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I need to stop watching First Take


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Anyone who's seen First Take before knows Skip Bayless clearly has a problem with the Indianapolis Colts franchise and in particular Jim Irsay and Andrew Luck. He's probably sour that they moved on from Peyton Manning, but he needs to get over it.


But I'll say this, he better not cross into the Indiana state line cause he may not make it out without some serious verbal abuse. I don't see how anyone could like this guy, and his credibility seems to go out the window when he picks certain players and backs them just so he can say he was the first to anoint them as the next great player (RG3, Tebow, and Manziel come to mind). Yeah how are those working for you Skip?


I know I just need to stop watching, and hopefully soon I will stop. (I only watch when they talk Indy sports)But anytime they talk Colts I have a hard time not tuning in, even if Skip likes to bash them. Steven A Smith being on the show helps put him in his place.


Wish more people would do this to Skip...



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Anyone who's seen First Take before knows Skip Bayless clearly has a problem with the Indianapolis Colts franchise and in particular Jim Irsay and Andrew Luck. He's probably sour that they moved on from Peyton Manning, but he needs to get over it.


But I'll say this, he better not cross into the Indiana state line cause he may not make it out without some serious verbal abuse. I don't see how anyone could like this guy, and his credibility seems to go out the window when he picks certain players and backs them just so he can say he was the first to anoint them as the next great player (RG3, Tebow, and Manziel come to mind). Yeah how are those working for you Skip?


I know I just need to stop watching, and hopefully soon I will stop. (I only watch when they talk Indy sports)But anytime they talk Colts I have a hard time not tuning in, even if Skip likes to bash them. Steven A Smith being on the show helps put him in his place.


When watching first take, you have to realize that they want the debaters to have opposing opinions. Skip Bayless is just good at trying to make a bad point into something valid. He almost always goes against the popular consensus.

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He doesn't like Andrew Luck because he makes Skip look dumb every week because Skip swore up and down RG3 would be better and the Colts were making a mistake with drafting Luck over him.

Also general rule of thumb if you disagree with Skip that's a good thing because that means your right.

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You realize he hates Irsay right?

The Luck RG3 thing was just for the media. I mean the debate was going on anyways and Skip always picks the least popular option.

It's also a staged show. They have meetings on who's going to take what side on any particular argument. It's just to get fans worked up.

Stop watching it. You'll feel better lol.

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Anyone who's seen First Take before knows Skip Bayless clearly has a problem with the Indianapolis Colts franchise and in particular Jim Irsay and Andrew Luck. He's probably sour that they moved on from Peyton Manning, but he needs to get over it.



Actually, he had a problem with Peyton at Indy too.  Brady is his boy.  Now that Peyton left, he likes to ride on Luck.  He just has a "thing" for the Colts.


Skip is a buffoon, just chalk it up to that. 

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One reason why I could never do journalism or a sports show for a living is because of guys like Skip.  The only way I'd ever do anything like that is if it were, say, on a local channel where I could give my opinion without having to care about getting hits and viewers.  I'd blog but I just don't have the time to dig into hours of tape.  It's just a better hobby to me.  Like fishing, if it ever became a job, it would lose its appeal.

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Bayless and Screamin A Smith are nothing more than shock jocks...   (talking heads)


It gets ratings and creates buzz...      They get paid very well to put on their act.....


BTW ...  I haven't watched that slop in well over a year....   ESPN is dead to me..



I listen to Grady and Big Joe on 1070......  at 10am here in central IN.

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Stephan A put Skip in his place today and I loved it.  Skip was always hating on Manning until he went to Denver.  He hates the Pacers, Colts and anything that has to do with Indiana.  He makes that clear.  If Luck was on any other team, he would be all up his behind.  If Indy would have taken RG III as he claims we should have, he would be hating on RG III and how injury prone he is, instead he still believes RG III is the better QB even though, Cousin's has beat him out in Washington! 


Guy still thinks Tebow can be a starter in the NFL.  He has NO idea what he is talking about.

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Yeah, he was saying today (on Twitter, didn't watch the segment on ESPN) that Luck has a low release which leads to a lot of batted down passes. Saying 'JJ Watt is really good at batting down passes' would've actually been the correct stance, but he chose to go anti-Andrew for shock value.


He's just fueling the debate fire, and it probably doesn't help that he's a Texas native.

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Yeah, he was saying today (on Twitter, didn't watch the segment on ESPN) that Luck has a low release which leads to a lot of batted down passes. Saying 'JJ Watt is really good at batting down passes' would've actually been the correct stance, but he chose to go anti-Andrew for shock value.


He's just fueling the debate fire, and it probably doesn't help that he's a Texas native.

What was wrong with what he said?

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He goes out of his way to nitpick Luck's performances. He portrays Luck as some ho-hum pedestrian QB that makes the occasional good throw, when every single statistic and highlight reel prove otherwise.

Isn't that what sports commentators are supposed to do? And I don't see him portraying Luck as this " ho hum pedestrian QB" as you suggest. Maybe you expect everyone around the country to gush about Luck as much as you do?

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Explain that one. I don't get it.

You said "he," meaning Skip, "sure has you people talking."  I mean, maybe you didn't discuss the content of anything Skip said, but then again, that would be pointless because most of what Skip says is pretty pointless.  I haven't watched the guy on purpose in years.

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You said "he," meaning Skip, "sure has you people talking."  I mean, maybe you didn't discuss the content of anything Skip said, but then again, that would be pointless because most of what Skip says is pretty pointless.  I haven't watched the guy on purpose in years.

If what he says is pointless, no one would care about the things he says. I'll bet millions of people watch first take just to get ticked off by the things he says. That's his job.

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If what he says is pointless, no one would care about the things he says. I'll bet millions of people watch first take just to get ticked off by the things he says. That's his job.

To me, that's pointless and I really don't care what he says.  If I was sitting at hte other side of the table arguing with him, it would be different - but I'm not going to put my faith in Stephen A to come up with a good response that represents how I feel about whatever the issue may be.  At least with you, we can spar back and forth and think we're "winning" the argument.  Which by the way, I win all the time and you lose every time. 

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Isn't that what sports commentators are supposed to do? And I don't see him portraying Luck as this " ho hum pedestrian QB" as you suggest. Maybe you expect everyone around the country to gush about Luck as much as you do?


Well I wouldn't classify Skip as a commentator (to me that's guys like Al Michaels, Bob Costas, Dick Vitale, etc, guys who call games in real time). I'd describe him as a TV personality, a beat writer with a long track record of Texas bias, that is on a TV show based around sports debate.

And I don't watch Luck with blue-colored goggles on, I'm willing to critique the kid when he makes a dumb mistake like he did in the red zone last week against the Ravens, or that stupid fumbled snap that he had last night. In weeks 1 & 2 when everyone wanted Pep fired, I didn't hesitate to objectively bring Luck's decision-making and lack of execution into question as opposed to scapegoating a guy who doesn't even play in the game.

If that's considered "gushing," then yes, I do expect everyone in the country to do that.

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Well I wouldn't classify Skip as a commentator (to me that's guys like Al Michaels, Bob Costas, Dick Vitale, etc, guys who call games in real time). I'd describe him as a TV personality, a beat writer with a long track record of Texas bias, that is on a TV show based around sports debate.

And I don't watch Luck with blue-colored goggles on, I'm willing to critique the kid when he makes a dumb mistake like he did in the red zone last week against the Ravens, or that stupid fumbled snap that he had last night. In weeks 1 & 2 when everyone wanted Pep fired, I didn't hesitate to objectively bring Luck's decision-making and lack of execution into question as opposed to scapegoating a guy who doesn't even play in the game.

If that's considered "gushing," then yes, I do expect everyone in the country to do that.

Whether you like it or not, Skip Bayless is in fact a commentator/ columnist. That's what he does for a living. He also does it on a national level. If you think others are better, that's your right to do so and its completely understandable. Bayless has always been known for spewing venom whether it is in print or on TV and radio.

I have no idea if he has a personal issue with Mr Irsay. I have not heard him make any of these disrepectful or derogatory comments about Andrew Luck. Maybe you could show an example of him speaking disparagingly of Luck? I have heard him speak highly of him though. Now, if he speaks highly of another QB, that doesn't translate to speaking I'll of Luck.

I have never understood this mentality which believes it's showing hate for a particular player if one speaks highly of another player of the same position. It makes no sense to me.

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