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NFLPA investigating Patriots for potential CBA violation


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Per Albert Breer:

@AlbertBreer: Per source, the NFLPA is indeed looking into potential violation of CBA Article 21, Section 5(a) by the Patriots -- re: Malcolm Butler.

For those not in the know, Butler was allegedly suspended for 3 weeks for missing a flight to attend OTAs (aka voluntary workouts)

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Wait, what's the violation exactly? Missing a voluntary workout. He was probably taking that MVP truck Brady gave him off roading & lost track of time.


So what's the NFLPA going after? I'm confused...That's okay stuff goes over my head all the time. I'm used to it.  haha Is Butler in the Belichick doghouse with RB Jonas Grey now? 

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Did anything ever happen with the releasing T-Rich investigation? I can't remember.

I still would like to wager a guess on how soon Trent wears his welcome out in Oakland. I'll say 6 games. If you gave him Dallas's o-line, he'd still suck. This guy fell down more than comedian Chevy Chase & Benny Hill combined. 

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Off topic: Hey QuizBoy, did your avatar play in the French Open this year? Or is she strictly a US Open, Australian Open, & Wimbledon girl? Just curious...She's cute. Naturally, I'd only be watching her for her serve ability on the court. Yeah right.  :D Clay is difficult to play on & the ball has no bounce at all. Tennis stars hate that. Plus, when you fall on it, it hurts like hades & has no cushion or give to it at all. 


Okay, back on topic. 

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Per Albert Breer:

@AlbertBreer: Per source, the NFLPA is indeed looking into potential violation of CBA Article 21, Section 5(a) by the Patriots -- re: Malcolm Butler.

For those not in the know, Butler was allegedly suspended for 3 weeks for missing a flight to attend OTAs (aka voluntary workouts)

So you can be a suspended for missing voluntary workouts? So they're not really voluntary I guess. haha
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Off topic: Hey QuizBoy, did your avatar play in the French Open this year? Or is she strictly a US Open, Australian Open, & Wimbledon girl? Just curious...She's cute. Naturally, I'd only be watching her for her serve ability on the court. Yeah right. :D Clay is difficult to play on & the ball has no bounce at all. Tennis stars hate that. Plus, when you fall on it, it hurts like hades & has no cushion or give to it at all.

Okay, back on topic.

I don't think he follows her tennis :).

She played and lost.

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Off topic: Hey QuizBoy, did your avatar play in the French Open this year? Or is she strictly a US Open, Australian Open, & Wimbledon girl? Just curious...She's cute. Naturally, I'd only be watching her for her serve ability on the court. Yeah right.  :D Clay is difficult to play on & the ball has no bounce at all. Tennis stars hate that. Plus, when you fall on it, it hurts like hades & has no cushion or give to it at all. 


Okay, back on topic. 

Of course she played in the French Open ha...she didn't do so hot but it's okay, she'll be rebounding in due course! :number1:  :number1: :number1:  :6:  

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This story is a hoot. It apparently was broke by Jeff Howe who has never gotten a story right. His three week suspension has already been challenged by Ben Volin who said Butler has been at practice this week. So, lots to sort out here as to what actually happened.


But I have to say, it is unbelievable to me how much the Pats are in the collective heads of the league, 31 other owners and fan bases. It is really stunning. Every move they make is a national story ...

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This story is a hoot. It apparently was broke by Jeff Howe who has never gotten a story right. His three week suspension has already been challenged by Ben Volin who said Butler has been at practice this week. So, lots to sort out here as to what actually happened.

But I have to say, it is unbelievable to me how much the Pats are in the collective heads of the league, 31 other owners and fan bases. It is really stunning. Every move they make is a national story ...

Status quo. Now a violation of the CBA.

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This story is a hoot. It apparently was broke by Jeff Howe who has never gotten a story right. His three week suspension has already been challenged by Ben Volin who said Butler has been at practice this week. So, lots to sort out here as to what actually happened.

But I have to say, it is unbelievable to me how much the Pats are in the collective heads of the league, 31 other owners and fan bases. It is really stunning. Every move they make is a national story ...

They are only in the collective heads of the 31 other teams and fan bases because of constant Patriot skullduggery.

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This story is a hoot. It apparently was broke by Jeff Howe who has never gotten a story right. His three week suspension has already been challenged by Ben Volin who said Butler has been at practice this week. So, lots to sort out here as to what actually happened.

But I have to say, it is unbelievable to me how much the Pats are in the collective heads of the league, 31 other owners and fan bases. It is really stunning. Every move they make is a national story ...

That's what happens when you got a team that seems to think they are above the rules and their integrity is under real question. They have had multiple incidents. And now the league is gonna be watching em like a hawk and looking for anything and everything. Pats are quite frankly a team right now that just can't be trusted and they brought it on themselves.

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That's what happens when you got a team that seems to think they are above the rules and their integrity is under real question. They have had multiple incidents. And now the league is gonna be watching em like a hawk and looking for anything and everything. Pats are quite frankly a team right now that just can't be trusted and they brought it on themselves.

Self inflicted magnanimous envelop pushing is a very serious condition. Treatment may include very delicate lying down to accept truth.

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True but honestly after winning that 4th Lombardi this is all water under the bridge. I had forgotten just how great that feeling is and how long it lasts.

Why do you find it necessary to remind others that the Pats have won several SBs? If you really believed that the Pats were in the collective heads of the rest of the league, you would not need to do that. You would let the championships speak for themselves.

I think the Colts are in the heads of Pats fans. Otherwise, Pats fans would not come here to antagonize Colts fans.

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Why do you find it necessary to remind others that the Pats have won several SBs? If you really believed that the Pats were in the collective heads of the rest of the league, you would not need to do that. You would let the championships speak for themselves.

I think the Colts are in the heads of Pats fans. Otherwise, Pats fans would not come here to antagonize Colts fans.

It is not a reminder but perspective. As I have said up here before THE most important game for this Patriots team to win in this 15 year run was that Super Bowl. on Feb. 1.  Deflategate was just a side story. The bigger story was this team finally getting that elusive fourth ring after coming so close two SBs prior. The narrative on this team had they lost that game would have been awful with Brady going 3-3 in SBs and losing his last 3. Bill too for that matter. And of course doing it verse that Seattle team which has the best defense of the last two years was particularly satisfying. And btw, I do think the Pats lucked out big time with Carroll making that pass call and thank goodness Butler capitalized. It finally felt like the luck swung to them at the end of the SB which was also great. There was tremendous closure for Pats fans with that win.


In terms of this Butler story, at this point Bill can do whatever he wants. After 15 years, he has as much latitude as he wants with any player. Remember he sent Revis home last year too and also benched Gray after his great performance vs the Colts. I don't always understand everything he does but I know all that he does is to make his team a SB contender which he seems to do year in and year out. If the PA penalizes him for it so be it as if he can get a great season out of Butler it will be worth it. Goodness knows we need guys that can play in the secondary. :)

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Wait, what's the violation exactly? Missing a voluntary workout. He was probably taking that MVP truck Brady gave him off roading & lost track of time.

So what's the NFLPA going after? I'm confused...That's okay stuff goes over my head all the time. I'm used to it. haha Is Butler in the Belichick doghouse with RB Jonas Grey now?

I think the NFLPA is claiming the Pats made a potential violation by suspending Butler for missing something voluntary...not suggesting that Butler committed a violation by not showing up.

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It is not a reminder but perspective. As I have said up here before THE most important game for this Patriots team to win in this 15 year run was that Super Bowl. on Feb. 1. Deflategate was just a side story. The bigger story was this team finally getting that elusive fourth ring after coming so close two SBs prior. The narrative on this team had they lost that game would have been awful with Brady going 3-3 in SBs and losing his last 3. Bill too for that matter. And of course doing it verse that Seattle team which has the best defense of the last two years was particularly satisfying. And btw, I do think the Pats lucked out big time with Carroll making that pass call and thank goodness Butler capitalized. It finally felt like the luck swung to them at the end of the SB which was also great. There was tremendous closure for Pats fans with that win.

In terms of this Butler story, at this point Bill can do whatever he wants. After 15 years, he has as much latitude as he wants with any player. Remember he sent Revis home last year too and also benched Gray after his great performance vs the Colts. I don't always understand everything he does but I know all that he does is to make his team a SB contender which he seems to do year in and year out. If the PA penalizes him for it so be it as if he can get a great season out of Butler it will be worth it. Goodness knows we need guys that can play in the secondary. :)

Why is a 3-week suspension justified for arriving late to voluntary workout but 4 games is too harsh for what Brady did? I think suspending Butler one day or a week sends a message but 2-3 weeks is excessive and it gives the appearance that perhaps there was another reason for such a harsh punishment.

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Why is a 3-week suspension justified for arriving late to voluntary workout but 4 games is too harsh for what Brady did? I think suspending Butler one day or a week sends a message but 2-3 weeks is excessive and it gives the appearance that perhaps there was another reason for such a harsh punishment.

To be honest, I am waiting to hear the Pats either confirm or deny this report. I don't trust Howe from the Herald who never gets anything right. It has already come out that Butler has been at OTAs since day one in the film room and all the meetings just not on the field.


But to your question about the punishment, I do think it is harsh but I think we also have to remember that Butler has been on the magic carpet ride since Feb. as SB hero so there may be some pride in there that Bill is trying to stem. Second, Bill preaches all the time about being on time and allowing for weather issues given the team plays in NE. Butler waited until the day before to fly out and weather caused him to be late. That is not an acceptable excuse for Bill. It was not acceptable for Adalius Thomas and Randy Moss back in 2009 when they were late to practice due to a blizzard, it was not acceptable for Revis last year when he showed up late so it is not acceptable for Butler either. But again after 15 years of unprecedented success, Bill can do whatever he wants. If this punishment gets Butler's head screwed on straight for the season than it was more than worth it.

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Non issue to me.  Exactly what is the penalty for such violations?  I think loss of practice time.  That will teach 'em!  Take away more practice time!!


I'm only slightly more interested in the investigation of the15 teams where ( ineligible ) veterans showed up at rookie camp.




Weird that nobody is up in arms about that story, but lets restart this 'those cheatin' Patriots again' revolution to fabricate something else to hate them for!

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Weird that nobody is up in arms about that story, but lets restart this 'those cheatin' Patriots again' revolution to fabricate something else to hate them for!


Get used to it.  When you win, and there's an air of cheating surrounding it and in the past history, people are going to be brutal and pointing fingers whenever anything else of impropriety is even hinted at.  When you are losing and there's an air of cheating, it's just a team(s) trying to catch up and make the playing field level again, but got caught. 


And face it, both are stupid!  A player is late to activities he's not even required to be at?

Veteran(s) showing up early to get some work in?


These CBA details are plain ludicrous...


{Though I would like to know the other 14 besides the Saints...}

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Get used to it.  When you win, and there's an air of cheating surrounding it and in the past history, people are going to be brutal and pointing fingers whenever anything else of impropriety is even hinted at.  When you are losing and there's an air of cheating, it's just a team(s) trying to catch up and make the playing field level again, but got caught. 


And face it, both are stupid!  A player is late to activities he's not even required to be at?

Veteran(s) showing up early to get some work in?


These CBA details are plain ludicrous...


{Though I would like to know the other 14 besides the Saints...}

Good points. Really as Pats fans we have been dealing with the cheating narrative since 2007 and that is somewhat self inflicted. I think where things have changed is the media landscape which I alluded to on the other thread about the NY Times book.


The 24x7 media news cycle, viral nature of social media and intent to be negative really makes for an explosive environment where stories are blown up 100 times bigger than their actual relevance. And of course by the same token, they fizzle just as fast when the next "big" story surfaces. Perhaps the Pats best attribute these last 10 years in particular has been their ability to block that stuff out and focus on winning.

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