why saddle yourselves with a first place schedule? Let Houston draw New England, Denver and Cincinnati in 2016 and start the season with three losses. Get a relatively high draft pick, an easier schedule and start fresh with a new GM and coach in 2016.

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Anyone think we can be an 8-8 team thats a darkhorse in the playoffs who no one wants to play? I mean there is so much potential with this team they just need things to click like they did in the 4th quarter. What you guys think?

I don't think we can play any worse.

It's all up from here.

I'm just tired of losing games we shouldn't lose.

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