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Brady = "doomsday" for Colts?


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The key to stopping any QB is to get to him. Also GRONK was not healthy in those early games. Its not a coincidence that the patriots took off once he started to get healthy. Their o-line also deserves some credit. In order for the colts to win they will have to keep up offensively because I don't see us stopping or even slowing down their offense. They will score 30 plus easy. The good news is I think we will too. 

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Stay with the Pats from the first tick of the clock to avoid catch up (which the Colts are pretty good at). If we don't come out on top the remaining games have only one real threat in Dallas and if Cleveland is for real. Nothing can stop the Colts from the playoffs.

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You're right, I don't follow the Colts as much as a Colts' fan does. But I was right about Davis and my suspicions of him. I mean you guys were going on and on about Davis being the greatest CB in the NFL, even better than Talib, and he'd shut down Gronk, and Gronk should fear Davis, and Davis is a monster...........a 5'11" 200 pound monster. Even a Colts fan on here finally chimed in and said Davis hasn't been the same since he left Miami.

The Colts LB's and secondary can not cover.

And is Mathis playing?

If you're going to openly admit you don't follow a team then don't try and make statements about them, it just adds to the stupidity you've been constantly pilfering in previous posts. Just because a fan of a team says something doesn't make it true. Andrew luck is the worst qb in the league. I'm a colts fan saying that so it must be true right? Granted whoever posted that about Davis was kinda right cuz he hasn't been the same player he was in Miami. In Miami he was lazy and Undisciplined. Here he has completely refocused and it shows when he is on the field. Is he the best cb in the game? Meh too soon, but to deny his talent is flat out stupidity.

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Would have been a great AFC Championship game in 2007 if the Colts didn't go one-and-done. Instead we got the Chargers... ewww. 

I doubt it would have been that close. We barely could keep up with you in the game in Indy...and our offense was floundering trying to sustain drives that season....as you saw in the SD game where they kept pinning us inside the 10 and we couldn't ever dig out. You guys had one of the greatest teams ever assembled....it was a quality team all around....but goes to show that pressuring the qb can turn any game upside down. There were some precursers there from that regular season game that gave the Giants confidence....but I don't think they even imagined getting after Brady like that. Brady for the most part picked apart our cover 2 with ease and negated the Mathis/Freeney pass rush with his quick throws...we were never built to stop that team.

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It has been the tale of two seasons IMO for the Pats and more so Brady. Brady looked about as bad and frustrated as I have ever seen him look the first four games of the season. There was much talk in Boston about decline or that he had lost faith in coaches. These last 5 games are one of the most stunning turn arounds I have ever seen. It began up front with the Oline gelling and playing better but really it all got jumped started with Brady and his attitude coming into the Bengals game. He was back to being the emotional leader and his play in concert skyrocketed. And it has carried now for 5 games with the Denver game being the best all around game of the year against the best team in football.


In terms of getting to Brady, the Colts HAVE to get to him to have a chance. But not only is his Oline playing much better but he has worked on his footwork this off-season and it has been really showing with his ability to get out of the pocket and extend plays, http://espn.go.com/blog/boston/new-england-patriots/post/_/id/4770658/tom-bradys-work-at-extending-plays. I have not seen him playing this well from the pocket in several years. I think he realizes that his line just isn't going to hold so he has to be able to move and buy time to make plays and avoid sacks.


I think a better strategy for the Colts will be to try to hold the ball on O and keep him off the field. Although, the Jets had the ball for just over 40 minutes when they played and Brady still put up 27 points in just 19 minutes. He is playing great right now and hard to stop this O in general.

Yeah but we are playing at home and we play much better at home. 

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Survive the initial Patriot's onslaught in the first possession or two, and we'll have a real game on our hands to watch.  If the Colts fall behind by 10-14 early-on (which they seem to do all too often) and it's Katie bar the door...

I'd like to see the Colts get the ball first and score early.  I'm curious to see what Pep has in store for a game plan.  I'm concerned that he will deploy a commitment to the run early and not see results.  I don't want to see a 3-out and have Brady carve us up on his 1st possession for a 7-0 lead. I want to the Colts play from in front and gain confidence.

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The Colts already had their apocalypse a couple years back (at least according to the fans). It was that time when the ex-QB left and went to go play for John Elway. You're just living in the aftermath.



Let's see here, a few months back, Brady looked like total garbage against stellar defenses that punished him and everyone was talking about the new guy (Jimmy G!), even Pats fans seemed more excited over a backup than their all star QB who is aging and in the twilight of his career. Still feels like yesterday with that Kansas City beat down.


This game is not in Foxboro, the Colts have a much better shot than they are getting credit for. People need to stop acting like the Pats are this fearsome team. They haven't won a Super Bowl in 10 years now, and we know what happens when that mediocre offense is up against teams with pass rushes.


Isn't NE 0-3 in your stadium?


Lighten up.

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The Colts already had their apocalypse a couple years back (at least according to the fans). It was that time when the ex-QB left and went to go play for John Elway. You're just living in the aftermath.



Let's see here, a few months back, Brady looked like total garbage against stellar defenses that punished him and everyone was talking about the new guy (Jimmy G!), even Pats fans seemed more excited over a backup than their all star QB who is aging and in the twilight of his career. Still feels like yesterday with that Kansas City beat down.


This game is not in Foxboro, the Colts have a much better shot than they are getting credit for. People need to stop acting like the Pats are this fearsome team. They haven't won a Super Bowl in 10 years now, and we know what happens when that mediocre offense is up against teams with pass rushes.


Isn't NE 0-3 in your stadium?


Lighten up.

Indeed.Everyone here forgets that the game is played in person and not on paper.We too have a game plan.Whatever they can do to our defense we are capable of doing to theirs.Geez guys.We DO have the number 1 offense in the nfl.

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Brady vs Manning wasn't the game of the year. Brady vs Luck is the game of the year. I can feel it!. Gonna be a great game. 

I hope you're right James. I want a pulse pounding game with methodical TD scores on both sides coming down to the final possession. As much as stingy defenses appeal to me, with 2 elite QBs under the same roof, I want a shoot out. Attrition, exhaustion, & stamina til the very end. Overtime would be cool. 

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We will destroy.

You would make a great locker room interview inside LOS Jules. Very direct; no PC answers. I like that.  :thmup:  


I can't quite go that far out of BB habit or his ability to adapt on the sidelines because experience has proven that NE is always in games no matter what, but I admire your enthusiasm. 

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You would make a great locker room interview inside LOS Jules. Very direct; no PC answers. I like that.  :thmup:  


I can't quite go that far out of BB habit or his ability to adapt on the sidelines because experience has proven that NE is always in games no matter what, but I admire your enthusiasm.

I should clarify. We will destroy by 7 or less points lol.

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Yeah, exactly.  The Colts strongest suit is their passing game especially indoors and especially at home.  They SHOULD be able to pass up and down the field on anyone.  But if they are having to rely on the run game and dink and dunk passes to their TE's that means the Pats' secondary is following the game plan of shutting down the WR's of the Colts.  It's preventing the Colts from scoring often.


The Colts are going to have to light it up big time.  They are capable of doing it.


The whole "play action pass" is for teams that are a run first team.  You see that in some NFC East rivalries and the Steelers/Ravens, Seahawks/49ers games where they play keep away with low scoring games.  But that's not the Colts' style.  The Colts are a high speed high energy passing attack team.


It will be a long night for the Colts if they can't get their WR's into the game is all I'm saying.

Dink and dunk? Really? Look at Brady's numbers and you will see he does more dink and dunk than Luck. Luck leads the NFL in yardage and that didn't come from yards after the catch. Luck average in passing yardage is 7.85 and Brady's is 7.16. Luck has 693 more yards than Brady on the season. Maybe you should back your comment up with some facts before drawing conclusions. All these stats are from ESPN.com
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Too bad for the Colts that the Pats have a secondary with talent and can cover and shut down receivers.


If the Pats' D can handle the Broncos' O.  The Pats can handle the Colts.  Colts defense isn't that good either.  They can't cover TE's for the life of them and can't pressure the QB the way the Broncos can.


And that Colts' offense really lit up the Broncos and Eagles going 0-2 eh?  Or going up against a Giants' team with no weapons that gave up by half time?


lol @ the Colts having to rely on Fleener and Allen to try to beat the Pats.  That just means the Pats are doing what they should be doing = Taking Wayne, TY and Nicks out of the game.


Dear Colts fans....there will be NO one on one coverage on TY.  Duhhh!!!

The Colts put up 24 and 27 on the Broncos and Eagles. Maybe you should look at the stats before assuming you know something.
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Just pressure him up the middle the blue print is there to beat him . Niners, Giants , Ravens , and the Jets in the past were all experts at it . Ryan Clark said it best .. When you hit him enough he'll start seeing ghost . Same can be applied to Manning and Brees as well just saying . No biased here I'm a Broncos fan.

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I hope Chuck and the rest of the coaching staff come up with an aggressive gameplan because I KNOW the hoody will especially coming off a bye week. No matter what anyone says this game is HUGE in down the line seedings and possible home field between the two teams. I still think the Broncos will have the top spot in the afc but that 2 seed is up for grabs.

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Lol? Are you 12?

0.0000001 of a point is a 'throttling' when it comes to your mob. However, to play along, what was your average points per game in the regular season compared to your choke in the big game? Remind me please.

Nope I'm 31 and a high level IT Manager for an organization with over 10,000 employees.. So intelligence is not something that I lack as you so subtly tried to suggest.

They played a close game in week 17 against the Giants that went into the 40s, then in the SB with 2 weeks to prepare and more complex defensive strategies it was a close game again with less scoring.

Anyone who thinks a game that came down to the final seconds with the help of a miracle helmet catch was a "throttling" doesn't know much of anything about the game of football..

But whatever you need to mumble to yourself as you go to sleep at night to keep the scary dreams away is your business.

IF a 4 point game is a throttling, I wonder what you thought of the Broncos last week.. or the Colts last year in the playoffs

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Ryan Clark said it best .. When you hit him enough he'll start seeing ghost . 


I always thought that was an interesting quote from Clark seeing as how teams he's been on are 2-4 against Brady lifetime. Hardly seems to qualify him as an "expert" on the topic.  ;)


YOUR team, however... Denver's always done well against TB. Even pre-Peyton. 

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I should clarify. We will destroy by 7 or less points lol.

Good clarification there Jules. I just like the fact that both Brady & Luck are clicking on all cylinders right now. Not only that both defenses are capable of slowing down opposing running backs to a crawl.


Which makes we wonder is this game gonna be determined by which TE performs better? Gronk or Allen? Whatever teams wins this game is gonna become an NFL Classic, I can just feel it down to my bones.  ;)

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I always thought that was an interesting quote from Clark seeing as how teams he's been on are 2-4 against Brady lifetime. Hardly seems to qualify him as an "expert" on the topic.  ;)


YOUR team, however... Denver's always done well against TB. Even pre-Peyton. 

Brady sees ghosts and Ben throws picks. Clark is a confused man.

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I always thought that was an interesting quote from Clark seeing as how teams he's been on are 2-4 against Brady lifetime. Hardly seems to qualify him as an "expert" on the topic.  ;)


GP is right on the money. Ryan Clark has been beaten behind the woodshed so much by Tom Brady that he has no authority on any #12 NE topic. Do yourself a favor Ryan & shut the hades up because when you played with the Steelers Tommy carved through your D & secondary like a warm honey based ham or tasty turkey. 


I almost hope that Pittsburgh makes the Playoffs just so the Patriots can mop the floor with them & steal their milk money again. NE always has Pittsburgh's number & I don't see that changing while Tommy remains the starting QB in Foxboro. 

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GP is right on the money. Ryan Clark has been beaten behind the woodshed so much by Tom Brady that he has no authority on any #12 NE topic. Do yourself a favor Ryan & shut the hades up because when you played with the Steelers Tommy carved through your D & secondary like a warm honey based ham or tasty turkey. 





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I always thought that was an interesting quote from Clark seeing as how teams he's been on are 2-4 against Brady lifetime. Hardly seems to qualify him as an "expert" on the topic.  ;)


YOUR team, however... Denver's always done well against TB. Even pre-Peyton.

Yes I know I am aware and Ryan wasn't the only player that said it . I think we have seen the blue print to beat Manning, Brady, Brees many teams aren't just successful at it . I won't include Rodgers with those 3 because he can escape from pressure .

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Nope I'm 31 and a high level IT Manager for an organization with over 10,000 employees.. So intelligence is not something that I lack as you so subtly tried to suggest.

They played a close game in week 17 against the Giants that went into the 40s, then in the SB with 2 weeks to prepare and more complex defensive strategies it was a close game again with less scoring.

Anyone who thinks a game that came down to the final seconds with the help of a miracle helmet catch was a "throttling" doesn't know much of anything about the game of football..

But whatever you need to mumble to yourself as you go to sleep at night to keep the scary dreams away is your business.

IF a 4 point game is a throttling, I wonder what you thought of the Broncos last week.. or the Colts last year in the playoffs

You take yourself way too seriously my friend. Take your throttling like a man.

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I think we must have a "chance" given we are favored by 2.5 points.

as long as Luck doesn't look "Patriots Lost".  His last two games vs. New England were not good. He (luck) was flustered and looked bad at times---he is better now I think, but so is Billichik, someone who just seems to have our number if you look at the numbers.

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as long as Luck doesn't look "Patriots Lost".  His last two games vs. New England were not good. He (luck) was flustered and looked bad at times---he is better now I think, but so is Billichik, someone who just seems to have our number if you look at the numbers.

First game he was a rookie. 2nd game was a playoff game at Gillette again with crap receivers. You would look flustered too.

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