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upgrade offense


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We could use upgrades at Guard, Center, RT, WR, and RB. I see us addressing RB, WR, and Guard though. Maybe a RT in the draft. I doubt we bring in a Center this offseason. We'll give Holmes a full season. If we get a good Guard like Iupati that'd be OK though.

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We could use upgrades at Guard, Center, RT, WR, and RB. I see us addressing RB, WR, and Guard though. Maybe a RT in the draft. I doubt we bring in a Center this offseason. We'll give Holmes a full season. If we get a good Guard like Iupati that'd be OK though.

I honestly think we have addressed the WR spot with what we have now, and with the addition of Carter. We may pick up (or resign REGGIE) a vet for low money but no 1st or 2nd day picks there.

As for all those needs proposed on the line C, RG, RT, I will say if they fix that center (I'll assume using Holmes now) and the address that RG spot and Godser plays healthy, our RB problems resolve mostly by fixing those spots. RB is not a high draft day priority.

I think the oline and/DL gets players picked first and then a priority in the rush backer spot. Safety also a problem area.

I'd say offense is left out in our first 3 picks unless it's a OT/G person that wows us where they have fallen. No WR or RB will be chosen with the first 3 picks not will the FA market net us a high prized target.

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I honestly think we have addressed the WR spot with what we have now, and with the addition of Carter. We may pick up (or resign REGGIE) a vet for low money but no 1st or 2nd day picks there.

As for all those needs proposed on the line C, RG, RT, I will say if they fix that center (I'll assume using Holmes now) and the address that RG spot and Godser plays healthy, our RB problems resolve mostly by fixing those spots. RB is not a high draft day priority.

I think the oline and/DL gets players picked first and then a priority in the rush backer spot. Safety also a problem area.

I'd say offense is left out in our first 3 picks unless it's a OT/G person that wows us where they have fallen. No WR or RB will be chosen with the first 3 picks not will the FA market net us a high prized target.


I disagree, while I don't think it is as high of priority as OL and DL ... I think WR is still a position that should/needs to be addressed.  We have TY and than who??? ... Reggie, don't if he's coming back or how he will play even if he does ... Moncrief? - showed some promise as a rookie, but hasn't shown enough to prove he can be the #2 .... Carter? - who knows what he is, a lottery ticket at this point .... Nicks? - Good chance we don't even bring him back, and even if we do who knows if he will amount to anything.  We need someone on the other side that is good enough that can take some of the pressure off TY ... all we have outside of TY is a bunch of ???s

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I disagree, while I don't think it is as high of priority as OL and DL ... I think WR is still a position that should/needs to be addressed. We have TY and than who??? ... Reggie, don't if he's coming back or how he will play even if he does ... Moncrief? - showed some promise as a rookie, but hasn't shown enough to prove he can be the #2 .... Carter? - who knows what he is, a lottery ticket at this point .... Nicks? - Good chance we don't even bring him back, and even if we do who knows if he will amount to anything. We need someone on the other side that is good enough that can take some of the pressure off TY ... all

we have outside of TY is a bunch of ???s

We have to have someone who is a proven WR opposite TY no question

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I disagree, while I don't think it is as high of priority as OL and DL ... I think WR is still a position that should/needs to be addressed. We have TY and than who??? ... Reggie, don't if he's coming back or how he will play even if he does ... Moncrief? - showed some promise as a rookie, but hasn't shown enough to prove he can be the #2 .... Carter? - who knows what he is, a lottery ticket at this point .... Nicks? - Good chance we don't even bring him back, and even if we do who knows if he will amount to anything. We need someone on the other side that is good enough that can take some of the pressure off TY ... all we have outside of TY is a bunch of ???s

We have to have someone who is a proven WR opposite TY no question

I disagree

We have TWO receiving threats at TE, there's teams out there that don't even have ONE good TE. If both stay healthy and continue to makes strides every game/year, the need for WR drops.

Wouldn't mind it at all if our WR group going into next season was





Lenz or some other PS WR or UDFA

Wouldn't mind it only IF it meant we addressed the trenches and got a running game. That's what the offense is missing, a running game. If Seattle can keep winning with average WR's, no reason we can't with the WR core we have which imo is better than Seattle's

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I'm not sure why everyone is ditching Holmes and saying we need a center... he looked pretty darn good during our playoff run. Especially for essentially being a rookie starting his first set of games. I say we should give him a chance this season and see what happens. It was our guard play that was really lacking.

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I disagree

We have TWO receiving threats at TE, there's teams out there that don't even have ONE good TE. If both stay healthy and continue to makes strides every game/year, the need for WR drops.

Wouldn't mind it at all if our WR group going into next season was





Lenz or some other PS WR or UDFA

Wouldn't mind it only IF it meant we addressed the trenches and got a running game. That's what the offense is missing, a running game. If Seattle can keep winning with average WR's, no reason we can't with the WR core we have which imo is better than Seattle's

So youre ok with our WR's being mediocre at best? 

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I disagree

We have TWO receiving threats at TE, there's teams out there that don't even have ONE good TE. If both stay healthy and continue to makes strides every game/year, the need for WR drops.

Wouldn't mind it at all if our WR group going into next season was





Lenz or some other PS WR or UDFA

Wouldn't mind it only IF it meant we addressed the trenches and got a running game. That's what the offense is missing, a running game. If Seattle can keep winning with average WR's, no reason we can't with the WR core we have which imo is better than Seattle's

Whalen is a RFA and limited in what he can do. I do like the idea of Lenz although he too has little experience.

We only have 3 WR under contract so whether anyone likes.or not I think a vet is coming even if is a simple as 87 or Nicks resigning. We need to be able to move TY around doesn't have to be a big $$ guy does don't think it will be.

Fooling around with Rodgers and then losing Brazil made us thin at the spot.

Seattle had 3 started with at least 3 yrs experience and dropped a 2nd and 4th in last yrs draft. They also had an O Line and one of the best running games in the league not a great comparisonp.

NE.is the same no big names but guys that have proven they can play add O Line running game Gronk and one of the better pass catching RBs

Common denominator O Line

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As for all those needs proposed on the line C, RG, RT, I will say if they fix that center (I'll assume using Holmes now) and the address that RG spot and Godser plays healthy, our RB problems resolve mostly by fixing those spots.

that wont fix the running game.  the only guy that was even close to being an nfl starter is bradshaw and he isnt coming back.  at least not as anything more than second or third string.

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that wont fix the running game. the only guy that was even close to being an nfl starter is bradshaw and he isnt coming back. at least not as anything more than second or third string.

Maybe not filly but if address correctly and effectively, it definitely will improve. Right now, as it sits, niether Lynch, Murray, or AP even could run behind our O line.

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 Right now, as it sits, niether Lynch, Murray, or AP even could run behind our O line.

yes they could.  bradshaws ypc were 4.7, herrons were 4.5.  the run blocking has not been great but it has been good enough for running backs not named trent.  herron ran well in the playoffs, even against the patriots. it was the play calling that got us away from that

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Colts should look for a RG in FA. Also I think we should be willing to break the bank a little to sign a good possession receiver if one hits the market. In the draft we should be going BPA that is either a S, RG (unless we got a good FA RG), DE, NT, or OLB for the first 3 rounds or so. If a good RT falls to us in the first we should grab him and cut Cherilus. Otherwise keep him and focus draft on other areas. Grabbing a receiver in the 3rd or later would also be a good choice and maybe a RB.

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In this Order RT, C, RG, RB, WR


I don't know if that's the order,  but that's the Big 5 to be focused on.


Some of the answers on the OL, may already be on the roster.    Holmes may work out.   Thornton may work out.    But we need more talent there as well as RB and WR.


Fortunately,  RB and WR are deep and talented in this class.

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I disagree

We have TWO receiving threats at TE, there's teams out there that don't even have ONE good TE. If both stay healthy and continue to makes strides every game/year, the need for WR drops.

Wouldn't mind it at all if our WR group going into next season was





Lenz or some other PS WR or UDFA

Wouldn't mind it only IF it meant we addressed the trenches and got a running game. That's what the offense is missing, a running game. If Seattle can keep winning with average WR's, no reason we can't with the WR core we have which imo is better than Seattle's


I would be very disappointed if that was our receiving group.


I agree our TE's are good receiving weapons; but if we don't want to limit our options, and want to be able to call the best plays to create favorable mismatches than we need a solid proven #2 WR. Moncrief or Carter may develop into that WR eventually; maybe even by the end of this season, but I don't want to just pencil them in and assume that.


It doesn't have to be some big name guy, bringing in someone like Cecil Shorts, Eddie Royal, etc ... would make me much more comfortable with our WR situation, and even than I wouldn't be opposed to drafting a WR if there was a good value one at a mid to late pick.

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Sign Boling please. Less money and younger than lupati.


But not quite as good. Iupati's only 27. The way I look at it is, we've fooled around and had a bad line way too long. Its time to bring in a stud or two and fix it immediately. Boling is a really good Guard, so he's going to get paid too, and probably just a million or two less per season than Iupati.

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I disagree, while I don't think it is as high of priority as OL and DL ... I think WR is still a position that should/needs to be addressed. We have TY and than who??? ... Reggie, don't if he's coming back or how he will play even if he does ... Moncrief? - showed some promise as a rookie, but hasn't shown enough to prove he can be the #2 .... Carter? - who knows what he is, a lottery ticket at this point .... Nicks? - Good chance we don't even bring him back, and even if we do who knows if he will amount to anything. We need someone on the other side that is good enough that can take some of the pressure off TY ... all we have outside of TY is a bunch of ???s

I can't argue much with your point except to say it's not a big priority. If the team decides it needs to have stars at each skill spot and not allow Luck to make the talent better with an improvement on the line, then we will go get a higher priced proven WR. I suggest the team has TY as the star, Moncreif as the #2 guy who will develope his skill set with luck throwing it to him this year, Carter the 3rd guy with potential #2 skills he had shown in Canada and then 2 TE's that catch pretty well too.

My point is you can't expect the team to pay heavily in TY, pay top 5 TE money in possibly both our TE's and top 5 money to our LT and top 2 money to our QB and buy another high priced proven WR and expect to field a better defense.

My guess is at best, the team will sign another 1year prove it deal to some vet who is aged a bit but had a disappointing year or two after having some sort of a break out season somewhere that caused the their team to overpay and sign them only to have to release them for cap reasons vs production.

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that wont fix the running game. the only guy that was even close to being an nfl starter is bradshaw and he isnt coming back. at least not as anything more than second or third string.

I think we have seen time and time again in the NFL that rb's become way better with olines that open holes or better schemes. Finding an AP in the draft is a tough order. I think our guys (exception of Trent) have plenty of ability to do just enough of what we need from them with an improved line or scheme. No need to heavily invest money in that area imo.
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I can't argue much with your point except to say it's not a big priority. If the team decides it needs to have stars at each skill spot and not allow Luck to make the talent better with an improvement on the line, then we will go get a higher priced proven WR. I suggest the team has TY as the star, Moncreif as the #2 guy who will develope his skill set with luck throwing it to him this year, Carter the 3rd guy with potential #2 skills he had shown in Canada and then 2 TE's that catch pretty well too.

My point is you can't expect the team to pay heavily in TY, pay top 5 TE money in possibly both our TE's and top 5 money to our LT and top 2 money to our QB and buy another high priced proven WR and expect to field a better defense.

My guess is at best, the team will sign another 1year prove it deal to some vet who is aged a bit but had a disappointing year or two after having some sort of a break out season somewhere that caused the their team to overpay and sign them only to have to release them for cap reasons vs production.


Moncrief has not shown he can be a #2 yet, Duron Carter has not shown he can even make the team yet ..let alone a #2 or #3 ... and the rest are "just guys", same as on practice squads all over the league.


Our TEs will get nice contracts; I'd say more like maybe top 10 than top 5, but nothing super big unless one just blows up this season. 


Castonzo will get paid, but nothing crazy ... again probably top 10, but I don't see top 5.


Never said we have to "buy a high priced WR" ... A mid range FA like Shorts or Royal, and maybe a mid to late round draft pick would be fine and make our WR position much better. Its not a "big priority" or the top priority, but it is a need that is definitely a higher priority than making it basically an afterthought as you seem to be suggesting. 

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I would be very disappointed if that was our receiving group.

I agree our TE's are good receiving weapons; but if we don't want to limit our options, and want to be able to call the best plays to create favorable mismatches than we need a solid proven #2 WR. Moncrief or Carter may develop into that WR eventually; maybe even by the end of this season, but I don't want to just pencil them in and assume that.

It doesn't have to be some big name guy, bringing in someone like Cecil Shorts, Eddie Royal, etc ... would make me much more comfortable with our WR situation, and even than I wouldn't be opposed to drafting a WR if there was a good value one at a mid to late pick.

Just need to focus on the running game. You don't need elite WR's when the running game is clicking

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Just need to focus on the running game. You don't need elite WR's when the running game is clicking


I never said all our wide receivers need to be "elite", but they should be good.


We definitely need to address our running game and get it going, but even if the running game is "clcking" you still need at least a couple good WRs if you want a balanced team that can effectively adjust to different defenses. 

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I would be very disappointed if that was our receiving group.


I agree our TE's are good receiving weapons; but if we don't want to limit our options, and want to be able to call the best plays to create favorable mismatches than we need a solid proven #2 WR. Moncrief or Carter may develop into that WR eventually; maybe even by the end of this season, but I don't want to just pencil them in and assume that.


It doesn't have to be some big name guy, bringing in someone like Cecil Shorts, Eddie Royal, etc ... would make me much more comfortable with our WR situation, and even than I wouldn't be opposed to drafting a WR if there was a good value one at a mid to late pick.

 doubt they pick a wr.,s  smh .  need to many og,rt, ilb,olb , nt .  need 6 spots fill before need a wr

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Moncrief has not shown he can be a #2 yet, Duron Carter has not shown he can even make the team yet ..let alone a #2 or #3 ... and the rest are "just guys", same as on practice squads all over the league.

Our TEs will get nice contracts; I'd say more like maybe top 10 than top 5, but nothing super big unless one just blows up this season.

Castonzo will get paid, but nothing crazy ... again probably top 10, but I don't see top 5.

Never said we have to "buy a high priced WR" ... A mid range FA like Shorts or Royal, and maybe a mid to late round draft pick would be fine and make our WR position much better. Its not a "big priority" or the top priority, but it is a need that is definitely a higher priority than making it basically an afterthought as you seem to be suggesting.

At some point, which was more of my point, the front office has to take the leap of faith that indeed Moncreif is ready to take that 2nd year leap and the office has to believe that Carter is going to be good enough to handle a 3rd option receiver spot. I don't see the team spending much money on a WR that could stunt the growth of the guys we have. I think they believe they have a solid group of wr's and need maybe a 1 year guy who will take a 1-3 mil 1 yr contract that has some past experience. Maybe that guy is REGGIE or Nicks even, but it shouldn't be a big deal nor make much headlines.

I'm guessing the contracts are bigger for the LT than you suggest and at least 1 of our TE's will get top 5 money if not both. Of course we both are guessing what they will do and it's not gonna affect me either way. I just hope we have a more consistent team with an attitude next year.

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I think we have seen time and time again in the NFL that rb's become way better with olines that open holes or better schemes. Finding an AP in the draft is a tough order. I think our guys (exception of Trent) have plenty of ability to do just enough of what we need from them with an improved line or scheme. No need to heavily invest money in that area imo.

i dont buy this.  with the exception of bradshaw who may not come back, we are not good enough at the position.

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I disagree

We have TWO receiving threats at TE, there's teams out there that don't even have ONE good TE. If both stay healthy and continue to makes strides every game/year, the need for WR drops.

Wouldn't mind it at all if our WR group going into next season was





Lenz or some other PS WR or UDFA

Wouldn't mind it only IF it meant we addressed the trenches and got a running game. That's what the offense is missing, a running game. If Seattle can keep winning with average WR's, no reason we can't with the WR core we have which imo is better than Seattle's

I think we absolutely need another receiver. Hilton was absolutely invisible in the AFCCG. I know he was banged up, but injuries happen. Moncrief was very hit or miss last season. I'm excited about him, but at this point, I'm not ready to put all my eggs in his and Carter's basket. I think we absolutely need to bring in someone better than what we have the last three seasons. Yes, we have the two tight ends, but with DA's injury history and Fleener's inconsistency we can't depend on that. I'm not saying DT or Dez, but look at what a player like Golden Tate did for the Lion's offense last year. We need that spark for when our top option is taken out of games.

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At some point, which was more of my point, the front office has to take the leap of faith that indeed Moncreif is ready to take that 2nd year leap and the office has to believe that Carter is going to be good enough to handle a 3rd option receiver spot. I don't see the team spending much money on a WR that could stunt the growth of the guys we have. I think they believe they have a solid group of wr's and need maybe a 1 year guy who will take a 1-3 mil 1 yr contract that has some past experience. Maybe that guy is REGGIE or Nicks even, but it shouldn't be a big deal nor make much headlines.

I'm guessing the contracts are bigger for the LT than you suggest and at least 1 of our TE's will get top 5 money if not both. Of course we both are guessing what they will do and it's not gonna affect me either way. I just hope we have a more consistent team with an attitude next year.


I don't think that "some point" is in the 2nd year of a rookie who showed flashes late, but was far from being "a force" like OBJ etc .., and a CFL player who has never played a down in the NFL. 


I didn't say spend a lot ... someone like Eddie Royal or Cecil Shorts is not going to be that expensive, and isn't going to stunt the growth of Moncrief or Carter.


One (or more) of Castonzo, Allen, and Fleener could possibly manage top 5 depending on how this season goes, but right now none of them are top 5 at their position. 


If Moncrief and Carter end up being good enough to lock down the #2 & #3 WR positions and Castonzo, Allen, and Fleener all in the top 5 at their position than I will be more than I will be more than happy to pay the WR we brought in to be a #4 and to pay those 3 top 5 money and take what ever cap implications that entails.  Because if all that happens and we have just moderately improved our OL and DL we are looking at a SB.

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