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Le Neon

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haha Ol preseason. That 4th quarter was terrible for our 3rd stringers. Harnish needs to step up in the pocket. I'm not sure what's going to happen when Hasslebeck retires possibly after this season. Harnish isn't the answer for a back up QB.
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haha Ol preseason. That 4th quarter was terrible for our 3rd stringers. Harnish needs to step up in the pocket. I'm not sure what's going to happen when Hasslebeck retires possibly after this season. Harnish isn't the answer for a back up QB.


Probably end up signing a guy like Shaun Hill or Jason Campbell.

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I find it really hard to get very sad about anything but injuries in the pre-season. Well that and the fact that appairently the NFL is on a mission to make sure NFL games now last four hours.


Yeah, the flags are pretty painful to watch. I don't remember if it was like this for preseason in 2004, but they are calling too many touch fouls. It's unbearable.

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haha Ol preseason. That 4th quarter was terrible for our 3rd stringers. Harnish needs to step up in the pocket. I'm not sure what's going to happen when Hasslebeck retires possibly after this season. Harnish isn't the answer for a back up QB.


We'll sign another veteran back-up whenever Hasselbeck is done.    I wouldn't look for Harnish to fill that role.

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haha Ol preseason. That 4th quarter was terrible for our 3rd stringers. Harnish needs to step up in the pocket. I'm not sure what's going to happen when Hasslebeck retires possibly after this season. Harnish isn't the answer for a back up QB.

So Harnish didn't look good with our 3rd stringers? He was getting rushed and pounded but he is expected to play well? OK, if you say so.

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haha Ol preseason. That 4th quarter was terrible for our 3rd stringers. Harnish needs to step up in the pocket. I'm not sure what's going to happen when Hasslebeck retires possibly after this season. Harnish isn't the answer for a back up QB.


I can see us taking a QB inside the first 4 rounds next year.

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missed the FG how close was he? and was there much room for even further?


He missed it wide left, not to far left and he had plenty of distance to spare.  I know Pat said he could kick one from 70 yards out in Denver, I believe he could now maybe even a little further.

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Lol, very funny post and not in a good way.

And....??? Your point is??? Your opinion is yours and mine is mine. I do find it pathetic that you seem to have simply made this remark to basically make fun of what I said. Sorry that you seem to have nothing better to do with your time.

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And....??? Your point is??? Your opinion is yours and mine is mine. I do find it pathetic that you seem to have simply made this remark to basically make fun of what I said. Sorry that you seem to have nothing better to do with your time.

Did you actually watch the game? If the answer is yes and you are still sad that a bunch of third string player, most of which will probably not make the final roster, lost the lead in a preseason game, well I will just refer to my previous post.

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Did you actually watch the game? If the answer is yes and you are still sad that a bunch of third string player, most of which will probably not make the final roster, lost the lead in a preseason game, well I will just refer to my previous post.

In a way I'm glad the bottom of the roster played so poorly. It'll make the first roster cuts far less painful.

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Did you actually watch the game? If the answer is yes and you are still sad that a bunch of third string player, most of which will probably not make the final roster, lost the lead in a preseason game, well I will just refer to my previous post.

Yeah Im sad and dissapointed. Doesn't matter whether its 1st or 3rd stringers. Need to finish the game. You could clearly tell coach wasn't pleased either. He expected them to be able to finish and win this game. And I would like to see the same. Maybe they dont keep it a shutout but at the very least hang onto the lead. Show some heart and some pride. I mean yeah they are 3rd stringers but they are in the NFL and are still expected to play at a high level and execute regaurdless. Now if this means nothing to you then great but it means something to me. And it does to the coaches too, as it should of course. So I'm not the only one. If all you do though is make fun of others posts then thats your problem, not mine. So laugh all you want!

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In a way I'm glad the bottom of the roster played so poorly. It'll make the first roster cuts far less painful.

I would not go so far as to say that I am glad the third string played poorly, but yes it will help make the cutdown decisions easier.

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Yeah Im sad and dissapointed. Doesn't matter whether its 1st or 3rd stringers. Need to finish the game. You could clearly tell coach wasn't pleased either. He expected them to be able to finish and win this game. And I would like to see the same. Maybe they dont keep it a shutout but at the very least hang onto the lead. Show some heart and some pride. I mean yeah they are 3rd stringers but they are in the NFL and are still expected to play at a high level and execute regaurdless. Now if this means nothing to you then great but it means something to me. And it does to the coaches too, as it should of course. So I'm not the only one. If all you do though is make fun of others posts then thats your problem, not mine. So laugh all you want!

Do you really get this upset over a pre season game? My god I would hate to be around you when they lose a regular season game let alone a playoff game. I hope you family hides your guns?   :loco:  :spit:

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Do you really get this upset over a pre season game? My god I would hate to be around you when they lose a regular season game let alone a playoff game. I hope you family hides your guns? :loco::spit:

I said I was sad and dissapointed. Not raging mad about ready to shoot someone. There is a difference. You are taking it out of context. And blowing a 26 point lead within 1 qtr really isn't ok to me. 3 points or 7 points maybe a little more understanable. But to just let 26 points go.. even though it was 3rd stringers.

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I said I was sad and dissapointed. Not raging mad about ready to shoot someone. There is a difference. You are taking it out of context. And blowing a 26 point lead within 1 qtr really isn't ok to me. 3 points or 7 points maybe a little more understanable. But to just let 26 points go.. even though it was 3rd stringers.

Most of the guys playing in the fourth quarter will be selling insurance in a month

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I said I was sad and dissapointed. Not raging mad about ready to shoot someone. There is a difference. You are taking it out of context. And blowing a 26 point lead within 1 qtr really isn't ok to me. 3 points or 7 points maybe a little more understanable. But to just let 26 points go.. even though it was 3rd stringers.

I think you are taking a pre season game out of context. I was being sarcastic in my comment touched with a little humor. How about seeing the good points of the game instead of the negative approach. We all know that the Colts didn't have any starters on the field and the turnover just set the stage for what happened. It is nothing to really worry about IMO.

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I think you are taking a pre season game out of context. I was being sarcastic in my comment touched with a little humor. How about seeing the good points of the game instead of the negative approach. We all know that the Colts didn't have any starters on the field and the turnover just set the stage for what happened. It is nothing to really worry about IMO.

No I just expect a little better effort from the 3rd stringers who a part of the team and are still expected to execute. 1st and 2nd guys looked great for the most part.Definitely happy there. Nothing wrong with wanting a little better performance. Maybe you dont care about it, thats you. But I do care.

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No I just expect a little better effort from the 3rd stringers who a part of the team and are still expected to execute. 1st and 2nd guys looked great for the most part.Definitely happy there. Nothing wrong with wanting a little better performance. Maybe you dont care about it, thats you. But I do care.

There are around 35 players who will be cut before the season starts. Those are the players you seen in the 4th quarter of the game. Now you tell me I don't care? I am not losing sleep over some players who will not even be on the roster after the cuts. What you call the 3rd string players wont have a job in less than 2 weeks. Is that punishment enough for you?

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There are around 35 players who will be cut before the season starts. Those are the players you seen in the 4th quarter of the game. Now you tell me I don't care? I am not losing sleep over some players who will not even be on the roster after the cuts. What you call the 3rd string players wont have a job in less than 2 weeks. Is that punishment enough for you?

Where have I said ir even implyed I'm losing sleep over it???I've said Im SAD and DISSAPOINTED. And I have every right to be. You are trying to make a big deal out of me being somewhat dissapointed over our 4th qtr play because you don't think it's a valid reason to be dissapointed. Well not everyone thinks like you or views things like you, sorry!!!

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