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Sick of hearing people say Wilson is better than Luck


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a lot of HCs get their start in their 50s.  Your continued assertion that he can't learn or improve is asinine.  As is the suggestion to hire Josh McDaniels...the guy who saw Tim Tebow as a 1st round talent.  Yeah, good call.  :thmup:






Whilst McDaniels didn't succeed as a Head Coach, he is the best Offensive Coordinator in football, and has been for a long time.


That is his offense, not Belichick's.

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It is just the nature of the beast. It's human nature, to want to compare players to help us get a better sense of understanding any player's greatness and abilities.

Wilson is a very good qb, who is asked to do less than luck by a long shot. He also has a tremendous OL.

I think almost everyone knows that Andrew is certainly the superior QB.

Don't let it get to you.

The talking heads are paid to do what they do, and they would be out of a job if they all agreed all the time.


 Pretty sure the Seattle O-Line graded in the bottom half this season. lol

Andrew was a turnover machine this season. He generally played poorly against good defenses. 

Has a lame short to mid game, not anything when it comes to fitting the ball in tight spaces, throws high causing "drops", and misses a lot of open receivers because he is locked onto his favorite guys.

But he runs well and gets rid of the ball nicely while he is being dragged down. But he sure does throw for a lot of yards like manning did. Funny how similarly they both played in their last game of the season.

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People only say Wilson is better than Luck because he's been to two Super Bowls and has a ring. Luck is the all around better quarterback. Seattle is winning because of their defense and Lynch, then because of Wilson. And I agree. The only reason Wilson turns the ball over less than Luck is because he doesn't have to throw the ball 50 times a game.

In my opinion, Wilson is good, maybe great. But elite? No.

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Whilst McDaniels didn't succeed as a Head Coach, he is the best Offensive Coordinator in football, and has been for a long time.


That is his offense, not Belichick's.


I don't know that McDaniels is or isn't the best, I just don't care for all his gray area plays with the formations and ineligible receivers. I will agree that he plays to his player's strengths though.


Maybe it's the fact I just don't like his face. 


A+ on using "Whilst" by the way. 

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grunch (for those not up on forum vernacular that means I'm replying to the thread without having read the existing responses to it).


Put Luck on the Seahawks for the 2012, 2013 and 2014 seasons.  Do they win just as many games and still win at least one SuperBowl?

Put Wilson on the Colts for the 2012, 2013 and 2014 seasons.  Do they still make the playoffs all 3 years and win 3 games?


In my opinion, the answer "Who is better" can be found in the answers to those two questions.




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It's because he has led his team to the SB twice, and for many, with good reason, that is the ultimate end all decide all when it comes to these ongoing debates.

Some also say it is Defense that win championships. Well, JJ Watt was without a doubt the best defensive player in the league this year and his team didn't even make the playoffs. So that just goes to show that team accomplishments aren't always reflective of individual accomplishments and vice versa.

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Just ridiculous.

No way does Wilson take this colts team to a super bowl, but Luck absolutely would take Seattle to super bowls when you have Lynch and a historic defense.

Luck has to literally break his neck carrying the team, while Wilson just has to not make mistakes and a key throw here or there.

Luck would have checked out of a stupid play at the goal line, too

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Luck is a better pure passer, Wilson can make more happen when a play breaks down. Call me old fashioned, but I like a guy who sits in the pocket and moves the ball down the field. Being mobile is great, but being a running back and a quarterback... well you are never really going to do both things well. After all, I have Brady, and he won't be doing much after a play breaks down, but his strength is in his arm, not his legs.


So for me, Luck > Wilson, in system I would put in place for my team. If I were building a team from scratch, I'd take Rodgers or Luck, and be happy with either.

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Well you could just stick to watching games and not all the pregame shows and football related shows, Just a thought

Or if you do watch put the filter glasses on- the ones over there that say take with a grain of salt or sand depending on one's preference.


it works- trust me ;)

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When I watch Wilson I see Tebow 2.0. His intangibles are off the chart but his pocket presence is lousy and he can't see well at all. He did not even complete a pass in the SB until the second quarter. There is no way anyone in their right mind would ever pick Wilson over Luck just based on ability to play the position. That being said, Carroll and his OC have done a great job of putting an offense around him that magnifies all of his strengths and minimizes his pocket issues. That coaching staff really does not get enough credit for the job they do with him.

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Luck is unlucky and surrounded by incompetence. If I was Luck I demand a new gm and coach to allow me to at least compete w/ the Pats. Pagano vs Belichick is child's play.

Well you are not Luck. Your assessment of the NFL is lacking in several areas. So a three year head coach with pretty much all new teams is suppose to be better than a coach who has a team that has been together for a lot longer. The only thing here that is incompetent is your ability to understand football and the NFL. Your constant whine has been old for quite a long time now. Is it possible for you to think of a comment that wasn't being negative or putting someone down? Maybe you should demand better judgment from yourself.

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When I watch Wilson I see Tebow 2.0. His intangibles are off the chart but his pocket presence is lousy and he can't see well at all. He did not even complete a pass in the SB until the second quarter. There is no way anyone in their right mind would ever pick Wilson over Luck just based on ability to play the position. That being said, Carroll and his OC have done a great job of putting an offense around him that magnifies all of his strengths and minimizes his pocket issues. That coaching staff really does not get enough credit for the job they do with him.

Tebow 2.0? Really? I don't believe Wilson is elite but he's better than tebow. I'll say that much for Wilson.

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Carroll made 1 bad call. He's building a dynasty w/ Russell Wilson. That shows his genius. I doubt Pete Carroll will ever lose a gm by 30. How many have Chuck and co lost by that amount?



97?Im talking about his Seahawks team.


He has lost games by 30 points or more while HC of the Seahawks..2 I believe. 

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It's because he has led his team to the SB twice, and for many, with good reason, that is the ultimate end all decide all when it comes to these ongoing debates.

Some also say it is Defense that win championships. Well, JJ Watt was without a doubt the best defensive player in the league this year and his team didn't even make the playoffs. So that just goes to show that team accomplishments aren't always reflective of individual accomplishments and vice versa.

    lmao  , one guy on defense does win a sb, were youi learn football . big diff a qb and a defense player. defense need a front line great players win .   one guy nothing.  we had  two best pass rusher's still defense was avg too good .

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lmao , one guy on defense does win a sb, were youi learn football . big diff a qb and a defense player. defense need a front line great players win . one guy nothing. we had two best pass rusher's still defense was avg too good .

You totally missed my point. When I am able to decipher your message I'll respond.

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Chuck Pagano is in his 50s. I don't know what more he'll learn. If he wants to take a sabbatical and go learn how to coach in college, lets not stop him from doing that though.

Hire Josh McDaniels

By the ridiculous reasoning you're using...you would have fired Chuck Noll, Bill Parcells and Jimmy Johnson following each of their third seasons.

All 3 of them had mediocre, at best, starts to their NFL head coaching careers and nothing like the three 11-5 records Chuck Pagano has had, and with increased playoff success.

In other words....your viewpoint holds no credibility whatsoever, and is as clumsy and comical as that punt was bouncing off of Josh Cribbs' face.

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    lmao  , one guy on defense does win a sb, were youi learn football . big diff a qb and a defense player. defense need a front line great players win .   one guy nothing.  we had  two best pass rusher's still defense was avg too good .

Trying to make sense of your post to respond.

Here goes..... First off, I never said one guy on defense wins a SB. What I said was a lot of people say it is the Defense that wins championships. In other words you can have the best QB in the league, but if you don't have a great defense as well it will be hard to win the big game.

My point about JJ was that he was, without a doubt, the best defensive player in the league. First time ever it was a unanimous vote that he was defensive player of the year. That still didn't make his team the best defensive team.

The same goes for QB. You can have the best QB in the league, but if you don't have the complete team around you, you are not making it to the big game. It never has been, and never will be a one man game.

And to your point about my football knowledge and where I learned the game. I never claimed to be an expert, but I grew up in sports family and I know enough.


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I think RW is a great player.


He's just no where near the level as Luck.


RW didn't complete a pass for nearly TWO quarters in the Super Bowl. If that were Luck & the Colts, we'd have been down by 21+ points at that point. RW can rely on a great defense and running game to help him.



true great defense wins . prove in this sb . lost on a pass play a young 3 year qb. lol . they run it 2,3 down had won sb ,lol. show RW was still green around the edges.

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He is better than Tebow but I see many similarities as well.


I also think that Tebow isn't as bad as most fans seem to insist he is. Not that he's good (or near Russell Wilson's level at that) but I think he's someone who gets wildly underrated or wildly overrated depending on who you ask. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 4, 2015 - rude
Hidden by Nadine, February 4, 2015 - rude

true great defense wins . prove in this sb . lost on a pass play a young 3 year qb. lol . they run it 2,3 down had won sb ,lol. show RW was still green around the edges.

I sincerely hope English isn't your first language.

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Well you could just stick to watching games and not all the pregame shows and football related shows, Just a thought

Agreed.  The mediots really don't know what they're talking about and should be ignored.  For example, my routine every SB is not to turn my TV on until five minutes before kickoff.  But I digress.


Luck is already superior to Wilson, who plays with a surreal defense and the Beast.  As Luck matures, he will surpass Wilson to an even greater degree and will soon be in the class of Brees, P. Manning, Rivers and Rodgers.

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I also think that Tebow isn't as bad as most fans seem to insist he is. Not that he's good (or near Russell Wilson's level at that) but I think he's someone who gets wildly underrated or wildly overrated depending on who you ask.

It's that whole "can't throw the ball" thing that comes back to bite him.
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Josh McDaniels w/ this talent would be fun to watch.

I dunno.  I think McDaniels may well have decided that "he is who he is" and that is a top Offensive Coordinator who can earn a seven figure salary for the rest of his working life, while not having the headaches of being HC but also making a lot of money on the side giving speeches and corporate events in a major media market.  Plus, he seems to have a unique working relationship with Brady, so I don't see him leaving New England until Brady hangs it up.


Also, McDaniels is only 38 and, if he wants to take another crack at being an HC, he can bide his time and learn from Belichick.

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