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Come on, Irsay


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Dude......If you think like that then you need to "go on somewhere". For lack of a better phrase. To hell with LA. AND NYC. The Mets are going to get beat too man. Just so ya know.

I think the owner is soft,the coach is soft,the team is soft and the fans are soft and this board for that matter,"see forum rules"..the Colts were good in Baltimore and good in indy and good is not enough.changes in every way have to happen to make this team great and super.2nd and third place sucks.looking for a bride and not maids. It's so hard to believe we Suck this bad and I realize that but too many here dont.just sayin

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I think the owner is soft,the coach is soft,the team is soft and the fans are soft and this board for that matter,"see forum rules"..the Colts were good

in Baltimore and good in indy and good is not enough.changes in every way have to happen to make this team great and super.2nd and third place sucks.looking for a bride and not maids. It's so hard to believe we Suck this bad and I realize that but too many here dont.just sayin

No, you made a ridiculous post that should be ridiculed. The Colts can't move even if they wanted to. You do understand that right?

And having "hard" fans does nothing in terms of team success. Ask eagles, jets, raiders, browns fans

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I think the owner is soft,the coach is soft,the team is soft and the fans are soft and this board for that matter,"see forum rules"..the Colts were good in Baltimore and good in indy and good is not enough.changes in every way have to happen to make this team great and super.2nd and third place sucks.looking for a bride and not maids. It's so hard to believe we Suck this bad and I realize that but too many here dont.just sayin

Your grammar is about as soft as charmin...

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No, you made a ridiculous post that should be ridiculed. The Colts can't move even if they wanted to. You do understand that right?

And having "hard" fans does nothing in terms of team success. Ask eagles, jets, raiders, browns fans

Indianapolis needs hard fans like San Fran and Oakland (lol):


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I think the owner is soft,the coach is soft,the team is soft and the fans are soft and this board for that matter,"see forum rules"..the Colts were good in Baltimore and good in indy and good is not enough.changes in every way have to happen to make this team great and super.2nd and third place sucks.looking for a bride and not maids. It's so hard to believe we Suck this bad and I realize that but too many here dont.just sayin

Blah blah blah blah. blah blah "blah" . . blah blah.just sayin

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Things aren't going to get any better in the next few weeks: Panthers, Broncos, Falcons.   The Colts might not make the playoffs.

They can beat the Panthers and the Falcons if they get decent quarterback play . . . something they've only had twice this year,

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There is nothing comparable in the two situations. The dolphins hated their coach. They are glad he is gone. The Colts players love Pagano. Things would only get worse. I could get behind letting chud take over the offense, but firing Pagano now won't make things better. And the dolphins have beat two bad teams. Let's see how their season plays out.

Kind of how I feel. i think Grigs and Pagano need to both go but the players like pagano and firing him now would probably make things worse.

I do think replacing Pep and or Manusky could be done and not derail the team. Neither had a good resume coming in and neither is really getting the best out of their units IMO. I'm guessing firing both isn't realistic but it could give one side of the ball a spark.

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love the Colts (but fading) hate to say it but sell the team and move it to LA please. Last ten years second best win/loss record in the nfl and one superbowl win. Just so SAD I lived in NYS all my life and don't care where the colts are I just want them to do BETTER

Moving isn't gonna happen you're plain nuts if you think that'll happen before we get a new coach

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This season started with expectations of a Super Bowl, remember all the "expert" predictions over the summer?  Now look at this team. 


 Not from me. I predicted regression and a Pagano firing before the pre-season even started. I hate being right on this one.

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It's amazing this team and coaching staff is actually proud of themselves for not quitting. How about be angry that you didn't start to begin with. Coming up short against NO when you were blanked most of the game and scoring a garbage TD to lose by one score to NE and Chuck is so damn proud

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No way is it a foregone conclusion. At this point I don't even expect a wildcard.

there is no chance a wildcard team will come out of the AFC south... No chance.....  Second place team will be 7-9 or something... all 3 other divisions will have teams with better records

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its time that irsay gets to work and decide to start getting rid of this sad coaching staff and front office ( Grigson). How can Luck stay healthy when he is getting  hit on almost every pass play. If Luck is able to finish the season without anymore injuries it will be amazing.

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its time that irsay gets to work and decide to start getting rid of this sad coaching staff and front office ( Grigson). How can Luck stay healthy when he is getting  hit on almost every pass play. If Luck is able to finish the season without anymore injuries it will be amazing.


Judging from some of Keefers' incite here you would have to imagine some change could be in the works somewhere. Irsay is angry



"It’s what led to a heated conversation between owner Jim Irsay and General Manager Ryan Grigson in the locker room after the game. It’s what led to their desperate coach, Chuck Pagano — whose seat seems to be warming by the minute — giving an impassioned postgame speech to his players. It’s what has led to a Super Bowl contender being below .500 seven games into the season".


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I think the owner is soft,the coach is soft,the team is soft and the fans are soft and this board for that matter,"see forum rules"..the Colts were good in Baltimore and good in indy and good is not enough.changes in every way have to happen to make this team great and super.2nd and third place sucks.looking for a bride and not maids. It's so hard to believe we Suck this bad and I realize that but too many here dont.just sayin


You gotta have love for Indy if your a Colts fan bro. Nap town is far from soft.

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Judging from some of Keefers' incite here you would have to imagine some change could be in the works somewhere. Irsay is angry



"It’s what led to a heated conversation between owner Jim Irsay and General Manager Ryan Grigson in the locker room after the game. It’s what led to their desperate coach, Chuck Pagano — whose seat seems to be warming by the minute — giving an impassioned postgame speech to his players. It’s what has led to a Super Bowl contender being below .500 seven games into the season".


I don't think they will make a change during the season, at least I didn't until I saw the performance today.  If the team flat out doesn't show up the next two weeks I wouldn't be shocked to see someone shown the door during the bye week.  Baring a MAJOR turnaround I think a change is needed and is coming at the end of the season regardless. 

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I don't think they will make a change during the season, at least I didn't until I saw the performance today. If the team flat out doesn't show up the next two weeks I wouldn't be shocked to see someone shown the door during the bye week. Baring a MAJOR turnaround I think a change is needed and is coming at the end of the season regardless.

I would welcome some change in season at the coordinator level but I'm not so certain how much is to be blamed on Pep. It seems when we have an experienced vet quarterback under center who plays within the confines of the offense then what Pep calls doesn't look so bad and the ball moves down the field. When we put Luck back in there he is getting sacked and throwing picks. It seems he is having some real problems with his reads out there and just the over all delivery of the football. On the other hand you see issues with play design. The whole screen game needs to be overhauled because our screens almost never work. We are pitiful at running screens. There are other examples as well.

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