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Report: D'Qwell Jackson arrested


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In general how did D'Qwell Jackson play last season?


Good enough


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he played well enough to make the pro bowl as an alternate.  id say he was "good enough" for the season except for the NE game when no defender played "well enough".


he was actually the only defender to make a big play in that game as well. 

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I'm so sick and tired of this nonsense. How hard is it to just stay the hell out of trouble? I thought D'Qwell seemed like a disciplined veteran, but I guess not. Way too often in the past couple years this team's image has taken hits because of players making flat out stupid decisions. It seems like every other week you see somebody on this team making the news for the wrong reasons and I'm sick of it. Whether they're realizing it or not, they're letting their teams image, fellow players, and fans down.

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I'm so sick and tired of this nonsense. How hard is it to just stay the hell out of trouble? I thought D'Qwell seemed like a disciplined veteran, but I guess not. Way too often in the past couple years this team's image has taken hits because of players making flat out stupid decisions. It seems like every other week you see somebody on this team making the news for the wrong reasons and I'm sick of it. Whether they're realizing it or not, they're letting their teams image, fellow players, and fans down.


I don't feel let down ... and I don't think it changes the teams image for most people. If there was no internet players would still do the same things they have always done, you would just never know.  

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players getting in trouble on and off the field is a sign of a lack discipline and that starts with the head coach. Saying stay out of trouble is not really a sign of a coach putting discipline in. It's like when a parent says now make sure you stay out of trouble at school today. If that's all you do it doesn't mean much.

With that said we don't know if that's all the colts do but seeing as this is the third Colts player to get arrested in a month plus they suspended a fourth and had another miss the flight to the AFC title game what the Colts doing is not working. Add in the fact they went from leading the league is terms of being penalized on the field to being one of the more flagged teams on the field then yes I think the team has a lack of discipline. Those are the areas that shows up in and that falls on the head coach.

With that said am I calling for Pagano to be fired over it? No. I am just saying its the one area I find honest fault with him.

So just to make sure I understand. ..you're putting blame on pagano? Chuck pagano didn't do enough to make sure that an adult man would know not to beat up a pizza driver over a parking space? It was chucks job to make sure mr. Army man mcnary knew not to (allegedly) sexually assault a woman? Pagano didn't do enough to make sure andy Jackson would know that it's bad to drink and drive? It was up to Pagano to instill that knowledge into these grown adult men? Lord have mercy...

Yeah...again I don't see how any blame could go onto pagano for these things, but that's just me I suppose.

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I don't feel let down ... and I don't think it changes the teams image for most people. If there was no internet players would still do the same things they have always done, you would just never know.  

It's annoying. It shouldn't be difficult to keep yourself from assaulting someone, doing drugs, or committing rape.

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I'm so sick and tired of this nonsense. How hard is it to just stay the hell out of trouble? I thought D'Qwell seemed like a disciplined veteran, but I guess not. Way too often in the past couple years this team's image has taken hits because of players making flat out stupid decisions. It seems like every other week you see somebody on this team making the news for the wrong reasons and I'm sick of it. Whether they're realizing it or not, they're letting their teams image, fellow players, and fans down.


You would think with how much money these players were making, they could avoid situations like these. I mean, who just assaults a delivery boy over a parking spot of all things? I know if I made the kind of money these athletes make, I'd be on my best behavior and not place myself into questionable situations where it could lead to irresponsble actions.

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I heard the same thing. Apparently Jackson went to tackle him, but luckily for the pizza guy, he was wearing a Patriots jersey under his jacket and D'Qwell completely missed him.

Apparently he intercepted the pizza and handed it over to league officials. Early reports indicate that it was under flavored. :P

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You would think with how much money these players were making, they could avoid situations like these. I mean, who just assaults a delivery boy over a parking spot of all things? I know if I made the kind of money these athletes make, I'd be on my best behavior and not place myself into questionable situations where it could lead to irresponsble actions.

Just goes to show how some of these guys (hopefully a small minority) live in their own little worlds.  They don't live like the rest of us, and quite frankly, some of them are ticking time bombs.  Sooner or later they show their true selves and end up in prison.

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So just to make sure I understand. ..you're putting blame on pagano? Chuck pagano didn't do enough to make sure that an adult man would know not to beat up a pizza driver over a parking space? It was chucks job to make sure mr. Army man mcnary knew not to (allegedly) sexually assault a woman? Pagano didn't do enough to make sure andy Jackson would know that it's bad to drink and drive? It was up to Pagano to instill that knowledge into these grown adult men? Lord have mercy...

Yeah...again I don't see how any blame could go onto pagano for these things, but that's just me I suppose.

I am not saying he is responsible for Jackson doing this in terms of the action it's self.  Clearly Jackson is a grown adult who makes his own decision.  What I am saying is that the spike in poor decisions being made both on and off the field does reflect on the Head Coach.  Different coaches have ways of making players not want to make a mistake, for BB it's fear of he'll release you.  For Dungy it was fear of letting him down.  Those are just two examples.  Whatever Pagano is doing doesn't seem to be working at the moment.  I do think he is more apt to put up with more than some other coaches in the league when it comes to poor decisions and you are seeing some players take advantage of that.  It's an area I would like to see improved a little bit and have the Colts return to leading the league in terms of fewest penalties and having incidents like this stop or not happen as often. 


With that said, that does not resolve Jackson of blame in this.  He alone is the one to blame for this action and he should face the penalties for those actions.  So I am not trying to resolve him of blame for this and place it on Pagano.  I hold Jackson accountable for these actions.  I do think the rash of discipline issues along with the spike in penalties this year does point to a team discipline issue though and that falls on Pagano. 

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It's annoying. It shouldn't be difficult to keep yourself from assaulting someone, doing drugs, or committing rape.

 2 of those things are in a completely separate category than the other ... and we don't even know if McNary is guilty yet.


Yes, Jackson and other players sometimes make bad decisions, but you don't know what the pizza guy did to instigate it. I think there is a significant number of "regular guys" who would "pop" the pizza delivery guy if he stole your your spot (esp if it was an assigned spot) in an "obnoxious" way and than got your face and ran his mouth when told to move ... I don't know that this is what happened, but I would bet it played out something like that, and that Jackson didn't just decide to hit the pizza guy for taking a random spot and politely saying he would be right back to move as he dropped off the pizza. 


Misdemeanor assault and smoking weed even though bad decisions for many professions including the NFL, just aren't really that big of deal in the grand scheme of things ... unless it costs them significant playing time who cares. The squeaky clean image that Dungy's team had meant nothing to me; it was not something I took great pride in or was brag worthy sportswise. 


As long as we aren't viewed as the dirtiest, most convict ridden team in the league, I am perfectly happy falling somewhere in the middle of the pack as far "squeaky clean" images and player arrests go.

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This is just a super rumor at this point, but I figured I'd post it. It just appeared on my twitter feed that D'Qwell Jackson was arrested in D.C. on assault charges. Apparently, he assaulted a pizza guy over a parking spot.


Here is why it's currently a super rumor. The source has no link to an official article, only that one of his good friends (police) was an officer on-scene last night. We'll see if this pans out.



Breaking: The Indianapolis Colts' D'Qwell Jackson was arrested for assault after a fight over a parking spot with a pizza delivery driver.



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Just goes to show how some of these guys (hopefully a small minority) live in their own little worlds.  They don't live like the rest of us, and quite frankly, some of them are ticking time bombs.  Sooner or later they show their true selves and end up in prison.



colts don,t need thugs , send too new England. they love trouble and making trouble. . as a colt in nfl their no room for people like this.

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Whether you liked Dungy's goody good image or not, he's the only HC in Indy to manage a Championship winning team.

Food for thought.


And??  That's totally beside the point, but since you bring it up ... he didn't win the SB because he only chose "squeaky clean" players.  If anything I would argue he won it in spite of that. If he would have been more open to talented players with some character flaws he might have won more than 1 SB with Peyton Manning in his prime. 

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So, how do the Colts respond to this.

Also, when do players like A. Jackson, J. McNary etc get there consequences? After their pleas?

I'd assume ILB is now an enormous need. :|

ILB was an enormous need before any of this happened.... You did watch this season right? The second any RB's broke in the 2nd level with the LB's and DB's, we just couldnt tackle to save our lives...

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And??  That's totally beside the point, but since you bring it up ... he didn't win the SB because he only chose "squeaky clean" players.  If anything I would argue he won it in spite of that. If he would have been more open to talented players with some character flaws he might have won more than 1 SB with Peyton Manning in his prime. 

You really need to stop putting words into mouths. I highlighted a fact, nothing else. And you get your pyjamas in a pickle.


Calm the heck down.


And didn't you know, we failed to win the SB in 05/06 because the O-line let us down vs the Steelers, Well, according to Peyton, anyway.

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For the record, I've never once been reminded by my employer not to rape anyone or assault pizza delivery men.

I have not had my employer remind me of those either, however I have had to sit in a room with many other employees to watch videos, followed by the always enjoyable group discussion, on how to avoid sexual harassment of fellow employees.

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I have not had my employer remind me of those either, however I have had to sit in a room with many other employees to watch videos, followed by the always enjoyable group discussion, on how to avoid sexual harassment of fellow employees.

Those are always the best. I love the videos where bad actors say things that no human being has ever said in a real life situation ever.

Still though, however much "sensitivity training" we might undergo in our jobs, NFL players go through significantly more training on how to deal with the public in general.

Also, if these guys needed to be told that raping women and assaulting pizza delivery guys was unacceptable behavior, its unlikely they'd be smart enough to even learn the playbook. (Which may explain why we apparently refuse to tackle whoever the NE running back is)

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Those are always the best. I love the videos where bad actors say things that no human being has ever said in a real life situation ever.

Still though, however much "sensitivity training" we might undergo in our jobs, NFL players go through significantly more training on how to deal with the public in general.

Also, if these guys needed to be told that raping women and assaulting pizza delivery guys was unacceptable behavior, its unlikely they'd be smart enough to even learn the playbook. (Which may explain why we apparently refuse to tackle whoever the NE running back is)

The bad acting comment is so true, lol.

I agree with the rest, my belief is some of them just don't think they need to follow the same norms as the rest of us. Surprised at both McNary and D. Jackson, but you never really know.

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