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The Colts Coaching Staff [Mega-merge]


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Because we are 1 play away from this season happening again. Overhaul the whole offense.. Put in something simple like a WCO.. Peyton would master it, and substandard QB's can be more efficient in it. Clyde isn't the reason our offense has been good over the years, and his offenses in Tampa were a key reason Dungy was fired there.

Peyton makes our offense efficient, otherwise it is very inefficient.

As long as Peyton is able, I just don't see him allowing any changes in the offense. He has shown that when working it is unstopable and I just think unless we change QB we are looking at the same style of offense under Peyton.

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As long as Peyton is able, I just don't see him allowing any changes in the offense. He has shown that when working it is unstopable and I just think unless we change QB we are looking at the same style of offense under Peyton.

Peyton is a player. He doesn't have to allow changes in the offense.

Also, the offense has not be unstoppable. It was running on fumes in 2008 and 2010, and 2009 still wasn't that great on the ground. Our offense needs a lot of work, even with Peyton Manning. The run game is coming along, but we need to polish some things up.

We also need to be prepared for life after Manning. This year should teach us that much, at least.

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I do not follow the NFL long enough (just 5 or so years) to be able to name proper coaches but the next one (next season!) definitely has to have the following characterics:

a ) defensive-minded

b ) enthusiastic

We finally need someone who can clean up the defensive mess that Polian called "working" the other day. And we definitely need someone who does not turn into a pillar of salt as soon as the whistle blows. From what I've heard, read and seen from Fisher so far I think that he would be a good fit - especially if Manning comes back!

Cheers from Germany!

I'd say you'd be a great fit for GM. You have an idea what a good coach does!

Say hi to Germany for me.

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#1. Hes on the hot seat

#2. His contract is up after the year

#3. He is an AMAZING DC

So why not get this guy? The defense was great when he was with the giants. Heck, the rams D hasn't even been that bad. If he is available, i say pick him up for DC, Jim Tressel as HC

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I think at this point neither Polian nor Irsay have decided. I think come the end of the season, all three men will sit down and discuss the past season, what happen, why it happen and what is needed to not repeat or even come close to a losing season. I think then Polian and Irsay may see what other options are out there and then wait to see what the final word on Peyton is before making a final call on Caldwell. Since there really isn't any rush, I don't think we will see a Monday firing the day after the Jax game.

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just like Caldwell. Its the same as when we avoid going into free agency for players unless its an emergency. All i hear is...Spagnoulo? Fisher? Todd Haley? Unless of course the whole organization is fired...lol. I wonder if Caldwell is going to get demoted or just straight out fired. It would really suck to be him because i dont think anyone will hire him after...

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No Polian has a huge ego, trust me my family has had to deal with him with family issues.

And yet they co-existed on the competition committee, with both persons alternating as the chair.

You can have ego as long as you have mutual respect, which there is between Fisher and Polian.

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And yet they co-existed on the competition committee, with both persons alternating as the chair.

You can have ego as long as you have mutual respect, which there is between Fisher and Polian.

They probably do, but there is a huge difference in working with someone on a committe and being someone's boss.

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Of course, usual names for coaches on the hot seat; Spags, Raheem, Norv, Andy. He actaully indicated that Caldwell needs a win or two to probably save his job. What are we in; Bizarro World here. Caldwells hot seat should be on high temperature.

Chargers will probably win out, make the playoffs somehow and save his job as usual. Caldwell's seat should have burned up by now he's sitting on the floor. How could a win or two possibly save his job?

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The actual contract status right now of Caldwell may play against him. With only 1 year left, it is easier for Irsay to eat that final year, it's tough for any coach no matter how well or poorly the team is playing to be coaching in the final year of his contract with no guarnetees of a renewel. So it could end up just being his contract that brings to an end the Caldwell era and not so much the play of the team...

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