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how to win now


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anyone got any ideas how to win with a zero pass rush defense? offense step it up and carry us? defense new system? run the ball? passing short game? what?

Instead of trying to figure out how to win without a pass rush, we would be better served in figuring out how to generate one in a hurry.  Certain fundamental principles just can't be circumvented over the long term.  Verner and others will need to step it up in a big way. 

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Instead of trying to figure out how to win without a pass rush, we would be better served in figuring out how to generate one in a hurry.  Certain fundamental principles just can't be circumvented over the long term.  Verner and others will need to step it up in a big way. 

sounds like a plan, and a job for the coaches. maybe some forum members haves some ideas on how to  sack the qb with the players we have now scheme wise

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We're not going to win at all the rest of the season so it doesn't matter!

Without Robert Mathis the Colts are not even going to be able to dress themselves! Hold on to your seats everyone and start looking at who we going to pick #1 in the upcoming draft!!

CHILL THE FREAK (for choice of a better word) OUT PEOPLE!!!!

Nothing is more annoying than one player going down and now the season is over! That's completely rediculous!! We were going to miss him the first 4 weeks anyway! We will be OKAY!! SERIOUSLY!

No doubt it's a big loss but nothing we can do about it now! We still having plenty of freaking capable players. Some people are a bunch of fair weather crybabies and don't believe in the teams they root for. One player goes down it's the end they don't think their team can win another game for the next 20 years it seems! It's embarassing really.....

So I really hope more people make another 50 threads about "How to win now".

The Colts go out and play da** football! That's how they win! Seriously!

Why do I even bother? We are so screwed with Andrew Luck at quarterback along with a dangerous offense.

Wish our defense wasn't going to finish last in the league now with players like Chapman, Art Jones, Vontae Davis, Corey Redding and Jerell Freeman! Wow we don't have any play makers! I doubt we won't get another sack this year!

Season must be over!!

Jeeesh now I feel better....

(Insert rant over picture)

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We're not going to win at all the rest of the season so it doesn't matter!

Without Robert Mathis the Colts are not even going to be able to dress themselves! Hold on to your seats everyone and start looking at who we going to pick #1 in the upcoming draft!!

CHILL THE FREAK (for choice of a better word) OUT PEOPLE!!!!

Nothing is more annoying than one player going down and now the season is over! That's completely rediculous!! We were going to miss him the first 4 weeks anyway! We will be OKAY!! SERIOUSLY!

No doubt it's a big loss but nothing we can do about it now! We still having plenty of freaking capable players. Some people are a bunch of fair weather crybabies and don't believe in the teams they root for. One player goes down it's the end they don't think their team can win another game for the next 20 years it seems! It's embarassing really.....

So I really hope more people make another 50 threads about "How to win now".

The Colts go out and play da** football! That's how they win! Seriously!

Why do I even bother? We are so screwed with Andrew Luck at quarterback along with a dangerous offense.

Wish our defense wasn't going to finish last in the league now with players like Chapman, Art Jones, Vontae Davis, Corey Redding and Jerell Freeman! Wow we don't have any play makers! I doubt we won't get another sack this year!

Season must be over!!

Jeeesh now I feel better....

(Insert rant over picture)

This rant seems out of place. Calm down. 


Also, pickles. Has anyone else ever even seen a pickle plant or a pickle tree? I've researched this thoroughly and there is no record whatsoever of a pickle plant or a pickle tree. The Pickle isn't even listed as a vegetable OR a fruit. 


I'm highly suspicious that these "pickles" aren't what the pickle industry has led us to believe. 

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Well, we don't need to get pressure every play, but we are going to need Werner to provide a little bit of pressure.. Walden can provide a little pressure but that won't be his primary job... Look for the rookie Jonathan Newsome to get some reps opposite of Werner to go get after the QB. We have good cover corners for as much slack as people give Greg Toler, he did have 3 PD's, when you take into account we played the best throwing offense in the NFL, with new emphasis on no downfield contact, I think Toler did fine, and Vontae Davis and Darius Butler are two of the best cover corners at their positions. So the key is not to rely on our pass rush, and not necessarily get 6 sacks a game or what not, but just provide some pressure, and make the QB throw it before he wants to, I think our D-line/OLB's can do this. Also lookout for some creative safety/MLB blitz packages. 

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Well, we don't need to get pressure every play, but we are going to need Werner to provide a little bit of pressure.. Walden can provide a little pressure but that won't be his primary job... Look for the rookie Jonathan Newsome to get some reps opposite of Werner to go get after the QB. We have good cover corners for as much slack as people give Greg Toler, he did have 3 PD's, when you take into account we played the best throwing offense in the NFL, with new emphasis on no downfield contact, I think Toler did fine, and Vontae Davis and Darius Butler are two of the best cover corners at their positions. So the key is not to rely on our pass rush, and not necessarily get 6 sacks a game or what not, but just provide some pressure, and make the QB throw it before he wants to, I think our D-line/OLB's can do this. Also lookout for some creative safety/MLB blitz packages. 

good post

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I think we'll be fine on defense as we go along. We'll just get it done in a different manner.  

I'm actually more concerned about finding a better mix of run and pass on offense than 

I am about the defense. When we get too dependent on the pass it always spells forced

interceptions for Luck.  I want him to be able to calm down and run the offense without

feeling like he's got to be Superman to win the game. Gotta get that running game going

and also stay consistent with the check downs when you have to.


Also I want to see us be better about getting Hakim Nicks involved

more along with Reggie and T.Y. I like what I've seen out of him so far.

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Well.....Not going 4 for 13 on 3rd down again is an excellent starting point

Details; details...Nothing like getting to the heart of the problem there Gavin. How come everytime we get in the money down it feels like "insufficient funds?" Only teasing, but we can't expect Luck to bail us out all the time either. 

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Bradshaw needs to start over Richardson and Allen should be on the field a lot more then Fleener. Defensively, Manusky has to be more creative and call more blitzes and stunts.

I'd be willing to try that little experiment just to see if our tempo changes, we become more fluid keeping drives alive, & the outcome is different than game 1. 

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I suggest we adopt the Flying V formation. Saw it in a movie, seemed legit.

V for Victory. It works on a symbolic, deeper plane of existence level. Works for me man. I'll try anything once SCC.  haha


Wouldn't the Eagles, Falcons, or Hawks have dips on the formation before INDY though? I like your creativity ingenuity though. Nice! 

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