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Chipster and Nick Foles


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Anyone else find it a little funny that Nick Foles is on fire for the Rams and then the Eagles lose?  I don't really have anything against Chip Kelly, but I do get tired of hearing how much of a genius he is.  All the talking heads bought into the major questionable changes.  I have always liked Foles.  He went to the same H.S. as Drew Brees, and he broke Drew Bree's numbers.  I'm not saying he is the next Brees, but he is tough and has a long history of success.  He makes the Rams a much more dangerous animal.  Fischer might actually do better than 8-8.

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I knew this was coming. Chip and crew has destroyed that team. And that team was a playoff team. Chip'll be fired at seasons end. Every move they made was just dumb.

That team was 4-12 the year before Chip took over. He made them a playoff team. Back to back 10-6 seasons.

It was week 1 with a lot of new pieces on the road if Parkey makes a Fg they probably win that game. If Matthews catches the ball they may win.

The 2nd half they scored a td on every possession but the missed FG and the ball Matthews let go threw his hands.

Another overreaction to a week 1 game.

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They've only played one game.

People jump to conclusions too quick about other teams. It's easy to freak out over our own team, but in that sense it is more justified because we have extensive knowledge of our teams(compared to knowledge of other teams anyway). Definitely should get about 6 games in before making some strong opinions - especially when that particular team underwent significant change. 

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People jump to conclusions too quick about other teams. It's easy to freak out over our own team, but in that sense it is more justified because we have extensive knowledge of our teams(compared to knowledge of other teams anyway). Definitely should get about 6 games in before making some strong opinions - especially when that particular team underwent significant change.

It's easier freak out over own team because we are more emotionally attached, not because we are more knowledgeable. If one was using knowledge, they would probably not freak out as much.

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The NFC East was gonna be a scramble anyway....and likely to produce one playoff team.

Yes its early.....but the Cards, Seahawks and Foles' Rams are pretty solid bets for playoff berths....so Chip has little room for error.

To the raging disgust of Eagles fans....I don't think they make it.

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I kind of  like Chip because he goes against the grain which is refreshing in some ways. But if the Eagles were my team, I would be furious. I loathed the trade for Bradford as I don't think he is as good as Foles even though he is by the numbers and certainly he is not as durable. We will see how it all unfolds ....

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I kind of  like Chip because he goes against the grain which is refreshing in some ways. But if the Eagles were my team, I would be furious. I loathed the trade for Bradford as I don't think he is as good as Foles even though he is by the numbers and certainly he is not as durable. We will see how it all unfolds ....


I think he's gonna get canned at the end of the season.  


Chip Kelly in his first year of taking over personnel matters took and let go of or traded away several fan favorite star players on that team.  When you pull moves like that then you better come out on top.  


He has to win and he has to win big, anything less makes him look the fool and obviously makes ownership have second thoughts about the trust they just put into him.

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Firing him will not bring back their "star" players (how many were there besides McCoy really?), granted, he can't crater...but this guy is just now putting his stamp on the team, he's going need to some time to put the team in his image...aborting the process (though that may be trendy) would make ownership look even more foolish than Chip...

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Firing him will not bring back their "star" players (how many were there besides McCoy really?), granted, he can't crater...but this guy is just now putting his stamp on the team, he's going need to some time to put the team in his image...aborting the process (though that may be trendy) would make ownership look even more foolish than Chip...

IMO....Jeffrey Lurie played a risky game hiring him in the first place.


Oh....they'll have their flashy moments as long as Mr. Styrofoam at QB stays healthy and with a pretty talented roster. I just don't see it besting top-tier NFL defenses and bringing the Eagles a Lombardi.


Coming close one season, but still having won zero National Championships at Oregon despite Phil Knight's mega-$$$$ helping his recruiting efforts by building that spectacular shiny facility at Oregon, and yes, leaping Oregon's football program forward....I have little expectation that NFL defensive coordinators will be surprised much longer by Kelly's methods, as fun as they may be to watch.


They did, after all, lose to the Atlanta Falcons....whose defense reminds exactly no one of the 1985 Bears.


And above all, Chip Kelly is playing with house money as an NFL coach....knowing full well that when, not if, he gets fired he will have a number of high-profile, high-$$$$ opportunities at the college level with full control there too. Pretty nice insurance policy.


Anything is possible....but I think the Eagles clean house in a year or two.

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Don't get me wrong, I also don't buy the Chip Kelly hype. I don't see a ton of innovation in his offense. He took a couple concepts and smashed them together and does them 1.5 to 2x the normal speed. Woo. Hoo.


I also am a believer that if you hire a guy and he's your guy and you believe in him, then you give him a chance to shape the team in his mind's eye and that can take a few years in the NFL (or any pro sports league, if anything, the NFL is the shortest turnaround time because players are ready or near-ready out of the draft and contracts are not guaranteed, so roster manipulation is easier).


Look at the Browns, they hire the same loser with a different stupid face every single year and they are Team Butt as a result. They have no vision, they have no identity, they are in constant flux and turmoil...maybe now they have a guy in Pettine or whatever, who knows, but it's not recipe for success to just keep rotating guys in until you win 5 games out of 6 and he earns another month of employment...


Seems like a good way to get your team moved to Baltimore...or out of it...

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Don't get me wrong, I also don't buy the Chip Kelly hype. I don't see a ton of innovation in his offense. He took a couple concepts and smashed them together and does them 1.5 to 2x the normal speed. Woo. Hoo.


I also am a believer that if you hire a guy and he's your guy and you believe in him, then you give him a chance to shape the team in his mind's eye and that can take a few years in the NFL (or any pro sports league, if anything, the NFL is the shortest turnaround time because players are ready or near-ready out of the draft and contracts are not guaranteed, so roster manipulation is easier).


Look at the Browns, they hire the same loser with a different stupid face every single year and they are Team Butt as a result. They have no vision, they have no identity, they are in constant flux and turmoil...maybe now they have a guy in Pettine or whatever, who knows, but it's not recipe for success to just keep rotating guys in until you win 5 games out of 6 and he earns another month of employment...


Seems like a good way to get your team moved to Baltimore...or out of it...

Funny you should bring up the fact that you give a chance to shape the team in his mind's eye and that can take a few years. There seems to be a few forum members who are not willing to do that with the Colts. Chip wants to bring his team into the NFL similar to what he did as a college coach. That may be fun to watch for some but these are not college players he is playing against. He want a fast paced offense that puts the ball in the air a lot. But then he spends 51 million dollars on running backs? The total yardage his running backs ran for was 13 yards their last game. Something don't add up IMO. His gamble of trading for Bradford is huge. Bradford is very talented but that talent cant be produced on the sidelines being injured. I have no clue if Bradford can stay healthy at this point but putting the teams future on that gamble can go south real fast. Just because a coach is different does not make him a genius.

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- Every fan base has crazy, ADD, chicken littles...I quickly realize now that talking about the Colts over there on the main board (at least after a loss) is impossible. There are too many threads talking about the same basic things and they just overlap and overlap and it's not worth the effort to weed through the "sky is falling" horse [poop] to join a real conversation...so that's disappointing. Because I did come here to talk about the Colts, but I feel like I might be relegated more to this NFL board. We'll see, maybe after we win this week the blood pressure over there will level off.


- A lot of teams, at their base, are fast-paced and pass-happy. I mean, look at how many teams run what is effectively a spread offense (not literally, but really the foundations exist) and they just dink and dunk their way around the field, hitting players in between zone coverages, seven yards at a time...high efficiency passing, minimal risk. Tom Brady has made a career out of this, for instance. I guess "spread offense" is considered a bad word, I guess we'll call it "West Coast Offense" - in which case, Joe Montana also made a career out of it (but he could also make the long throws, not all QBs in the league now can do that reliably)...it's guys like Brees and Indy-Peyton and Luck now (among a select few others) that can play in more of an Air Coryell offensive base with longer throws and not be booed out of the league. That type of offense is a dying breed for efficiency purposes.


The only teams that can beat this "west coast" offense are teams that have the cajones (and skill) to play straight man (like Seattle) or have blitz/press coverage/sagging safety schemes like Baltimore. So, as long as Chip can adapt (and it seems like he is, the Eagles offense has been diesel the last two years, right?) then he can survive and/or thrive in the league.


- I don't know much about NFL finances, but that $51 million sounds very dramatic and done for effect and I don't really buy it. DeMarco Murray has a $5 million cap number, Darren Sproles $4.1 million, Ryan Matthews $2 million. So, that's not chump change at $11.1 million for their three RBs. But by that very same logic, you could say the Colts wasted the $4.5 million (or whatever dramatized number, I'll use eleventy billion) on Frank Gore considering we didn't use him in the first game of the year and we have a bad o-line...we might as well have kept Trent Richardson and lett him run head first in the back of Jack Mewhort six times a game and then throw 65 times...we are a power run offense after all...womp.


- Also, I'm not sure why you seem to imply that the running backs are not used in their offense and should not be invested in. Their top 3 backs got 2378 yards from scrimmage in 2013, 2703 yards in 2014 and based on the single game (as stupid as that would be) they are on pace for 2784 this year. For comparison, Dallas last year behind their diesel offensive line got 2,943 yards from scrimmage for their backs. Pittsburgh got 2580. They had two of the statistical best RBs in the league last year and got similar production overall as Philadelphia does. The game doesn't discriminate how you move the ball, just whether you do or not. So, if the point was that investing in good RBs is a good idea for that team, then you're dead on.


- Acquiring an injury-prone QB is definitely a gamble. Of course. But Bradford is slightly more mobile and has a much quicker release than Foles - who has the athleticism of a house plant. So, given the Eagles offense, this pop-gun offense, he won't have to take nearly as many hits and might be sturdier over the long haul...or maybe not. I don't know. I do know that if I was in charge and I could cash out high on Foles and bring in Bradford, I would do it in a second.


- I fully agree with that last sentence.

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Chip spent 51 million dollars on running backs and last game the RBs had 11 carries for 13 yards. That don't look good at all.



Name              Att     Yds          Recep        Yds        Total

D. Murray         8        9                4              11          20

R. Matthews     3         4               3              24          28

D. Sproles        5       50               7             76          126


Totals               14      63            14            111          174  multipurpose


Those 3 RB's accounted for a lot of yardage, running and receiving...  that's a lot different than just 13...

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Its good to see people on this forum jump to just as bad conclusions about OTHER teams as they do ours. 1 week...really. What was it Peyton said this week after the game...if your trying to make a summary after 1 game its not going to be a very good summary....naw..that just makes too much sense.

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Name              Att     Yds          Recep        Yds        Total

D. Murray         8        9                4              11          20

R. Matthews     3         4               3              24          28

D. Sproles        5       50               7             76          126


Totals               14      63            14            111          174  multipurpose


Those 3 RB's accounted for a lot of yardage, running and receiving...  that's a lot different than just 13...

If those are the numbers then I stand corrected. I took the numbers from a report from CBS sports. I guess not to trust a report from CBS sports again. Thanks.

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Anyone else find it a little funny that Nick Foles is on fire for the Rams and then the Eagles lose?  I don't really have anything against Chip Kelly, but I do get tired of hearing how much of a genius he is.  All the talking heads bought into the major questionable changes.  I have always liked Foles.  He went to the same H.S. as Drew Brees, and he broke Drew Bree's numbers.  I'm not saying he is the next Brees, but he is tough and has a long history of success.  He makes the Rams a much more dangerous animal.  Fischer might actually do better than 8-8.

The Colts did worse in case you didnʻt notice...and itʻs only the 1st game...they and the Colts will bounce back 

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How exactly has he destroyed the Eagles?


Really? Do you not remember how mad their fan base was? OK first up I know Foles isn't a superstar, top 10 QB, but IMO he's a good young QB capable of leading a team to the playoffs. So they trade him off for Bradford who is made of glass. 2nd they let a playmaking WR like D-Jax leave 2 years ago, then they let a similar playmaking WR like Maclin go this offseason. They trade away a top 5 star RB. Yeah they signed Murray but still. They let Evan Mathis go. They traded away a really good nickel corner in Boykin. I mean man he just took a playoff caliber 10 win team and turned them into a mediocre team IMO.

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I think he's gonna get canned at the end of the season.

Chip Kelly in his first year of taking over personnel matters took and let go of or traded away several fan favorite star players on that team. When you pull moves like that then you better come out on top.

He has to win and he has to win big, anything less makes him look the fool and obviously makes ownership have second thoughts about the trust they just put into him.

He's not going anywhere after this year unless they completely implode. You people are hilarious.

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Really? Do you not remember how mad their fan base was? OK first up I know Foles isn't a superstar, top 10 QB, but IMO he's a good young QB capable of leading a team to the playoffs. So they trade him off for Bradford who is made of glass. 2nd they let a playmaking WR like D-Jax leave 2 years ago, then they let a similar playmaking WR like Maclin go this offseason. They trade away a top 5 star RB. Yeah they signed Murray but still. They let Evan Mathis go. They traded away a really good nickel corner in Boykin. I mean man he just took a playoff caliber 10 win team and turned them into a mediocre team IMO.

Who cares what the fanbase thinks

He is gambling on Bradford, but you just said Foles is a guy that can get you to the playoffs....you didn't say championship.

D-Jax is overrated and easily replaceable. Maclin was never a playmaker until he played under Chip....he too is easily replaceable. Kelly has drafted 3 receivers the last two drafts....they will do fine.

Who cares about a RB? Chip likes north south runners and McCoy led the league in zero/ negative yardage carries.

Mathis is old. Teams dump guys like Mathis all the time.

Kelly wants size and length at the CB position. Boykin, at 5'9, doesn't fit the bill.

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Who cares what the fanbase thinks

He is gambling on Bradford, but you just said Foles is a guy that can get you to the playoffs....you didn't say championship.

D-Jax is overrated and easily replaceable. Maclin was never a playmaker until he played under Chip....he too is easily replaceable. Kelly has drafted 3 receivers the last two drafts....they will do fine.

Who cares about a RB? Chip likes north south runners and McCoy led the league in zero/ negative yardage carries.

Mathis is old. Teams dump guys like Mathis all the time.

Kelly wants size and length at the CB position. Boykin, at 5'9, doesn't fit the bill.

Finally someone who makes some sense.

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Who cares what the fanbase thinks

He is gambling on Bradford, but you just said Foles is a guy that can get you to the playoffs....you didn't say championship.

D-Jax is overrated and easily replaceable. Maclin was never a playmaker until he played under Chip....he too is easily replaceable. Kelly has drafted 3 receivers the last two drafts....they will do fine.

Who cares about a RB? Chip likes north south runners and McCoy led the league in zero/ negative yardage carries.

Mathis is old. Teams dump guys like Mathis all the time.

Kelly wants size and length at the CB position. Boykin, at 5'9, doesn't fit the bill.


I would bet the Rams make the playoffs before the Eagles do. In fact. I about half way think the Rams will make the playoffs this year while the Eagles will win 7-8 games max. Its just a matter of opinion though man.

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he's gotten rid of too many good players for not being "his type"  i doubt they are a playoff team, and they are far from a true contender


just my opinion, but i think a more conventional coach with the team he inherited would have been better


Yes. An Eagles team with Foles, Shady, and Maclin is better than an Eagles team with Bradford, Murray, and Agular IMO. Foles came in and took them to the playoffs 2 years ago, and if he hadn't gotten hurt last year they probably would have gotten to the playoffs again. Foles and the Eagles were playing well up until he went down.

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I would bet the Rams make the playoffs before the Eagles do. In fact. I about half way think the Rams will make the playoffs this year while the Eagles will win 7-8 games max. Its just a matter of opinion though man.

Uh, not it's not. It's a projection. I think they win 11 and make the playoffs, you think they win 7 and don't. One of us is right and one is wrong.

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Yes. An Eagles team with Foles, Shady, and Maclin is better than an Eagles team with Bradford, Murray, and Agular IMO. Foles came in and took them to the playoffs 2 years ago, and if he hadn't gotten hurt last year they probably would have gotten to the playoffs again. Foles and the Eagles were playing well up until he went down.

They didn't make the playoffs two years in a row and haven't won a playoff game with Shady. Also, every player you've mentioned had the best year of their career with Chip.

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he's gotten rid of too many good players for not being "his type" i doubt they are a playoff team, and they are far from a true contender

just my opinion, but i think a more conventional coach with the team he inherited would have been better

That's what a coach/GM does.....get his type of players.

The team he inherited was 8-8 and 4-14 the 2 previous years under a respected coach in Andy Reid.

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Yes. An Eagles team with Foles, Shady, and Maclin is better than an Eagles team with Bradford, Murray, and Agular IMO. Foles came in and took them to the playoffs 2 years ago, and if he hadn't gotten hurt last year they probably would have gotten to the playoffs again. Foles and the Eagles were playing well up until he went down.

Foles wasn't playing so hot before the injury 13 tds to 10 ints but they were winning.

The back end of the schedule was tougher. Foles only needed to win one more game than Sanchez. I agree the get to the playoffs.

When healthy Bradford is better than Foles. Jordan Matthews is the top WR not Agholor not yet anyway.

I think Chip moved on from Shady at just the right time. He gave to him over 300 carries 2 years in a row including recptions probably close to 350 touches. He's had over 1800 touches and he's not a big guy. A lot of wear on those tires. It was wise to let Rex give him the 5M raise.

Shady really wasn't Chips style of back. Now he has a pretty nice rotation of Murray Sproles and Matthews.

I think the Eagles are going to surprise some people. They will take the East this year and make some playoff noise.

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That's what a coach/GM does.....get his type of players.

The team he inherited was 8-8 and 4-14 the 2 previous years under a respected coach in Andy Reid.

I know right but he took a playoff team and destroyed it.

No he turned the Eagles into a playoff team. He did it with Vick, Foles and Sanchez at QB.

Bradford is the most talented QB Chip has had a chance to work with in Philly.

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