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Jim Irsay Says Colts Considering Trade Options [Merge]


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Health status of Butler. Toler has been shaky. Gordy hasn't impressed me much as the nickel. 


I think Toler's been solid this year. If we make a trade I think it has to be for an OLB or Safety. I'd like to see Tamba Hali or somebody like Antrel Rolle but not for a 1st rounder.

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I think Toler's been solid this year. If we make a trade I think it has to be for an OLB or Safety. I'd like to see Tamba Hali or somebody like Antrel Rolle but not for a 1st rounder.


I would like to see what Victor Butler brings to the table first. 

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RB has become a dime a dozen position it's a passing league We can pass.

If any moves made I'd hope it's to fix our problem vs TE and RB out of the backfield.

I've been away What happened to Holliday I know we brought him in. It would be nice to have something in the return game you can see chunks we don't get

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You guys have any decent LB'ers up for trade?  I'm talking one that is already of your 

53 man roster.  Not one on your practice squad for obvious reasons because we

could just pluck one of those for no cost other than a spot on our 53 man roster.


Bengals don't normally trade draft picks for players but stranger things have happened.

We're hurting pretty bad at the Linebacker position.  Both Maulauga and Lamur are

injured and supposedly Maulauga is out for an extended period of time.  Roughly 6 weeks!

IMHO Lamur and Mauluaga neither one should be manning starting LB spots on any roster!

Vincent Rey will most like be taking Maualuga spot at MLB  and to be honest I have no clue

who'll be taking Lamur's spot at SLB!  We just signed Nico Johnson off of waivers and I 

seriously doubt he'll be playing.  May not even be active this first week.  If I had to render a 

guess our starting SLB this week will be Jayson DiManche!  

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You guys have any decent LB'ers up for trade? I'm talking one that is already of your

53 man roster. Not one on your practice squad for obvious reasons because we

could just pluck one of those for no cost other than a spot on our 53 man roster.

Bengals don't normally trade draft picks for players but stranger things have happened.

We're hurting pretty bad at the Linebacker position. Both Maulauga and Lamur are

injured and supposedly Maulauga is out for an extended period of time. Roughly 6 weeks!

IMHO Lamur and Mauluaga neither one should be manning starting LB spots on any roster!

Vincent Rey will most like be taking Maualuga spot at MLB and to be honest I have no clue

who'll be taking Lamur's spot at SLB! We just signed Nico Johnson off of waivers and I

seriously doubt he'll be playing. May not even be active this first week. If I had to render a

guess our starting SLB this week will be Jayson DiManche!

Andrew Jackson and Henoc Muamba could start in a pinch.

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I'm now in the camp that's annoyed with Irsay talking business like this and honestly mid season trades are either a waste of time or just a waste too often. Jim being Jim isn't going to do the 'shoe many favors at this point, being out in front of his G.M. like this so often.

For the love of pete, stay low man!

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I'm now in the camp that's annoyed with Irsay talking business like this and honestly mid season trades are either a waste of time or just a waste too often. Jim being Jim isn't going to do the 'shoe many favors at this point, being out in front of his G.M. like this so often.

For the love of pete, stay low man!


Saying that he had a conversation with the men running the team about doing whatever they could to improve the team is not "talking business," nor it is getting out in front of his GM. 

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One of those "bruisers" will be gone if Spiller comes here

No way we're having a backfield of Richardson, Spiller, & Bradshaw

Just not gonna happen


People keep saying this. I don't get it.


First, I don't think we're getting Spiller, so it's all moot. But if we did, why does that mean that Richardson or Bradshaw has to go? We're running 77 plays a game. Why can't we make room for 3 backs, especially when one of them is so drastically different from the other two? If we had a scatback type player in house right now, I think we'd get him 8-10 touches a game, even with Richardson and Bradshaw.

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People keep saying this. I don't get it.

First, I don't think we're getting Spiller, so it's all moot. But if we did, why does that mean that Richardson or Bradshaw has to go? We're running 77 plays a game. Why can't we make room for 3 backs, especially when one of them is so drastically different from the other two? If we had a scatback type player in house right now, I think we'd get him 8-10 touches a game, even with Richardson and Bradshaw.

We don't even use Boom!

We only use Trent & Ahmad. Don't see it happening, too much star power. Someone's gonna get upset about touches or something. No way we'd split those carries enough to keep everyone happy nor keep the offense productive

Just too much. Someone would have to go

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Well first we would be looking to bring in a player rather then trading a player for picks. I know after trading for Trich last year some would strongly doubt we go runningback but I still think its our weakest position. CJ would be my #1 option, my 2nd would be Lamichael James of the 49ers. Just imagine Bradshaw,Spiller,Richardson and Havili or Bradshaw,James,Richardson and Havili either way, sounds good to me. I also heard at the most the Bill will get for Spiller is a 2nd rd pick, but I don't think we make any trades this year but you never say never with Grigs.

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Im thinking that if its anything then it will involve an ascending Safety(Mike Adams was limited in practice yesterday according to the injury report) but it could be RB.....Though I expect he learned from that dumb decision quite bluntly

Im personally hoping nothing develops quite honestly

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I agree.... in fact I am looking more toward the next draft....

I am a HUGE OL / DL draft early guy... BUT... if Gurley, Gordon, AA, Coleman any were there late in the first round ... POUNCE. Spectacular RB group coming out...

If Grigson even considers spending another 1st round pick on a RB, than his draft decision making needs to be seriously questioned.

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Agreed Indyboy757. We don't improve by shipping off one of our 53 for a later round pick for next year, to hopefully select a player who might make the roster next year. With Landy and possibly Nixon back in three weeks, and with a glut of Centers, we might have some player trade possibilities for this season, but seriously doubt we're going to supply AFC foes Cleveland or San Diego with a Center and I doubt they have an appetite to help us either. It's great having Irsay back, but in this case I bet at most a trade would be a complete yawner.

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I don't see OL. Our depth is better than it has been in years and the young guys are playing well.


I think they'd be looking at Safety, first and foremost, and then possibly OLB. A young ILB with coverage skills would be nice too.

Our depth at OL - that's exactly why the OL may be candidates for trade. What a difference a year makes.

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I don't see OL. Our depth is better than it has been in years and the young guys are playing well.


I think they'd be looking at Safety, first and foremost, and then possibly OLB. A young ILB with coverage skills would be nice too.

I believe that Sergio has played well. So not it's safety or maybe for some depth. 

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Well first we would be looking to bring in a player rather then trading a player for picks. I know after trading for Trich last year some would strongly doubt we go runningback but I still think its our weakest position. CJ would be my #1 option, my 2nd would be Lamichael James of the 49ers. Just imagine Bradshaw,Spiller,Richardson and Havili or Bradshaw,James,Richardson and Havili either way, sounds good to me. I also heard at the most the Bill will get for Spiller is a 2nd rd pick, but I don't think we make any trades this year but you never say never with Grigs.

I agree

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If I had to pick just one deficiency that stands between this team and a possible championship, I'd pick pass rush. If the Colts lose in the playoffs, chances are, you'll be reading comments like "If only they had Robert Mathis, if only they had a rush".


If there's a trade, it'd have to be for a pass rusher to make sense THIS YEAR. And since I doubt any of the "elite" rushers will be available, it would have to be one of the "young and ascending" sort of players that Irsay alluded to, if anything.

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I wonder if they are in talks for Dion Jordan. Not sure anyone we can pick up can seriously advance our contender status and I hope a trade wouldn't upset the teams chemistry, but I love the drama.


I'm on the fence on Dion Jordan, I think after his latest transgression I'd rather pass.


I was listening to an interesting discussion comparing him and Ziggy Ansah since they both came into the league. Jordan seen initially as the better pick, Ansah to raw gamble. 

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I'm on the fence on Dion Jordan, I think after his latest transgression I'd rather pass.

I was listening to an interesting discussion comparing him and Ziggy Ansah since they both came into the league. Jordan seen initially as the better pick, Ansah to raw gamble.

It's not that I want him, it's that his suspension is over for this weekends game, I thought the timing is interesting. I'm not sure I would like any trade at all. But a part of me is somewhat excited.

Last time we made a trade for a Dolphin, I would say it worked out pretty well for the player and the team. Somewhat similar situations, suspension aside.

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It's not that I want him, it's that his suspension is over for this weekends game, I thought the timing is interesting. I'm not sure I would like any trade at all. But a part of me is somewhat excited.

Last time we made a trade for a Dolphin, I would say it worked out pretty well for the player and the team. Somewhat similar situations, suspension aside.


Correct my memory if I'm wrong but Jordan was projected as a 3-4 OLB coming into the league who the Phins have been trying to make a 4-3 DE. Like a reverse Werner?

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If I had to pick just one deficiency that stands between this team and a possible championship, I'd pick pass rush. If the Colts lose in the playoffs, chances are, you'll be reading comments like "If only they had Robert Mathis, if only they had a rush".

If there's a trade, it'd have to be for a pass rusher to make sense THIS YEAR. And since I doubt any of the "elite" rushers will be available, it would have to be one of the "young and ascending" sort of players that Irsay alluded to, if anything.

Unless it's an absolutely high quality pass rusher, I don't see it, and teams just don't let them go. Walden has improved a TON since last year, in terms of pass rushing. Werner is starting to hit his stride and I don't see him falling off, plus Newsome has been in the backfield quite a bit in the limited snaps he's played in. I would hold out on pulling the trigger on a pass rusher. I don't think it's needed, especially with Mathis coming back next year.
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If I were a betting man..if say this is just chatter. But if I were to guess at which player would go...I'd say Landry for a quality LB that can play well enough in coverage. That seems to be our weak link. Passes to tight ends have been killing us.

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Going by the text that was posted, Irsay did not say anything about considering trade options.  He said he talked with Grigs about if there was anything they could do before or after the trade deadline to make the roster better.


Now, I may be going out on a limb here and this may be a totally whacked out idea but I'm thinking that:

  • Every owner in the NFL is having that conversation with the GM about this time of year.
  • That seems like a reasonable question for an owner who has been barred from the facility for the last 6 weeks, to ask his GM.  It's basically like any boss asking an employee, "Is there anything you need to help you do your job better?"

You have to hand it to Irsay, he knows how to get people talking about the Colts.

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