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Jerruh Jones busted taking provocative pictures.


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If people don't take marriage seriously then they should not get married. It really is pretty simple. Every marriage partner has the right to expect fidelity.

I agree with you completely. As someone who CHOSE to be married, I couldn't be happier to be in a committed monogamous relationship with the woman I love; however, some people do get married for the wrong reasons. As others have mentioned, some people get married because they feel society expects it of them. In other cases, individuals may wed because it's how they want to be and they think it can help them "be better." Whatever the reasoning, people need to be honest with themselves about who they are and what they want. Unfortunately, some people succumb to external pressures that lead them to make choices that they otherwise wouldn't if they were being true to themselves.

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There are benefits provided by marriage that go beyond having a lifelong partner (status, shared income, citizenship, tax breaks, companionship, etc).  And marriage partners should be open about their expectations before getting married.  Not everyone expects fidelity.

Sure. If folks agree to an "open" marriage that is different. But the main reason to marry is to make a lifelong commitment to someone.

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Your take is fascinating. And I mean that respectfully. Let me ask you though why is it when men and women are asked about fulfillment and happiness, it always comes in the form of having a single relationship with a partner for life to build a family with and grow old with. To say that is created by religion would be to ignore all the data that suggest otherwise as after all our society has pretty much shoved God out the door. Most of the data shows that multiple partners leads to loneliness and an insatiable appetite for more.

I would revert back to an earlier statement of mine; Because that's what we're "supposed to do". We're taught this from a very early age. Ask this same question to a polygamist and they'd be left scratching their head. 


Stability is happiness, and a good, strong family unit is pure stability for a human life. You're taught that when you grow up, you're expected to have a spouse, 2 1/2 kids, a pet, and a white picket fence. That's the idea of the "American Dream", is it not? 

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I wasn't responding to you. Rusak post said males had this drive to procreate hence my question about women.


So you equate being faithful to a marriage partner with alcoholism and eating disorders? Interesting.

That Guy was eluding you to the idea of temptation, not drawing exacting parallels. 

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If that is true then why do men get married at all? Keep the options open rand no wife to take your money. Jeter seems to live his life that way.

It's a Chris Rock joke....but there is some truth in it. For the record, I'm a committed bachelor.

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I would revert back to an earlier statement of mine; Because that's what we're "supposed to do". We're taught this from a very early age. Ask this same question to a polygamist and they'd be left scratching their head. 


Stability is happiness, and a good, strong family unit is pure stability for a human life. You're taught that when you grow up, you're expected to have a spouse, 2 1/2 kids, a pet, and a white picket fence. That's the idea of the "American Dream", is it not? 

Again interesting. When I think about my own life, I am fulfilled having a lifelong partner and a family. I am not one to bend to social expectations especially one that affects my whole life like marriage and having kids. I think what you may be leaving out of your thesis is that at the heart we are social creatures and also created to be in union with one person. It is not a societal brainwashing as if that was the case then marriage would have become instinct long ago. I think a life of multiple partners with no commitment has shown to lead to loneliness and depression.

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It is all about consequences that one needs to be accountable for. If everyone gave in to their instincts to hurt someone or anyone that offends them in a physical manner, it would be the law of the jungle but they know there are consequences to be borne. The same thing goes for any instinct. The consequences of any action is what keeps instincts in check. It is no different when it comes to fidelity with a mate.


Instincts to make a commitment or following through on other instincts, good or bad, are still choices that humans make, not done because they are "supposed to", that is what I was getting at.

Yep. the analogy I'd use is that some people will see a stranger drop a $100 bill and tell the person, giving it back. While others will take the money, and the guilt, if there is any. 

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Could you guys make an effort to remember that this is a famly friendly forum

No need to be extremely explicit

I would delete the link in the OP. Quite graphic for this forum. People can easily access the images via the web if they wish, no need to post it here. 

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Again interesting. When I think about my own life, I am fulfilled having a lifelong partner and a family. I am not one to bend to social expectations especially one that affects my whole life like marriage and having kids. I think what you may be leaving out of your thesis is that at the heart we are social creatures and also created to be in union with one person. It is not a societal brainwashing as if that was the case then marriage would have become instinct long ago. I think a life of multiple partners with no commitment has shown to lead to loneliness and depression.


And disease.  I'm pretty sure thats one of the main reasons society adapted to the way it is.

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For the record, I'm a committed bachelor.

Same here, and allow me to delve into some anecdotal examples concerning this idea that marriage and family brings stability and happiness. I'll do my best to make this short.


I was married once, for almost 5 years. I wasn't a perfect husband, was young and made mistakes, nothing egregious. I didn't cheat on her, I didn't beat on her. I don't drink or use hard drugs. I didn't go out to clubs etc. I did what I was "supposed to do". I got married, had a child and bought a brand new home. 5 months after buying our new home I came home from my night manager job to find my wife and 2 year old child gone, along with most of my possessions. My knees buckled as I walked in the door, as if I had discovered my family murdered on the floor. On a side note; Despite the profundity of my horrific discover, I did make a note in the midst of my pain to observe that she even took the Glade Plug-ins with her. 


Now, I say this not to extort pity, we all go through similar pain through the course of our lives. No matter how tough we act, we all cry and wail and the moon, god, sun....whatever entity that will listen. I say this because as of today, I'm 42 years old (ya it's my berfday) and I know without a doubt that I will never pair-bond again. 


Maybe born from bitterness and pain, sure, but the realization dawned on me that one cannot control to happiness in their lives when their happiness is utterly at the mercy of their partners whims and desires, as was the case in my life. Simply put, you have no ultimate control over your happiness if you're married. Marriage is not stability, it is an illusion of such. 

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And disease.  I'm pretty sure thats one of the main reasons society adapted to the way it is.

I think it has much more to do with the dominant roles men have played over the centuries, often subjugating their loved ones. Throughout history, and much of this remains today in echoes, men view their family as property. When their property decides to go belong to another man, the most archaic, primal instincts stir up. When your wife leaves you, you have only 1 choice to prevent it......kill her. And so we see this play out almost daily on the news-wire. 

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Maybe born from bitterness and pain, sure, but the realization dawned on me that one cannot control to happiness in their lives when their happiness is utterly at the mercy of their partners whims and desires, as was the case in my life. Simply put, you have no ultimate control over your happiness if you're married. Marriage is not stability, it is an illusion of such. 


That is a tough break, I understand how you feel and why you feel that way.


I agree that it is sometimes the luck of the draw. My wife's upbringing had a lot to do what how she perceived marriage and took to make it work, including great communication. It was important to know those things for me before I made that big commitment. Things have to align considerably, I am not going to deny that. It is not like arranged marriage in some cultures, where you learn to love after the vital stats get you hitched/arranged (looks, job, family status etc.) and a lot of those follow the "supposed to" norm that you talked about boasting longevity despite abuse etc. because it was "supposed to" be that way.


However, to extrapolate it to a broad brush on marriage would not be fair to those who are not getting the wrong end of the deal like you have gotten. Marriage is not always a bed of roses but a bed you have to carefully choose to sleep in, I may add.

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Idk how that can be termed busted. He wasn't doing anything illegal, unethical, or immoral. People making a big fuss over nothing. A scandal really?

Even with him being married. Will the wife be happy, no. But if he's never been unfaithful and at their age and time they've been married, I'm sure it won't be a huge point of contention between them.

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Your take is fascinating. And I mean that respectfully. Let me ask you though why is it when men and women are asked about fulfillment and happiness, it always comes in the form of having a single relationship with a partner for life to build a family with and grow old with. To say that is created by religion would be to ignore all the data that suggest otherwise as after all our society has pretty much shoved God out the door. Most of the data shows that multiple partners leads to loneliness and an insatiable appetite for more.

Anthropologically speaking , ruksak is 100% correct .

Biologically , men want to procreate . That's their #1 drive. Men in power often act the way that they do because they're the alpha males.

Monogamy used to be very rare around the world.

Polygyny used to be the norm.

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From who? I'm certain his wife won't ignore the issue. But the league, if that's what you meant, no way. This is personal.


From what I've seen of the Texas upper class, Mrs. Jones'll be more upset about how this changes people's opinions of her; rather than how this affects their marriage.  I may be totally wrong, but they always gave me the opinion that adultery was frowned upon but overlooked if you kept it completely private.

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However, to extrapolate it to a broad brush on marriage would not be fair to those who are not getting the wrong end of the deal like you have gotten. Marriage is not always a bed of roses but a bed you have to carefully choose to sleep in, I may add.


I totally agree!  People get the idea that marriage is all "eternal bliss," and that it involves no work or responsibility.  They rush into it without truly understanding everything involved with a true, deep-level commitment.  A bed of roses is an apt metaphor; but it's a bed of rose bushes (with thorns), not a bed of rose petals.  There are great days, and there are terrible days.

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Idk how that can be termed busted. He wasn't doing anything illegal, unethical, or immoral. People making a big fuss over nothing. A scandal really?

Even with him being married. Will the wife be happy, no. But if he's never been unfaithful and at their age and time they've been married, I'm sure it won't be a huge point of contention between them.



The whole problem with this "scandal" is that it leads to doubt.  Fidelity (like faith) cannot be completely proven or dis-proven.  Jerry Jones' actions led many to doubt his fidelity.  Truth becomes irrelevant when the media grabs a hold on things like this.

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Let's be real here; he's an old rich man. Why are you shocked he's perverted like this?

If he wanted to build a tower just to rub it in your face that he's above you, he could do it. In fact I think he already did with that mega stadium they did not need.



The best part about being an NFL owner is no matter how big of a rich scum bag you are, they'll always find a way to prop you up as this great giant of the game that needs to be worshiped. For as much damage as Jerrah has done to his team, he'll always get a free pass at the end of the day some how. It worked for Art Modell and Bud Adams.

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Same here, and allow me to delve into some anecdotal examples concerning this idea that marriage and family brings stability and happiness. I'll do my best to make this short.


I was married once, for almost 5 years. I wasn't a perfect husband, was young and made mistakes, nothing egregious. I didn't cheat on her, I didn't beat on her. I don't drink or use hard drugs. I didn't go out to clubs etc. I did what I was "supposed to do". I got married, had a child and bought a brand new home. 5 months after buying our new home I came home from my night manager job to find my wife and 2 year old child gone, along with most of my possessions. My knees buckled as I walked in the door, as if I had discovered my family murdered on the floor. On a side note; Despite the profundity of my horrific discover, I did make a note in the midst of my pain to observe that she even took the Glade Plug-ins with her. 


Now, I say this not to extort pity, we all go through similar pain through the course of our lives. No matter how tough we act, we all cry and wail and the moon, god, sun....whatever entity that will listen. I say this because as of today, I'm 42 years old (ya it's my berfday) and I know without a doubt that I will never pair-bond again. 


Maybe born from bitterness and pain, sure, but the realization dawned on me that one cannot control to happiness in their lives when their happiness is utterly at the mercy of their partners whims and desires, as was the case in my life. Simply put, you have no ultimate control over your happiness if you're married. Marriage is not stability, it is an illusion of such. 

Marriage is a two way street, and just because one woman wronged you doesn't mean the next one would.  There could be a million reasons why it went wrong, and it's possible that, at it's core, it had nothing to do with you.  I know that's not really an excuse so much as it doesn't mean the next one, if there ever were one, would go the same way.  The thing about marriage is, you get certain measures of happiness that you just don't get alone, cohabitating, or dating. It's a risk, sure.  But to me, it's a risk worth taking given the alternative.  We take risks every single day.  You don't stop driving after getting into a near fatal car accident.  You may change cars, but you still drive.  That's life man.

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Same here, and allow me to delve into some anecdotal examples concerning this idea that marriage and family brings stability and happiness. I'll do my best to make this short.


I was married once, for almost 5 years. I wasn't a perfect husband, was young and made mistakes, nothing egregious. I didn't cheat on her, I didn't beat on her. I don't drink or use hard drugs. I didn't go out to clubs etc. I did what I was "supposed to do". I got married, had a child and bought a brand new home. 5 months after buying our new home I came home from my night manager job to find my wife and 2 year old child gone, along with most of my possessions. My knees buckled as I walked in the door, as if I had discovered my family murdered on the floor. On a side note; Despite the profundity of my horrific discover, I did make a note in the midst of my pain to observe that she even took the Glade Plug-ins with her. 


Now, I say this not to extort pity, we all go through similar pain through the course of our lives. No matter how tough we act, we all cry and wail and the moon, god, sun....whatever entity that will listen. I say this because as of today, I'm 42 years old (ya it's my berfday) and I know without a doubt that I will never pair-bond again. 


Maybe born from bitterness and pain, sure, but the realization dawned on me that one cannot control to happiness in their lives when their happiness is utterly at the mercy of their partners whims and desires, as was the case in my life. Simply put, you have no ultimate control over your happiness if you're married. Marriage is not stability, it is an illusion of such. 

First, I am sorry for your horrific situation. And also happy birthday.


But to the bolded, you never have full control of your happiness as you can't control the circumstances of your life whether you are married or not. You just choose not to get married again for fear of getting hurt again and blame the institution, understandably. If anyone enters marriage with the idea that your spouse is supposed to make you happy then the marriage is doomed to fail. I think part of the issue, at least in America, is people get married with this Hollywood romanticized notion of marriage where the euphoria you feel at the start of the relationship is supposed to last forever. BTW, the euphoria period is about six months for any new relationship.


Marriage like any long term relationship in your life whether it be with friends or family, it is never 50/50. Sometimes you need 80 one day and sometimes one day he needs 90. But I have found that what truly makes a marriage work and sustain is forgiveness and the ability to not hold grudges. We are going to disappoint each other and some of the happiest times in my marriage has been watching my spouse work through real issues and supporting him along the way. And he has done the same for me. When you have found someone you want to spend the rest of your life with there is no better feeling IMO. I think at 40, I am done with the drama of my earlier years and have settled into realizing that I do have most things figured out at this point. It takes work to get there but I could never have imagined doing it alone. But I certainly do not begrudge you for wanting to remain single given your circumstances. But I don't think that is a reason to paint the marriage relationship as you have in your other posts.

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Ultimately, in the society that any man lives in, how he views marriage (a piece of paper or lease or contract or a life long commitment to one that he promised to love forever) ends up shaping his ability to remain faithful too.

Different men use different means to hold themselves accountable (religion, principles, societal pressure etc.). The stronger their accountability, the greater their ability to remain faithful, IMO. That is how I see it.

Well said, Chad.

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I would suggest this is nt the first time Jerry Jones has partied with the honeys..

I doubt he;s capable of much more at his age.

I would also suggest that his wife knows exactly what he's like..

....If he's being blackmailed there's a problem but those photos aren't that revealing or scandalous..

They're Johnny Manziel photos

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First, I am sorry for your horrific situation. And also happy birthday.


But to the bolded, you never have full control of your happiness as you can't control the circumstances of your life whether you are married or not. You just choose not to get married again for fear of getting hurt again and blame the institution, understandably. If anyone enters marriage with the idea that your spouse is supposed to make you happy then the marriage is doomed to fail. I think part of the issue, at least in America, is people get married with this Hollywood romanticized notion of marriage where the euphoria you feel at the start of the relationship is supposed to last forever. BTW, the euphoria period is about six months for any new relationship.


Marriage like any long term relationship in your life whether it be with friends or family, it is never 50/50. Sometimes you need 80 one day and sometimes one day he needs 90. But I have found that what truly makes a marriage work and sustain is forgiveness and the ability to not hold grudges. We are going to disappoint each other and some of the happiest times in my marriage has been watching my spouse work through real issues and supporting him along the way. And he has done the same for me. When you have found someone you want to spend the rest of your life with there is no better feeling IMO. I think at 40, I am done with the drama of my earlier years and have settled into realizing that I do have most things figured out at this point. It takes work to get there but I could never have imagined doing it alone. But I certainly do not begrudge you for wanting to remain single given your circumstances. But I don't think that is a reason to paint the marriage relationship as you have in your other posts.

Agree with every word, but wanted to add to the bolded - good communication (and by that, I mean talking your feelings, listening to your spouse's, and acknowledging the legitimacy of them no matter how silly it seems to you) and compromise.

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Let's be real here; he's an old rich man. Why are you shocked he's perverted like this?

If he wanted to build a tower just to rub it in your face that he's above you, he could do it. In fact I think he already did with that mega stadium they did not need.



The best part about being an NFL owner is no matter how big of a rich scum bag you are, they'll always find a way to prop you up as this great giant of the game that needs to be worshiped. For as much damage as Jerrah has done to his team, he'll always get a free pass at the end of the day some how. It worked for Art Modell and Bud Adams.


This thread and the subject matter makes me want to climb on a boat.......any boat, and sail myself to another country......while holding a sign saying "I will work for food."



NFL owners rock! Old rich men, yay!!!!



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This thread has taken a turn for the better. 

Thank you all.

my opinion is that he should not put himself in situations with people who will take pictures and post them to the wide world of web

Aside from that, I pity his wife


Aside from all that, I just don't want to see such pictures so.........eww on the girls that took them and posted them.......or whoever did that

not the best people in the world

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The whole problem with this "scandal" is that it leads to doubt.  Fidelity (like faith) cannot be completely proven or dis-proven.  Jerry Jones' actions led many to doubt his fidelity.  Truth becomes irrelevant when the media grabs a hold on things like this.

Isnt there an assumption in what you say that everyone (including jerry's wife) does not knows he likes to have floozies and 'dollar bill girls' hanging around?

..He's 71....I'm guessing he gets a kick out of partying with gypsies, tramps and thieves...

But I dont see evidence of anything more

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The whole problem with this "scandal" is that it leads to doubt. Fidelity (like faith) cannot be completely proven or dis-proven. Jerry Jones' actions led many to doubt his fidelity. Truth becomes irrelevant when the media grabs a hold on things like this.

The media can say what they want. It's his wife's opinion that matters. Like I said, people married that long have seen and been through everything. I'm sure she'll say he is stupid, but as far as thinking he's cheating now after all these years? Unlikely.

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Because they had sex with a filthy, gross old man as a means of getting money/gifts? They get what they deserve for their depravity. Just a couple of dumb clucks, chicken heads willingly exploiting themselves for money. AKA prostitutes.

Mmmhhhmmm, rich old men and escorts is definitely not a new fad, haha!!!!!

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NFL owners rock! Old rich men, yay!!!!





And that rich old man is the worst of them all with his exploitation of his dead wife, then getting with a girl young enough to be his granddaughter.


But he's an NFL owner they still deserve to be worshiped!

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